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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10725208 No.10725208 [Reply] [Original]

I am a minority stake owner in a website that will be worth about $100,000,000 in 12 months. It has an app that is 95% finished and the website is already operating.

It isn’t called VoiceAnything.com

It is the rival and alternative to Facebook.

Currently the company is valued at $1,000,000 because it is fully monetized. With the completion of the app it will be worth $5,000,000 and will be released to all the right wing normies who hate Facebook with all their guts. It will have a user base of about 10,000,000 in the next few months.

If you want to invest nows your chance.

Current ask is $250,000 for 10 - 15 % stake. Negotiable.

Open to negotiation.

>> No.10725215

*It is called voiceanything.com

>> No.10725340

It's going to fail. That name is shit.

>> No.10725354

>random unknown social media site
no thanks
you missed the social media boat
move on

>> No.10725391

(((Gabbai))) and it hasn’t failed. Kek I wil also mention we have another investor who is bringing in 500,000 - 1,000,000 users for 10%.

And it will be rewritten with blockchain code.

>> No.10725432

Why would you sell $10MM for $250K?

>> No.10725892

We desperately need servers to handle the ddoss attacks and new load until it’s rewritten in blockchain

>> No.10725921
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>rewritten in blockchain

>> No.10725935

for that reason, i'm out

>> No.10725960

>we have another investor who is bringing in 500,000 - 1,000,000 users for 10%
i-is he not also contributing money or tech? a bunch of users is kinda pointless, youd be better off with a slow trickle while a/b testing.

>We desperately need servers to handle the ddoss attacks
Why not just use existing anti-ddos services?

>> No.10725975

LMFAO are you for real?


Fucking seriously?

>> No.10725980
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Can I 1% for free? I'll ask sajeesh and the boys to larp and shill daily for less than the toilet paper it costs to wipe the seat you sit on :^)

>> No.10725990

stopped reading at Blockchain, I am in

>> No.10726028

Decentralized, immutable code is the only platform forward.

>> No.10726076

Congratulations, you picked off the worst board to pull your scam

>> No.10726078

so is the idea a platform for users to "voice anything" they want without being censored? and blockchain comes in because its an immutable ledger so whatever users submit cannot be erased?

>> No.10726124

Highly doubt that 100m in 12 months lmao
Right wing hate social media?are u retarded? They run social media these days. In 12 months they will own twitter and facebook. They dont need ur shit website.

>> No.10726149

Sir buy voiceganesha.com sir
No scam

>> No.10726193

>Current ask is $250,000 for 10 - 15 % stake. Negotiable.

What the fuck is this shark tank. Well I'm mark god damnd Cuban, and I'm fucking out.

>> No.10726222

the font isn't even centered. lmao. that shit isn't even worth to pay the hosting fees . kys

>> No.10726273

Right wing hate Facebook retard. It’s already gaining users.

Nice try schlomo

>> No.10726282

It markets itself. What does this website let you do? Voice your opinion without censorship unlike kikebook

>> No.10726300

This is biz of course it’s fucking shark tank. Cubes go hang with killary you faggot

>> No.10726301


>> No.10726314


Kek the intelligence shills are strony against this happening lol

>> No.10726350

>Website and hosting services now offored

>> No.10726381

dont make disparaging remarks about his ponzi scheme anon

>> No.10726412

Seems legit, I'm in. One question though, are you Chinese?

>> No.10726451

that shit wont fly here. Do an ico retard, maybe then you'll get some attention from the autists here

>> No.10726481

Thanks just bought 100k Facebook stock

>> No.10726499


the average /biz/ user. Remember that.

>> No.10726525

I would rather buy bitcoin at 20k

>> No.10726539


>> No.10726605

How is it going to revolutionize the social media world? I.E. would Facebook feel the need to throw hundreds of millions at you to acquire your business?

>> No.10726625

It's because their shitty website is built in dinosaur PHP and other old web tech and is probably infrastructurally incompatible.

>> No.10726688

You are valuing the company at 1,000,000 but want 250k for 15%? Also, if the company is going to be worth 5,000,000 when the app is completed and the app is 95% completed by now, then the company is already worth close to 5,000,000. You clearly know very little/nothing about valuation and shouldn’t be investing in startups. You’re basically valuing the voiceanything.com domain at 1,000,000. There are literally hundreds of other sites trying to make “an alternative to Facebook”. I feel kinda bad for you.

>> No.10726835

It sounds and looks like a site before Facebook even existed, around 2004 or so

>> No.10726917

>shilling for money for a social network without DAU/MAU numbers

come on.

>> No.10726925

this is shit, he's shilling with multiple accounts too

>> No.10727187

I feel bad now, the website is actually pretty slick and it's built well. PHP is not a bad language, it's just aesthetically vomit inducing with all the $'s.

Good luck OP.

>> No.10727207

I have 1200 USD

>> No.10727280

Why would you build rival for facebook?

It's like building a rival for VHS video player.

>> No.10727301

>rewritten with blockchain code

>> No.10727333

>Name is too many syllables. Will not be memorable enough to garner and keep large traffic.

>> No.10727338

PHP is a bad language. Nobody uses it anymore except for some 30 year old boomer autists

>> No.10727348

social media is a meme nobody uses this shit

>> No.10727540

>Object oriented
>Polymorphism, interfaces
>Access modifiers
>Could replicate anything Java/Spring could do
>Has all the makings of an enterprise web framework
>Even solves the templating problem that React, Angular and the like are trying to solve these days, all integrated into the same language as the back-end.

Seems solid to me. Just looks ugly as sin and everyone uses it wrong because humans are lazy and stupid.

>> No.10727866

>would rather use fucking PHP instead of Java even though Java is 10x faster
>using a serverside language as a frontend instead of an actual maintained frontend framework like React or Angular
Rails lets you do some frontend scripting too but it's ugly as shit

>> No.10727898

Throw an offer out faggot. I’m basically telling you negotiate between 1 and 5 million dollar valuation

Name doesn’t matter. It brands itself like I said earlier. What’s the site all about? Free speech.

Rebrand later when it’s blockchain.

>> No.10727909

>$100m in 12 months
>Needs /biz/ for investors

>> No.10727921

Why don't you move the company to Belize and have an ICO? Srs, you'd make more money. And the tokenomics would be good, I'm working on a project similar to this

>> No.10727930
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>looking for investors on 4chan

>> No.10727942

Well when every single major investor that wants to buy us out is free mason Illuminati we’re not selling out and will pay to have guards at our building so they don’t try to blow up servers

>> No.10727953


>> No.10728008

>blockchain code

Posting in epic thread I can already tell. Absolute top kek.

>> No.10728050

nice projections
sounds like you're a group of retarded young college students

good luck with your "startup"

>"company is valued at 1,000,000 dollars"
>"10% for 250,000$ even though 10% of 1,000,000 is 100,000$"

you really have no idea how this works, huh?

>> No.10728051

Look man I invest I don’t code. Website looked solid to me

>> No.10728068

You fucking retarted ape boomer I can ask for what I want for shares. I threw out a number becuase we might finish the app in the next few days and I will charge $5,000,000 for the whole business. Catch me before thee app is finished and I’ll give you a deal maybe somewhere in between.

It’s not hard

>> No.10728073

how much did you invest or what percentage do you own?

>> No.10728085

I’ve been loyal helping grow the project since it had like 250 users on it lol. I will be Vice President and hold anywhere from 10-20%

>> No.10728094

How many users are there now.

>> No.10728099

I’ll gice you 100 btc for the whole thing. You’ll regret not taking this in 12 months

>> No.10728101

The shares being sold will come from the majority owners stake

>> No.10728106

listen dumbfuck, from someone whose actually been apart of a real startup, a startup that actually raised money from accredited investors

first of all, it's illegal to raise money for your retarded idea from non-accredited investors, which is 99% of this board,
secondly, the 1% of people on this board that qualify won't invest in your unprofessional ask
thirdly, the other 99% won't invest because this just sounds dumb af
you obviously have no idea how hard it is to raise money for a startup and have no business asking for it anyhow lmao. why would you need to raise money right now if the app is almost complete? completely illogical
what was the point of even making this post?

>>I can ask for what I want for shares
is your company even incorporated and has it even issued shares? l m a o

>> No.10728108

>Could replicate anything Java/Spring could do
yes but Java does it better so why the fuck would you ever use PHP

>> No.10728120

I don't even know why these posts gets answers.
Trash tier dumbfucker OP
must be bored af

>> No.10728127

Decent offer but it’s worth a million currently. It has fully monetized advertising just like Facebook where businesses can do pay per click and sync up their paypals

>> No.10728130

Nigger, you are going to get twisted and tossed like a dime store hooker, and this project of yours is gonna fail and take your investment down with it. Prepare your pink little asshole

>> No.10728134

I'm in. How do I buy 100k?

>> No.10728138

Kekekekekekkekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekek retarted boomer is triggered. Nobody gives a fuck dude and yes it’s incorporated look it up faggot 15,000 shares and I own 3,000 of them.

Fuck accredited investing you free mason Illuminati shill. I’ll have a lawyer draw up a contract and have you sign whether you got some shitty title or not I don the care hand over the money. When you raise money for a project the free mason Illuminati hate you have to find investors on random forums like biz becuase they will come at you like dawgs

>> No.10728145

Free mason Illuminati are here in numbers Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee hahahahhaahhahahahahhahahahahahahahhaha

Are you getting sweaty cuz free speech is about to blow you the fuck out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.10728148

incorporated meaning you filed with the government declaring a company, which lists the names of the founder(s), meaning you just doxxed yourself as a racial slur spewing freak on 4chan

please stop LARPing

>> No.10728167

Does it look like this private company owner gives a fuck you free mason Jew

>> No.10728170

lmao this guy really just said they incorporated a company with 15,000 shares

>> No.10728172

If your actually serious make an account and inbox the owner @toxicadmin

>> No.10728177

Look it up faggot.

>> No.10728184

ok, what state did you incorporate in, let's look it up

>> No.10728185

private companies still list the owner's names though. why are alt right people so stupid

>> No.10728186

How much capital did you invest?

>> No.10728201

How many users.

>> No.10728207

Also I don’t really care the site is nearly finished it’s got several things to install for groups events it needs an api call to grab email contacts so people can invite all their friends. And a trending news front page for people to get engaged. That’s just the beginning. The money invested will help finish these final tasks and the app. Any left over money will go to the servers. The 10% investor dude is a bot genius who will have bots all over the internet promoting the site. He promised around a million users from many places but it sounds like he wants to work the company so he will continue running his campaigns while working with the company

>> No.10728222


We have a gofundme but it’s pretty pointless since it’s censored every time someone shares on Facebook.

Go fund me help-us-keep-free-speech-alive

>> No.10728224

I'd rather buy REQ

>> No.10728229

whats the name of the corporation

>> No.10728230
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>$60 out of $150000 raised

>> No.10728236

what a stupid fucking name
this like a dollar store myspace

>> No.10728238
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OP are you LARPing though or are you serious? This site isnt worth anything. Its unironically literally worth $100 at the most if you can pawn it off on someone on a site flipping market.
>using an existing php cms
>nothing appears custom coded
>1400 "users"
>alexa ranking essentially non existant
>sites been around for multiple years without any changes
Everything you've said is the same thing everyones ever said about hoping to start their own social network circa 10 years ago. I am unironically disgusted.

>> No.10728246

It was at around 1400 last time I checked. I don’t have time to spread the word.

I made a Twitter for it and it was growing fast but then it got locked out @voiceanything. Guess they really hate free speech.

I should mention we’re in touch with Isaac Kappy who will bring us 20,000 of his twitter followers right off the bat when he gets unbanned.

From there after we put in the email script so that those 20,000 people can invite all of their friends to join by email. it will explode and we will need servers

It went up a lot in value when it became fully monetized

>> No.10728252

Jesus, this shit gets more cringe with each post. Fuck were you thinking, OP?

>> No.10728255

I like the domain name. I don't have $250,000 in capital so I will have to respectfully decline the offer. I think you guys will do great. I will be waiting to hear about VA in the future.

>> No.10728266

OP I found your Facebook profile, you need to seek some professional mental help

>> No.10728267
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lmao op is a fucking retard

>> No.10728268
File: 275 KB, 1500x1148, A7432FB3-B323-4C22-AA15-93BCF409BE75.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Faggot Peter strzok makes $300,000 because he’s not blocked by facebooks algorithms. Every time you share our gofundme or website they don’t even allow it in the news feed.

So we’re creating our own mega network that won’t block shit like Facebook. Believe what you will but once the final pieces are in place it will not only explode but save America

Mfw I know I’m talking to a free mason Illuminati scare troll

>> No.10728281

Free mason Illuminati shill


I’m not Eric Hoover tho lol.

>> No.10728286

Are you retarded? You think because someone has 20,000 followers they will all join your shitty fucking site? Honestly are you 16? You have big dreams but a very small brain. Anyone even considering investing in this pile of crap just don't. Youd have a better chance going all in a pajeet ico.

>> No.10728300

lol op, I remember doxxing myself on 4chan in middle school too

>> No.10728305


Checked your digits as well.

>> No.10728314
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I dm him all the time. You moron he knows (((Gabbai))) is a mossad honeypot

>> No.10728316

I want answers OP

t. Illuminati freemason

>> No.10728325

Ive doxxed myself on 4chan once before lol. Was scary for a moment but it got shit down pretty quick Kek. I’m not listed as a shareholder tho lol so unless you crawled into my bosss dms you want know who I am

>> No.10728333

Dont spend anymore time on this project man, please. I want something better than this for you.

>> No.10728351

nice so in your LARP you've illegally invested in a corporation and somehow say you own 20% of the shares of an incorporated entity and somehow your name is not associated with said entity.

and on top of it, somehow this entity has incorporated with 15,000 shares when entities most commonly incorporate with 1 million + shares
nice man!

>> No.10728366

Loyalty. And connections.

I am /poorneetfag who’s in 20s

The owner likes me a lot. I like his project and free speech. Lots of kikes out there who shill garbage day in and day out on both sides including (((cernovich))) etc. it’s really embarrassing the only way through is Kappy and he’s desperate now since he got the boot from twitter.

(((Bill Hicks))) is late to the game because is handlers don’t know us or trust us we’ve been given one of the producers personal phone lines but they won’t take our call for obvious reasons. They are controlled opposition.

They are trying to cut off the lines before we can migrate platforms and the free mason Illuminati handlers can own sites like us.

We’re the only good major social media sites.

(((Gabbai))) and (((Bitchute))).

Bitchute uses a free mason Illuminati controlled disqus comment system.

They claim blockchain but are really a fake organization.

I’ve shilled blockchain in here but honestly we’re still looking into it since it was created by the cia. They wouldn’t build something like crypto without a backdoor nobody can enter unless they have a super computer. I’m worried we will all be on peer to peer networks and it will be so much easier to control becuase they can doss a tiny peer to peer network a lot easier than 20 mega servers at a company like voiceanything.

In other words all crypto is is a trap and so is free mason shill Kim dot com

Thread 404 in 3... 2... 1...

>> No.10728385

Nobody cares you free mason Illuminati shill.

It’s a mutual agreement not on paper yet.

>> No.10728387


>> No.10728393

Your digits are strong but mean nothing becuase it is too late this project will already happen

>> No.10728406

So free then, you got your 10 - 20 % (lel) for zero dollars and are trying to sell the same stake for 250K. Good fucking luck with that. At least you’re momma and auntie donated $60 to your go fund me. I am sure you’re gonna make it and if you don’t , blame it on the masonic jew illuminati. 10/10

>> No.10728429

No I’m bringing in people who have followings.

And yeah that’s what happens when you talk to people try it some time.

Meanwhile I will have neetbucks and grandma and and aunties cookies

>> No.10728495
File: 81 KB, 640x1136, B01F232F-0875-4C89-9E5B-C27565A3D702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Testing the bots I see

>> No.10729002

whats the lowest one can invest

>> No.10729047

>It is the rival and alternative to Facebook

I don't know how much you invested but let me tell you you lost your funds.

>> No.10729129

Ok listen up lad:

I ran a multi-million dollar website for years before I sold it for a quarter of a hundred million dollars.

If this site is seriously running on an open source CMS, you're dead in the water from get go. Alexa rank seems to be in the toilet (not that it matters yet).

I doubt you need 250k for servers so this is a scam post or what?

>> No.10729167

What site?

>> No.10729178

/pol/ is probably a better bet for your scam

>> No.10729191

Not going to dox myself

>> No.10729298

>blockchain code
Thanks just bought 100K voices

>> No.10729308

Can you answer a few questions before most of /biz participates?
- Will it be written in blockchain code or smartcontract code specifically?
- Is your skin the same color as your ID or darker?
- Do you prefer to defecate in a toilet or in a street?

>> No.10729310


You want to try the low IQs. Tell them that they'll be able to jewpost without getting banned.