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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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11679987 No.11679987 [Reply] [Original]

Will roger go back to supporting core?

>> No.11679998

The fact retarded corecucks have not absolutely capitulated by now despite it being a year in which lightning was conclusively proven to be a failure even whilst being centralised, and while the majority of btc activity was focused around a fucking etf managed by the state "backed" by bitcoin, and last of all while blockstream rubbed your retarded fucking noses in it by the coup de grace of liquid, and you stupid fucking cunts still don't fucking get it.

You are fucking retarded beyond all measure. You are ignorant obsolete farm equipment that is operating on luck alone. You picked the wrong side of the fucking chain and refuse to accept your error and the incumbent forces of states and central banks and other assorted unproductive psychopathic motherfuckers are the only things propping you up. You will fail, you deserve to fail, and most importantly for the slump to correct you fucking must fail. So just capitulate now and get it the fuck over with. I don't give a shit if you buy the real bitcoin fork, just stop propping up the fucking zombie shitcoin masquerading as Bitcoin that even the most retarded fucking downs syndrome extra chromosome having motherfucker on the planet could identify as a scam by this stage.
Fucking wake up you absolute sad fucks.

>> No.11680057

I think he will. Rogers is based

>> No.11680080

Have you read the lightning network paper? It was a fucking joke. Terribly written terrible idea.
Scale the fucking chain you asswipes.

>> No.11680091

Hey Roger, KYS. Regards, Satoshi (Craig Wright)

>> No.11680169
File: 88 KB, 1024x576, MBVUxGF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>supporting core?

I never saw in my life a worse online community than the now almost million subscribers of r/Bitcoin. They really have no fucking idea of how the coins they hold works, like not at all. E.g. like a cult followers they're installing a "full node" on a rasppis (running a LN with zero liquidity...) as if that $8 piece of hardware is going to save their coin from the world elite+banks+government!

>> No.11680196
File: 198 KB, 1046x852, wzs1t20ulz801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody who owns BTC with half a brain and understands the tech cares about "the LN" you dumb fuck. The purpose of the LN is to pump up the price for a few more years so more normies will buy in to this and if you really thing this piece of shit is going to take off some day and be used by someone "to buy coffee" I wish you'll lose your pants.

>> No.11680867

Yes we all know the only people left in btc are retards and dishonest people. We don't need a reminder.

>> No.11681189

r/btc is just as retarded that's why we come here to piss on each other instead

>> No.11681467

Yes but at least BCH is technologically sound, the moment BTC promised its cult followers the LN it became an organized fraud. The LN will never work as promised, even if it's technologically feasible, because by then something better will replace BTC altogether.

>> No.11681485

oh fuck off back there

>> No.11681493

Nah, he'll find some new shitcoin.
Maybe grin? We'll see.

>> No.11681505

Crypto is an eternal ponzi if you have been here more than 2 years you understand this. Cashies got dumped on hold coins that are going to get pumped not dumped you brainlet.

>> No.11681556

>Cashies got dumped on hold coins that are going to get pumped not dumped you brainlet.
I was talking about the long term - nothing will have much value because the moment it'll risk state power it'll be co-opt. I can think of many ways the government will destroy any coin which will threaten fiat. If crypto will be useful it'll most likely be ran by the state itself in a way which gives it power over it (think Ripple or any other shitcoin pretending to be "crypto" ).

>> No.11682553
File: 558 KB, 1280x3008, moneybox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

suuure let's go back to the people who have called him a fuckwad and scammer for over a year now just for switching to a crpto that aligns better with what he's always believed

>> No.11682641

based and redpilled

>> No.11683792

That's rich considering most of the time its you guys posting in /r/btc because /r/bitcoin censors discussion that would confuse your flock of NPCs. Face it, Bitcoin Core (BTC) is nothing but an unfortunately very unsuccessful social attack on bitcoin. Fortunately, their victory is temporary.

>> No.11684266

Probably will since he just said he now sees the 'merits' of bcore fears of contentious forks. Also says he's open to switching to better tech when it's ready. Sounds like LN will have a new influencer soon

>> No.11684668

Are special drawing rights used to buy coffee?

I realise you're likely too fucking stupid to know what that is. Look it up and think about it. Get back to me. What reality would it suggest if it were not possible to use them to buy coffee, or anything else for that matter, and what is the difference between ten tons of coffee shipped from the shores of the choicest Arabica plantations and one cup of the stuff I bought from a flirty barista? Really fucking actually think about it. Don't just fallback to your bullshit core cult indoctrination nonsense. You show enough intelligence to at least realize lightning is nothing but a distraction for fools. How much further with that independent thinking can you go?

Or just get back down on your knees and suck core cock until you're working a mcjob the rest of your life. I don't give a fuck.