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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8939120 No.8939120 [Reply] [Original]

Remember, kids:

When you think Monero, think reddit cuck coin.

/biz/ loves our shitcoins, and that’s why we support Verge.

>> No.8939140

KEK this is ridiculous FUD

>> No.8939890
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wow so ridiculous, wow haha verge is so attacked unfairly when they will clearly make the announcement that will blow our collective minds. totally not a shitcoin with no real privacy or use case, lololololololol at the fud

>> No.8939911

SQUAD UP #VERGEFAM! Today we silence the haters, /biz/ gonna be known as /VERGE/ when the announcement drops.

>> No.8939918

The way I see it, if this isn't a HOUSEHOLD NAME partnership (Amazon, Facebook, PayPal, etc.) this shit is going to dump. Dumb money in this space want to hear something they recognize and they have built this announcement up in their minds over the last week to be that big. Remember, these fuckers literally claimed this announcement would be "one of the biggest in crypto if not THE biggest" and would potentially bring XVG into the top 3 coins.

>> No.8939944

When the fud is this low quality you know it's time to buy.
>Hey kids, you hate reddit? Monero is reddit. Buy verge.

At least you're being honest about it being a shitcoin.

>> No.8940106

Wasting your time, bro. Monero is literally fud proof

>> No.8940273
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>Monero (XMR) is the only crypto which is private and anonymous BY DEFAULT.

It is the only crypto with an actual practical use.

The entire crypto market is filled with vapourwares/shitcoins/scamcoins/memecoins and coins that are simply pipe dreams with empty promises.

It is no wonder that Monero (XMR) is being widely accepted in dark markets.




>Monero (XMR) is just like early stage of Bitcoin. Remember when hackers used bitcoin malwares and botnets to mine bitcoin. Monero (XMR) is following the same path as Bitcoin but the major change is that Monero (XMR) corrected all the "flaws" of bitcoin. (Public ledger, traceable transactions, lack of anonymity, lack of fungibility).




>In the end the irrational crypto market will correct itself. (Crypto bubble crash)

All shitcoins, memecoins, scamcoins, vapourwares, coins that are simply pipe dreams with empty promises. All will sink into oblivion and no one will ever remember them.

>> No.8940280

Great bait faggot.