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11730609 No.11730609 [Reply] [Original]

Guys, I'm starting to realise that it isn't money that's holding me back from doing what I want. It's me.

>> No.11730620

no shit. it's all in your head. take some acid.

>> No.11730627

What are you holding yourself back from?

>> No.11730629

Should have listened to your boomer parents kid

>> No.11730664
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same. deep comment.
what is it you wan't though, OP?
getting that straight is the hardest part. then work on your discipline. then you make it

>> No.11730670

I'm slowly learning that I have to become more in order to achieve more.

>> No.11730681

Nothing in particular. I mean it more in a general life sort of way like >>11730620 is implying. Just coming to the realization that Money is separate from reality.

>> No.11730713

I think I'm just defective and born to lose.

>> No.11730752

true that brother *rips bong*

>> No.11730782

Humans are stronger than their consciousness allows them, it was a trade-off in the development of finer motor controls. This limitation can be removed in a psychotic break-down or when you berserk.
All muscular and kinetic motions in the body are small spasms and a lockening up of the muscles via the nervous system.

>> No.11730937

>mr diamond mine inheritance man says hard work pays off!

>better work harder to achieve my dreams!


>> No.11731049

based and red pilled

>> No.11731358

i'm slowly learning that i should just be myself