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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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10508102 No.10508102 [Reply] [Original]

>could have made $49k with WAN
>now selling for $9k

you can only post in this thread if your even more JUST than me

>> No.10508249

I bought raiblocks at 35$ with my biggest bag

>> No.10508295

fuck that sounds exactly the same as me

how many did you buy at ico?

>> No.10508310

could have made 275k with wan
now im not selling for 30k

>> No.10508752

that must hurt.

>> No.10508809


>> No.10508827

>get WAN at ICO
>learned from previous bull run, sold as price went up
>still put proceeds to alts or btc, only a few in fiat
>still get rekt

We need to reign in the greed bruvs

>> No.10508846

Bunch of clowns doing nothing but useless meetups.

>> No.10508872

>Have an absolutely massive WAN bag
>Too embarrassed to admit how much I've lost since peak
>I'm the guy that makes the WAN fud threads everyday because I need to cope
>I knew it was a complete scam yet I got too greedy and didnt sell any
>Mfw Close to suicide

>> No.10508880

2.0 is a complete joke as well. No ERC-20 integration.

Dustin's "secret project" is just a larp. Hes finished with Wanchain.

Jack admitted they have given up on POS and are waiting to copy ETH. This coin is the ultimate JUST. FUCK ME

>> No.10508885

you did buy at ico right anon?


>I'm the guy that makes the WAN fud threads everyday because I need to cope

you cunt. kek

>> No.10508899

Yes of course I bought at ICO via syndicate. Still seriously considering necking myself.

>> No.10508905


not selling though....gonna ride this train to 0 if i have to

nice to meet another JUSTee like myself

>> No.10508947

I'm too much of a brainlet to sell but its definitely going to zero.

It's unironically nothing more than copied eth code and all they do is have community meetups. Even the admins in Telegram are coping hard.

>> No.10508984

>literally fell for a chink scam
>was too stupid to sell when greater fools offered me a 20x return
>now i have to settle for 3x return

dont know how im going to cope with this one for the rest of my days lads

>> No.10508991

>started trading since late 2016
>could have made literally millions through 2017
>the entire 'crypto boom' I was holding STRATIS, which fucking sucked through all year and I ended up selling at a loss.
>literally every other blockfolio holding ven, xrp, xrb, trx, ada, xvg, eth, xlm, basically anything else, was thriving.

>> No.10509007

yeah same thoughts.

2.0 is a fucking joke.

ever tried to do a "private transaction"? TOP MOTHERFUCKING KEK

send wan private to another wallet
>because muh privacy

oh you need WAN on your new wallet to withdraw from the OTA


>> No.10509017

There are also no private weth transactions.

>> No.10509059

"Greatest wealth transfer of our time" indeed.
Just imagine how much money got siphoned from the western wagecucks to the pockets of Chinese scammers.
Not just with this shitcoin, but most crypto projects in general.

The worst part is that you will have to continue to wagecuck for decades. You will work for the children of the Chinese scammers who made it thanks to your money. They will move to your country and buy real estate with your cash. You will pay them rent and work until your hair is gray and your knees are stiff. Until you forget the last time you wake up without a thought about ending it all.

This is really fucked up.

>> No.10509093

i dont want to live in a world of chinks.

>> No.10509368

yep, just dumped. only 3x'ed my initial investment. oh well. lesson learned i guess.

>> No.10509416

Bought icx at $12. Went all in.

>20k to 2k when i sold.

JUST fucking end it already. That was all the money I had saved up too. For a second there I actually thought I was gonna make it, but I think deep down i knew I was gonna lose all my money.

>> No.10509441

Not if I neck myself first

>> No.10509495

>Could have made $66,000 with ELIX
>It's now worth less than $3,000
>Final product release is in 10 days
Fuck me.

>> No.10509598

At least you got in. I missed out on the ico by a technicality, im still fucking pissed off about it.