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File: 82 KB, 444x444, 1412792760284.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8818320 No.8818320 [Reply] [Original]

Minimize the charts for a moment and tell me about your dream life, /biz/. As detailed as possible.

>> No.8818352
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A woman looking me in the eyes and telling me that she'll always be there, that she loves me and she's not going anywhere

>> No.8818374
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wake up, kill a few fresh slaves, eat parts of their body, short Zimbabwee cause another civil war in their country, approve a new batch of Fent laced xanax that has a tested mortality rate of 12%, kill a few more slaves for fun, sleep

>> No.8818377

I just want to see the reactions of people who doubted me or acted superior if I ever make it.

>> No.8818390
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>A woman looking me in the eyes and telling me that she'll always be there, that she loves me and she's not going anywhere

>> No.8818395
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too soon

>> No.8818399
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It's just whores anon, all whores.

>> No.8818406
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>> No.8818412

I just want to be rich, wear a full outfit of designer clothes everyday. Shuffle between different girlfriends, never get married, just constantly having fun balling out. Money is all I think about lately, I've been getting laid a lot recently and I've realized that money is so much better than sex.

>> No.8818460

>I've realized that money is so much better than sex.


>> No.8818487
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>wake up in big castle
>look outside window, huge snowy forest with no one in sight, hear only the gentle sound of wind
>hear my husband downstairs
>he made me coffee and pancakes for breakfast
>we go on an early morning walk in the forest together, like we always do

>> No.8818490
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anime robot waifu future

>> No.8818580
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An easy, care free life living on the coast, spending my days playing vidya, working out and eating seafood for dinner. I'd pay for surrogate pregnancies, have two or three kids, not get married and just have a girlfriend/hookups/prostitutes.

I know it's a long way off, but I have time and patience. I'll make it somehow.

>> No.8818594

>not kindergarten class
No taste

>> No.8818616
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Kids should have a motherly presence in the home, you'd need to hire an old sassy black nanny anon.

>> No.8818640 [DELETED] 
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i want to have 2k usd to buy this bike and 2k more to buy camping stuff so i can go arround my country camping or something (i can't work since im an student and besides min 8h wage is like 200usd here)

>> No.8818650
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Sounds good to me. I don't want to get married and have some harpy divorce rape me and take the kids away, so a nanny would work just as well.

>> No.8818659

Have beautiful house in forest (posted before)
See rain patter on window
See forest red with fall
Watch the snow
Get autistically good at art inspired by natur

>> No.8818662

Wish I could fly a jet for fun instead of for work. Not all that bad though. Dream house is a castle in the mountains somewhere, big round table so I can suit up with all my friends and eat giant chicken legs like I'm at medieval times, then host a jousting tournament while we're all wasted as shit.

>> No.8818670

t. Soros

>> No.8818675

>tell me about your dream life

I actually have no idea. I think I'd live in some small picturesque town, like Gambier Ohio, maybe build a small home and just write children's books and draw comics or something.

>> No.8818689

buy land in Poland, you can buy forest for $0.25 / square meter

>> No.8818725

but can I buy autism?

>> No.8818750

just want to be able to hang out with my friends and not work and shit. traveling around the world as well. and writing.

>> No.8818766


What's the catch?

>> No.8818767

House in the mountains, preferably on a ski slope
Ski all day, write and read in my free time
Hopefully a woman I can honestly say that I love and a family that's stable and healthy

>> No.8818771

you don't have to buy autism, you already have it in you, deep down, in your heart <3

>> No.8818826

I had an idea today as I thought about how I would maintain my current friend circle if I suddenly got immense riches. As much as it would be nice to fantasize about buying them all houses and stuff, I think in reality if you tried to do that people would be super uncomfortable. Most people don't want handouts like that.
But I was thinking you could make a "friends only" smart contract loan system. Put, say, $20 mil in there and give access to it to all my closest friends. They could then withdraw up to, say, $1mil each and then pay it back at whatever rate they chose as an interest free loan. It would be a good way to make sure that the people I care about (none of whom anticipate being able to buy a house) actually get to own homes, while still having the dignity of actually paying for it themselves. Also if anyone defaulted I wouldn't give a fuck. This is all based on the idea of having $50m plus, by the way.

>> No.8818854

If I'm lucky I’ll find a nice white woman with a flat booty who will listen to my problems.

>> No.8818906

Tell me more

>> No.8818919

the catch is you have to live in Poland, I'm talking about shit land near Ukraine, where you only can grow pine trees and tobacco. This is Europe so you only need to drive 20 miles to get into a bigger city. You need to have a car but I pay $150/year insurance on my 12 yo Mazda (I just got a driving license), petrol is $10/100km if I'm calculating correctly. You can pretty much live off the grid.

>> No.8818922


I'd choose harmless degeneracy over being a typical moralfag any day of the week.

>> No.8818928

Isn't Poland basically banning crypto? You have the risk of a Russian invasion too I guess.

>> No.8818933

So simple yet impossible.

>> No.8818985
File: 163 KB, 360x261, chef knife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy high quality chef knife so I can slice tomato with ease and debone chicken easily.

>> No.8818986

I want to find a nice white girl that is a virgin with no piercings or tattoos and who will love and respect me forever. Impossible I know, but a man can dream.

>> No.8819010

holy shit so comfey

>> No.8819127

My mom and i are poor as fuck. She works 12 hous per day (same with me). Plus we live in 2rd world country, so crypto is my only hope. I just want best for my mom and myself.

>> No.8819162

>will love and respect me forever
regardless of you being lovable and respectable?

>> No.8819173

>damascus style meme knife
why not $30 victorinox?
are you gonna buy $300 honing rod to go with it?

>I want to learn 'nothing else matters'
>better buy a $20k custom guitar and a 200W Marshall head

>> No.8819219
File: 72 KB, 750x421, 0325FC93-58E6-4EDB-B53A-55D6346F9CA6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to find a young cute female with two sisters who are close and think the world of me. They must be submissive in a traditional sense. I want to impregnate them all at the same time, and live in a comfy house with lots of wood near a lake. We will raise amazing children together and over time, try to restore some good into our society.

Pic related, they aren’t quite lookers but that man is living the dream.

>> No.8819265
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Godspeed dude

>> No.8819303


idk man I already have 2 women desperately in love with me who would support me being useless forever. Can't decide which one and that will probably blow up in my face.

Thing is what I really want is to be wealthy enough to never have to worry about going back to work again and just travel forever, fucking barely legal asian girls along the way.

>> No.8819311

Pajeet here, my dream is to come to us and watch czw and xgames for the rest of my life, dont care about anything.

>> No.8819370

crypto is going to elevate some really bright people, such as yourself, all over the world; like a spark for a second renaissance.

>> No.8819389
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Gf and a bunch of homemade lolis running around the house

>> No.8819410


Start a revolution in my country, didive it by three and instaurate a Lee Kuan Yew like utopia in one of them while the other two parts just work for the elite part where I live.

Also, develop huge advanced technology to mitigate nuclear effects in order to declare war to the burgerland.

>> No.8819425

Wake up every morning with no schedule or bottom line to ever meet. I can live in my comfy 2 story stone house and spend the days working out, training my dogs, spending time with my wife and the kids we have and spend the rest of my time studying engineering at my own pace and designing whatever the fuck I feel like since I can afford to use any materials I'd like

>> No.8819439

I just want to own my own restaurant in a neighborhood where people aren't shitheads and ask about the ingredients or calories in their food.
Would also be nice to run a vegetarian restaurant without dozens of faggots asking if it's vegan...
I just wanna eat and cook good food, guys... Will I ever make it?

>> No.8819440

You have to pay 500000 USD tax on 15k USD volume of crypto trading.

>> No.8819443

Being lovable and respectable isn’t the hard part I would think. If being both of those things could guarantee a loyal virgin wife then there would be a lot less complaining in general

>> No.8819449
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>what if we already made it cuz we have each other

>> No.8819455

Pay off my parent's mortgage, my student loans, and have enough money left over to start my own creative business.


Good luck friendo. Hope you make it.

>> No.8819458

So Oklahoma then.

>> No.8819508

By the way: so much faggotry in this post. It is like all this girly boys just want to set their life with a cunt-like mimmin. I have something for you boys: it will never happen, women today are doomed and if you invest most of your time and money on them, you will only get a cunt that over the time loses its atractive.

Sorry to rock you like this way but it is better to stay on the ground in order to get real value from life, money and knowledge.

Peace faggots.

>> No.8819512
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> I stop wagecucking forever.
> I go in to trading full time, and make consistently good trades with good TA and disciplined trading practices.
> I leave the US, and settle in Fukuoka, Japan.
> I make good friends in my new home town.
> I help them in ways that I am uniquely able to due to my background and abilities.
> I meet a good girl who later becomes my waifu.
> We make some babies, and my mom and dad get to be grandpa and grandma finally.
> I help my brothers make money and break free through trading too.
> In my free time, I help people counteract jewish subversion.

> No more wagecucking ever in my life.
> Never ever.

>> No.8819521

I had it once, anon. I had it and I ruined it. Hold me.

>> No.8819560
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I almost had her, and she crushed me.

No worries pls anon, just frenship. We will make it.

>> No.8819580

I would love and respect them, treat them right and take care of them financially and emotionally. Why would I not be worthy of love and respect in return?

>> No.8819591

>Have a few tech products, basically like Elon Musk but websites, videogames, software products, etc.
>Pay people to help flesh the products out.
>Be millionaire and at least well known for it in my hometown.

>> No.8819667

I can relate to this, but I've also given up on the idea completely. I will instead fill the void with money.

>> No.8819688

> I also develop a profitable trading bot.

I'd be very proud of myself if I could do that.

>> No.8819774
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best things for you anon

>> No.8819832

move to singapore
buy a villa near one of the parks/forests
wake up every morning to the sound of birds chirping and the sun rays piercing through some exotic foliage
housemaid makes me durian pancakes and fresh pineapple juice

i don't really care about the house and pancakes though, i'd be happy with just moving to singapore and wagecucking for $5k a month

>> No.8819848

I want to develop video games. I'm in uni and have made enough gains from crypto to help pay for a lot of it.
I have a solid job atm, and am trying to start lifting again because no gf.

However, I really would just love to have a significant other and be able to travel the world.

>> No.8819861

i believe in you

>> No.8820111

shun is so overrated, just buy victorionox and keep it razor sharp anon

>> No.8820133

I just want to live the simple life of a hunter-gatherer, without actually hunting and gathering

>> No.8820312
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I've been to Singapore, sure it was nice and all, but didn't really seem inspiring. Just a first world city without Japans culture and historical/religious points of interest. Whats the attraction?

>> No.8820372

Sounds great, but 95% of the time you will outlive your mother. Sorry anon.

>> No.8820432

read Rich Dad Poor Dad you based anon. you can get it with a free trial of audible then cancel right after you download it.

best wishes

>> No.8820575

hey bro in similar situation. what do you hold

>> No.8821258
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>> No.8821261

Piper Blush is a slit.

>> No.8821317

t. trailer park redneck

>> No.8821505

>Have a harem of hundreds of top-notch, classy women
>Thousands of children
>Live in a large, resource-rich white ethnostate.
>Have a hundred billion dollars.

But I'll settle for just the third one.

>> No.8821738

Live in an Altbau apartment in Vienna's old town with my wife and 3 children

>> No.8821779

married to my gf.
own a new charger.
have a medium sized but beautiful interior house with plenty of land.
full music studio decked out with everything i need.
gave my father 20k to get out of debt.
a nice dog.

im really not asking for much.
i just want my family to be happy and i want peace and seclusion.

>> No.8821795

The Blue Whale game is making my dream life possible one moron at a time.

>> No.8821864
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Same. We must terraform Venus for Lebensraum.

>> No.8822168

>high paying job in my career field (tech)
>mostly/fully remote
>gf graduates college and we can move by the nearby tech hub
>raise kids in high priced area with good education
>be around for them because mostly remote/flex hours, have the skills and money to avoid high stress jobs and focus on jobs I like
>send kids to good colleges then move to cheap remote area gf's family is from

so basically upper middle class. I don't have the weeb/ run away fantasy but that's probably because I'm almost 30.

>> No.8822379

Hard part there is the strategy anon, this will be you doing research and running simulations for a long while. Read the last 50 pages of Dark Pools for motivation & inspiration. (or all of it, it's a really good non fiction about trading in the computer age)
You've got nice dreams.

>> No.8822545

Becoming a multi-billionaire
Asymmetrical investments and business projects
Happy and healthy family
Great reputation and well-regarded
Great insight into the present and future
Great luck and opportunity captured in business
To have a story that is truly inspiring

Remarkable love-life
Talented and globally aware children
Supportive household

>> No.8822597
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I would develop truly passive income. I would have a self sustaining small ranch to share with wife and kid. Make a hobby of shit posting in real life. IE billboards, flyer campaigns etc. Build a shitpost army.

>> No.8822625

i want to make enough money to live in hawaii. i don't even care about being rich. i just want to make enough to live there until i die.

>> No.8822643

I have about 28min left on my wagecuck and bored. Image a dream life...

>If i had 500k USD.
>Buy 3 apartments for 300k and rent them out for 400USD per month (current average in my country).
>Gain passive income of 1200 USD.
>Leftover 200k i would buy a house for a loan. Would only put in the required amount, i would imagine around 50k. The leftove i will pay from my renting income.
>That 150k i would just leave as free money and use it whenever i want to. I would still try to go 0 with my Rent Income - Costs. If something shit happens i have the things to pay. If i want something (reasonable) i can buy it.
>I would live my whole life with this sum while gradually paying back the home loan.
>Personally i would love to do videos, editing and maybe direct a small invested movie. I have always dreamt about becoming a movie director, editor or effects creator. Unfortunately where i live there is no possibility... i can only do some shitty youtube videos on my free time.

In the end if i die i would split all of my assets through people i loved and enjoyed the most. I would love to pass on my videos or films which i made to future generations.

>> No.8822755

I just want to gas the kikes.

>> No.8822850

>having the skills/power to do what I want, anytime

If I want to design and build a secluded monumental/zen-like structure somewhere on the coastline or in the mountains, I want to have the sufficient skills to realize it.

I want to be skilled enough to design a beautiful structure, skilled enough to manage the project, skilled enough to figure out how to profit from the endeavour, and skilled enough to communicate the ideas to people efficiently.

It just sucks being stupid and powerless

>> No.8823197

>telling me that she'll always be there, that she loves me and she's not going anywhere
Why do you want to be lied to?

>> No.8823298
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This bro. This right here. But alas, lost faith a long time ago. 4chan is basically the only thing that still keeps me going. Hate what this world has become... soulless, no authenticity, devoid of reason and logic, degeneracy everywhere, style over substance. It has become a giant mediocre clusterfuck that offers me nothing but expects everything from me. Without a female in the equation, only 4chan and its dank memes remain.

>> No.8823306

I want to make it so I can take my girlfriend on a nice trip to wherever she wants to go. She's an absolute dream and I thank my lucky stars every day to have met her.

>> No.8823539

That's a good dream anon. Keep working towards it.

>> No.8823647
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The catch is, you can't legally build anything there if it's classified as forest lot (you won't get necessary permits, and without those, local authorities can order to tear down your construction).

For construction, you'd need a construction lot. These are much more pricey.

>> No.8823655

Nice dream anon.

>> No.8823666

I motion for this. And good eats. And people who complain about not getting laid for like a day to be beaten and kicked. Holy shit.

>> No.8823695

Well no shit because you can buy sex with money.

>> No.8823697


Russia has no intend what-so-ever to invade anyone. It's mass-media hysteria.

Crimea was an effect, caused by western agitation in Urkaine. They simply had to do it, in order to maintain their power projection in the south. Western lunies involved in politics don't udnerstand the most basic fundamentals of cause and effect. They themselves are to blame.

>> No.8823705

I just want 50% of the money I need generated by cryptos to buy an apartment because I am sick living on rent for the past 10 years. The remaining 50% I can get by getting a loan. Thats it, nothing more...

>> No.8823736

i just want to live a life where someone else is always going to eat my shit, is that so much to ask for?

>> No.8823759

>>8823697 Crimea was an effect, caused by western agitation in Urkaine. They simply had to do it, in order to maintain their power projection in the...

And how do we know they won't have to project their power elsewhere?

>> No.8823769

some kind of kowloon walled city place but with a blade runner aesthetic. I would just live there and be wealthy enough to NEET it up

>> No.8823777

My degenerate fantasy is getting extremely high at a secluded lake house or villa and having an orgy week with a harem of amateur camgirls and getting really nasty with it. Maybe bring a couple of the lads. A breakfast of blueberry pancakes and ass then spending the day sailing, fishing, hiking, and sight seeing. Then back that night for heavy lifts, fish and chips, and hard fucking.

My wholesome fantasy is a loving wife and child that I can live life like Ernest Hemingway with. Sail the southern coast of America and the Caribbean Sea, sport fishing in local fishing contests, lifting weights and boxing, and having a successful dental/oral surgeon practice. Spending my free time doing charitable dental work, volunteering, and maybe painting with Bob Ross.

>> No.8823795

don't know about Poland, but being Latvian it's funny to see some people claiming baltics are afraid of Russian invasion. Putin is some wacko mafiozi boss but he's not a fool to engage in invading some shitholes with no inherent value.

>> No.8823830

Fag. No wonder you're a virgin.

>> No.8823831

Have enough money to buy the rich kids in college who thought they were better than me

Enough money to travel where I want when I want

Enough to build something that can’t be torn down

I can get laid easily enough. I just want power and nice things.

>> No.8823858

>mfw I already live in an andalusian castle which appear in GoT
Well, I guess I'm not that bad

>> No.8823881

I would want to set up a charitable foundation/NGO that identifies promising scientists in all important fields of future technology and then we would pump them full of nootropics/cognitive enhancers/peptides to accelerate progress of human civilization.

Also set up elite private university for indoctrination of key people that would then go out to infiltrate governments and corporations to spread our influence.

>> No.8823919

Build a house by the sea near where I was born. I like the sound of the waves when I'm falling asleep. Ironically for someone that's addicted to shit posting on biz I'd like to disconnect myself from technology for a while and do something worthwhile like paint or learn how to play an instrument. I'd build a nice homegym because I'm sick of working out with other people. If I really made it I'd set up a fund for my siblings and parents so they don't need to stress so much about money. There's much more to say but I'm depressing myself just outlining it. 10k JNT isn't going to do this for me.

>> No.8823978

Buy a house in the mountains and another near the beach.
Also, buy a van and redo the interior to be able to sleep in it with my girlfriend and a couple of surboards so that I could go on week-long surf trips along the coast of my country.

>> No.8824164
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>tell me about your dream life
I am in good health. I get around 7 hours of sleep every night without trying too hard and I can choose to get 8 or more if I wish and actually succeed in doing so. I wake up in my modest 1000 sqft 2- or 3-bedroom home next to my loving wife. My suburb is 90+% white with a token Filipino family. Property values are slightly too high for blacks to move in. My second-hand Camry has no serious mechanical problems and if any arise I have a modest cash fund to fix them immediately without otherwise affecting my livelihood. My children are normal and do not identify as anything that would have been recognized as mental illness before 1950. I don't hate my job or my existence. I have good self-esteem and I am proud of my family.

>> No.8824405
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Literally the life everyone had in the 60's. My god, how have we fallen.

>> No.8824424

Sounds nice.

>> No.8824435

My childhood sweetheart and me are back together- she didn't whore around after we broke up. I have enough passive income to live without having to wagecuck- so I can work on personal projects. I have a moderately sized home out in the country, yet am close enough to a moderately sized city so as not to be barred from the conveniences of modern life.

Either that or I really get my shit together and become the God Emperor of Mankind through domestic genetic re-engineering.

>> No.8824527
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>35k link

>> No.8824530
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I have exactly what you say and I'm on the verge of ruining it, years of inexperience, NTR- and cuck-memes have made me biased and untrusting beyond repear, I've become a control freak and I fear she'll leave me because I doubt her every second.

Fuck this place and what it turns you into.

>> No.8824667
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I guess in the end all that matters is that I'm the wealthiest in my extended family and graduating class and everyone knows it.

>> No.8824729

>It's 2020
>I chose to visit earth again after 25000 years traveling around space
>so we land in our region, giza plateau
>The fat tourists there are in shock when our spaceship lands
>It's very modern ship not like challenger etc with lightbeams and buzz sounds and super deep low frequency humm sound that alone destroys half the city near by.
>I jump out of the ship and they freak out this little fat ants, because I'm 12 meter high.
>Yes, for us it's normal to be this large, we don't say uhh we are so big no, these humans arte fucking ants.
>Again, I jump out in my pharao suit and hat with my staff.
>A special unit blocks our path with tanks and I step on them like toys and throw them around
>CNN and FOX, they are all there, must be a horrible day for them
>I continue my rampage until all of humanity are slaves again like back then, when I left

>> No.8824750
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>Trusting women's lies

>> No.8824754
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More truth in there that you might realise anon. Soon.

>> No.8824805
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a farm like pic only modernized
>no roads, only way to get there is boat or my helicopter.
>private hydroelectric generator
>woodworking shop and chemistry lab for hobbies and/or small business
>no neighbors
>no wagecuck

feels good to dream man

>> No.8824864
File: 2.08 MB, 640x640, comfy.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

comfy pic where is that?

>> No.8824879
File: 215 KB, 992x658, 798265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I realise anon.
Nobody seems to notice, that everything is too big in egypt.

>> No.8824898

Norway seven sisters. Was passing by on the closest road.

It appears I need to go to Norway one more time, hopefully I'll have a gf by then

>> No.8824934

Having enough money to build a small house out in the woods, with a good internet connection, and just being able to live out my life there doing jack shit nothing besides working out and being online. Shouldn't cost more than like $10,000 per year. I've got about 40 years left.

Fuck women. Fuck cars. Fuck vacations. Just give me freedom.

>> No.8824951
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All ancient structures around the world are like that anon. The legends themselves talk openly about how they were build by giants. In historial british archives giants are even mentioned as the builders of stonehenge. They will be back.

>> No.8824960

Where's that? Switzerland?

>> No.8824975


>> No.8825047
File: 1.38 MB, 3014x3014, 1515150515923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god yusssss
can practically taste my slave kindergarten meals already
we all gonna die at unholy holocaust, frens !

>> No.8825048

Move out of the house, get any job. Be a fucking adult. I am so depressed and disgusted by my own behavior. Coward. Finally got the courage or the reached the breaking point of either getting a job or killing myself, so I've applied to a couple jobs this week but lets not rule anything out. Small step, insignificant to many but a step none the less.

>> No.8825067

Yes, I agree.
Not sure of them returning lol.

>> No.8825189
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A year later she leaves you. Ask me how I know ;_;

>> No.8825344
File: 82 KB, 444x444, kuk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry, it was just too easy.

>> No.8825370

how do you know?

>> No.8825372

How do you know?
A-asking for a friend.

>> No.8825836

Western Norway, probably Seven Sister falls like this guy said >>8824898

>> No.8826005

black pepe? first time I've seen it

>> No.8826070

I know man, my charger broke and now my cell phone is low battery all the time :\

>> No.8826088

I just want to live a nice quiet life of silent contemplation, shitposting on 4chan, playing vidya and be able to take care of my family.
make sure you sign a prenup

>> No.8826171
File: 1.00 MB, 184x141, 1522842640558.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I have this
Feels fucking secure, man

>> No.8826175

Assuming money isnt a problem
>wake up in the arms of swedish bf
>make flapjacks together
>play some vidya, frag hard destroy everyone
>cuddle watch movies
>go out to eat at a nice place for dinner
>return home where we fall asleep in each others arms
Trying to make this a reality.

>> No.8826223

I just saw that episode last night too

>> No.8826355

I wake up in a beautiful condo on the 11th floor of the American Square Garden Building. I take a piss and my reflection looks back at my from my art work. I go to my fridge and put on an ice pack because my face is a little puffy, then I start doing my crunchs, over a thousand now. I then go into a very regimented facial routine.

>> No.8826408

Why swedish though?

>> No.8826437

You don't hate the world, don't mess things arround you love it and what you are feeling is not hate but sorrow.

>> No.8826442
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2 1/2 year relationship . "ill always love you anon " turned into "I cant be with you because you moved 20 mins farther away and i need someone here and i need to focus on school and work, sorry youll find someone there"
It hurt but I know theres plenty of fish in the sea

>> No.8826470
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I'm just going to fund secret right-wing organizations across the globe and watch the world burn.
Who else with me brothers?

>> No.8826534

Retire my dad. Just tell him to stop working now. Get him a nice truck so he can go to his old house near the beach.

Buy him and mom an apartment or house in the capital, so they can be closer to the rest of the family and close to everything.

Leave Venezuela. I'd go to Canada or some other place, dunno. Take a girl I've always known that has a kind soul. She likes me but we live far.

Make music for a living. Maybe build a decent studio for new bands and artists that need the push.

>> No.8826681


>> No.8826789

my crush is swedish uwu

>> No.8826962

pls make this into a "party hard" gif

>> No.8826987
File: 416 KB, 700x700, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you got this
>tfw she might be preggo
>tfw no gains



>> No.8827026
File: 444 KB, 800x600, 1465989081959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant be the only virgin who literally doesnt want this at all
Then again I have girls ranging from 16-22 that want to suck me but I deny them because im actually a good looking lad that deserves a 10.

>> No.8827114

why not do wrestling and extreme sports

>> No.8827137

>tfw swede

>> No.8827214

>be mellioner NEET
>hot young traditional chill introvert homebody stoner emoish wife, a true best friend (delusions based on girl i used to know)
>huge house in the Forrest
>litter of kids
>roid and die an early death while people still love me
>leave kids with money and good memories instead of becoming a senile boomer-like cuck

im crying inside bro

>> No.8827249


>> No.8827304

Fund my own conservation agency that grows to have a significant, right-wing, environmental presence.

I'd hopefully become an extremely likeable boss and leader, funding and developing environmental conservation projects, often with eco-tourism in mind

Can't believe people here dream of being just a rich NEET

>> No.8827322

I would invest in your conservation fund and go back to being NEET

>> No.8827326
File: 43 KB, 552x820, 14729181_709370399214002_7764495480183963583_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same thing happened to me. I fucked up and deserved her crushing me to be honest.

Doesn't make it hurt any less

>> No.8827357

>neets getting rich with meme money and starting a right wing conservation agency
Will be fun

>> No.8827780

I want enough money attend church in a nice crisp and tailored suit and leather loafers.

Then read literature books and do lonely things like bar diving or traveling. Oh yes, and I want a son,or a daughter, or both. But ideally one or the other

>> No.8827836

Same here, except I kinda want a big family

>> No.8827861

I dont know why in my ideal life a woman. Is not part of the equation? Anyone else?

If i was being honest i think it is because I am autistic and I feel very disappointed in modern women. Cant even imagine then having my same values or anything interesting to say or do besides always being vain with their sexuality or attention seeking.

>> No.8827921
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I wanna buy an acreage near the mountains, custom-built cabin style house with security camera, spotlights etc. Gonna live there with my girlfriend (and hopefully wife with a prenup signed) with a few doggos.

I wanna go traveling with her and just enjoy our youths before settling down in the city and raising kids.

I would also love to buy my parents a house/pay off all debts (am poor family) and do what I can for them.

Maybe take up a hobby like hunting and go out with my dogs. Go skiing in the mountains. Build project cars. Make offroading trucks/SUVs and sell them to others.

And quite possibly (if I have enough money), make a racetrack. There isn't one in the mountains and would be an ideal spot for all the rich fucks in BC to come out and drive there.

>> No.8827932

a full head of hair

>> No.8828050
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>> No.8828129

>I want to impregnate them all at the same time
>We will raise amazing children together

If this is what you want to do, you do not have the mental or emotional capacity to raise a child.

>> No.8828199
File: 89 KB, 633x758, 1509782588124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>tfw I have this


>> No.8828211

$1000 a month, without working hard for it or needing to get it through a job.
I would live in squalor and spend all my time writing.

>> No.8828238

>I just want best for my mom and myself.

You want the best for your mom, the person who thought it was a good idea to have a child that she would have to work 12 hour days to support, and then when it grew up the child would be forced to work 12 hour days because she didn't have the ability to teach the child any skills so that it wouldn't have to be forced to do so?

Your mom made an extremely poor decision by having you, and now you have to pay the price for it with the shitty life you were forced into.

>> No.8828279

wake up as geralt from witcher. slay bunch of pussy monsters and get paid, then fuck my hot ass girlfriend 3 times and then sleep.

>> No.8829085
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>having a nigger around your house with your kids

>> No.8829118
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>> No.8829121
File: 107 KB, 695x736, 1505929506192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at those overly specular oceans. Who's the brainlet who generated these?

>> No.8829246

Holy shit..where you live ? My 2 bedroom house coat more than that?

>> No.8829524

leave my xanax alone you heartless bastard

>> No.8829550

I just want a house with an old truck, dog, and QT redhead wife. She would bake pies. That's really it, I'm modest.

>> No.8829788

getting with my oneitis and living a peaceful life in a quiet place like a village in France or something while having earned enough money from crypto to not have to worry about money or working anymore.

In my free time I would make some awesome music with my best friends and make love to my sweet wife

>> No.8829938

Any progress is made in little steps anon, as long as you're happy with where you're going in life that's all that matters.

>> No.8829945


>> No.8829954

Actually figure out what kind of job/specialty I want to work and strive towards it rather than be stuck in one place
Go back and study Japanese to the point of fluency
Find a bf and overcome my retarded inability to empathise and love people, start a family and have kids
Live in Italy (learn Italian)
Git fit
That's pretty much it

>> No.8829969

Ah jeez anon if I were a hot 9/ 10 blond woman I'd never have left you,... N no homo...

>> No.8829996

Living with my current gf in a house built in a forest, near a lake, with a couple of dogs and a fuckload of food, enough to survive for basically forever.
I just want a simple life.

>> No.8830205

Just don't have kids. My dad loved another woman his whole life and I only found that out when he left this year. Devastated my mother and fucked me up as well. Hell, you shouldn't keep being with her

>> No.8830733

A beautiful wife who loves me for who I am, a large family, a nice plot of land in New Hampshire, enough money to live off passive income generating assets

>> No.8830753
File: 1.19 MB, 1366x768, 1511152343439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>slavshit cuntry
>dreamed about owning a 911 since teenager
>worked around luxury cars, including that porsche
>after excitement of having them everyday was gone after a month i realized they are just things, expensive metal boxes on wheels, people are just buying prestige, and the good feeling that wears after a while
>always wanted a huge as fuck house
>lived in a luxury apartment worth around a mil$
>realize i dont really need that too to be happy or "complete"
i just want to do something that i enjoy so im trying out new things, learning new skills
getting fit and feeling good about lifting for the first time in my life
help my parents because they are getting old
sure i still need money to do stuff and have options/oppurtunities, but buying things like houses and cars are a meme for me

>> No.8830840

Cyrpto dad not crpto dad. 2038 dad why didnt you buy crypto in 2018....it was only 20k each now its 5m each

>> No.8831282

dude i'm a frog and villages of 100 in France are getting their mandatory dose of refugee resettling
take section 8 in America (assuming you're a burger) and now imagine the country you're living is the size of an average US state so you can't move away from the diversity. that's France

>> No.8831600

I hope you succeed.

>> No.8831628
File: 20 KB, 289x440, 1495695943641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"WAKE UP DRAGONBORN! You're always spacing out like that"


>very apt at everything

>save planet

>rich, control over spacetime, immortal

>ride dragons, multiple wives, rule kingdom

>> No.8831705


what is this from?

>> No.8832602

What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.8832658

i don't get it, it sounds like you guys didn't love them that much. you don't get to pick who you love.

>> No.8832731
File: 1.37 MB, 2419x3113, fullsizeoutput_35e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in the exact same situation. Girl never did anything to make me actually doubt her but I just trust no one. It's probably because deep down I don't really care much about other people and really care the most about myself and think everyone's like me. Makes being close to people hard.

>> No.8832775
File: 246 KB, 544x632, 1520122457396.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dream life/day consists of getting up, playing some video games, going to lift in the afternoon (and doing yoga on off days), and living in a modest apartment. I'll also have enough money that I don't need to work, but I'll work part-time to keep busy. I'll also practice my handstands daily

I am a simple man

>> No.8832777

>you don't get to pick who you love
This secular bullshit is one if the worst and most cancerous hive minds to ever penetrade the general population’s minds. Both loving and keeping a commitment is a fucking choice and not an “uncontrollable feeling”. That’s called passion, and it’s a vain and fragile sentiment.
This kind of selfish things of “following your heart”, thinking that you need to be happy 100% of the time for it to be “real love” or for the other person to be “the one” is the reason relationships have become so vain and unstable in recent times. People don’t seem to realize that their “heart” is naturally selfish and thinks only of yourself, and that a true, rational decision, that you swear on your soul, is what two people need to truly understand what love is.
And no, I’m not “unexperienced”. I speak from both observations and from living those things myself.

>> No.8832819


Don't be naive.

>> No.8832857
File: 27 KB, 500x315, 1522434096481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my life. My Dad wanted to abort me; I really fucking wish they did.

>> No.8832934
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>> No.8832965

I share your dream anon

>> No.8833022

What kind of autism is this?

>> No.8833054
File: 37 KB, 1127x685, 1460623005667 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fantasize about going back in time and reliving college. I used to have a GF who I lived to deeply and intensely and she did the same. We once did MDMA and told each other that we loved each other for the first time. We spent months apart only to be reunited. We went through so much together good and bad.

I lost her because I was a total beta and couldnt keep up with her. She changed my perception of love and the opposite sex for the worst. 4 years later despite her malice, I still think of her.

If you fall in love, stay on your feet. Additionally, appreciate all the moments you have while in love.

>> No.8833077


>> No.8833136
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>> No.8833150

You fucked up anon

>> No.8833158

Are you on the creatine?

>> No.8833184

Hint: https://www.babypips.com/learn/forex/divergence-cheat-sheet

>> No.8833193

Nah m8, I just eat clen, Tren hard, Anavar give up.

>> No.8833269
File: 75 KB, 899x720, 1512361928416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to drink beer, play guitar, play video games, and grill all my meals.

>> No.8833443

now i have to go look n see if he actually said it because he seriously could.
>hoping he did

>> No.8833494
File: 132 KB, 800x800, 1521928188232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly don't know what I'd do without my mother. The thought deeply saddens me.

>> No.8833981

me too bro. If my life goes to shit, i will scrap together a few hundred bucks for a plane ticket to hawaii so i can live off the land in the national parks

>> No.8834097

You will be cannibalized by feral meth heads.

>> No.8834149

You don't want your extended family to know you've made it. They will leech off you, try to take it away from you.

>> No.8834240

>Fukuoka, Japan
Fucking faggot

>> No.8834352


Can confirm, also from experience.

>> No.8834363

Travel the world with the girl I loved from highschool that died on valentines day last year... hold me brahs

>> No.8834448

If she breathes, she's a thot. I've never had a girlfriend and never will.

>> No.8834455

literally me

>> No.8834637
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>> No.8834672

>you won't get necessary permits, and without those
Isn't it easy to bribe officials over there?

>> No.8834683


>> No.8834718


>> No.8834745
File: 38 KB, 600x600, 1506531670890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be real lads I just want to make enough to settle down and start a family in a safe area. I'll start when I'm finally done with uni. I'll probably skip to Europe because my degree/skills/whatever can allow that. I want to give back to my parents who've busted their asses to make sure I don't grow up shitty, especially my father. I want to buy them a nice home somewhere and let them retire so they can live the rest of their lives as carefree as they've made mine. My father grew in a shitty situation where he basically raised my aunts who turned out shitty, he's a very strong man and deserves the world for how hard he's busted it.

Godspeed 2nd world anon, godspeed.
Where are you at?

>> No.8834754

no capital gains tax
Japan has a flat 20% tax on gains

>> No.8834821
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>> No.8834893

Cashed out my crypto investment before the 2020 crash from 1.1M bitcoin ATH. Bought into housing/equities market, expertly crashed by Trump fud and diminished dollar from subsequent bailouts.

I keep a portion of my gains and travel for a year island hopping, partying, getting fit, and fucking thots. After I get bored, I decide to return to finance full time to create a hedge fund, manage my assets, and shitpost on /biz/. I periodically travel to Vegas for hookers, cocaine, and entertainment; the best of capitalistic sleaze.

>> No.8834898
File: 379 KB, 1920x1080, 1510364136_yande.re 297064 cap eden landscape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see fucking off to the countryside and just chilling out is a popular fantasy.

>> No.8835208

I don't need much, just a woman with a big ass to sit on my face every day

>> No.8835259
File: 1.25 MB, 1241x566, Screen Shot 2018-03-13 at 1.24.57 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my dream is to live in a 4chan settlement in the mountains somewhere.

>> No.8835504

Anon #2 fuckin get's it.

>> No.8835517

Loans paid off, a 1+1 apartment down town, I share it with a friend as I get lonely. I spend a year just playing visual novels and watching anime, going out at night once a week, occasionally get laid but this time I dont fuck shit up by having feelings for a girl who told me she just wants a 1 night stand or being beta. Have a few trips to japan to listen to music. Then once I'm bored of my hedonistic existence I go back to trying to wirte software that makes others happy, I've probably ruined any chance of having this by typing it out, things dont ever work out exactly as you want them to. But other than a year of happy neetdoom it seems like a very achievable dream

>> No.8835562


>> No.8835581

Everyone is already living exactly the kind of life they want to live, whether they know it or not.

>> No.8835599
File: 15 KB, 1100x620, anonymousman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldnt want to live anywhere near you faggots. I'm sure meeting an anon would be an incredibly disappointing experience

>> No.8835646
File: 121 KB, 972x741, 2016-11-20 14_33_32-1479638685004.jpg (JPEG-Grafik, 2000 × 1728 Pixel) - Skaliert (53%).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

deep if true

>> No.8835696

Buy and furnish a small comfy house in the mountains where I can be alone but not completely isolated. Visit the local library often as possible. Listen to music and cultivate a small patch of psilocybe cubensis to trip balls in moderation. Go volunteer to assist in building houses or offer to help at a food bank every week. Play basketball sometimes and work out. Simple shit I don't need any fancy hoes or cars, just a purpose and means to live in the way that I want.

>> No.8835723

Yeah i really want to be debilitated by multiple sclerosis. Fuck you

>> No.8835727

I want money to help out all the people who have helped me out and pay them back 10x

>> No.8835868

I have three them
- I work at a basic desk job were I just type a random key in a keyboard.
-I am a man looking on the death of the sun and thinking how I got there.
-I or rather my corpse has become the incarnation/avatar of some sort of anarchistic pleasure god. This is due to me bringing down the west with pure brutality. About 75% of the people who used to live in the west are now dead. My skeletal remains are constantly ravaged by rather beautiful women atop the remains the eiffel tower. My soul watch this horror and is amused.

>> No.8835967

Obviously it sounds fucked to say, but you do indeed, more or less. Everyone wants to suffer, because there can be no happiness or joy without suffering. Even in the best of times, when you've got everything you thought you wanted, your mind will always find a way to be discontent with the state of things. You will always find a way to make yourself suffer one way or another, so that you can feel the opposite.

>> No.8836023

To have a house in Pasadena and a house in Ukraine. My dog has had puppies, my wife and I raising the puppies. A 2010 6-speed M6 coupe, a 2018 TTrs and a 2018 M5. I’ve put the autistic med school bullshit behind me to become a respected poet and novelist, my wife has become a decently renowned painter. We spend significant time traveling to different countries for weeks at a time; once we get tired of it we’ll have a kid or two. There, dream life, I’m a simple man.

>> No.8836041

>please woman come sweep me off my feet
Pfft haha what a helpless virgin faggot you are. no wonder no woman will love you

>> No.8836052

You're a faggot but holy hell that castle and environment looks like a dream, god I wish i escape to that place

>> No.8836070

So fucking virgin.

>> No.8836071
File: 122 KB, 700x438, 08D2137A-AFB0-4742-8E4C-B4C283955957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s no Neuschwanstein but it looks okay

>> No.8836077

How much would that cost to build?

>> No.8836092

You’re a good guy

Around a billion at most