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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1162169 No.1162169 [Reply] [Original]

Who is the best candidate for economic health and getting capital flowing again?

>> No.1162175

pic related

>> No.1162183

/pol/ doesn't want you to hear it, but it's actually Sanders.

>> No.1162185

>a jewish communist president is the best for economic health

>> No.1162186

>le communist meme
Why did I think /biz/ would be any different from the rest of 4chan.

>> No.1162198

>flew a hammer and sickle flag in his office for 30 years
>honeymooned in the USSR
>is on record saying that castro and staline weren't that bad of guys
>wrote a letter to the communists in guatemala telling them how great of a job they were doing


he's a communist sympathizing piece of shit and a disgrace to any immigrant or asylum seeker who fled to the US to get away from communism.

>> No.1162223

i hope he let Russia to nuke your country.

>> No.1162290

Not Trump, please fuck off back to /pol/

>> No.1162297
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>> No.1162301

Michael Bloomberg.

>> No.1162308

well as far as getting capital flowing i suppose taxation is how government gets the capital which they distribute to different services so bernie would increase both the government's capital as well as the cost of the services they provide. Hillary would be better in terms of spending less on more in the long run. Although it will make for the most widespread disbursement of capital that the government can currently have control over, taxation and bernie's free education and health care won't bear much benefit to many people at its cost, which is so ridiculously high because we have the absolute best in the world universities/med schools/hospitals. The cost being either lowering the quality of those services or the cost being the government holding a gun to your head until you pay obscene amounts of money for school other people can't afford.

So to answer your question, you're asking the wrong question, and the answer to the right question ultimately doesn't matter because the US having a lot of capital "flowing" isn't what makes it a good nation economically, its power does.

>> No.1162312

Taking everything into consideration, Sanders would ultimately be the best.

This guy gets it- it's not even about supporting him , it's about understand cause and effect.

>> No.1162332

Go to bed, Hillary.

>> No.1162338

Trump 2016

Also google Trumpcoin - new coin just starting up huge profit potential.

>> No.1163431
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Ron Paul.

Oh, did you mean this election? It's too late, Anon. It was always too late.

>> No.1163443


Communism is supposed to be the end result of socialism according to the Marxist historical materialist dialectic, socialism being the collective ownership of the means of production, you fucking dipshits.

Sanders has not proposed collective ownership of the means of production. Not once during his campaign.

>> No.1163466

None of them if they actually do as they say.

Luckily what they say before their elected has zero bearing on what they do once in office.

>> No.1163519

>be Bernie
>small cuckbird flies onto your podium
>you smile and wave and people cheer for cuckbird

>be Donald
>massive fucking Bald Eagle perches majestically on your desk
>you are literally taken aback by its overwhelming majesty and get made fun of by Bern-victims for being impressed with the power of this noble symbol of American greatness

>> No.1163558


>> No.1163569

>believing the economy isn't growing when USA is the developed country with the highest growth rates...

Trump's cock suckers are so stupid.

>> No.1163571

So you're saying that him calling himself a socialist is retarded and he's been lying the whole time?

>> No.1163572


Democratic Socialism =/= Socialism

That's like saying the Republican Party is like Saddam's Republican Guard, just because they both share the word "Republican".

>> No.1163576

Trump is an anti-freetrade cuckservitive, so Hillary is sadly the lesser of two evils.

>> No.1163580

<2% GDP growth isnt growth. That doesnt even outpace birthrates

Explain the difference between Socialism and "Democratic" Socialism

>> No.1163581

Hillary would probably be for the best.

Free trade's in our best interests. Even though NAFTA has expanded our consumption possibilities slowly, it's a better alternative compared to automation.

I'm worried about Bernie since he wants to replace members of the regional boards with nonbankers and noneconomists.

Not to mention a $15 minimum wage will devastate poorer states where the cost of living is significantly lower.

>> No.1163584

>sanders is a fuggin commie ::::-------DDDDD



>> No.1163587
File: 99 KB, 1190x595, the-insane-life-of-former-fugitive-and-eccentric-cybersecurity-legend-john-mcafee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

john mcafee

>> No.1163592

i actually could no agree more, i didn't even know he was running for president until a few weeks ago

he is by far the best candidate running in my opinion

>> No.1163662

4chan normies wont even mention him

>> No.1163669
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>Top Tier
Gary Johnson
Jonathan McAfee
Rand Paul

>Mid - High Tier
Ted Cruz

>Mid Tier
Donald J. Trump
Marco Rubio

>Low Tier
Hillary Clinton
John Kasich

>Oh Shit Nigger What Are You Doing Tier
Bernie Sanders

Purely from an economic standpoint. I don't like El Rato nor am I voting libertarian this time, but they have the best economic policies.

>> No.1163671

I'm an intern at goldman sachs and everyone here is rooting for TRUMP, our analysts calculated an annual GDP growth rate of 5% if he wins

>> No.1163673

Anybody there discuss the effect of a protectionist tax on the economy? I'm genuinely curious

>> No.1163674

people dont know how it works so they will trade freedoms for bigger government. trump IS bigger government. i think trumps plan will just make collapse happen earlier.
trumps tariffs is more of a danger than high taxes. even though I hate high taxes, it government spending can stimulate the economy and tariffs will ruin everything.

>> No.1163678

injecting money into economy is not growth. the whole thing collapses when companies can't sell nor export. money supply increases whereas velocity of money is decreasing. it wont cause inflation and dollar will appreciate in value and exports will decrease,

>> No.1164331


100% serious

>> No.1164336

Probably Sanders. But if you're financially set (have job ...etc) I would go with Hillary because I don't think the extra taxes are worth it.

>> No.1164340

Doesn't he want a 20% sales tax or something? The guy's a bigger idiot than sanders.

>> No.1164341


>I'm an intern at goldman sachs and everyone here is rooting for TRUMP

Which is why they support Hillary, right?

>our analysts calculated an annual GDP growth rate of 5% if he wins

In your dreams. His "plan" is fiscally retarded to put it nicely.

>> No.1164342

trump will push murrica into long term deflation spiral if he really turns out the immigrants
bernie is a gommunist he will ruin everything he touches big state = big corruption = nothing works
shillary puts murrica into several wars at the same time which results in bankrupcy hyperinflation and probably ends the dollar

>> No.1164344

From what I understand the average securities broker supports Trump or other Republicans, while the higher up executives support shills like Hillary. My Dad's a hedge fund manager and that has been his experience.

>> No.1164348

A depression would be necessary for us to break out of the awful spiral of outsourcing and wealth disparity we currently have. We need to tear down the insidious corporations which have made their money off of exploiting foreign workers and allow for more competitive companies which make use of domestic labor to rise up. Trump's reforms would theoretically work in the long term, though initially there will be a shock and possibly a terrible recession before we can build ourselves up again.

>> No.1164352

I'm not saying the guy doesn't have his flaws

But he will drastically lower corporate taxes and income taxes. America will be a much more competitive business environment because of it.

>> No.1164353

Ala Reagan. Huge shock for the first few years, followed by period of incredible wealth

>> No.1164355

yeah a little depression would do well not a generation long or longer.
you need the immigrants deal with it.

>> No.1164360

Realistically the best way to deal with our immigration problem would be to grant the current ones amnesty. It would allow them to work for minimum wage so that companies couldn't pay them less and give them an advantage over US citizens.