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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11020308 No.11020308 [Reply] [Original]

>that feel when surrounded by NPCs at work

>> No.11020355


>> No.11020368

Found the jealous NPC

>> No.11020438
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>How are you doing
>How was your weekend
>Did you watch
>I really need my coffee
>Almost weekend!
>Today we get payed
>I'm so tired, barely slept.
>We had some fun times with the boys!
>Well I bought X this weekend can't wait till it's there.

>> No.11020575

>he works
NPC detected

>> No.11020593
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>that feel when surrounded by NPCs on /biz/

>> No.11020595

Please don't do that, it's literally the main way how NPCs try to end conversations where they are expected to think on their own.

>> No.11020832

snowflake detected

>> No.11020854


TIL only a quarter of people actually have an inner voice
I didn't believe in the NPC shit until I read this.

>> No.11020871

sounds like bs, source?

>> No.11020880

>only a quarter
i thought most people had it?

>> No.11020890

Get woke my friend

>> No.11020895

kind of a source. article talking about study, albeit not study itself.

>> No.11021442

It shouldnt be anything new to you that more than 70% of all humans are dumb as sheep.

Spamming threads like that will make it spread to reddit and 9gag. Its only a matter of time then until NPCs start calling each other "NPC".

>> No.11021456
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Whats an NPC?

>> No.11021470

there are bots you know, and semi sentient apes for the capcha

>> No.11021475
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>that feel when by definition you no NPC

>> No.11021480

I wish I were an NPC, I'm so tired of being unhappy all the time

>> No.11021483
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Can someone answer me?

>> No.11021487

someone who is not politically correct

>> No.11021501

A quick glance in the mirror will solve your enquiry. But make sure it's quick so your audio-visual systems don't get overloaded and you fry the CPU.

>> No.11021512


>> No.11021515

This. If he sees a white face in the mirror it means he's an NPC (not politically correct)

>> No.11021527

maybe, and just hear me out, nobody wants to talk about the depressing realities of life while at work or in social situations. and in fact those things give pause to the existential nightmare.

Of course that could be wrong and NPCs BRO!

>> No.11021546
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> Non Playing Character

Think store owner in a video game, which follows procedural rules and is not an actual player.

>> No.11021557

We're all NPCs you retards

>> No.11021558

And what have YOU done, player character?

>> No.11021565
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>Whats an NPC?

>> No.11021589

Thinking in speech is sub-vocalization and is the domain of Jews. Aryan archtype thinking in images and spatial concepts.

>> No.11021632

>not being orbited by a dozen NPCs whenever you open your mouth

>> No.11021653

Wow that hit the nail on the head.

Except that I am the only guy working in a team full of women in HR.

>Add weddings.
>Add fashion and make up
>Add women irational thinking devoid of logic.
>Add emotional outbursts cause i am stressed and i am a woman.
>Add some discussion about obscure books about people having literally non existant problems created by their bordom.

>Substract we had some fun times with the boys!

Holly shit guys I can't take it! I rather be surrounded by guys NPC or not. I literally don't get the way their brain works.

>> No.11021665

how do we wake the NPC's up biz?

>> No.11021668

how do you think about complex or abstract subjects using only images?

>> No.11021671
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You are all NPCs, unless you have achieved something that influences the destiny of the human race like starting WW2 or atleast planning to start WW3, you will never be a main player. What differentiates a main player from an NPC is their destiny or in societies definition: "life goal". I bet my ass that a majority of this boards life goal is to start a family or find a gf. Which is no different than the NPCs you retards are describing.

>> No.11021683

tfw NPC

>> No.11021685

so, how do proper PCs talk? spoiler, kek: you ignore it

>> No.11021686


>> No.11021689

Damn. I’d like to give you a NPC response.

Nailed it.

>> No.11021716

>a majority of this boards life goal is to start a family or find a gf

looking in retrospect, I really wished I took the bluepill instead
but now its too late and there is no coming back, gotta keep on pushing the stone

>> No.11021717

deluded sollipsists

>> No.11021742

You're terrible at this. It's going to disappear as soon as you stop spamming.

>> No.11021819

This scrub doesn't understand hyperfractal thoughtform

>> No.11021849


Isn't that basically how asians think as well? example: kanji/chinese characters

>> No.11021862

so you are surrounded by women?

>> No.11021886

This is classic NPC behavior.
>lol yea you're so fucking special right?! next you'll be telling me you have an inner monologue. brb I need to go pester my wife to let me play Nintendo switch tonight and have an extra peanut butter and jelly sandwich while she takes her pitbull for a walk with her friend Deshaun.

>> No.11021906

I think i may be an NPC \biz\. When things happen i experience the emotion but don't actually feel it. Like i am aware that I am experiencing the emotion but it doesn't feel like it is happening to my inner self but just the person i exist as.

Most of the time i also don't feel like i am living my own life, i feel distant to myself and don't feel like i have a real emotional connection to people and am just playing a character. Despite this i get on well with my family, have loads of friends and run my own business.

Am i an NPC?

>> No.11021912

Knowing all these people are NPC's is curing my anxiety

>> No.11021923

Normal people council?

>> No.11021957

I wish it was that simple anon.... its not I already have a GF and sure a family does not sound bad too.

My dream however is to change my whole country for the better. Turn it from a laughing stock depicted as literal toilet in a foreign art installations couple of years ago and eaten from corruption to.... something better.

>> No.11021998
File: 256 KB, 483x581, D95F8A74-719D-4122-9727-BD043DD2954A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck I’ve been a Jew this entire time, oh well as the years go by and I look around and realize how stupid the average person is I’m starting to view them more and more as goyim. After years of trying to open peoples eyes and they just bury their heads in the sand disputing logic with emotion I’ve given up.
Considering we’re probably in a simulation anyways what are the odds only a finite amount of players in the game are given “real conscienouss” and the NPC’s are just fulfilling their role in the experiment/simulation? Will only the non NPC’s be given the ability to merge with the AI and become basically gods?

>> No.11022008

>be based NPC
have no true obligations, no higher calling
>get to go through the daily motions

>be unbased PC
>have a chance to become something
>fuck it up because retard
>whine about it on Hiro's Anime and Dick Filet (Formerly Moot's)

>> No.11022067

>He can't do both

>> No.11022086

That's what I thought about the Boomer/Zoomer memes too. Turns out it caught on because it fit a niche.

The NPC meme fills the niche of trying to preserve uniqueness now that "making it" quickly with crypto's dead, people realize they fit the Boomer/Zoomer molds, and nobody has any religion to assure them of divinity and the uniqueness of souls.

>> No.11022092


I totally get what you mean, but modern day kikery and (((democracy))) makes it near impossible to be a main character. Trump is one of the few living ones.

>> No.11022119


Are you drinking fluoridated water? Did you have a tough childhood? (resisting emotions to cope from possible pain)

Try meditation and yoga in order to get back in touch with life.

>> No.11022131

what are you talking about

>> No.11022134

Being a PC has nothing to do with achieving great things, faggot. Being a PC has to do with how you think. It's how rational and conscious about the world you are. It's being able to see through all the mindless distractions that the media throws at you and think about the real problems. In other words, it's being "woke" or taking the "red pill" like in the Matrix. NPC is just a funny term to criticize people who are the opposite of that since they act like typical NPCs in video games (say predictable stuff, have predictable thoughts, etc.). We are all born NPCs with potentional to become PCs but if you don't have some inner speech then that becomes almost impossible.

>> No.11022174

Top kek

>> No.11022187



All you neets and incels are not special nor unique. You're not more intelligent than the average person.

>> No.11022196

You may be a psychopath

>> No.11022203

if you can't figure out how to "make it", chances are you're an NPC

>> No.11022231

Don't think so for the water.i I think everyone has a tough childhood, most of it unhappy for sure and definitelt resisting emotions.

Will do, used to do a bit of yoga and really enjoyed. Just got lazy about it.

>> No.11022266

Why would you want to? Honestly, trying to talk in my head on top of thinking is a chore. The only time it makes sense to me is trying to pronounce new/weird words.

>> No.11022296

This NPC meme is possibly gayer than people wearing fedoras unironically
this, anyone who thinks they're the chosen one in a fucking video game is literally retarded

>> No.11022436

I drink my own piss every day. I keep a vial of aged urine that I massage on my skin. It is the fountain of youth. If you drink your urine you won't get sick. People isolated stem cells from piss in Japan and I believe chinks grew a tooth with urine. Look into it.
If you totally ignore this then you're no better than an 'NPC'.

>> No.11022493


>> No.11022525

Sounds more like depersonalization or schizoid p.d.

>> No.11022536

Agreed. Appears a small group of betas are trying to force this NPC shit upon us. Every once in a while, sure I can get that it's a little funny. But that's it faggots

>> No.11022613

sounds like youre bitter about being an npc

>> No.11022620

based. please post routine

>> No.11022629

At least we're player characters

>> No.11022641
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>> No.11022701

all of these statements seem like the people making them are social outcasts and/or pure autists + low on the social hierarchy. To be honest, I do think that the majority of /biz/ fits into this as well. The more I rose in the social hierarchy through insane achievements (for my age) the less and less I came across absolute braindead "NPCs". If you have done nothing of value, if you're a loser just like your normie NPC comrades and still read at least one book every other fullmoon about non-mainstream media shit you will realize that low IQ, low social hierarchy people fit exactly into what you call NPCs.

These people do not make it and if you know a lot of them you're as much of a loser as them, period.

I can't recall the last time I came across those people because I "made it". Based on the comments itt, most of you didn't.

>> No.11022710

>Ever read Fahrenheit 451? That's our society
cringed aloud

>> No.11022785


>urine colored id

The amount of self-sucking in this thread is pathetic. You guys are all NPCs just trying to talk about why you're unique and special so that you feel better about yourself. Gratz on being nothing more than barey adequate everyone posting in this thread.

>> No.11022812

Most important is morning urine. I collect my midstream urine in a cup and take a few sips on a normal day, using the rest to wash my face after I shave.
When someone near me is sick, I drink significantly more urine. I have lived with family all of which were infected and never experienced a symptom other than a scratchy throat for one day (which went away after drinking my morning urine). I used to be more prone to sinus infection than anyone I knew.
When you're first starting it's going to feel very weird. When I started I irrigated my sinuses with urine, after a few days I never needed to again.
I'll use aged urine (~1 month in a warm place) to freshen up my skin or on any external wounds and notice improvement immediately. Just use a small amount, think of it like aftershave that heals you.
Online people will say you need to fast on it or only eat vegetarian or abstain from all mind altering substances. I eat high protein (meat every meal), vape nicotine every day and consume an absurd amount of caffiene and still reap the benefits of my piss. I've smoked a couple cigars and drank piss afterwards and the effects on my throat were neutralized by the next day. I live a very active lifestyle and I find drinking my piss energizes me and motivates me to push the limits.
Some people claim you can use fresh urine to over time fix your eyesight. Unfortunately I have not stuck to a regime to determine if that is possible and there is not enough evidence to suggest it is, but if that changes I'll be sure to post something about it. A caveat is a lot of people say you have to stop using your glasses to see effects and I can't do that without being unable to do anything.

>> No.11022820

>Never came across rich NPCs
It's not like the player usually becomes the king in an MMO. Players NPCs like the king's and nobles for quests.
That's what we do. Just because we're players doesn't mean we're supposed to be rich

>> No.11022826

Dude I'm just trying to help people. It really works. If you could stop yourself from getting sick would you?

>> No.11022843
File: 46 KB, 376x401, sheeple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This meme is fucking retarded. If you autists were really so self-aware, then wouldn't you use that self-awareness to not be antisocial losers?

>> No.11022855

The boomer meme was hilarious. This NPC is forced garbage.

>> No.11022881

Uh dude. A study said 80% of people don't have that internal monologue. They don't think

>> No.11022906

>The boomer meme was hilarious.
Found the NPC.

>> No.11022920
File: 289 KB, 440x458, 1512048949204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make it stop reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

>> No.11022925

There's something about this whole NPC meme that makes me cringe. Like, its being spread the same way as "le arrow in the knee" meme was and its just making me cringe so hard.

>yo dude....did you hear??? everyone else except ME is an NPC.....I read it on /pol/!!!!!!
>oh yeah dude....those NPCs....hehhehehe, I know that meme too!
>dumb people....are alll....NPCs maaaaaan
>lol dude EPIC, just epic simply epic dude that NPC I saw at work the other day...
>ffhfhfhfhffffddddddd DUDE LOL NPCs

Cancer. Go read some real philosophy. The whole NPC meme is just the philosophical term "solipsism", which has been BTFO'd by a number of famous philosophers....but, philosophy? Of course the average 4channer hasn't finished a single book of philosophy...they're experts in memes, like calling other people NPCs, because the themselves are so smart and superior to other humans!

>> No.11022957

>it’s ok honey he’s my cross fit trainer we’re just friends

>> No.11022965

It's not that we are smarter, we just give a fuck while they worship apathy.

>> No.11022990

If you think reading philosophy by itself will make you a PC then you definitely are an NPC sir.

>> No.11023007

NPC's are wholly incapable of detecting irony.

>> No.11023024


>> No.11023029

If your only response to my post is to call me an NPC, you lost the argument. Go read some philosophy. Go and try to read a page of the Derrida, Wittgenstein, or Heidegger . Can you understand them quickly? If you don't get them quickly, you are the NPC.

This NPC meme is just solipsism, which has been debunked by hundreds of philosophers who were way more smarter than a shitposter on 4chan like yourself.

>in b4 his only response is to say "DUHRRRRR, THAT PHILOSOPHER WAS.....NPC TOO!!!"

You are the NPC if that is what you were planning to post. NPCs are predictable. You, having the most predictable response, are the NPC, then.

>> No.11023038
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The paragraph that starts with "im noticing the same" describes my family to a tee. I think we need to just give all of the npcs a bunch of iodine and coconut oil to detox their pineal glands and see if that makes a difference. Also, the answer to why nobody does anything about it is because humans, mainly white people by nature, try to avoid conflicts until it is too late to solve them in a civilized manner, and then shit hits the fan. It's also the reason why people freak out when you say bad things about Jews. Everyone in the room thinks the same thing, but by nature, humans won't do anything about it. The elites know this and that's why it's so easy for them to control you.

>> No.11023081
File: 77 KB, 379x405, 1529732328087.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at this kid

>> No.11023092

>people have boring conversations

Two possible options:

1. they're NPC's
2.theyre boring people

>Picks option 1
>Shills link

Yep, everything adds up

>> No.11023093

Go do some acid, and then some more if that doesn't work.

>> No.11023100

It doesn't mean they don't think, it rather means that they cannot think into the future on anything more than a very basic level. They are mainly reactive instead of proactive. No reason to think you are better than them though.

>> No.11023110
File: 1.55 MB, 480x481, G832ZHj.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>let me tell you about this story when i cheated on my ex wife with my current gf

fucking NPC's dont even have any morals

>> No.11023123

But I'm alive. And look around me and think about stuff. I also make decisions based on a verbal thought process.
Most people just do whatever they feel. It means they're not human.

>> No.11023521

You sound like an absolute tard.

>> No.11023527

The NPC cries as he lashes out.

>> No.11023573

the real redpill is that they're the ones that are living as they should, and you're the one burdened with over-consciousness. how many "smart" people get trapped in existential pain and end up turning to alcohol/drugs to dampen their consciousness, just to be able to live more like some of these supposed "NPCs" do without effort or suffering?

the smartest most conscious people are likely to be the ones bending their will toward becoming more present in the moment and less conscious, because they understand the trap. what a blessing to be present from the get go without effort like the people this thread makes fun of

>> No.11023609
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>Add fashion and make up
This just can't be...it has to be some sort codewords for chads or sth. They cannot seriously talk about nails, jewellery and makeup all day every day .

t. working 1 in 15 roastjob

>> No.11023634

Just admit it, how many of you don't have inner monologues

>> No.11023669

If you think the NPC shit is about solipsism then I think you've severely misunderstood the meme

>> No.11023700

>druggies are the real thinkers!

>> No.11023713


I never said you need to do them both at the same time. That's just impractical.

>> No.11023715

The NPC meme is not solipsism, since there can be more than one PC's (i.e consciousnesses).

>> No.11023728
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looks like we have an NPC on our thread

>> No.11023740
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>> No.11023797

that's not the same thing at all

you're describing a consciousness inhabiting a foreign body, and you're that consciousness, the player

NPCs are not conscious

>> No.11023799
File: 345 KB, 387x642, gnight john.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wake up
>Make coffee
>Get dressed in a hurry
>Rush to work
>Ask about x tv show that was on last night
>Make some lame joke about how you did or did not have sex with your spouse last night
>Talk shit about boss, new work rules, new employees, old employees slyly
>Go on break, hurriedly browse social media, scroll scroll scroll, like like like, sip coffee, go back to work
>Do actual work for 1.5 hours
>Go to lunch, spend 12 of 30 minutes in line at the cafeteria to buy food or use the microwave
>Talk about food, food prices, nutrition with no idea what you're talking about
>Go back to work, think about how you will spend the next hour until break, send dumb emails, read stupid jokes, browse the few websites that aren't blocked
>Have your weekly one-on-one meeting with your supervisor, you're doing good but not quite good enough
>Go on break, scroll and like
>Waste last hour of work talking to NPCs about media and how you need a glass of wine NOW
>Leave 10 minutes early
>Go buy alcohol and some cheap fake food
>Get home, immediately drink a glass of wine or a beer, eat in a hurry
>Scroll scroll like like
>Drinky drink
>Watch TV show or play your video game
>Drink until you are really tired
>Go to sleep in a bad mood because you have to do it all again forever until you die

>> No.11023872

A play on video games "non-player character" mixed with a play on The Simulation Hypothesis.

An NPC is seemingly a human that is unable to think objectively.

We exist in a simulated reality and some humans take on the role of NPCs, spouting "opinions" they are programmed to spout and repeating in a cult-like manner.
Liberal: (Yelling) Fuck Trump! Ban guns!
Conservative: (Yelling) Fuck Hillary! Ban immigrants!

Friend: Bro, I'm sick of all these people just repeating shit...
Me: Its hard to move forward with all these NPCs.

>> No.11023887

Lol no. We're just not retarded.

>> No.11023903

I feel you anon

>> No.11023961

The hilarious thing about nerds calling normies NPC is that nerds is just a different flavor of NPCs, wasting their lives away playing video games and browsing reddit while normies waste time watching sports and instagram.

Basically you're an NPC calling others NPCs.

>> No.11023966

humans all have biological drives

it's the purpose of socialization to harness those drives. in a market economy that means being shunted into a role where the exploitative advantage goes to an existing stakeholder.

So yeah you might feel like an NPC, you might feel like you're in a world of them. You'd be right.

"The economy" isn't something that works for us. "Our" prerogatives are merely its prerogatives. It doesn't care about or quality of life, whether we deserve a higher wage (if we can't secure it by negotiation), or even if we have a stable atmosphere.

Yeah, most people are NPCs

>> No.11023969

>unable to think objectively
it's not about that at all
an AI could be more objective and rational than real human

completely orthogonal concepts

it's about consciousness, qualia

>> No.11023980

Are you the Architect?

>> No.11023982

>wasting their lives away playing video games and browsing reddit
pretty cool projection going on there, if the reddit spacing in your post didnt give it away

>> No.11024026

>t. no internal dialogue

scares me automatons actually exist

>> No.11024028

reddit spacing is taking over, subhuman scum

>> No.11024039

>Tfw all my life, if the conversation did not follow procedure, CPU fries.

>> No.11024070

this is the one thing an NPC/p-zombie will never be able to discuss

the inexplicable experience of being conscious
they will even outright deny that it exists

>> No.11024097

It's a burden to be a player character but it also makes us less equal than others. It makes us special. NPC's live happy fake lives. After all preprogrammed robots never complain

>> No.11024123

>preprogrammed robots never complain
there's no reason why a "preprogrammed", by nature or man, robot would never complain

it's just a behavior among many others

>> No.11024201

What I meant is that living in the present all the time is pleasurable and actually overthinking and contemplating existence isn't fun.

>> No.11024240

What's a NPC? Is this a new meme?

>> No.11024261

As someone who's loaded trucks, all they fucking think about is what's directly in front of them so I'd be dealing with fucking NPCs talking about every god damn fucking box they were holding of the 2000 they load throughout the night.

>> No.11024263


>> No.11024270

10/10 burn

>> No.11024273


>> No.11024278

Silent protagonist.

>> No.11024308

NPCs are not-/pol/icially-correct

>> No.11024371

Jesus christ, what's the difference just by saying "politically incorrect"?

>> No.11024377

A quarter don’t according to the study.
How can that even be? Haven’t they ever thought of a song? How can you have no verbal thoughts

>> No.11024396


Well I mean I think PCs tend to be observational, if taken to an extreme they become autistic. You know how Jews have higher average IQs, and Jews also happen to be very observational people.

An NPC just *does* they never question why, like I think Larry David epitomises the traits of a PC, he notices how fucking bizarre and stupid some shit is, and also notices how great other small things are. Yeah sure a ranty aspergers element is added for comic effect but the essence is true.

The weirdest fucking part about NPCs as well is how sometimes they'll *almost* become self aware but then it'll slip away and you can see the gears fail to turn in their eyes.

Shit like:

"Do you ever like, I mean like what if different people..."
"Dude what are you talking about?"
"Like idk I was talking to Chris the other day and I thought what if Chris knew I fucked his gf, then like does that make me worse than if he didn't know?"
"Dude lol what? Hahaha"

It's as if the topics of morality/ethics/consciousness that some people just intuitively understand from childhood, is completely fucking abstract to these people. I'm not saying we need to be pseudointellectuals talking about Nietzsche over a cup of coffee every morning, I'm saying with some people you can see that certain very basic human concepts are completely fucking abstract and that these people just parrot them because they need to fit in. Their politics, values, etc is just them fitting in. They might decide one day they're environmentalists for no reason at all, without any thought or introspection, and then if their friends were to stop being environmentalists they would to.

This is 100% true of more than half of all the people I've met and you can puzzle it out by talking to them and asking questions. And just like in a video game all you need to do is get them off the 'scripted' responses in their head and watch them go blank.

>> No.11024413

Music lyrics aren't thoughts. They're just verbal noise. Us PCs actually turn them into understandable signals while NPC's just enjoy the way they sound.

>> No.11024427
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>> No.11024482

Do you think IQ has something to do with it?
I think many managers and people in business are NPC's.

>> No.11024519

what if robots ARE programmed to complain?

>> No.11024560
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Listen I genuinely care about about Anons financial well being.

>> No.11024581

Now you fucked up. My sides/
Jews are the most programmed humanoids.
They follow the same algorithm for thousands of years.
They were particularly designed for a specific task. Read upon temple slaves ffs.

>> No.11024603
File: 8 KB, 225x225, ladda ned (10).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you belive having inner speech makes u not an NPC
Im a med Student, inner speech is for the NPCs with some awareness but lack true concious like I, and my fellow players do. There are only 1 player on 100 000 NPCs, of them there are 1000 NPCs with basic awareness (inner speech).
Real players have inner seeing (this includes 4D sight).

>> No.11024706

Guys we messed up. It was only 1/6 that actually don't have inner monologues. And that could probably have been chance

>> No.11024758

this is the fucking lamest day ever
how the fuck do you call other people npcs when you are a bloody npc?

>> No.11024790
File: 68 KB, 636x781, 1536512074383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw family are NPCs
>tfw feel too guilty about abandoning them
>mfw I will spend my remaining days trying to reprogram them into player characters.

>> No.11024791


Nah m8, Jews are extremely self aware, they know when they are lying and they know when they are being dishonest. That's what makes them so 'good' at rhetoric and persuasion and shit. Meanwhile a lot of normies I've met don't even know when they are lying, like what theyre saying becomes true in their mind, that is how zombified they are.

>> No.11024819

This is bullshit. All the ones I've met think theyre smarter than everyone.

>> No.11024820
File: 173 KB, 700x360, 1528224481041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"i'm a special snowflake and no one understands me"

>> No.11024891

Study them. You have 1000s of years of history.
Same shit all over again and again. They are aware of whom do they serve.
Any religion is attempt at programming, but judaism went the furthest because it was associated with selective breeding.
Holochains existed to shed the deadwood aka intermixed mutts to keep only the pure breed.

>> No.11024913

I'm alone in the office today :)

>> No.11024926

q predicted this

>> No.11024986

You guys are all fags.

>> No.11025119

Based Xavier poster