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File: 47 KB, 640x646, W3UylOfU1VjlfvELvtP1Ytd9MW-3aAgjMjABnkJu3No.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10617167 No.10617167 [Reply] [Original]

I want a family of my own. I am 30 years old so I am limited to single mothers. The only option is to become a beta provider for a post wall hag. The problem is that they all make more money than me. And they wont settle for anyone making less. How do I make more money?

>> No.10617177

Move to a non-cucked country faggot.

>> No.10617219

Why would you want to be with someone you hate? You'll only make yourself and her unhappy. Accept you're fucked up and go live your sad life alone.

>> No.10617221

Is that what you did?

>> No.10617233

>be a wife with a beautiful life
>be full of trash tattoos

pick one LOL

>> No.10617357

Easy mode OP
Larp as a richfag, meme some "inheritance" , inspect element bank account.
When she jumps in and is really making more than you, then congrats you are making a profit.
It only depends if money is worth living with a used up roastie.
I'd rather be poor desu

>> No.10617379

20 year old asian women

>> No.10617396


You wut m8, just get a 19-22 chick, single mothers are not for anything more than pump and dump.

>> No.10617424

Get rich and genetically clone yourself you faggot

>> No.10617445

The same "shitskin" people that /pol/ smears have the women that they dream marrying.

>> No.10617573

Get a young chick doofus. Don't date single mothers. To much baggage, you won't be able to discipline the kid(s) properply, and you'll be angry about the fuck party she was having while you were making something of yourself. Get a young one and you both can grow together.

>> No.10617602

I accepted this a while ago. Take the mexican pill and stop being racist. White girls are kinda shit tier imo

>> No.10617630

government statistics disagree with you, but i guess /pol/ controls the white house or some shit because muh white privilege

>> No.10617676

The sole fact you're considering this already shows you are a beta cuck.
To be successful with women you shouldn't be really placing women as the goal of your life but rather you being the prize to be sought after.
How to do that? Prove that you have options other women will jealously compete for.

>> No.10617695

Mexican girls are awesome. No shame there. Usually down to earth and just want a provider. You'll still have to sift through alot, but your chances of fimding a good one are better with second gen minorities.

>> No.10617790

>I want a family of my own. I am 30 years old so I am limited to single mothers. The only option is to become a beta provider for a post wall hag. The problem is that they all make more money than me. And they wont settle for anyone making less. How do I make more money?

Start making more money , improve yourself(Get /fit for example) and than get a 20 yo qt instead of a roastie.

>> No.10617805

do you know how immature u sound this is why a girl wants no part of u not how much you make

>> No.10618266
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I just want a wife and children...

>> No.10618310

Ah another incel virgin thread

Also love the replies from obese beta nerds who think they are gods gift to women

Honey, you post on an anime forum..

>> No.10618328

Not true bro! My girlfriends sister who's a year younger than us (at the time, she was 24) was dating a 36 year old dude. They're not together anymore but I've known plenty of dudes in their 30's with girls in their 20's. A lot of girls these days have this delusion in their mind that they're so much more mature and put together than her peers, play into that anon

>> No.10618332

we all do anon.. we all do

>> No.10618374

my plan 100%

>> No.10618440

>only had two abortions, so the uterus should be good to go.

>> No.10618458

No we don't. Everyone is dead due heat death of the universe so why bother.

>> No.10618461

Ignore those women and search for better deals

>> No.10618477

what a brainlet logic

>> No.10618722

Damn, I was hoping the cat would scratch the little bitch

>> No.10618759


You can have that.

A GOOD wife however..

>> No.10618768

I hate women.

>> No.10618830

You are a retard if you think your income is important for women when she earns good money. Then literally the only thing they need is sex and fulfilling their emotional needs. If you manage that it is comfortable. Only your ego and lack of real world experience holding you back.

>> No.10619406

Convert to Islam and get a qt wife.

>> No.10619643

A little young to be having children but whatever floats your boat

>> No.10619679
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>Giving in on the cusp of the game changing year

After 30, roasties are going to be desperate to find a partner and the more time goes on, the more the odds are in your favour. In fact, you can even tell them to fuck off because they ignored you in your youth and they will just have to take it.

>> No.10619686

>A lot of girls these days have this delusion in their mind that they're so much more mature and put together than her peers, play into that anon
Holy shit, I've never consciously realized that before. It makes so much sense. Thank you anon, I've actually learned something from you today. It funny, all these broken girls with daddy issues who date older men delude themselves into thinking their so mature and adultlike, when they're really just a broken mess trying to fill the void in their lifes.

>> No.10619704
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>crazy shit when i was young
>now all i want is to be a wife and make babies

too bad roastie whore you fucked up now live with the consequences. no man should touch a girl like this, absolute degenerate. She spends over a decade debasing herself and getting covered in tattoos and cum and now she wants some beta to be her piggybank? fuck off, seriously KYS

>> No.10619745

lol what? Latino women are second behind black women at being the fattest racial groups in the country (82% obese or overweight black, 77.2% latino), good luck with those piggies I guess, personally I will be going for an asian as they have less chance of becoming a whale in the future.

>> No.10619779

>limited to single mothers at 30

Doing it wrong OP. Plus there are plenty of women in their late 20s getting to 30 who are childless.

Even dating sites which were a single mother wasteland a couple of years ago but that seems to have changed as they have become more mainstream and more people use them.

>> No.10619796

>he fell for the "have children before making it" jew
Not gonna make it.

>> No.10619891

There aren't any left. Everywhere on earth has been infected with cancerous degeneracy from Murrica. Everywhere, even Saudi Arabia or China or Mongolia. Fuck you Americans, when will you fuckers kill yourselves for Israel

>> No.10619974

what about men who don't settle down? how is an MGTOW or PUA(lol) any better than le roastie slut? They are two sides of the same degenerate culture.

If you're a pathetic nerd beta incel you are literally part of the problem, it isn't like you deserve a fucking girlfriend either, much less one who also happens to be a decent human being

>> No.10620043
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>pathetic nerd beta incel
at least I'm already used to the loneliness. I'd have probably fallen for the trap if some roastie came in to my life when I was 20 years old thought.

>> No.10620115

>zero relationship experience
>believing that you have actually acquired valuable information about relationships because you read 4chan

>> No.10620131


>> No.10620139

>I am limited to single mothers.
I can't imagine having this little respect for myself, Christ almighty.

>> No.10620181

This post is correct. (Some) Men age like wine, women all age like milk.

>> No.10620204

any girl above 30 is either
>loose from fucking 100 guys
>loose from pushing a human out of her cunt

>> No.10620205


Checked and Kek'ed

>> No.10620213
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I'd take a qt virgin gf, but based on evidence on chans I will pass the whores (non-virgins) hard.

>> No.10620259

As a man you should be peaking in your 30s. If you are broke at 30 you are a loser and do not deserve to procreate. If you stay fit and have money you should be nailing hordes of 25 year old women. Getting married before 35 is a meme.

>> No.10620360
File: 729 KB, 600x588, roastie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

men and women, for better or worse, don't follow the same standards when it comes to sexuality and promiscuity.

One of the main reasons is that a woman can become pregnant during sex, and then carries a child in her body for 9 months, whereas a man does not have to deal with this and can create exponentially more children than a woman can.

It has also been phsycologically studied and proven that promiscuity in women leads to detatchment in emotion when it comes to relationship, meaning they are less invested in a marriage if they've slept around a lot earlier in life, whereas if you were to find a virgin (or a girl with an extremely low n-count, maybe one or two relationships in life) they're much more devoted to making a relationship work and less likely to cheat or file for divorce.

Anyway I don't really disagree with you, manwhoring is a thing, and it can be degenerate as well, but unfortunately for women there's a stronger stigma (and for possible good reason as I said) against them behaving that way.

personally I think PUA shit is retarded but I can understand how some men treat it like a "strategy game" or some such. MGTOW can be a valid lifestyle but ONLY if the man is actually capable of acquiring sex on demand. If a guy calls himself "MGTOW" but he's an incel who actually really wants to be having sex, then he's not actually an MGTOW, he's just using it as a cover for his failure as a man.

Nerd beta incels are pathetic I agree but I can't fault them for not wanting to hook up with these 30 y/o worn out roastie whores either, and if that's the world we're living in where one of these women goes out and rides the cock carousel all through her prime years only to expect to be able to settle down with some autistic beta who spent his life getting an education and acquiring autistic money-making skills then it needs to burnt down and rebuilt from the ground up; we've got a serious probelm.

>> No.10620504

The fact that you actually believe a virgin is less likely to become disillusioned with and dump your sad ass is a true testament to your naivety.

>> No.10620523


>> No.10620553

I'm not saying anyone should "settle down" with an old roastie, but how many of the guys here could actually even meet that cucked beta criteria, ie, have an actual income, enough to offer stability and security?

Also, is it really that hard to fathom that a girl who has slept with a few people and had breakups might have actually fucking learned something that makes them a better partner? Jesus Christ dudes, get a fucking grip on yourself and maybe you will get a girlfriend, but these tired fucking memes about no woman being good enough for you despite the fact that you are an internet addict + all associated characteristics is a fucking joke

>> No.10620574

>second behind black women at being the fattest racial groups in the country
>in the country
that is your problem

>> No.10620578

kys race traitor

>> No.10620594

race traitor

>> No.10620602

Just date some 20 year old you faggot, why would you willingly become a cuck

>> No.10620605

don't bother, there is no hope for some

>> No.10620609

it's even worse in Mexico dude, you could go to like Spain or something I guess.

>> No.10620620
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>> No.10620624

I want kids, women after the age of 30 have higher odds of having kids with genetic diseases and disabilities, why would I want to risk that?

>> No.10620635

you'll grow out of being 17, anon. we all did

>> No.10620684

I thought that by Mexican you are referring to Latinas

>> No.10620709

>I am 30 years old so I am limited to single mothers.
Fucking dumbass find a cute 21yo and plant your seed inside her.

>> No.10620717

>sour grapes, the post
31 yo neet happy with 19 yo gf here
we were virgins before each other, we grew with each other
there's absolutely no reason you'd need several partners to learn relationship stuff, if anything all data shows monogamous people have stronger, longer-lasting relationships than promiscuous people
whatever, feel free to date women who experimented getting gangbanged and sucking strangers in toilet stalls and learned something ("i don't want to do that stuff anymore i'll be a cute wife now") all you want, i'll be over there happy with a woman who shares my entire sexual history

>> No.10620779

where you met her

>> No.10620781

The only problem with this is that girls that young are fucking unbearable to be around.

>> No.10620799

this lol. No man worth his salt is going to marry some gutter rat covered in tattoos. That bitch is a fucking LIABILITY. She is a ticking time-bomb, just waiting to go off at the drop of the hat and decide she's not happy and wants a divorce, and then suddenly you're stuck paying child support.

>> No.10620862


>> No.10620867

unironically blog comments

>> No.10620915

Dude 30 is prime male years. That is when men are MOST attractive. Just go find you some younger girls around 25 that are actually serious about a relationship but not old too old where they would be having a first child.

>> No.10620931

not really, china,south east and slavic states still treat good providers as gods. you can even find attractive single women there. Middle east yes you're right mostly but UAE,Iran,morocco go against the grain here

>> No.10620939

What about 18 year olds, can I get those?

>> No.10620945


>> No.10620948

me on her lap

>> No.10620966

Should have killed yourself 1 second after you came out the womb, retarded faggot

>> No.10620976

of course you can. 18 year old girls throw themselves at 25+ year old guys especially if you have money. The only problem is you won't have anytrhing in common with her and she will be extremely immature about the relationship. Just think about it. 3 yeas ago she was only 15. We all know how cringe we were at that age.

>> No.10620990

I don't care about the relationship I just want to lure her into my dungeon

>> No.10620993


>> No.10620996

>The problem is that they all make more money than me
So much disdain for people who are more successful than you, anon. You're not gonna make it.

>> No.10620997


>> No.10621013

>that generation of roasties that isn't able to settle for betabux because betas go for almost-prime young adult pussy
can't wait to see their misery

>> No.10621058

I'm pretty sure most betabux guys will cave because they don't have the willpower or conviction to hold out.

>> No.10621100

>don't have the willpower or conviction to hold out
this makes them more susceptible to cuck-shaming. Threads about Rory being a cuck where vicious.

>> No.10621123

Good chance of major hypocrisy then.
Also checked.

>> No.10621124

lol this is me

my gf is latina and knows i voted trump, but doesn't even care

>> No.10621141

>Gen Z girls will fuck me!
lmao no they'll fuck the hotter guys in your generation and the hotter+average guys in their generation. That's how it's always worked.

>> No.10621341

>Be Moroccan 17 yrs old, highscool
>have cute gf who had 3 boyfriends before me
>just one kiss
>her friend wears hijab and never had a bf and has a crush on me
>break up with gf and move on and keep talking to the conservative friend
>be 23 yrs old, she still has never even kissed a guy, she's a good friend now
>she has great grades but works as a caretaker of retarded babies
>they die everytime and she cries herself to sleep
>wtf her job is super hard
>she tells me she had a crush on me and wants me to marry her
>I'm a libcuck and tells her I'll never marry etc
>lose contact
>get redpilled about the kikes and degeneracy
>fuck hookers because still virgin autist
>somehow get back with cute gf from when I was 17
>she has a lot more experience than me now
>somehow fall in love with her
>wish I married the conservative girl (who's really beautiful by the way)
>cucked by life and love my gf too much to break up, plus she lets me fuck her ass and gives great blowjobs
>thanks murica and kikes for bluepilling even muslim morocco
No one is safe brother

>> No.10621392

you're idealizing what you didn't get. the "trad" girl probably would not work out that well for you.

be glad your girlfriend is actually attracted to you and you to her. that's a lot to ask for in a world where 80% of men are deemed below average (read: not attractive) by the average woman. Only if you have a dead bedroom or semidead bedroom situation should you be insecure or concerned about your girlfriend having more sexual experience than you, because then she likely just settled because you were comfortable and safe. Luckily this isn't the case for you.

>> No.10621412

>too stupid to avoid danger he hasn't personally experienced

>> No.10621480

get yourself a hot 22 year old you fucking loser. If you're broke save up money and build your net worth.

>> No.10621495


You talk like anything changes over the next 15 years.

>> No.10621496
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yup, there's no hope for these guys.

>knows driving car into concrete wall is bad
>decides to test it by driving car into concrete wall

literal fucking brainlets on here, this entire thread is full of ROASTIE COPE its hilarious. They all belong in work camps.

>> No.10621512

>they die every time

>> No.10621531

Lol, if child support is the worse that happens, consider yourself a lucky man. I've seen men lose their houses and eventually be thrown in jail because they couldn't afford (((alimony))).

>> No.10621580

The thing with you incels is that you blame grills for beeing a slut in their prime but you would exactly do the same if not even more extrem when you would be in their position or a "chad"- But you are all sperg autist vidya and BLACKED addicts with no personality whatsoever

>> No.10621614

Except, ive turned down multiple fucks by roasties because im not a thirsty incel beta like you who'd fuck everyone who offers

>> No.10621631

you're delusional and projecting
>if you have had more than one partner you are not monogamous
>not being monogamous = sucking randoms off in bathroom stalls

>> No.10621647

>browses 4chan
>turned down multiple fucks by roasties
that happened

>> No.10621726

I dated many Latina girls. A LOT of them are conservative as fuck (Mostly because of high rates of being Catholic).

One specific Latina girl (From Ecuador) basically said what every common sense person says; "My parents worked hard and waited for their opportunity to immigrate to America. It took them 10 years and they brought us here legally and correctly. Why should someone that cheats the system be allowed to be here? It isn't fair to the immigrants that do it right."

Paraphrasing, clearly, but LOTS of immigrants feel this way.

>> No.10621742

I do this, sleeping with girls your not attracted too isn’t good, takes away from the experience when your with a girl you like or are into

I just get them to suck my dick sometimes, but i’m Insecure cause i’m Not fucking girls regularly or get girls much at all

I’m 24 had 2 2-4 month relationships and slept with 13 girls but it’s around 18-22 if you include just bj’s or them getting you off

I’m actually really insecure because I havn’t had a long term gf and don’t see girls that much. My friends talk about how they’re seeing one girl and fucking anouther one in the side and stuff like that..
I just want to date a cute lesbian couple, but it’s just a fantasy, :(

>> No.10621789

I know someone who met a woman with tats. She seemed okay from the outside. Long story short she was off the fucking rails crazy when night time hit and would start all kinds of fucking arguments for the sake of it. It ended up getting pretty bad.

>> No.10621840
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Skip the bullshit, don't settle for some western roastie with kids and just find a wife in asia.

Why is that so hard for normalfags on here to understand? You can literally skip the games and BS and just find a cute asian wife that hasn't been raised in a toxic western environment.

>> No.10621871

>asian wife
Absolutely disgusting. Never understood the appeal of chinks.

>> No.10621878

thanks /biz/, just bought 100k kots.

>> No.10622023

And that's why you're doomed to fail. For having supremely shit taste.

>> No.10622041

>into asians
>accusing others of having supremely shit taste
Literally lol

>> No.10622052
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You got a lot to learn kiddo. Heh, spend more than a day on the chans and you'll find the truth.

>> No.10622068

I have the same problem as you being 28 and not really having a career established just a McJob. The chicks I do bang now tend to be single mothers or asian fobs. The asians fobs are nice and good to fuck but I don't want to racemix so having a serious relationship is a no-no. It's tough dilemma

>> No.10622184

>race mixing
kys degenerate

>> No.10622188

Yep, don't know what it is, but batshit crazy poverty girls love tattoos for some reason. I'm just glad that they choose to self-identify by wearing those tattoos.

>> No.10622387

Too real.

>> No.10622406

>chans is real life
keep fapping to animu, maybe one day a chink will give you the eye. Yes your taste is shit tier

>> No.10622417
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Hits right in the feels how true this is nowadays

>> No.10622430
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The anons who replied to you are 18yo virgin losers who have never traveled the world, let alone left their mother's basement.

I taught english in Japan as an Eikaiwa monkey for a year, best year of my life. Japan 1000x better than America. No fat people, no degeneracy, no nig-nogs, the food isn't poison, crime is practically non-existent (there was only 1 fatal shooting out of the entire year of 2015). I could NEVER raise a family in America after seeing what a country should act like. You won't go bankrupt visiting the hospital either, I broke my ankle into 7 fucking pieces after trying to jump a ravine in Mount Haku, the hospital visit was literally FREE, would have cost me thousands in Freedomland.
Also I'm treated like a God here, usually once a week I'm stopped on the street just so they can take a picture of me (I'm a /fit/ white male).

Let the /pol/ retards marry their overweight white trash, I've taken the yellow pill. Shit, I typed that entire paragraph and haven't even begun discussing how much better Japanese women are than white roasties.

>> No.10622473

how many japanese qts have you banged?

>> No.10622505
File: 60 KB, 409x409, 1513216855514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there will be always flood of beta providers

>> No.10622516

I'm so jealous of you. How long does it take to learn Japanese, and what do you have to do to apply? I'm not even a weeaboo, but from what I have seen on youtube video blogs, Japan is such a nice place.

>> No.10622555

Aren't the japaniese basically horrible to each other? What white male go through with roasties, Japaniese males go through with their females.

>> No.10622595

>Slavic states
You remind me of someone I know. Tell me, have you ever been to the Netherlands?

>> No.10622683

I don't know. Is divorce even a thing in Japan?

>> No.10622720

buy holo and relax

>> No.10622723
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Only 3, if I wanted to go full chad and fuck a different girl every week I could have but it didn't turn out that way. I think the first two were only interested in me because I was white, they knew a good amount of english too. The third turned into my long-term gf while I was down there, she was the sweetest thing. The only thing about Japanese women I hate is their teeth. Seriously, like half of them have fucked up crooked teeth. If the only reason you want to come here is for the women I wouldn't bother, if you struggle in America you'll struggle here as well. I won't lie, I was sick of putting up with white roasties, I doubt I could ever date white women again.

Learning Japanese isn't hard, it's really fucking easy. I recommend watching Namasensei, he taught me hiragana and katakana in about 2 months. If I wasn't a lazy ass I could have learned both in under a month. I plan on going back to school to earn my Master's in education so I can teach as a homeroom teacher, I was only earning about $2,000 a month in the Eikaiwa progam, I'd earn double that with a Master's.

Men in Japan tend to be more passive, and it's common for the woman to spend all the money the man makes. I never had that problem, 100% sure it only happens to betas who let women walk over them, no different than in America.

>> No.10622762

So I need at least some kind of degree in Education? Got ya. I'm taking Comp Sci right now, I imagine they're not going to just accept some random guy like me just because I say "I really want to live in Japan!"

Isn't kanji really hard to learn? How much did you have to learn and use while in Japan?

>> No.10622786

Marriage is normalised around the concept of being horrible to each other last I heard. Marriage in Japan is basically a sham for raising children. No emotional connection, or very little.

>> No.10622816

>I doubt I could ever date white women again.
I know this feel after being with my Korean gf. White bitches literally cannot compete.

>> No.10622845
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If you want to join the JET program or Eikawa program all you need is a bachelor's degree, doesn't matter what it's in. Kanji was a bit of a bitch, and I still barely know any to be honest. I maybe know 500-800 kanji? I used Anki flashcards, go to /jp/ and look for the learning japanese thread, they'll hook you up. You're supposed to know the basic 2000 kanji to be able to read most things without trouble. I was in Tokyo and a good portion of everything was in katakana, which means I could get by barely knowing kanji. If you truly want to teach or move to Japan you can, it's not at all hard. I only did the Eikawa program for 8 months to see if I enjoyed being there/teaching, after seeing what it was I plan on making it my permanent job.

>> No.10622871

Good to know, thanks. I agree, America is barely even a second-world country at this point. Japan just looks so nice by comparison.

>> No.10623513

This. I want to go to Saudi Arabia or Iran where women aren't (((liberated)))

>> No.10623547

I hear you man, I'd like to have girls just suck my dick but I'm embarrassed about it. I'm only about 7 and a half inches which is small I know.

>> No.10623617

It’s in your head, girls who give you shit for that are usually fat and bitch about everything

I’vr Seen smaller then 7inches on porn and thry’re doing it on camera,

>> No.10623690

not everyone is a degenerate autist here.

Had sex with first girl at 15. Prime pussy / gf throughout college, and took a step back now between 24/27 to make serious cash.

Soon will be loaded as fuck and start focusing on game again.

>> No.10624104

>30 year old successful male
>limited options

Pick one idiot. 30 is your prime

Fucking sadkunt

>> No.10624213
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>I am 30 years old so I am limited to single mothers

With that attitude, yeah. You can be a beta male orbiter/feeding trough if you want to be, there is no question that the world needs men like this to help the species keep going by taking on some of the burdens of child care. But I think that if you want more from life, you need to admit to yourself that that is bullshit, and that you can get a non-used up thot if you become a person with real human value, a real human bean, and you're lucky enough to meet the right girl for you.

>> No.10625151

It’s factually correct u cunt

>> No.10625828

>Eikaiwa progam
>english teacher
you fuckers are the scum of the earth
I actually have dual citizenship with an Asian country and by god I will do everything I can to bribe politicians to regulate work visas and make it almost impossible for you fuckers to stay here. I will seriously engineer psyops to further promote negative public perception towards expats in the near future. It feels so good my country's politicians still have in-group preferences.