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11075388 No.11075388 [Reply] [Original]

Would you rather be born with a 100 I.Q to a family that has a 1 million USD networth, has a nice house and lives in a nice area ect. Or. Be born with a 130 I.Q into a family that is poor and lives in a shitty area like a trailer park/run down neighborhood?

>> No.11075413

It does not matter, human life is worthless in both cases.

In the case of 1 mil you will have it better of course, until the hungry under dog kills you that is.

>> No.11075418

Unironically was born with high IQ to retarded parents who destroyed the wealth of my industrial grandfather who lived through the great depression.

I would rather have a capable and smart family than be born to helpless imbeciles and deeper intelligence.

>> No.11075448

Iq doesn't mean shit so I'll take the family with cash.

>> No.11075473
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Heh at first I imagined a Pajeet in some super shitty part of India where getting eaten by dogs is a constant concern then I reread

>> No.11075476

Play hard or dont play at all

>> No.11075498

Meesa born high IQ with arrogant retarded parents, too.

>> No.11075516

The two highest IQ people at my high school (perfect ACT scores) were from poor families and now in mid thirties they are both failures.

>> No.11075526

no joke - in all honesty once you have money a higher IQ is probably a detriment.

It's been shown that idiots tend to be happier in general

>> No.11075530

100 I.Q is not even low.

>> No.11075533

Dumb people always seem much happier. Tough call.

>> No.11075536

well look at Forrest Gump - he wasn't the smartest fella but he achieved great things. I'd rather be like him...

>> No.11075544

Lol. Cash of course. I guess my iq is around 85 so..

>> No.11075584

IQs are a mem. Everybody’s a stupidfuck destroying the farm. I’ll take cash

>> No.11075588

the latter, assuming I'm still white and reasonably attractive

>> No.11075605


It depends, if all else was equal I'd propably take the average IQ with money. IQ only helps if you're doing cognitively challenging stuff. A person with a 100 IQ will have no problems in normal everyday life but he might not understand quantum physics or be able to program at a high level for example.

>> No.11075657

>It's been shown that idiots tend to be happier in general

Flase. People with low I.Qs have much higher rates of suicide.

>> No.11075670

Too low to ever go to college, have a high paying job ect. 100 is pretty low.

>> No.11075678

i just realized i am unironically part of the second option and wasnt sure how to feel til i read this.
lets kick some ass anon

>> No.11075692

Mista big dick fatha got that bling bling hehe

>> No.11075696

I would easily pick being the dumbo.

Ya ever hear the saying "ignorance is bliss" ?

Yeah well, too stupid to know what depression is, too stupid to understand gravity of decisions in life and so on.

The dumber they are, the better in life they have.

>> No.11075799

>Too low to ever go to college, have a high paying job ect
is this bait lmao
niggers go to college nowadays, it means nothing

>> No.11075902


>Too low to ever go to college, have a high paying job ect. 100 is pretty low.

Athletes, singers, actors etc. Why would they need any more than 100? There's plenty of jobs that pay well with an average IQ requirement. Even someone like Trump is probably pretty close to average IQ

>> No.11076735

It literally takes one shitty failure of a close family member to drag everyone else down. Trust me. I'm taking the money and good family.

>> No.11076748

Yep, seen this. I'll take the bad family and the IQ and the immortality tho.

>> No.11076855
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MIT math grad who was born into millionaire family here, so to answer your question neither because they are both shit compared to what I already have

>> No.11076860

a million net worth is fucking nothing lmao
what the hell is wrong with you poorfags?

>> No.11076867

I was already born as the latter; doing alright for myself all things considered

>> No.11076879

Got a story?

>> No.11076927

Well, since 1 million USD networth for a family is basically bog-standard and the middle class is being strangled to death, you're fucked either way. Might as well pick the high IQ so you can at least appreciate your predicament.

>> No.11076937

nice LARP faggot. on the 0.00000000000001% chance it's true you are somehow still insecure enough to brag about it on a japanese cartoon image board to a bunch of anonymous NEETs. buy rope

>> No.11076954

100 and good family. This isn't a choice even. Cause I got the option 2 already.
These anons get it.

>> No.11076959

130 IQ.

I have know the former type in many different incarnations and they aren’t happy and have peaked in childhood.

>> No.11076978
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>Babbys first nihilism

>> No.11076990

seems like you are the shitty failure

>> No.11077107

Try to be born into the negative net worth and then talk about million being not enough.

>> No.11077171

as in you need to pay people to work for them ?

>> No.11077257

No, as being in debt that is larger that your possessions. Net worth is your possesions-the debt.

>> No.11077451

who goes into debt before they are born ?

>> No.11077465

>born into debt
You're not actually responsible for your parent's debt, your brother's debt, your dog's debt, none of that shit is yours. They can't make you pay. They'll try, thinking you might be cucked enough to do it, but ultimately you have no obligation.
Unless someone took out a mortgage in your name while in the womb you were born debt free.

>> No.11077481

baka bro if this happened to you just save some money or sell weed for some time and GTFO from your "family"

>inb4 kneepads

you don't have to pay debt made before you even existed, who told you that

>> No.11077516

It's in the 90th percentile.

>> No.11077556

100 IQ family easy. 130 IQ family would be dysfunctional as fuck if they're poor and in a shitty area.

>> No.11077603
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Lol @ thinking it's a LARP, it's not like I'm claiming to be Bieber or something. father is a neurosurgeon who made millions, my gpa was mediocre but i did major in proof based math at MIT

It's really pathetic to think having a mil is something special in this day in age, 100mil is the new mil. Most of you faggots are completely hopeless and should absolutely consider necking yourselves. You are like rats to me frankly

>> No.11077644

wait what is your job again ?

>> No.11077657

Can I be born with an IQ of 70 to a family with 10 million?

>> No.11077676

I'd pick 130 IQ over a brainlet family. That one mill can be gone in a flash, just look at how many boomers made fortunes in housing and got fucked in 2008.

>> No.11077678

Retired prop trader, now crypto neet

>> No.11077703

>but i did major in proof based math at MIT
Okay entertain us, lets say you're given numbers from 1 to 100 with one missing. How would you find the missing number?

>> No.11077737

Subtract their sum from 5050 is the first thing that comes to mind.

These brain teasers and shit are really autistic tho, I have a lot of thoughts on what I think true intelligence means etc...could write a book about it frankly but you should read thinking fast and slow, most of it is just training + psychology

>> No.11077767


there was a literal retard who went to my school who started a gardening business and now (with the help of his dad) employs 5 people and does the gardening for all the posh houses in our area and makes more than anyone else my age that I know.

>> No.11077769

Very good! Too many larpers on here who wouldnt even know what arithmetic series look like.

>thinking fast and slow
Yeah people recommended it to me, but I'm reading "Life without a windshield" by Austen James (pseudonym) right now.

>> No.11077793

your grandchildren will get seriously rekt if you get to have any

>> No.11077846

Probably won't, I'm way too bitter anyways

That being said the flip side to that is, if you aren't high genetic quality + millions in the bank, you are selfish prick for knocking up a sloot and bringing kids in this world to suffer

>> No.11077997

you don't know shit about life bro

when you want to kill yourself in 2 years remember me and remember that i told you to go teach english in vietnam.

oh also no need to thank me

>> No.11078038
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>> No.11078047

oh you smoke weed ? +4 years then my bad

>> No.11078108

100 IQ, cuz IQ is flexible and becoming smart is easier than becoming rich

>> No.11078127
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>> No.11078524

A million is nothing in 2018. ~10-11% of households have a net worth of 1M+ in 2018.

>> No.11078602

you'd actually want to be a minority so you can take advantage of affirmative action and hiring quotas
black female programmer = easy job at Google

>> No.11078700

No, but if you're born into a family with horrendous finances, you're still going to have a shitty life.

>> No.11078710

no one with 130 iq is poor by anymeans other than choice.

>> No.11078716

That's exactly what I said faggot

>> No.11078747

net worth hardly means 1 million, more like it's around 200k net with a bunch of shit no one wants to buy 'worth' 800k

>> No.11078811


Who the fuck would choose to be poor lol? Also the average IQ for physics majors in college is around 130 and most of them are probably pretty poor.

>> No.11078837

if you're a lazy 40 year old crybaby born into a family with amazing finances you're still going to have a shitty life

you don't need family to get well off, you just need to work harder than people around you

>> No.11078864





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>> No.11078870

theres a difference between 'poor' and living in a trailer park

>> No.11078975

but then my kids would be niggers.

>> No.11079033

fuck off retard
i attend ivy league school
most people here come from ok money

>> No.11079067

Holy shit, a literal subhuman

>> No.11079161

>ivy leaguer

>> No.11079203

Being born into a poor family is likely going to fuck you up mentally and result in arrested development. You won't be able to take advantage of the high IQ until much later than your richer peers.

>> No.11079206

130 iq, you idiot