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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10097012 No.10097012[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

> jews routinely manipulate the economy for their own capital benefit
> you can unironically become jewish

why the fuck are you not a jew, biz?

>> No.10097039

Judaism is passed down through the mother.
You can convert to the religion, but you will never be one of them as far as true jews are concerned.
See Jerusalem's internment camps for examples of what I mean.

>> No.10097048

>op wants to be a jew
>gets gassed in the upcoming race war

>> No.10097061

if you dont have kike blood you arent considered one of the (((chosen people)))

>> No.10097089

God decides who his chosen people are. We new testament now. U mad jews?

>> No.10097111

Couldn't find anything

>> No.10097181


I have a distant relative who spent 40 years working in Hollywood and lied his whole way through he was Jewish. It’s not like they blood test you.

>> No.10097191

African Hebrew Israelites get routinely denied citizenship despite being jewish. I'm uncertain if they still get thrown in camps of if those are reseverd for palistinians these days, but I have memories of news articles on the matter.

>> No.10097268

I like my foreskin thanks

>> No.10097348

Me too <3

>> No.10097373
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ITT: Non-kikers in denial about jewish superiority

>> No.10097378

I really want to convert.

>> No.10097496

Not true at all.

>> No.10097508


>> No.10097531

Jewish Religion <> Jewish Ethnicity.

Jews are matriarchal. If you weren't born a Jew, you never will be one.

>> No.10097572
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Let's just say i live in a city.... and part of city that has many rich kikes
They are, what you hear about them. Some of their kike aurora has rubbed off on me, i try to keep it in check.

>> No.10097618

The only people who would say that are the ultra religious retards who don't have any real power.

>> No.10097785

Because I'm genetically Northern European. We have to defend ourselves, not encourage them.

>> No.10097794

mfw jewish princesses don't want my seed
All I want to do is burry my face in a slightly hairy jewish girl's ass. Is this too much to ask?

>> No.10097839
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Immigrated from ukraine to israel at 1990, my father is half jewish but my mom is full russian. Anyway relligion is retarted and im not considerd a jew here but who gives a fuck

>> No.10097912

Just get a heavy tan lol

>> No.10097949

they like dark skin? Doesn't that violate the torah?

>> No.10097982

Nah not really it's banter based on jewish brainwash backfiring on their own women since jewish girls outmarry at like 60%+, the first whore to fuck a nigger on film was a jewess and so on.
Normally jew girls are just at varying levels of brain damage causeed by their fucked up family and pseudoreligion that requires braindamage to follow.

>> No.10098051

damn, well I'm sure the holocaust didn't help Jewish men seem more attractive. Bailed out by Americhads

>> No.10098160

>not business
fuck off

>> No.10098216
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> manipulating the economy for your own capital benefit
> not business

kys non-kike

>> No.10098270

There's no such thing as Jewish ethnicity, it's completely made up

>> No.10098277

Oh my. She's very sexy.

>> No.10098317

> manipulating the economy for your own capital benefit
Lol sentiments like these are how humans managed to justify the Holocaust.
mfw humans can actually be stupid enough to not realize that any time there is a system with rules, people will try and twist these rules for their own benefit. From niggers on wellfare to 'wars on terror' this shit has existed for all of time

>> No.10098324

mfw brainlets actually hate the player and feel justified in doing so. why live

>> No.10098333
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Your time in the oven will come in our lifetime

>> No.10098335

that's /pol/ politics you fuck
this board is about making money

>> No.10098347

times like these I wish to have the fresh braps from a Jewish derriere gently blow over my face

>> No.10099084

not true, the converts are looked at very highly in judiasm,

>> No.10099135


I'd still gas you

>> No.10099212


This, usually if a guy comes around looking to convert, the rabbis tell them to fuck off, you have to keep pestering them and show commitment to learning the Torah to be accepted and doing that earns you props.

It’s one reason I’ve never been a big Jew hater, as an atheist at least Jews don’t come knocking on my door at 6am on a Saturday to proselytize or run at me with a machete for not obeying Allah. Christians and Muslims are very much a “my way or the highway” types, even the moderates.

>> No.10099279

i take great pleasure from outperforming most people without using any of the sociopathic tricks most people use
it's probably some way to cope with not actually being able to play the game at the highest level, but it works for me

>> No.10099320

killing people is also part of the game
you sound like a scrub t b h
wah wahhh people less intelligent but physically stronger use their advantage on me

>> No.10099556

Hi Schlomo.

>> No.10099828

>Jerusalem's internment camps
now changed to:
>I have memories of news articles on the matter.
hmm maybe you shouldn't be so confident with your memory :)

>> No.10099947

I'm not backtracking on Jerusalem having internment camps for undesirables. I just can't be assed to find the articles for you. Not particularily interested in Google thinking I'm antisemetic for looking them up either.