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File: 128 KB, 1413x849, chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9089068 No.9089068[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This is happiness beyond anything you can fathom. It's impossible to appreciate how easy, stress-free, validation filled, and endorphin-releasing these lives are but we can guess.

They've escaped the rat race. No 40 hour weeks, no hours spent in traffic commuting, no deadlines to worry about, no essays to research, no projects to lose hair over. No forcing yourself to wake up early, force-feeding for energy even if not hungry.

You wake up at 10am after a full night of GH-releasing sleep. Your hair looks effortlessly styled even when messy. You eat your breakfast and take a shirtless selfie "cooking eggs!" "it's bacon time!" and post it to IG.

You put on a plain white tee and some jeans. You haven't shaved or showered and your wardrobe is as basic as it gets but NONE of it matters because your face just makes everything work. It's the uglies who agonize over which direction to style their hair or how much stubble to trim or what shirt to wear with what pants to look good. All irrelevant to you.

Then your ride comes to pick you up. A limo from the agency to take you to your photoshoot of the day. You spend 2-3 hours in good lighting with a female model, posing and cracking jokes with snack breaks in between. You collect your fat paycheck and head out.

In between all this you've gotten literally hundreds of IOIs from women - on the street, on the train, in the grocery store. The entire world is like a runway because women keep GAWKING at you. You have to hide a shit-eating grin - how can life be so amazing you wonder as you shake your head and laugh.

>> No.9089071
File: 172 KB, 1413x877, chad2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now you go to the gym for some weight lifting and briefly glance at the bloated pimply moonfaces high-fiving each other over their 4 plate squats. You see a chick secretly snapping a pic of you from the corner of your eye but ignore it and laugh.

80th text message of the day comes in. It's the desperate chick from tinder who has messaged you 3 times in a row, begging you to be her FWB. You don't feel like smashing though and just want to play video games. This thought doesn't give you any second-doubts or cognitive dissonance or anxiety over turning down sex because pussy is a never-ending stream for you, a commodity.

Quick check on instagram - your unshaven unshowered selfie has 80000 likes with jailbaits posting kissy emojis and tagging their jb friends

"@kayley this is the guy i was telling you about!"
"future husband"
"@tiffanyyy @jessicaxo @amber92 ohmyfuckingGOD"

Another stream of endorphins release upon seeing this validation. The tenth time today. Better than any drug out there. Heroin without the side effects. You smile as your self-esteem is satiated. Your genetics are celebrated. You are intrinsically desired Women want you for you. Not your money or your social connections, then want YOU.

What - you think I am exaggerating? That no male's life is like this?.... I got news boyo, not only does this all happen, but it happens EVERYDAY. ALL THEY DO IS TRAVEL TO EXOTIC LOCATIONS, TRY NEW DISHES AT TRENDY RESTAURANTS, AND TAKE AESTHETIC PHOTOS

>> No.9089082

But why male models?

>> No.9089085

ITT: anon dreams of what it’s like having a vagina

>> No.9089104

Fuck it’s over right the misc fags have invaded biz

>> No.9089115

You already made this thread months ago, fuck off.

>> No.9089126

Make models don't earn much. Not to mention when you start aging there's more pretty boys waiting to take your place.

>> No.9089144

KEK OP likes to watch fags

>> No.9089154

Why do you care? Pathetic little faggot. Jesus.

>> No.9089159

Lifestyle ain’t bad but most of these guys are gay. No thanks.

>> No.9089176

All those guys look like flaming homosexuals.

>> No.9089185

If you are autist, you dont like excess of attention anyway

>> No.9089187

That applies to literally every career you fucking neet.

>> No.9089198

literally cope

>> No.9089258

legit male model here, now in my 30s.
dont worry anons. for one, male models don't make good money. it's constant sexual harassment from the horniest, creepiest guys. most other male models are as shallow as you'd imagine. so most of us with a soul tend to keep to ourselves.
men hate us because their gfs want to fuck us. even if we're not interested in them, their hubbies will still be mad. male friends will resent you.
i have 3 modeling agencies. most of them ask for "digitals" all the fucking time. photos of you doing stupid stuff so their client can see you. so you have to drop whatever you're doing and do a makeshift photo shoot in your house. on call. all the time. casting are fucking obnoxious. you're stuck in a room with a bunch of insecure, nervous brainlets.

i started a photography career and have finally realized how overfuckingrated modeling is.
especially now that ig is so big.
"bloggers" are taking over that space.
there was a time where being good looking could've got you a good model life. these days just be a girl on ig and take photos of your butt. guys are boned.
it's unfortunate, I'm a genetic freak. In another time frame I'd be worshiped. these days it's onions boy millenials with feelings passive aggressively taking over the world. soon our kind will be forgotten.
I for one, am not reproducing.

As a handsome male, now your best bet is trying to be an actor or doing something else with your life. When you look at the profiles leaving those comments, ask yourself. Do you really give a fuck what that person thinks?
any questions anons?

>> No.9089345
File: 570 KB, 2518x1024, 1524091239635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek @ those dick sucking lips.
i'm unironically more attractive than these fucks.

>> No.9089368

>constant endorphine releases
That’s not how the endocrine system works you fucking brainlet. It’s biologically impossible to feel happy all the time, otherwise we’d all be doing coke 24/7. Nature tends to balance things out for a good reason.

>> No.9089428

Dude have kids. I hear you on ig but you have to adjust or get left behind. Theres no agents anymore.

>> No.9089435

Easy to say. Most guys work their entire lives just to try to capture the tiniest glimpse of the kind of attention that comes from those kind of looks, and almost all end up fat and balding in a dead end job. Life is shit if you aren't super rich or have model looks. I get your point, but most people's lives suck shit and they get to live carefree.

>> No.9089599


Do you have an Instagram page? If not, why not?
These days it seems normal for good looking people to have literally hundreds of thousands followers, even millions if you're a genetic freak. This is so easy to exploit, and from my understanding you can earn a lot of money through IG. Even males.

>> No.9089644

They were all sucking each others dicks before and after this picture.

>> No.9089652

This, and having kids so some of the good genes can pass on to some lucky lads down the way, why would you suffer us to nothing but uglies

>> No.9089665

Thinking about this is unproductive and a waste of time. It serves you no purpose to torment yourself about how other people are living lives that you think are better because of their looks.

If you don't like your current life, be proactive and do better. But bathing yourself with resentment and pity in these kinds of threads is only poisoning your mind so I suggest to any anons reading this to ignore this thread for your own well being.

>> No.9089701
File: 142 KB, 800x535, chad vs incel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

money = cope

>> No.9089714

The grass is always greener on the other side, how about you compare yourself to the handicapped or sick people that can barely move or breathe or live in the streets, these people dream to live a life like you and think how perfect they’d be if they had what you do. In other words you are that guy in your pic to a lot of people in this world.

>> No.9089733

It's just r9k incels being fags away from their containment board again

>> No.9089748

Except careers that are worth something
Experience matters

>> No.9089760 [DELETED] 
File: 103 KB, 640x640, chad and stacy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The answer is he is not a legit male model. If you look like pic related, social media is a mon

>> No.9089785


yeah every other career other than finance, sales, management consulting, research, and programming

>> No.9089798
File: 103 KB, 640x640, chad and stacy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The answer is he is not a legit male model, but a legit male larper.

>> No.9089799


I appreciate you guys looking out for me. I have an ig, just not into posting pics of myself that much. And i'd rather not be so popular. I like the finer things in life.
I just want you guys to know that being a male model, is at best demoralizing.
I did a fashion shoot with gigi hadid and some other hot shots. None of us made a dime (gigi probably did but the rest of us didn't).
I know some of the guys there had to get groped by a famous photographer just to get on that set. but the male models who didn't get there, are jealous of the guys who got molested...just to work for free.

being good looking did land me a rich fiance who spoils me. but having people constantly staring at you is a complete pain in the ass. If you want to know how it feels just go out wearing a big stupid hat. It's the same look we get. Just people staring. just long creepy stares. from walmart alumni.

>> No.9089825

that's heith hutchins

>> No.9089843

Looksmaxed with my crypto gains. Might book surgerys ngl

>> No.9089853
File: 62 KB, 482x692, chad skull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Larpie, shut the fuck up.

>> No.9089861


>> No.9089874

So people have shittier lives than me, I have to pretend to enjoy this bullshit? Yeah fucking right, social status is the only thing that matters. It's doesn't matter if you're an African living in a hut, disabled, or a normal white person living in the suburbs. Without social status life is shit. People always want to point to someone worse off and say, "you have it better than they do, so be happy or you're a terrible person." I don't like to bitch but I am sick of this mundane joke they call life. Fuck it. I'd off myself if I had any motivation to do so, not because of self-pity or unhappiness, but only because there is nothing to gain from life.

>> No.9089886

Holy shit this.

I was a professional model for 5 years. I had representation in NYC, MIlan, Londn, and tons of agencies in smaller markets and what anon is telling you is spot on.

Modeling is fun in that you don't have to wagecuck, but it's a ton of unpaid castings, constant faggotry, and women really don't fucking care that you are good looking that much. I'll tell you a story of what I mean.

I once got shortlisted to appear on the show 'Gossip Girl". The show was cast at Silver Cup studios in Queens underneath the Queensboro bridge, but the actual set was somewher on the UWS. I went to the set for the final cut. There were some girls outside just watching the production process, and they were blocking the sidewalk. I aksed them to please let me by and they gave the the snobby Stacy treatment. So I go in and meet the casting agent and shit and then go to leave. Suddenly, the Stacys realized that I was actually going to appear on the show. Suddenly they're on the verge of fainting and trying to talk to me and shit.

The same thing happened countless times Bitches would always treat me like a fucking loser until they found out what I did for a living. They literally do not care about looks, all they care about is status.

Anyway actual modeling is a fucking joke (good luck ever collecting on your payments and not gettting Jewed by your agency), but instagram modeling is leagues more pathetic.

>> No.9089912

I understand that reference.

>> No.9089917
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Manlets are truly the bane of humanity.

>> No.9089918
File: 490 KB, 2048x2048, DZqYS6WV4AAMVrE.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he isnt girl (male) pornstar

>> No.9089932

>Always having to suspect people of their real intentions.
>No actual confidants who aren't trying to fuck you.
>Doomed to brainlett existence after 30, looks fade and you didn't learn shit outside of posing and fucking people.
>Narcissistic personality forms because of lifestyle and too stupid to realize it

Looks aren't everything. Would rather be well off and cognitively superior to these guys. Sure it's effortless, but they're usually too stupid to understand how vapid and useless they really are. People like this will never create anything of value except more patients with an STD or or useless illegitimate children.

>> No.9089962

I know a female model who works with male models. 99% of them are broke as fuck and depressed. The grass isnt always greener on the other side anon.

>> No.9089989
File: 22 KB, 500x761, Long-Hair-for-Men.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds bad, man.

>> No.9090019

Tobey Maguire is Natalie Mars? That's one hell of a dedicated role he's playing.

>> No.9090041
File: 305 KB, 435x486, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont use insta whatsoever, barely use facebook other than to message my mates. I get mires every day, if feels good i guess but it makes no odds. pretty people still have the same issues everyone else does. you know when you really like someone but the feeling isnt mutual, still get that. I still get up at 6 am every morning to work at my job doing carpentry. still spend 90% of my time alone with my own thoughts just occasionally i come across a mirror and get to think oh yeah im handsome

the grass is always greener my dudes

pic related

>> No.9090057


All of 4chan got instantly worse when r/incels shut down

>> No.9090058

is this bait

>> No.9090072

t. standard looking guy

>> No.9090109

I went to middle school and high school with Sean O'pry. Pretty down-to-earth and cool guy but he was a bit of a class clown. I wonder what he's up to now.

>> No.9090118
File: 50 KB, 475x674, gore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mires from gay guys yes. I know what you mean.

When I go to the local adult cinema guys can't stop touching me. Very annoying.

I usually give them a quick wank off just to get rid of them..

>> No.9090133

Instagram models don't make the bulk of their money with their modelling. They make money by providing escort services for rich sheikhs in Dubai where they agree to do degenerate shit for $10k+.
And I'm talking about shit like jerking off camels. Scat stuff. Deflowering their 12 year old brothers.
Obviously the ones with 5m+ followers don't have to do this. But the ones in 100k-2.5m range do.

>> No.9090166

Is this a level beyond Chad?

>> No.9090213


>> No.9090249
File: 358 KB, 492x482, 38F01B8B-BF5A-4041-8AFB-F4A470E3A4E5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re literally gay.

Caring about this is weak and you are the one coping looking for others to lament the way your post does. Misery loves company but not all of us attach worth to the things you do, most do not.

Also just a thought to anyone who trades on their looks, this is usually a VERY finite resource, and with your comparison to endorphin release from validation being a great drug: what happens on slow or bad days?

Where do party boys go when the party is over BOY-O.

Your b8 was sufficient, please do not bother replying.

Had to see this uberhomo post for 5 hours I want reparations

>> No.9090254


Although I've seen the pasta by OP numerous times and it's getting old, I could honestly say I don't get triggered as much as these incels do. I mean, yeah it does get me a little peeved that you guys get the hottest pussy on the planet thrown at you. I've had sex with decent women. My ex gf was attractive. Nowhere near the type of 10/10 models you guys have probably smashed.

Basically, we all want the best dopamine rush. And all men have deduced that that 10/10 dopamine rush comes from having a very attractive woman love you unconditionally, you have sex with her, cuddle with her in the mornings, etc.

And so, it's the natural human condition to want what you can't have.

Although everyone focuses on the occupation, I don't think anyone actually cares about the modeling component of it. It's just the lifestyle that they think. But anyone who has researched it knows that male models actually don't get paid squat. Same as in porn. It's the females who sell the products and make the most.

So, is the lifetime of fucking 10/10 worth it? That's what 99.99% of the population of men are jealous of.

I mean, boohoo your modeling gig didn't go so well. Go work sales, in a few years you'll be director of business development making 6 figures. Seriously.

>> No.9090309

I was a model once, it paid like shit. I already had a hot model GF. People end up disliking you and feel intimidated by you based on your looks. Jealousy, envy, and so many assumptions. Unless you are top-tier runway nobody gives a shit and you’ll be broke unless you are a superstar influencer.

>> No.9090451

Well they're men so they'll stay attractive well into their forties. And it takes way more work to look like these guys than OP is letting on. Also never create anything of value? They have ascended beyond humanity and immortalized their beauty on Instagram for all eternity.