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10542496 No.10542496 [Reply] [Original]

Guys what does it feel like? Please tell me I have to know. I've tried everything from a hollowed out banana peel with ductape wrapped around it put into the microwave.

I've stolen the soap dispensers from work and taken them home cut it open and put it inside the plastic bag only to sting the tip of my penis.

I've tried the vaccum cleaner only to have it cut the side of my sack and began to bleed out.

I carved out a watermelon as well and after I stuck it in found out I had a skin allergic reaction to the watermelon which resulted in a very irritated skin rash. I've tried it all.

Please guys I really need to know what does sex feel like. I'm so depressed and riddled with social anxiety that I can't talk to women in real life and am still a Virgin at the age of 25. I really need to know guys. I'm scared to try a hooker because I've heard you can get aids with stds and end up paralysed.

Can someone here please tell me what sex feels like and is it worth it? I really need to know

>> No.10542509

bags of sand

>> No.10542514

Sex is great anon, sorry your life fucking blows.

>> No.10542532

Real answer: bags of sand.

Also for all my horny biz bros, hollow out a cucumber with a butter knife, run warm water through it before using. Feels like a real blowjob. Actually feels better than real blowjobs (but you won’t know that if you’ve never gotten one).

>> No.10542573

No bullshit last time I saw my girlfriend (2 weeks ago) we sat in a park in central london making out on a barely secluded bench. She got too hot and kept asking to suck my dick. I was nervous because I thought I had deathgrip so I wouldn't be able to nut so I kept putting it off. Then she sat on my lap and kept grinding back and forth and looking back and telling me "she wants it". That was too much, seeing her ass grind back and forth over my erect penis in my jeans. We went behind the closed changing rooms of the croquet pitch we were sat on (closed because its the weekend), checked that there wasn't another entrance, and then I pulled down my trousers and told her to suck on it. She did. After a couple minutes I got her up against the wall and we started jerking eachother off. Then I pulled her trousers down and tried to pull her panties down but she said "no put them to the side", then asked about 5-6 times "do you think somebody will see" then I said idgaf and started fucking her standing up while she was bent over, her shoulder hitting the wall with each stroke as she put her head around to see nobody was coming. It felt so good I had to pull out and cum in like 30-60 seconds. We think some went inside her so she had to take the morning after pill, but totally worth it

I'm seeing her again tomorrow, but she can come to my place this time. Gonna be great.

>> No.10542583

Literally buy a fucking hooker. It REALLY cannot be that hard to save up 200. You have to wear a condom, but better than fucking an apple pie raw. I honestly don't understand why wizards exist when prostitution is a real thing.

>> No.10542588
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It's all overrated but Blowjob > sex
Less sweaty, less effort and feels basically just as nice.
>tfw last gf barely sucked my dick but the new one is a semen demon

>> No.10542600

That was a great thread.

>> No.10542601

Pay and quit whining.

>> No.10542604

Also, if feels like two thick bologna slices squeezed together that constantly retains moisture.

>> No.10542628

Its tiring, messy, there are fluids everywhere. When you cum it can be like taking a big hit of ketamine (i get high for around a minute or 2 after I cum from sex), and you feel great for the rest of the day. Like you've accomplished something.
It can also be kind of meh.
Best thing is when you both cum at the same time. It can feel like the person you are with somehow spiritually bonded with you during the sex and you both achieve a higher level of love by having an orgasm together.

>> No.10542630

Since when white males fail so much at everything? Und who is responsible for this ?

>> No.10542636

Its aight. Theres too much hype around it and it takes way longer than masturbating. This one chick used to tease me by riding me so that only the tip would be in and the she'd quickly go down, fucking felt great. When a girl cums on you also feels really great. Too bad I have anger issues which eventually leads them to dump me. I miss the warmth of sex now and then.

>> No.10542642

>tfw 28yo touchless virgin

Its the jews fault I‘m a virgin

>> No.10542663

>I am still a virgin at 25
cry me a fucking river, I will be 27 next month and I never even kissed a girl or held hands with one.

>> No.10542680


>> No.10542695

Suicide feels better than sex anyway though, you should try it faggot.

>> No.10542698

This describes it perfectly. Sex with the right person who is on the same mission as you is key. Great sex dissolves barriers and renews vitality.

>> No.10542701

No its not. Its your parents fault for having you despite their shitty genes. Uggo parents should honestly just adopt or get a dog

>> No.10542705

Lol imagine being a virgin past the age pf 21 when tinder exist

>> No.10542709

I have good genes

>> No.10542711

i typed out so much and nobody even said it was hot

>> No.10542720

lol no, my life does not revolve around a moist hole on someone with XX chromosome. There is good time for everything. Gotta thank the jews for drilling into your head that no sex = you're worthless. maybe because you are.

>> No.10542723

get a pocket pussy

>> No.10542729

why read some wall of text when there is porn on internet everywhere?

>> No.10542731

This isin't a sex blog you fucking mongrel. Get AIDS and die with your ugly girlfriend who probably has a dick bigger than yours.

>> No.10542737

If you did a woman would have found you desirable by now.

>> No.10542753

they are a pain in the ass to clean

How would I know?
I never even talked to one

>> No.10542763

Autism and social anxiety are genetic.

>> No.10542766

porn is toxic
stop being a downer just kill yourself already

>> No.10542773

You've never had sex or a blowjob...

>> No.10542809

All my cousins and males in general in my family are chads

even softcore stuff with no dicks?

>> No.10542858

i think so
no dicks means there's still pussy and tits
which means you're still getting the instant gratification of a woman's genitals without earning it

>> No.10542884

Same, I'm a skinny autist with narrow shoulders and weak facial features, while the males on my dad's side are like 6'1" at least (I'm 5'10") with broad shoulders and non-autistic. Even my half Indian cousin has a Chad tier face and muscles (though he's the same height as me). It's fucked.

>> No.10542903

But if you have the chad look it shouldn't matter even if you have autism.

>> No.10542962

Someone hit us with the pool cleaner pasta

>> No.10542976

kindly requesting this too

>> No.10542977

If you are over 20 and never had sex with a girl almost certain means you are homosexual so go and find some cute male and offer to suck his dick later let him penetrate your anus you will find heavens

>> No.10542988

Lol I literally have chicks begging me to fuck them I have fucked so many chicks I just stopped keeping a list

>> No.10543009

This is true. Girls will actively go up to Chads or constantly get closer so that chad can initiate a convo. Ive seen grils start giggling and pretend to try to get guys attention that they find attractive.

>> No.10543033

I've fucked over 100 women in my life I would honestly kys myself if I was a virgin at 25 thats so pathetic

>> No.10543048

it's really not that incredible

you end up using a woman to jerk off basically
feels warm and all but it really isn't that much of a big deal

first time is amazing though, like the first time you're kissing a girl and you're in your head saying "damn this is actually happening", after that it becomes kinda addictive and eventually you get bored and back to trading shitcoins, at least that's my experience

23, been fucking since I'm 18, had my chance to lose my virginity when I was 14 but I was too much of a beta and didnt do it because I was in love with her best friend :/

anyway, chill man, maybe considering your age you might want to get a hooker so you get that off your chest and move on with your life

>> No.10543301

Are you just not trying? You have to literally fail and keeping failing, but I find it hard to believe not a single warm hole on the planet won't let you fuck it. Whether or not these things should matter they do so shower daily, wear some cologne and nicer clothes, get a haircut. Obviously being Chad would be nice, but women do notice effort and being consistent even if you are ugly as fuck. Some of the best sex I've had was with my last GF on like a random Tuesday morning we both had off of work. Its better when you fuck someone frequently in a monogamous relationship imo. Women like to please so they will learn what you want if you are vocal and often try just about anything.

>> No.10543505

feel the inside of your cheek with your finger. now imagine that around your dick, only juicier.

>> No.10543819

>30-60 seconds
>2 weeks later
Sounds about right