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9870011 No.9870011 [Reply] [Original]

HLOD on!


>> No.9870044
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>> No.9870057

I'd give anything to be back at peak euphoria again, what a feeling it was

>> No.9870075

>boomer trying to stay relevant XD

>> No.9870082
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>buy my gold you big dumb goy

>> No.9870087

People like this are pretty pathetic. You expect this type of talk from anonymous assholes on /biz/, but when some boomer is using his real name to shit talk it's just embarrassing. I sold my bitcoin a long time ago, I just hate petty people like this mocking other people losing money. Twitter has shown how immature people are, whether it's this guy or directors bitching at people who don't like their movie.

>> No.9870088
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>> No.9870104


>> No.9870129

They deserve every bit of it because they mocked us when we tried to HELP by warning them. Fuck'em I hope they die in poverty.

>> No.9870152

/biz/ BTFO

>> No.9870350

I remember when people were posting upward parabolic breakout trajectories breaking out of the existing Bitcoin parabola on Twitter in December last year

>> No.9870379

If anything has illustrated the value of gold to me it's the BTC/BCH split. Cryptos are software and can, and are in the case of BTC, be overrun by ideologues. Gold will always function as gold. It's just metal.

>> No.9870404
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>> No.9870454

fuck yes. I remember when my huge stack of crypto money just kept growing and growing daily without me doing jack shit, and watching the numbers reach crazy high numbers, and thinking I was set for life. I thought I was some genius trader back then and I could predict the market and 10x my money over and over again. And I started spending money left and right, even though I only cashed out $20k in December.

>> No.9870511


Are Goldies the ultimate faggots? Instead of banding together with cryptocucks and forming an anti-usury alliance, they engage in petty infighting and sectarianism because they are butthurt that their bags are so heavy (pun not intended), which sort of reveals that there is no ideology behind their position. They just want mad gains but are too scared to participate in a real market, crypto or otherwise, so they horde Gold and Silver and watch from the sidelines.

>> No.9870528


This. Then I remember when my portfolio dropped from 600k to 400k I thought I was fucking broke so no point cashing out, and I chilled waiting until finally cashing out 240k because I kept hoping we'd re hit highs. Then traded that 240k down to 200k where I'm at now.

Pretty shitty bros.

>> No.9870777


If only it was us vs the statists

>> No.9870786

you nailed it. checked.

>> No.9870807

Schiff was trying to help people

>> No.9870816


He just wants to sell his fucking gold man. That's it.

>> No.9870843

that just human nature in this doggy dog world mang

>> No.9870847

Gold is real money AND real savings. That's what you uneducated rats don't understand.

You don't understand that gold is savings.

The dollar value of gold is irrelevant. Gold didn't all of a sudden become valuable when America was born and the dollar was created, so why would you idiots be valuing gold in terms of dollars.

And you idiots can't figure out this basic 2+2=4 logic. Because the Jews have brainwashed you with their anti-gold propaganda.

If the dollar dissapeared from the planet tomorrow and bought you nothing. My gold is 10000% unaffected by that happening.

You fucking idiots don't even realize the entire point of buying gold is because fiat is a scam and you want money and wealth for when paper dies.

>> No.9870881

enough about your gold you fucking boomer no one gives a shit

>> No.9870891

Maybe, but I'm sure he can't resist telling them "I told you so" now

>> No.9870892


>> No.9870895

Hey I want to make a coffee stand that specializes in also selling magic the gathering cards. Give me money $50k

>> No.9870899

Top kek

>> No.9870901

Maybe so.... but so what asshole? Do you say the same thing about stock brokers selling you stocks? Everyone is selling shit everyday in every industry.

When you go to breakfast do you say... "wtf is up with this bitch server trying to sell me an omelette?"

Also... schiff is worth 200 million and gold is the smaller part of things he does and what he sells.

And he might be trying to sell you gold but at least it's fucking actual real money and actual savings.

Why keep your money in Jew banks where your cash is eaten away by inflation when you can park your wealth in the ultimate store of value... gold?

>> No.9870939

Truly they are. There is nothing wrong with owning gold and cryptocurrency. They are both tools used to fight usury created by the greedy foreskin eating jew

>> No.9870945

Are you stupid? Boomers don't own any fuckinng gold. The Jew anti gold propaganda has been going strong for 100 years.

You think your typical normie boomer owns gold? I bet you less than 1% of the entire population doesn't even own 3 ounces of physical gold.

In reality the boomers are just as stupid as you are. BecAuse they think the dolllar is real savings.

And the irony in it all is you come here and shitpost about Jews not even realizing the entire economy is fucked up and we have massive income inequality because gold doesn't back the currency.

Which allows the Jews to confiscate your wealth through inflation

>> No.9870952
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>When you go to breakfast do you say... "wtf is up with this bitch server trying to sell me an omelette?"


>> No.9870956

Deluded goldie.
Newsflash: gold is nothing but a shiny rock. Good look trading it for goods with an actual use if SHTF. In a socio-economic collapse where "paper dies" and we likely don't even have electricity, the only "real money" is bullets, weapons, fuel, fresh water, canned food, soap, whiskey, and medical supplies.

Kill yourself.

>> No.9870962

>asteroid gold mining becomes a thing
>gold is dirt cheap now
>goldcucks kill themselfes


>> No.9870969

>so why would you idiots be valuing gold in terms of dollars.
I can't spend gold.

>> No.9870995

Truly gold owners are what?

It is FUCKING IMPOSSIBLE to lose owning gold.

The delusion is you faggits having a problem with gold. When nobody in human history the last 5,000 years ALWAYS wanted gold

>> No.9871062

are there asteroids with lots of gold in them floating around?

>> No.9871069

of course

>> No.9871072

How you going to buy those bullets, fresh water, food, etc???

With gold you dumbass.

Wtf you think is the entire point of owning gold you moron???

If you went to the coin shop right now to buy an ounce of gold.... why would you be buying it???

Also... in a societal collapse... wtf are you going to do? Put your entire net worth into canned goods??? I mean you think after ansocietal colllas we are going to live forever in some sort of closed loop barter system where people exchange blowjobs for toilet paper?

You need a baseline for money and a new currency you fucking moron.

There's no law stating that if you go buy bullets you will go to jail if you buy gold also. You can buy both you moron. You can prep and then protect the rest of your wealth with gold.

You people truly are fucking dumber than a bunch of public school educated niggers

>> No.9871080

>Truly gold owners are what?
ultimate faggots
what if an asteroid full of gold crashed into the earth? would the gold be preserved?

>> No.9871103

Holy fuck Peter Schiff is in this thread. Do you smoke weed with JPMorgan and Warren Buffet?

>> No.9871115

Yeah you can't spend it now because the Jews force you to use their debt instruments.

Why is gold cost $1,300 tho even tho you can't spend it? Because it's real money that tracks how worthless the dollar is becoming.

Just because your god the Jew govt says that gold isn't money.... DOESNT MEAN IT STILL ISNT. And if you put your wealth in gold they can't fuck you and steal your money through inflation you brainwashed kike lover

>> No.9871126
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>Watch as the goldie becomes visibly distressed at a civil discussion on how cryptocurrency and gold can be mutually beneficial instruments serving different purposes, but that gold is fundamentally less flexible in its uses than crypto, the goldie becomes ever more agitated. It has been a long time since he has seen a mate; and he is getting desperate and hungry.

>> No.9871133

They are gonna mine that shit in orbit and then send it back down here for further refinement.

>> No.9871134

They're faggots. Not gold owners, but gold supremacists. Crypto and gold could be working together to defeat the jew, but kikes like peter shill are too jewish to take action against the jews. Gold is good. Gold and crypto is even better.

>> No.9871143

>sell the gold right before the first asteroid mining mission starts


>> No.9871148
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Bitcoin is the better Gold.

>> No.9871147

>They are gonna mine that shit in orbit and then send it back down here for further refinement.
how much gold is in any given asteroid? do you have any examples of a big chunk of gold found inside an asteroid?

>> No.9871153

gonna be priced in before you hear about it, goldbug.

>> No.9871156

Lmao, enjoy those heavy bags Boomer.

>> No.9871162

Shut up with your faggot fantasies.

You people are all fucking stupid. You don't even understand gold is savings. It's literallly the most basic concept for fucking thousands of years.

And your Jew infected brains reject it.... yet come here and shit post about Jews not even realizing that because gold doesn't bakcnhe currency anymore you can't "make it" and have to specualtenin cryptos just to have a chance.

60 years ago you could drive a fucking bus and make it... because gold backed the dollar.

10% returns in the stock market 50 years ago that you guys laugh at now we're probably equivalent to 100% returns in crypto because prices were fuckingg cheap as fuck back then.

>> No.9871184

Hundreds of thousands of tons of that shit are flying around.

>a relatively small metallic asteroid with a diameter of 1.6 km (1 mi) contains more than US$20 trillion worth of industrial and precious metals

>> No.9871183

do you type this up manually? because if not you should definitely automate it. You could literally write a python bot to reply with this autism

>> No.9871191


Gold has a low correlation to stocks and bonds

If we get another "lost decade" like the 1970s or 2000s, 10% in gold (and annually rebalanced) would save the portfolio

>> No.9871195

why not make crypto backed by gold?

>> No.9871203

No I agree with this... I'm not anti crypto... but gold needs to back crypto. And the people who are anti gold are retarded.

Half the reason people are fleeing to crypto is because the dollar is dying... because it isn't backed by gold....(whether they realize it or not)

Some of these idiots think there is an issue with gold. There's no issue with gold. The only issue is that gold isn't backing the dollar

>> No.9871205
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LOL wtf?
who put the gold there?
think again...

>> No.9871220


>> No.9871222

humans were created as a slave race to the annunaki to mine monoatomic gold for them. true story

>> No.9871230

>Deluded goldie.
>Newsflash: gold is nothing but a shiny rock. Good look trading it for goods with an actual use if SHTF. In a socio-economic collapse where "paper dies" and we likely don't even have electricity, the only "real money" is bullets, weapons, fuel, fresh water, canned food, soap, whiskey, and medical supplies.

Most people who own gold, do not do it because they fear a Mad Max scenario. It is insurance.

Only a retard wouldn't expect the bulk of their gains to come from income-generating stocks.

>> No.9871245

How is fiat not just as durable as bitcoin? They're both just 1's and 0's at this point.

>> No.9871253

>Schiff was born to a middle-class Jewish family in New Haven, Connecticut.
Every single time.

>> No.9871293

I would rather use gold, or something backed by gold, or even bitcoin, but I can't. I need to measure gold in something that I can use. Saying that gold is money and has been money for thousands of years is meaningless to me if I can't convert it into something that I can buy bread with.

>> No.9871310

Crypto IS gold.
At least BTC and BCH are.

>> No.9871321


If the server at my breakfast restaurant hires out ads on tv and radio and constantly tells me and all my friends that all food except waffles™ gives you cancer, that her waffles™, will protect you when everyone else gets sick and dies, and btw did you know 200 years ago people only ate waffles™! To the point where my boomer parents spend their money buying useless frozen waffles from her to keep in their freezer for when the apocalypse comes...

Then yes I'd call her a bitch. All whilst buying and hoarding pancakes which are newer, better, and more popular right now anyway.

>> No.9871333

You still don't get it.

When you buy 1k worth of apple stock and then go to the coin shop and buy 1k worth of silver...

You are doing each of those things for completely different reasons.

I'm buying the stock so I can get returns.

And I'm buying the silver because the currency is a fraud and I want to have money and wealth for when paper dies.

In Venezuela right now where their currency has collapsed. 1 SINGLE ounce of silver buys you 4 months worth of food on the black market.

That silver ounce costs you 17$ at a coin shop today in America. $17 dollars barely buys you lunch at jimmy johns... yet when paper fails the equivalent of that 17$ in silver buys you months worth of food.

And that is how bad the Jews are actually fucking you.

Remember for most of human history and even today in many underdeveloped areas a days wage equaled a silver piece the size of a silver dime...

Your avg American makes $150 a day... which equals like 8 entire ounces of silver.

Many of them in worthless jobs like insurance providing no real value for society. It's truly all completely backwards

>> No.9871357

>Easily Transactable
Only if you mean BCH, not BTC.

>> No.9871358

Morons like you should literally be put down. Crypto is gold. Jesus Christ... the absolute stupidity.

Starving niggers in Africa with no formal education understand gold is money. You idiots are literally dumber than them

>> No.9871359

praised be

>> No.9871379

>In Venezuela right now where their currency has collapsed. 1 SINGLE ounce of silver buys you 4 months worth of food on the black market.
because it held its value against their currency, not because it's magic, you stupid fuck
this applies to literally any commodity, LITERALLY

>> No.9871382

Read it in his voice and kekd

>> No.9871389
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What a smug asshole. Money doesn't just bring out the worst in people, it brings out the worst people.

>> No.9871414


>> No.9871428

Venezuela got help from Russia to make a cryptocurrency which is the Petro. USA banned citizens from buying it. They used crypto as "support" for their fiat that collapsed. Would like to think the US and other countries are setting the markets up so crypto is a fall back plan when the rest of the fiat currencies die.

>> No.9871430

It's not about converting it to bread...

Gold IS the measuring of value. You have it backwards. That's why gold has been money for thousands of years because the primary function of money is to MEASURE VALUE for goods exchanged for it.

You know what a gold standard is? It
Means that all prices... peanut butter or lamborginis or TV's are all gold prices.

You can literally go in the Bible and find a passage saying that an ounce of gold bought you 350 loaves of bread 2,500 years ago.

Today if you go sell your gold ounce at a coin shop you'll get about $1,300 for it.... and if you take that $1,300 to a grocery store you can still buy roughly 350 loves of bread just like you could 2,500 years ago.

Loaf of bread is like 3.50-4.00 multipled by 350 loves equals about $1,300 dollars

>> No.9871439


>One of the densest metals on earth

>> No.9871473

That's right goy, bitcoin is over.

>> No.9871500

Yeah it held its value!!!!!!!! You got it dumbass. Silver held its value because its real fucking money. And the Jews are inflated the prices of everything with their fiat money.

A days wage historically equals a silver dime or Roman denarius. 14 silver dimes equals 1 ounce. So that 1 ounce is equal to 14 days work historically.

If you worked for two weeks straight and put your entire 2 weeks paycheck into just food that would be about 3 months worth just like that 1 ounce buys you 3 months of food now that paper collapses.

So if you go to a coin shop and buy like 8k worth of silver and the dollar collapse you'll literally have like 25 years worth of days wages

Because you have to remember... today.... there are billions more people on the planet and much less silver available. So that silver dime that used to be worn a days wage will now be like 3-5 days wages.

Now do you see why you buy gold and silver?

You'll be able to buy a fucking small town with maybe a mere 1,500 ounces of silver.

Ever hear the Weimar Republic hotel bellcap story? Kid had 25 ounces of gold saved up and after hyperinflation and then deflation following it.... he bought a fuckingg city block for 25 ounces of gold

>> No.9871510

>this applies to literally any commodity, LITERALLY

>> No.9871520

lol the boomer rage

>> No.9871537


Actually in goldies defense, yes it applies to literally any commodity, but out of the options for what commodities to hold as a hedge, silver has advantages over say a barrel of oil, or a bag of grains, because it takes up very little space, is easy to find places to buy and sell etc.

Like if you were to be in venezuela and know what was gonna happen, what commodity would you want, excluding foreign currency and crypto?

>> No.9871548

Silver and gold aren't commodities you moron they are both real money.

You can't fucking go buy shit with basedbeans.

The word for money in many foreign languages is literally the fucking word "silver."

>> No.9871567

Again silver and gold are real money. They aren't commodities

>> No.9871582

zimbabeweans bought BTC at 20k because it's "more stable" than their currency

>> No.9871588

Peter's gonna get rekt in the next 5 years. I think he sees it coming and is nervous as fuck.

>> No.9871589
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Yes, keep saving your dollars good goy. You say the reason Bitcoin will appreciate in value is because it is a limited resource. What do you think is happening to the dollar which is being printed as they see fit?

>> No.9871594

If you were going to take a time machine 100 years into the future and you had to put 100% of your wealth into 1 thing.....

Gold, dollars, bitcoin, or basedbeans.... which would you bring with you into the future?

>> No.9871643

Fiat can be made useless by centralized organisations, bitcoin was supposed to be different, practically its not

>> No.9871663

This guy knows his shit. Shut the fuck up and listen faggots. However crypto will be a part of the future that they want to create. They make us work like animals in exchange for toilet paper that barely buys us food and barely puts us in a shitty rented appartement. In return of our time and health they get technology, massive infrastructures, gold, silver, power, food, water and everything else. We should fucking execute all freemasons.

>> No.9871751

>You still don't get it.
>When you buy 1k worth of apple stock and then go to the coin shop and buy 1k worth of silver...
>You are doing each of those things for completely different reasons.
>I'm buying the stock so I can get returns.
>And I'm buying the silver because the currency is a fraud and I want to have money and wealth for when paper dies.

You were too busy grandstanding

"Insurance" = a decade of high inflation (currency fraud as you put it)

We don't disagree

>> No.9871783

Exactly, thank you.

That's the ultimate irony of this board. They don't even understand why they shitpost against Jews. They don't even understand that the Jews have fucked up EVERYTHING economically for 1 simple reason. Because they detached the dollar from gold.

All those Connie Bernie sanders supporters upset about income inequality.... have no idea that income inequality is an actual thing because gold doesn't back the dollar anymore.

That's literally the one thing that has fucked fucked up everything.

These idiots come here and yell about Jews and don't even know why, while claiming to have high IQ's LOL

>> No.9871824

>Silver and gold aren't commodities you moron they are both real money.

Perhaps they are money, perhaps they are commodities.

There is a case to own 0% of either. There's also a reasonable case to own gold.

I favour a simple 5% or 10% (or higher) allocation, and rebalance as necessary. Trying to time the gold market or buy into emotional stories is foolish.

Some people claim gold miners can act as a leveraged play on gold. The theory is great, but a study of gold stocks from the mid 2000s to 2011 doesn't bear that out. I'd rather just own gold via a cheap ETF.

>> No.9871849

>They don't even understand that the Jews have fucked up EVERYTHING economically for 1 simple reason. Because they detached the dollar from gold.

Every civilisation has debased its own money - it's too tempting.

Blaming the Jews is also too easy.

>> No.9871902

5-10% allocation in a sane world like 25 years ago.

20 trillion in debt today...definitely more than 5-10%

High net individuals should easily have 50% of their net worth in gold and silver.

That's what a lot of people do not understand. You literally can't lose owning gold and silver. It's real money and stored economic energy

>> No.9871904

Gold is valuable in of itself, it's still used in processors, electronics, and other items that require it's conductivity.

But large purchases of gold as a safety net is not a good sign of the state of the economy

>> No.9871927
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I don't understand why anyone wouldn't just keep their savings in gold as opposed to dollars

>> No.9871947

True.... but nobody understands that.

Min wage debate is a great example.... the left wants to raise min wage... which is stupid.

The right says get better educated and get a better job and that min wage wasn't meant to be a living wage. Now that's good advice but it doesn't get at the heart of the problem which is prices are going up.

And nobody on either side of the aisle understands prices are going up because their wealth is being stolen through inflation.

>> No.9871964

What's your point?

>> No.9871993

Gold is still more stable in a the long term than crypto

>> No.9872019

For sure

>> No.9872024


>> No.9872272

>have something with a use and limited supply such as crypto and back it with gold which can be faked and is dependent on supply.

>> No.9872293

good luck exchanging your barrels of oil for some eggs and sugar, retard

>> No.9872301

MFW I realized I fucked up hard investing on coinmetro 2 months ago.
MFW now I'm sure kevin is a fucking god and has godly TA skills and has been pushing the exchange till the bullrun.
MFW I'm tethered and haven't lost a peny since january.

FEEEEEEELS so fucking good bros.

>> No.9872598

Jesus anon. You've completely lost it. Trading things that people actually use in an emergency will be what's valuable. It's not 1850. There won't be an emerging market for gold if this happens. And even if you are right, for society to build itself back up, you will be dead by the time your gold is really worth anything again. And not to mention, the gold price (and especially silver) is so fucking manipulated rn it will never be worth anything more than what it is. Prepper/boomer is probably the dumbest hillbilly combination you can be, and you are it.

>> No.9872697

What do you mean if gold is worth anything again? They literally made gold not legal tender anymore..... yet..... it's worth $1,300 if you want to buy just 1 ounce.

So that statement that it's not worth anything proves you are dumber than a nigger. I can take my gold to literally any corner of the planet and exchange it for fiat. So wtf you talking about there's no market for gold?

Are you black or just stupid? You are literally saying things that aren't true.

The dollar price of gold means NOTHING. If the dollar fails tomorrow and doesn't buy you anything. My gold is completely unaffected. That's why you buy gold you dumbass nigger... so you have money and wealth for when paper fails.... or a new currency is rolled out.

Seriously you are so dumb and too easy to argue against. I just obliterated all of your retarded points with base logic

>> No.9872778

Also... you can't barter and trade forever you moron. What? You think if shit collapses people will be conducting business in a closed loop barter system until the end of time? Exchanging toilet paper for blowjobs? Are you fucking stupid??

You need a baseline for a new currency and that baseline has always been and will always be gold. The entire economy is fucked because nothing backs the worthless paper and the world is swimming in debt because of it.

China, India, and Russia have been accumulating record tonnage of gold for a decade now for a reason. Wtf does your dumbass know that they don't?

Fucking stupid brainlet nigger.

>> No.9872790

in a collapse of society it never reverts back to gold. every post soviet nation and post WW1 and WW2 nation never went back to gold being used as a currency to buy food.

>> No.9872810

I'm not against gold at all, in fact I own quite a bit myself yet I don't totally understand it.
Since we price everything in dollars, how will we price gold once the dollar collapses? You say that dollars won't buy anything anymore.... Well how will I know how much of my gold to give away for a loaf of bread or how many lbs of gold to buy a house with? What will it be priced as, who determines this?

>> No.9872832

Gold is worthless. What are you gonna do when the economy collapses? Haul wheelbarrows full of gold to the store? How are you going to protect it? Armed robbers will be lurking behind every corner. You ayanclaps need to wake up.

>> No.9872850

>What will it be priced as, who determines this?
it will be priced in local gold currency. Meaning they melt down all they got and mint a new one with the current leaders face on it. they then ban any other acceptance of gold coinage. The goldbug in thsi thread is trying to make it seem like in ancient times everyone used the same currency. this is not true, each nation used different versions of gold coins with diffferent % of gold/alloys. If you have pure gold the government can fully refused to allow it since it isnt the govt issued gold coin.

>> No.9872864

There have been countless financial calamities throughout history and gold never lost its value EVER.

Gold is money AND currency. Obviously we aren't going back to paying for shit in gold as a currency, but its more importantly money that has to back the currency otherwise the currency fails.

What do you think potential WW3 is over? Chinks and Russians and others don't want to trade for shit using increasingly worthless dollars.

China has been accumulating record tonnage of gold for years now. Why do you think they are doing that?

>> No.9872890

Gold appreciates in bond bear markets and periods of serious stock market stress (although it can go down in the initial fallout).

I can't see the point in arguing about fiat currencies failing or barter. Gold seems to be valued by a significant number of human market participants. It will probably be a drag on your long term returns, but you will sleep better at night because if there's another 1970s or 2000s, a set % to gold will see you good. The flip side, is you will be buying more gold during the subsequent gold bear market as the stock market recovers.

Gold should even out your yearly returns.

>> No.9872894
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>They just want mad gains but are too scared to participate in a real market, crypto or otherwise

>> No.9872900

You are retarded. Currency and money are not the same. No one has used gold as currency for decades, but gold is money and nothing else. But that doesn't mean new currency can't be backed by gold and that in the new economy you can't exchange your gold for a shitton of that new currency

>> No.9872938
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Doggy dog? Doggy dog???
You mean Dog Eat Dog world you fucking ESOL tier retard

>> No.9872986



Why did you do this to yourself? You should've pulled out the vast majority of that money and put it into a more balanced portfolio of equities and bonds, probably leaning riskier since you were betting everything on cryptocurrencies. That would have been a pretty big account, you could've become a millionaire in a handful of years, and then just lived with a decent income off of dividends and capital gains while slowing down the growth of your account. Why are you guys so greedy?

>> No.9872987

Gold is worthless you say, yet in the very next sentence you say how are you going to protect it from robbers?

Now do you understand how literally fucking stupid and brain damaged you are??? If it's fucking worthless then why do you need to protect it you stupid asshole?

And how do you protect it??? Well you don't go fucking flaunting it obviously, and if you needed to protect it...you ever heard of that thing called the second amendment? Or are you in some faggot Scandinavian country?

>> No.9873023

Newfag get out

>> No.9873057

You'll price the new currency in terms of gold.

You'll have a deflationary collapse of all asset prices.

For instance, a normal gold to dow ratio is about 4-1. Right now it's like 23-1. So it's super out of whack because of cheap money. When it crashes and the gold to dow ratio goes back towards normal and shoots past nornal because it's gone so far the other way for so long.... the gold to down ratio will be 1-1.... that's when you sell some gold and buy stock again.

Same with homes. Gold gets revalued much higher one day to purge all the debt from the system. Gold is now 25k/oz home prices crash and a median priced home is now like 40k.... so 1.5 ounces of gold (converted to the new cureency) buys you a home outright

>> No.9873131

This is true ....but we are 20 trillion in debt. So it's not about balancing your portfolio at this time. It's about protecting your wealth from a currency collapse.

Gold isn't about making gains. A gold ounce 900 years ago is still that same gold ounce today. It doesn't matter if the dollar or stock market exist or not. That gold is stored economic energy

>> No.9873191
File: 303 KB, 600x546, 1436389038007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gold, dollars, bitcoin, or basedbeans.... which would you bring with you into the future?
Genetically altered sohybeans with a 2% volume of gold and a bitcoin code attached to its DNA that when it's leaves sprout makes perfect replica counterfeit USA greenbacks.
Check and mate.

>> No.9873277

Just to make sure I read that right, you mean there will be sort of like a double crash for dollars? One crash in terms of its worth in gold, so overnight 1oz will go from 1300 to 25000 USD. And another sort of crash where home prices fall from the current (let's say) 300k down to 40k like you said? Or is it the same crash just measured a different way?

I currently have 10 Oz of gold, how will I know the proper times to sell it? If what you say is true then I stand to make a fortune. Seems like one of those things that people say to never sell

>> No.9873370

Can the reset be compared to sort of like when a stock does a split?

>> No.9873381

>1 SINGLE ounce of silver buys you 4 months worth of food on the black market.
No it doesn't it would buy you 4 months of food at the official exchange rates.

>> No.9873689

He explains it better.

Hugo salinas price a mexican billionaire who owns the mexicos equivalent to Walmart ... Ajax I think it's called


>> No.9873807

But you are essentially right in what you said....

10 ounces will be a LOT. You see even gold bugs have it wrong..... they think that if they need 1 million for retirement that they need the 1 million dollar equivalent to gold right now. Which is totally wrong. A blessing in disguise for them because they'll end up having a fucking fortune if they bought say a million dollars of gold right now... but you need only like 10-20 ounces to be absolutely comfy.

Prices will crash.

You see think about it. Lots of gold bugs buy gold just to maintain their wealth in a currency collapse... which really makes no sense....

If everyone's savings is devalued by 90% people and we have a systematic meltdown... that ounce of gold worth 1300 now isn't just going to help you maintain and pay your monthly mortgage while everyone else is absolutely fucked... you aren't going to be driving your car as if life is the same filling up on 13$/gallon gas just because you saved up hundreds of silver dimes.

Shit will be melting down and that's when you use gold and silver to buy up income producing properties for hella cheap.

So there's a huge inverse between gold and prices that allows you to fucking kill it. It's not going to be a situation where your wealth is just maintained. Well it is maintained I guess it's just that everything has been fuckinng inflated beyond belief and gold and silver have been taken out of circulation that you are going to be so much better off relatively to people who didn't stack. And you'll slingshot passed them.

Whereas if we had a sane govt and monetary policy and free market where nobody was being fucked then your gold and silver wouldn't make you wealthy relative to others because things would be sane and prices would be cheap.

>> No.9873826

I'm sorry but if you think you "made it" and haven't still "made it" at a measly 70% down then you never actually made it. If having a third of your income is unlivable than a 3x won't fucking help you.

>> No.9873857

I think it's just the same crash measured in a different way.... Thomas Jefferson said it perfectly... and what he said back then is happening now but what he says is inflation first THEN deflation....

"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered.... I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.... The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."

>> No.9874031

i will never need to do cocaine to know what it feels like
getting in on XRB early was pure dopamine

>> No.9874133

I see what you're saying now. Thanks for the explanation. So basically I just wait with my 10 Oz and become the next Weimar Republic bellhop boy; wait for the currency to deflate drastically and when there's blood in the streets from everybody being fucked, that's when I buy up everything.

Ive never experienced a hyper inflation event but I can't imagine how it would feel. Working your entire life, you're just about ready to retire you think you have a million bucks in the bank and you're good....but then one day you wake up and you million dollars can't buy a loaf of bread. That's just tragic, how do you even recover from that?? Normies will be absolutely rekt

>> No.9874210

He's a gold merchant. Everything he says and does is to get you to buy gold.

>> No.9874218

Yeah it's really that simple. Grab a couple hundred ounces of silver too. Go to usdebtclock.org and look in the bottom right and corner.

Gold is very undervalued but silver is the most undervalued asset on the planet.

It may even be wise to exchange your silver for gold because right now the silver to gold ratio is 80 to 1. This is way out of whack. The historical ratio is 16 to 1... cuz that's the ratio the come out of the earths crust at.

So you have your silver now. You wait for that ratio to narrow to 40 or 30 to 1... then exchange your silver for gold. And you pick up a bunch of free ounces of gold.

But like I said it could be an overnight gold revaluation so you still want to have some gold. But if you were thinking of picking up say 5-10 more ounces of gold....... I'd 100% put it into silver instead

>> No.9874240

So what? Gold is real money and a real asset at least he selling you something real.... gold is savings.

I bet when a stock broker is shilling you on a stock you don't say oh he just wants his commission. Everyone everywhere in every industry is trying to sell you something at least he's selling you something real and tangible and represents real wealth and real money

>> No.9874255

It's almost as if you think peter schiff is the only person on the entire planet trying to sell you something. You people are deluded.

>> No.9874302

gold is worthless like your shitcoins. you are going to walk to the store with your 1 oz of gold and buy bread? hahahahaha
you brainlet shills will never make it. the only thing that has any value is guns and ammo when shit goes down.

>> No.9874425

Has 500k net worth and buys 500k worth of guns and ammo. Yeah ok dumbass.

Also.... not to prove your a dumb nigger.... but.... in a societal collapse you never trade ammo for ANYTHING!

If you trade me some ammo for some toilet paper.... guess what I'm going to do? I'm going to put that ammo you gave me in my gun and shoot you in the fucking head and then steal your supples.

>> No.9874588

who said anything about trading my ammo and guns for your toilet paper you dumbfuck LOL. learn to read. you don't even try to disprove my claim gold is useless. do you think our cavemen ancestors walked around with little gold pellets trying to exchange them for food? the only thing that mattered is physical power and in this day and age, it's firepower when society collapses.

>> No.9874597

I started buying silver even before I got into gold because I read somewhere that it's pretty undervalued right now. I have more gold though, gold is king imo.

How would you advise storing your gold, and further in the future in what sizes should I buy it? I literally have one 10z brick of gold, I think it looks absolutely awesome. But I now realize that selling that one lump sum will be a huge challenge in the future, there's almost no liquidity for that amount. It could be worth an easy 100k in the future so who's going to buy that. Should I swap for 1oz bars, or even smaller? What do you own, if I may ask. Doesn't have to be specific just sizes

>> No.9874632

Why do you imagine a mad max scenario? You think we will be living in a fallout universe?

When the dollar collapses there's not going to be nukes going off. A new currency will take its place. You will take your dollars to the bank and be able to buy maybe 1 of this new currency. Whereas I will take my 10oz of gold and walk out with a wheelbarrow full of this new currency which I will use to buy lambos. We're all gonna make it one way or another.

>> No.9874753

Bitcoin isn't fungible.

>> No.9874857
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its more common than many elements

whoever learns to mine an asteroid will break the world economy overnight (at least the gold silver and platinum markets anyways)

theres more gold in one 2km wide Pt-group rich asteroid than there is proven gold on earth, in banks or in natural reserves
the trick is finding one full of whichever element you want, that you can lasso back to earth

its like playing texas hold em poker, everyone has $1 to $4 dollars each, and you suddenly have a couple million dollars

that or fusion power plants will be the next major technologies that truly changes the world

>> No.9875843

I thought I was going to make it, I left my job. I was so fucking arrogant and cocky, I told my mother I would finally be able to buy a house and help with everything, then it all came crashing down. FML

>> No.9875998

>Every single time.


>> No.9876029

Should have been obvious with that beak.

>> No.9876091

he wasn't, else he would have employed the right psychological hooks to get people to heed his warning
that guy is pure spite, you can tell from the way he expresses himself he's not fulfilled. probably someone who craves recognition and doesn't get enough of it

>> No.9876150

gold cannot be transferred between continents in a few minutes
gold is not protected in the case of a local collapse or asset seizure by corrupt government
you have an american-centric worldview and it prevents you from seeing the value of crypto
for people who grew up in the third-world, or in europe with their grandparents living WW2 and their parents fearing russian tanks until the 80s, with authoritarian socialist governments redistributing with heavy hands already, gold doesn't seem so safe

>> No.9876436

And bitcoin isn't a store of value and nobody buys shit with it

>> No.9876498

there are people buying stuff with bitcoin every single day
it says something about the weakness of your argument you have to deny easily proven facts to sustain your stance
now you're going to backpedal to "so few it's irrelevant", which is already heavy slippage from an absolute "nobody buys shit with it"

>> No.9876905

Gold bugs have the prepper mindset.

They're convinced that society is about to collapse in a very specific way and that by surrounding themselves with useless shit they can ensure their future in the post-apocalyptic world.
But here's the problem: it's all a fabrication. Civilisation will never tumble in on itself in the way they imagine, and even if it did they still wouldn't find a way to succeed. The reason people become preppers and gold bugs is because deep in their psychology they're looking for an escape. In real life they're losers who don't have money, status or power. But if the world collapses, and they prepare for it now then they might get a new chance at life. In the ashes of civilisation, they might finally be somebody.

Unfortunately for you faggots, the world doesn't work like that. In temporary natural disasters money still works fine (although everything will obviously cost more) and during long-term collapses of governments and economies people still don't buy milk with little gold coins. But keep telling yourselves that there'll be a massive solar flare, or Yellowstone will erupt, or that a meteor will hit the earth. Keep telling yourselves that your incredibly specific doomsday scenario will happen and that someday, you'll really matter.

>> No.9877260

You got sauce with your debunks anon?

>> No.9877265


That hit a little too close to home. Fuck you, Sir.

>> No.9877393



>> No.9877464


I literally own that

DGX Coin

>> No.9877602

Gold is dumb. Of course it's better than fiat but the problem is that if fiat is crumbling you might as well have guns and food. Nobody wants your gold in the fallout universe.

>> No.9877805

Just imagine all the normalfags that bought in when it was 18, 19, or 20k. Shit is sad.

>> No.9877950
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Sure we've seen BTC crashes before and it has recovered. Difference now is that there's BCH around. Question is on which fork bitcoin will recover.

>> No.9878099

>In real life they're losers who don't have money
Some seem to have money if they're buying physical gold and supplys.

>But keep telling yourselves that there'll be a massive solar flare, or Yellowstone will erupt, or that a meteor will hit the earth.
b-but that will uniornically happen at some point

>> No.9878112

good luck when the government decides to seize all the gold again

>> No.9878114
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I know that feel, friend... Being a RaiChad was so much fun

>> No.9878150

>muh stable value
If society collapest and you tried to offer me gold for food or ammo I'd laugh in your faggot face.

>> No.9878202

Why don't you retards understand that a currency collapsing does not automatically mean we will plunge into a fallout scenario?
It just means a new currency will take its place

>> No.9878716

At least he's never been wrong about gold & silver, right goys? I have learned to disregard this shitlord.