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11500278 No.11500278 [Reply] [Original]

I'm going make a theory here. Because I think something at play here is going on, it could be a few different things and I just can't quite shake the notion. It's pretty fucking outlandish but I believe there might be some genuine truth about the future and I want to know what you all think...

Back in 2015, Shia LaBeouf set out to "become a living meme" and more or less, he succeeded. He actually became a few memes and I think his art project actually inspired some other bigwigs as a means to stay reverent but also use it to a political advantage.

Not even a year later, Donald Trump used memeing as a basis for his campaign(MAGA, grab her by the pussy, etc etc), and guess what it was a landslide success because he stayed relevant through ridiculous tweets. If you guys remember correctly, one of the reasons why Trump initially ran for office was because of Obama insulting him at some correspondence dinner.

I'm almost certain we're seeing the same thing play out here with Elon Musk. Last year, he was brought on to some advisory board under the Trump administration. And he was later removed, citing "indifferences" between the committee, Trump, and Musk. Then, all of a sudden, following multiple successful SpaceX launches, it would APPEAR that Musk has lost his mind.

Ranting and rambling on twitter, manipulating stock prices, taunting the SEC, and the list just goes on and on and on and on right up to the anime stuff a few days ago. Now, it would seem the narrative suggests(along with mainstream media) that we're expected to believe Musk can't cope, taking drugs, isn't sleeping, whatever the fuck you want to attribute it to.

>> No.11500281

But, I am starting to think there is another narrative at play. And this big-wig short seller turning on his word, his lawsuit and going long, almost confirms I'm onto something. Here's the theory: Musk will run for president after he exposes the SEC for market manipulation. Think about it, all his "crazy" tweets led to a landslide for Tesla, and a whole world of investigations, and bullshit the company now has to deal with. BUT, price is back to where it was AGAIN for a third time. The other thing his madman tweets are doing is helping millions and millions of people IN THE UPCOMING GENERATIONS to identify with him. The masses believe he's on their side. He's a relatable, nerdy billionaire. He likes anime, he likes trolling, he likes weed, he likes cars, he likes rockets and lives the true entrepreneurial american dream

>> No.11500298

Now, you might be thinking... bullshit, his tweets aren't a big deal. Wrong. In the short term, they are jokes and funny. aha look at the shit musk is getting himself into again! In the long term, they're very impactful. You want to be friends with Musk, he SEEMS like a cool guy with well intent. He's actually directly responding to people who look up to him. Everyone he responded to yesterday probably went around and told everyone they knew "musk replied to me yesterday!!!". The other side of this theory is future generations(millienials, gen z, etc) not only feel fucked by the system imposed upon them by administrations like Trump's but the bigggest issue of them all is they also absolutely do. not. trust. it. They are down right convinced it is rigged against them. In the current financial system, they can't buy homes, they are crazy in debt over college, they can invest but they can't REALLY invest, which is probably where crypto will come in BUT, if I'm right about this and Musk succeeds in exposing the SEC for inadvertent market manipulation, Musk will firmly validate himself in the eyes of those generations. Power in numbers and Musk is accumulating well-defined opinions. His tweets are setting up a foundation that will later be used to rival Trump's political platform, just the same way Trump challenged Obama's.

Just watch.

>> No.11500311


>> No.11500355

I'll vote for him

>> No.11500365

Yeah real entrepreneur there, tell that to the original tesla owners who sued him for co-opting the company.


>> No.11500383

Musk has better things to do than run for political office. He's above it.

>> No.11500398

musk understands leverage faggot
he's as big of a public figure as he is because he understands politics as well as engineering
push the right levers and you can lift the world

>> No.11500423
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It's definitely outlandish but the idea of Trump being in the whitehouse was just as outlandish 3 years ago. He definitely could win, right-wingers think he's lowkey /ourguy/ and pot-smoking hippies, nerds, and environmentalists on the left all like him. He'd totally steal the center from Trump.

Thank god Elon is pro crypto.

>> No.11500435
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>> No.11500496

Pray to kek you're right OP. Musk at the helm is the closest thing we'll get to the "philosophic dictator" ideal. Literally huge if true.

>> No.11500545

Youre a dipshit, he cant run for president he was born in south africa

>> No.11500561

about to post this lol

>> No.11500583

also funny thing is OP even brought up the obama/trump feud over his birth certificate (when trump insisted that obama was born in kenya). OP confirmed retarded

>> No.11500715

Ted Cruz was born in Canada but nobody made a stink.

>> No.11500718

Musk can't run for president: he was not born in America

>> No.11500751

This is pretty much what I figured was going on, but I stopped short of him running for president.
That's interesting to consider though.

But yes I am 99% convinced that he is putting on a show for some reason.

If this is true, then I was right to stop short of considering him doing this for political reasons.
So the question becomes why.
Why is Musk putting himself out there like this?
He is accumulating social capital for some reason.

>> No.11500777

thank God he hates niggers

>> No.11500792

the only ones who feel fucked by President Trump are liberals who are mentally ill and arguably soulless retards and subhuman spics separated from their family. None of these "people" matter and are objectively completely worthless.

>> No.11500815

This fucking board is brainlet utopia.

>> No.11500880

The real questions involve our readiness for a Technocracy. HOT isnt the only holochain project....

>> No.11500981

Musk will run for president alright. President of Mars. He's not going to get bogged down on this fusty old planet. He has bigger fish to fry.

>> No.11501114

Hi Elon.

>> No.11501133
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>> No.11501142

Tell me how to make money off this or save your conspiracies for you blog bucko

>> No.11501204
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Century 8, Quatrain 77
The antichrist very soon annihilates the three,
twenty-seven years his war will last.
The unbelievers are dead, captive, exiled;
with blood, human bodies, water and red hail covering the earth.

>> No.11501209


>> No.11501222
File: 92 KB, 590x828, Woman-haunted-by-satanic-goat-453204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Century 2, Quatrain 62
Mabus will soon die, then will come,
A horrible undoing of people and animals,
At once one will see vengeance,
One hundred powers, thirst, famine, when the comet will pass.

>> No.11501259

He'd be a better president than Trump or Hillary.

>> No.11501280

Birds of a feather.

>> No.11501283
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he can't be president, he was born in South Africa.

>> No.11501310

> He is accumulating social capital for some reason.

Maybe he is just another digital like-button endorphine addict and you are a gay motherfucker dreaming too much.

>> No.11501362

well i hope you're right OP, he's /ourguy/

>> No.11501442

Elon Musk was born in South Africa. You're as dumb as the mouthbreathers who believed Arnold Schwarzenegger would be running for president. KYS faggot

>> No.11501468
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Ted Cruz born in Canada runs for President and places 2nd in Republican Primaries and nobody gives a shit.

>> No.11501505

Cruz's mom was born in America, thereby allowing him to skirt the "naturalized citizen" requirement in place for US presidents. Musks parents were born in Canada and South Africa. He can't get around the law in the same way Cruz did. Try again.

>> No.11501599

Id vote for him but tsla going back up to 300 is a joke.

>> No.11501731

didn't stop obngo

>> No.11502118
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>you know too much anon


>> No.11502202

This. Burger laws deny such possibility

>> No.11502332
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lots of words... it all adds up

>> No.11502543

Citron's Andy Left is a competent short seller. He trapped longs with this. Tomorrow everyone who was going to buy TSLA lower and pump will have a 12% hurdle and most people already bought. But a lot of people withheld selling for the post Q3 pop that was well advertised ahead, and Musk will run and try to raise money to avoid insolvency. And that my friend is called a trap. This is death throws of TSLA. It's a brilliant trap too. Musk is a moron and he can't do shit now. Probably a blowback for $420 manip.

>> No.11502881

this and also he sees all the good trump is doing. the dude isn't a retard. If he ran it would be 2024

>> No.11502893

Cruz had a parent born in the US which makes it OKAY

>> No.11503215

all hail the future south african-american potus

>> No.11503644


>> No.11503869

okay. i overlooked where he was born kek you got me there...for the time being...

BECAUSE now I'm wondering even more about the larger reach of this charade... there is a general distaste among other countries rampant and a wildly high level of "encouraged" racism that is now flourishing across America-- so maybe, just maybe that law will be annulled. It isn't sustainable for America to be edged out, and that's what's happening under Trump. We're putting our foot down and everyone else is just stepping over us. How do you show future generations of foreign countries that you value them? Is there incentive for the presidency to open up to all American nationalities in the coming terms?

I wouldn't even be mentioning this if it wasn't CONSTANTLY brought up. But, for two years now Trump has been making absurd promises to build an actual wall across the American/Mexico border with the ENTIRE PACIFIC OCEAN running along the whole west coast of both countries... even swearing that Mexico will end up paying for this. It's a red herring, if you haven't figured out. To what I don't know but, a wall to keep true, real Americans in and fake, scary emigrants out? But... America was founded on immigration, so that kind of goes heavily against the founding principles of the United States. Since it was founded on immigration, it would only make sense for American politics to evolve in a manner that would allow American immigrants to run for the presidency.

And then there's Musk... giving his patents away to everyone for free and hopping on a plane over night to Thailand, building prototypes for evacuation procedures to save children trapped in a cave. Opening up the act of embracing foreign countries and their future generations. Creating purpose out of nothing, seizing the moment, trying to make a difference in the world, and bringing back the great. american. dream.