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11390788 No.11390788 [Reply] [Original]

what would you do if you could be 19 again?

>> No.11390789

buy bitcoin

>> No.11390790

plz tell me cuz im 19

>> No.11390793


Same as I did, smoke weed, drop molly and fuck 17 year old high school girls in the ass while their parents slept in the next room.

t. 28 year old boomer now

>> No.11390795

study programming and the skill stack. Keep your head down

>> No.11390796

Fap vigorously

>> No.11390797

tfw 18

>> No.11390805


I woulda fucked more and took better care of myself. Whatever. All I've been thru since, fuck being 19 again, I'd just wish to go back to 25 holy shit.

>> No.11390811


This. I honestly can't think of anything else. Not looking into crypto earlier is literally my biggest regret in life.

>> No.11390812

Why 25?

>> No.11390813


>> No.11390814
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Not marry her

>> No.11390817

Buy more Bitcoin

>> No.11390818

Became an actor.

>> No.11390819


>> No.11390826
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Well, what would you have done differently at 25?

>> No.11390835

Fuck more women

>> No.11390839

Buy ETH, I'm 21 so buying Bitcoin wouldn't make as much of a difference.

>> No.11390842
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Take better care of myself and ask that qt out i never dared to ask out. Money is nice, but i just want to give love and be loved.
You can't buy that shit

>> No.11390852

not have a rich art school girlfriend
not make fun of bitcoin on SA and call them autism coins

>> No.11390867

I'm 25 now, and it's great (in the context of my fucked life) minus the no sex. That part is bad. Really bad. I haven't fucked since 2014 and that was a backpage bitch. Sad. Golden bullrun for my sex life when?

>> No.11390868

Crash and burn with women all the time instead of being a wallflower.
.t only started doing that at 23

>> No.11390870

I would not meet those douchebags to go skating and get busted with them for their weed that they brought. Had to pay 600$ fine because nobody would fess up and cops charged us all with possession. Shit is still on my record 6 years later and is the only item. Will be there another 4 years even though I went back through the courts and had it set aside by a judges order. AND I DIDN'T EVEN HAVE ANY WEED.

>> No.11390871
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>but i just want to give love and be loved.
>You can't buy that shit

>> No.11390872

kms cause it doesnt get better

>> No.11390896

go travel with guy friends.
Disregard women as a serious travel option at that age.
There is only a small window of time where that is truly an option.
Definitely when it comes to all being single and just retardedly failing with women all the time. (some of course getting lucky)

>> No.11390912


Do a lot more exercise. I’m 24 now and I manage to get 90 minutes of exercise in every day, but I realise when I was 18/19 I had so much free time and my body was in such better shape. Exercising more then would have been so amazing. I’d kill to be able to do four hours a day, and I used to play vidya for like six hours a day when I was 19.

>> No.11390921

I would not work for socialists - any company with an HR department

>> No.11390935

Same. I was 19 in 2013 and had about $8k in the bank at the time. I could be very rich.

>> No.11390936


I’m the opposite, lots of sex in high school, lots of sex post college (24 now).

Honestly college is such a weird place where everything is inverted, I went from tons of friends before and immediately after college to no friends during college. Everyone at my college was so pretentious as well lol

>> No.11390998

this, family bank account had 50k in it at the time and I had full access to it (never even used it)

>> No.11391008

>tfw 19
>tfw 2 bitcoins stored in an offline wallet
>tfw junior in college studying computer science
>tfw no job, no debt because of scholarships
>tfw I’m going to kill myself because nobody will date me.
Ok I’m not even ugly. I’m just short (5’7) and autistic. I swear to god I’m going to blow my brains out once I realize I’m fucked after college when I’ll wageslave the rest of my life with no gf. Get me out of this Zionist third world country.

>> No.11391013

Leave my shitty friends and focus on my education.

>> No.11391036
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wtf do I do to make it? turning 19 in february and stillhavent done shit

>> No.11391037
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Try to prevent 9/11

>> No.11391053

Dude, you have so much opportunity. What are you even complaining about?

>> No.11391120

Being alone under a government occupied by wageslave-owning Jews. (USA). Boy i can’t wait to work my ass off to make enough money so that maybe one day I’ll get a money grubbing gf who will later divorce me and take half of everything I worked for. Absolute freedom.

>> No.11391138

Mine Btc, use student loans to buy more Btc. Be Crypto neet billionaire

>> No.11391144


I'd even just start mining it, I remember looking at it after seeing it shitposted on 4chan and thought "fuck it that's too hard for fake internet money"

>> No.11391160

When it first came out you could literally cpu mine thousands per week

>> No.11391166

why don't you move to another country then?

>> No.11391182

suck a rich mans dick

>> No.11391211

If you move to another country they follow you. You cannot escape. Even if you become a citizen somewhere else. They will still tax you as you are their property. If you do not pay, they have military bases all around the world and have the ability to arrest and execute you at any time in any place in the world. Freedom is a lie.

>> No.11391415

not get that bitch pregnant

>> No.11391418

Buy Bitcoin, Buy Netflix and Amazon with a 7 year options.

>> No.11391441
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>tfw never did that


>> No.11391457

Eat more and better, do a sport that I like and that build physique, chew better and worry less about what other people think.

>> No.11391501

i thought they can't touch you in another country...

>> No.11391508

They can touch you anywhere they want if you're still a citizen

>> No.11391555
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ditch my fake friends

>> No.11391559


>> No.11391560

Yeah I’m sure they can’t and I’m sure Jillian Assange is still alive even though he hasn’t created a message signed by his pgp key since 2016.

You mess with them they kill you. You don’t pay your taxes they will make sure you do or they’ll tax your life. They are borderless and lawless because they invented borders and the law. It’s for us to abide and for them to control.