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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11397548 No.11397548 [Reply] [Original]

>you hear that? I’m talking to you, snowflake. I want you to be mad. Move out of mommy’s basement. Get an apartment with some roommates and eat beans and rice. It’s not hard, you’re just stupid and a loser, snowflake.


>> No.11397556

Y tho

>> No.11397568

what a fucking retard. i'm in my late 20s and i live at home to save money. you i make 300k a year. fuck off boomer cuck. i also manage the finances of the family fortunes.

>> No.11397575

yes goyim keep renting a shitty room making some kike rich, keep doing that like a good cuck or take a loan from mr Noseberg and live with shakles for 30 years

>> No.11397616

This is one big thing Dave is wrong and/or out of touch about. There's no shame in living with your parents for a year or a few years after you're at all.

>> No.11397617

>they have not developed into full grown emotional adults... if you're offended by that because you're 26 and you live in your mommy's basement, good, I'm talking to you
OP is offended because he's 26 and lives in his mommy's basement. Grow up you neet incel loser. Get out there and make something of your life instead of having everything handed to you.

>> No.11397648

Unironical this, living at home you miss the best years of your life.

I moved out when I was 19, worked 2 jobs. That payed for the bills and even allowed me to save some.

Fucking some random roastie, or coming home early in the morning after a party makes it all worth it.

Also think about your parents, they say it's fine to live at home but really they want you to leave. Your a burden on their privacy and they are ashamed of your living situation to friends and family

>> No.11397650

and I don't see how Dave can possibly in any way unironically use his children as examples without in any way acknowledging that he basically handed them jobs with his company making way more than the average millenial with a bachelor's degree. It's fine nobody should hold it against him, but not at least caveating that is just disingenuous.

Otherwise he's a good guy who generally has good advice but I guess nobody is perfect.

>> No.11397677

I like him except his attitude toward having kids. Through all of his penny-pinching he can actually say with a straight face to callers that having kids isn't much of an expenditure. Probably his religious upbringing blinding him a bit.

>> No.11397685

Spoiled brat can‘t wash his own undies. Get a grip.

>> No.11397731

>boomers inflate money supply with social programs/killing gold standard
>boomers introduce drug testing for off the clock use of marijuana while flooding society with marijuana
>boomers hire millions of illegals, drag wages down
>boomers outsource most US manufacturing so they can afford mindless consumption
>boomers create a justice system that makes most people who go through it insane/drug addicted and then make it so those who served their punishment can never get a good job and oftentimes are barred from Federal student aid forever if it's a petty drug offense

Just shake the managers hand and buy russet potatoes and beans though hahaha

>> No.11397861

Dave used to work in multi-level marketing before he was "saved" so basically he moved from one group of suckers and moved on to another. He just spit commomn sense advice with a southern twang (He's got a voice for radio, I'll give him that) that gives him authenticity to his audience and they just gobble it up.

>> No.11397940
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>fucking some random roasties or coming home early from a party makes it worth it

>> No.11398026

Boomers are so fucking retarded

>> No.11398104

Lived away from my parents from 18 to 26. Now back in my parents' place from 26 to 31.

My parents love me living with them and my younger brother as I provide company for them and make things more peaceful. I also contribute to the house by cleaning, helping out with the grand kids, wash my own clothes (and sometimes even my parents'), work and go to school.

I like his saying that the people working for him "had six jobs"... If he means six jobs at the same time, that's a damning indictment of how messed up of a society we have.

That large job market he talks about are often part time, minimum wage jobs.

We celebrate hooking up, spending money and doing dumb stuff, then wonder why so many young adults have kids early, are poor and end up with little common sense.

>> No.11398226

Look let's be real guys. Dave spends his show pissing off as many people as possible. He tells the truth and treats you like shit when you're down. It's pretty fucking based if you ask me. Yes I'm 29. Yes I love his show. Yes I live at home. Soon I'll make it though. I have no debt, never even owned a credit card. I have a shitty job and disposable income to invest in crypto. At least with Dave, he hates my generation as much as I do.

>> No.11398251

About to turn 19,want to do the same, but how the fuck can I even live if I've too study, work and sleep?

>> No.11398272


>> No.11398352
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lmao fuck this rentier hillbilly, I make $86,000 in a place rent on a 1 BR is $800 and still live with my parents, and will continue to do so because I don't want the motivating factor to get out of bed to be I have to pay my landlord

>Fucking some random roastie, or coming home early in the morning after a party makes it all worth it.
>I pay rent so I can sleep around and party

>think about your parents
fuck them, I couldn't care less what they think

>> No.11398367

he just wants me take the easy way out

>> No.11398388

/biz/ites blow all their money on shit crypto assets like chainlink, how do you expect them to move out?

>> No.11398458

This guy is the boomer version of Tai Lopez. All of his advice is basic as fuck. You can tell how little he understands about finance whenever he talks about investing, the stock marker, risk management etc.

>> No.11398562

It's rough. Best thing to do that I missed out on was eating healthy.

Between working in a non-temperature controlled warehouse 40+ yours a week and full time evening classes, all I did was work, school, eat, sleep and spend the weekends taking care of what I didn't have time to during the week, it was brutal.

I'd often fall asleep in class due to being so drained. I was eating fast food all the time and that was doing more harm than good.

Healthy food makes a huge difference, so focus on veggies, fruits, nuts, oats, beans and other healthy things.

Good luck, Anon. Your forward thinking about this at 19 will help out massively.

>> No.11398714

Why does everyone on /biz/ assume living with their parents is even an option for some people.

>> No.11399259

Wish I could move out, but it's too expensive even with roommates.

>> No.11399317

you would get sick of roommates after a month, nothing like living at home. Don't let mr Shekelstein tell you that you "need" to move out because reasons.

>> No.11399372

>neets are this delusional

>> No.11399404


LMAO @ this boomer... yes pay rent to a landlord and enrich someone else like a true """dignified""" cuck... or live with mommy and make bank. I can buy a house after living with mommy for 3 years or buy a house after being a rentcuck for 10 years. This retard boomer thinks he's giving good advice when he tells me to do the former?

I would love it if every millenial just started living with their parents because landlords and real estate speculating parasites would get utterly BTFO.

>> No.11399430
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Why don't I stay in mommy's basement and eat well? Or even save double by eating beans and rice with mommy?

>> No.11399479

I'm just struggling with one thing... It's either live now, spend money have fun or delay fun things, earn money, invest and maybe live better later. There's no right answer, because I won't get my years back.

Gotta win at life somehow

>> No.11400348

life is a shit

>> No.11400355
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>Fucking some random roastie, or coming home early in the morning after a party makes it all worth it.

I try so hard to remind myself that you're a symptom of the decline and not the cause, but its still so tiresome.

>> No.11400501

Gotta make lemonade out of that shit... Shit lemonade

>> No.11400707

No. I don't care about anything but making money. Living at home is ideal for accumulating.

>> No.11400745
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It could be much worse. Now go make your bed.

>> No.11401370
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