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9483638 No.9483638 [Reply] [Original]

Don't tell me you're trusting this guy your money

>> No.9483675

He never explained anything.
He's just trying to pump BTC so he can dump whatever extra btc he has. He syas he doens't hold bitcoin, but that's a lie. His exchange essentially ONLY takes fees in Bitcoin. He's desperate to dump.

>> No.9483685

the current year and listening to a gosh dang negro

>> No.9483703

Niggers have sub retard IQ no one believes anything they say, well except otherboogas

>> No.9483706

the guy is a fucking billionare retard

>> No.9483745

He wants BTC to go up so he can make 5x more money when he dumps, retard.

>> No.9484182

What the fuck? All this time I'm leverage trading in negro's platform?
Why none of you tell me this anon? Could've saved myself from getting liquidated.

>> No.9484796

Listen to the interview. The host asks him a prediction, he says 50 EOY. The host asks him what he would do if it doesn't reach that, and he replies that he doesn't give a fuck whatever bitcoin does, he just gave them a prediction because that's what they asked; as long as it keeps fluctuating wildly, that's what's making him money.

>> No.9484871

Newfags deserve to get liquidated

>> No.9485196
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>average African IQs lower than the APA's definition of mentally handicapped
I know exactly why more people aren't aware of this.

>> No.9485213


>tfw when a nigg will earn more in 1 day then you will earn in a lifetime

>> No.9485266

he's actually right and everybody in the cryptosphere who want to make money should think the same
I don't want BTC to reach 50K then be stable for life
If BTC stops being volatile, time to look after an another lifetime opportunity guys

>> No.9485267

One black guy taking money back from the white man solo and probably fucking his roasties too.

>> No.9485945
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Absolutely BASED

>> No.9486508

>gambling on a niggers website

>> No.9486556
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>> No.9486678

Knuckles gets cucked and becomes angry about black people?

>> No.9486729

He's getting ready to bail as we speak, while the site is crashed.

Seriously, a market investing site crashed, with no backup server. You trusted money there? LOL. He earned your money, because you're the greater fool.

And, PS - of course he says that, what, hes gonna get on TV and say bitcoin is worthless? LOL. Dude. C'mon.

>> No.9486753

He's making millions and millions and the easiest way possible. Why the fuck would he ever bail?

>> No.9486771

Because the crash is gonna kill their market, dummy.

>> No.9486831

You deserve to get liquidated for even touching Bitmex you fucking cocksucker

>> No.9486846

>using bitmex ever


>> No.9486920

Just think of all the aryan pussy he must be getting, all the creampies and facials...

>> No.9487211

Niggers get that in NYC without lambos, dummy.

Typical 4chan, all you can think about is sex, because you've never had any, lol.

>> No.9487368
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>> No.9487459

Is this real

>> No.9487684

yes but except for the black part.
and idk if it was jfk that story was about. maybe it was.

>> No.9487699

why are there so many niggers in crypto?

there are literally 0 in traditional finance

>> No.9487717

Sounds like a cool word a nigger would use

>> No.9487775

So many salty white bois on this thread lmao. Mad cuz he fucks more hoes in one day than you do in your lifetime.

>> No.9487788
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>thousands of retarded bizraelites and poltards flock to BitMex
>promised 100X leverage for mad gains by pajeets
>proceed to be financially cucked by a black bull
>tfw pajeets literally shilled retards into getting blacked

>> No.9487797
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mf's mad they got liquidated

>> No.9487801

Black people are over represented in the MLM, get rich quick industry. It was a natural hop for them into crypto and bitconnect and things like that.

>> No.9487815
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>> No.9487818
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>> No.9487963
File: 75 KB, 480x480, i hate niggers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Best bike thief of all time.

>> No.9487998

Fug, I was watching some youtube video the other day and in the comments was a guy going on in broken english about how japanese guys get cucked by blacks. I clicked on their profile and it was an indian kid, I never would have thought a cuckposter would have been indian.

>> No.9488071

I've fucked a couple Indian girls with my BWC. Indians are cucks for the white man, they would probably like getting cucked by the black man also

>> No.9488213

bitmex is up and down all the time
don't buy into the fud faggots trying to turn a mole hill into a mountain
and so what's he's black, since was the guy who turned the US economy around

>> No.9488266
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He's extremely bright and well-spoken, just watch the interview. He also has more money than anybody in this thread.

/pol/ blown the FUCK out

>> No.9488289

It's bullshit. He had inside info.

>> No.9488323

bitch he went to wharton, worked on wall street trading derivatives, got fired for wearing clothes that were too loud and niggerish on dress down day from wall street, and is taking his revenge by giving bitcoin what it needs for liquidity.