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11173217 No.11173217 [Reply] [Original]

>make 100k in crypto
>decide to switch to boomer-tier investments
>everything is a “share”

Lmao wtf is this shit, you guys seriously buy and sell “shares” in a company? For like 1% of their revenue or whatever the fuck. Absolute KEK, I can’t wait for this shit to die. At least in crypto your buying and selling REAL tokens.

>> No.11173266

gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8

>> No.11173269
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>> No.11173449
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>> No.11173516

Cryptokids are truly stupid

>> No.11173546

I don't understand the point of stocks. Why would you want to own one?

>> No.11173787

stocks traded on blockchain should be an actual thing tho.
most people that think they own shares don't own shit the brokers don't even own shit just a bunch of contracts and ious.

>> No.11173984

False sense of entitlement up until a competitor kills you for your shares so he can level up his company control

>> No.11174567

All I’m saying is why would you ever expect a “share” of amazon to go up, like who is out there thinking “fuck I need to get a share ASAP” this is why these stocks have shit tier boomer gains, like 300% over 4 years lmao. Meanwhile with tokens, they represent the thing itself. So people are like “oh shit this (insert block chain service) is fucking dope I need to buy these tokens and own this shit” and that’s why you have moon missions. I think boomers are just brainwashed.

>> No.11175062

You dont want to own one, unless you have insider knowledge that its gonna moon so you can take profits and run

Good example was AMD @ $3. literally a no brainer x10 off that bad boy.

>> No.11175133

its funny because OP's right. boomers btfo!

>> No.11175205

Yes that's right hold me up in the street and grab my Apple papers

>> No.11175215

Get poor quick, with your 90% losses

>> No.11175326

I know this is bait but I feel same way. It's archaic as fuck means of investing IMO. And it's weirdly complicated for how analog it is.

>> No.11175350

Based zoomer.

>> No.11175373

Isn’t it true though? If the company performs well and is profitable, the price of your papers go up

>> No.11175383

you buy them to sell them to the next schmuck at a higher price. that's the whole point.