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9646010 No.9646010 [Reply] [Original]

>Help me learn and decide!
I decided to never buy ETH again after reading this. Not larping. Vitalik is an idiot. He deserves to be a Google employee.

>> No.9646031

/ourgay/. Fuck off like

>> No.9646033

No, he's actually right. Most 4chan weeaboo's are deluded in thinking otherwise. Sorry to burst your bubble basement anon

>> No.9646039

Kike lol

>> No.9646084
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I believe that google thing was a joke. And not because he deleted it (as it contained the sender's personal details).

If you've seen some of his multiple interviews, he truly wants to help people, everywhere, create their own little sub-networks of activity. With a large amount people contributing to the operation of the overall network. At least, that's how I currently see it.

It's such a weirdly benign thing to want to create when you start to consider how that could change societies. If what is said about those sorts of families are true, it wouldn't make sense for him to want to be apart of that.

>> No.9646299

His knowledge of anything not perfectly "logically verifiable" is troubling.

He's still stuck in the "logic is the only way of understanding the world" box of adolescence.

It will be interesting to see if/when he breaks out of that. But yeah, his association with Jews and his impulse to disregard "conspiracy theories" considering nothing more than Wikipedia loaded language is not ideal.

>> No.9647048
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>> No.9647134

>you should express your anti-semitic views in public as the public figure of a billion dollar network
i don't think you've thought that through
let me give you an insight into smart people: they don't feel any compulsion to blurt out any thought that goes through their mind, nor do they need to pick a position and cling to it on any issue
an enquiring mind is not only a good thing to have, it's a great front-facing public persona. the retards who freak out when he muses about harberger's taxes or defend absolute personal sovereignty aren't people who matter; and yet they now become useful as past evidence of plausible deniability when other controversial topics (like shining a light on the rothschilds)
in other words, muh 5D chess

>> No.9647165

his association with jews lmao. have fun investing in jew-free crypto because I guarantee it's shit. you only notice the jews you don't like

>> No.9647166


Vitalik visited the Grand Lodge Alpina in Bern last year. He probably has a better idea of how powerful House Rothschild is than all you basement dwelling faggots combined

>> No.9647183

you're really in tears over this op? vitalik is autistic as fuck, like he gives a shit who some nearly dead people are that own a lot of money.

>> No.9647213

What famous men said about the Jews:

>> No.9647248

They gonna JFK his ass if he continues questioning their power

>> No.9647262

This is actually pretty smart, playing innocent
>If Rothschilds actually are part of some Jewish cabal that influences global politics, his boyish "hey I don't know, let's have a conversation about this, teach me" gives him plausible deniability that allows people to actually bring up proof and arguments that they are calling the shots
>If not, he doesn't look like a paranoid anti-Semitic who's dumb enough to think the real 'eminence grise' would operate in the plain open like that

Of course the retards and depressos of post-fappening 4chan will never learn that the sugar helps the medicine go down and instead believe that people must be insulted or called 'beta' or 'cucked' if they disagree from their meme worldview.

>> No.9647733

>Jews make the world go round!
Imagine being this cucked

>> No.9647786

What do rothschild have to do with antisemitism? It's like saying you hate blond people if you think hillary is an evil witch

Take your concern trolling elsewhere, people should criticize the plutocracy regardless of religion and race

>> No.9648156
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>> No.9648171

Anti-Semitism umbrella includes correctly identifying those who call themselves Jews but are not. The Synagog of Satan. The Khazarian, black-goo nano ai chromasmatically infected, radically parasitic in-group preference network of UNcare.

Identifying the cannibal psychopathic race predating on humanity from the lay order following Jewry is hopeless, and just the suggestion that this is a problem is a problem (bad for business, of corpse-oration).

>> No.9648518

that was not even remotely close to the point being made, and you're not smart enough to participate in this conversation. please stick to chainlink threads

>> No.9648595

nice thought policing
promptly kill yourself