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11936559 No.11936559 [Reply] [Original]

How do you stop anxiety?

I have a bunch of savings, no kids and an easy job and yet I still feel a constant impending sense of doom.

I already quit caffeine and alcohol and it helped a little.

>> No.11936600

You might have a body part that's out of place or deformed, bringing constant attention from your nervous system, therefore tension.

>> No.11936648

First gotta understand that you are not the only one in existence.
Second nobody is observing you or watching your moves, let alone judging you.
Third everything is in your head, if you master your thoughts you master your will.
Fourth force of will is unstoppable, imagine that the world is only your subjective point of view.

You only race against you, I hope you have good health, is the basic start point but most valuable asset.

Have a good day.

>> No.11936688

I hate to think that you are not wrong. Could be chronic inflammation, cancer, parasite or bacterial colony of some sort.

>> No.11936696

>Anxiety and panic attacks are lactic acidosis

>> No.11936698

Study ai and realize most people are wasting their lives and committing themselves to preventable deaths.
Spend all of your time learning about unsupervised learning and meta learning.
Realize we are close (within a decade) of superheros emerging from ai + crispr.
Spend everything you have (time and money) pursuing AI.
Become a god as others waste their time giving scrum updates.
Easy, problem solved.

>> No.11936805

>How do you stop anxiety?
Boomer here who spent most of his twenties trying to figure this out. The short answer is that unless you want to get medicated (which I don't recommend because they bring their own problems, often leaving you worse off than before) then you don't stop anxiety, you just learn to live with it. Somehow, it becomes more manageable when you stop trying to fight it and simply acknowledge it.

Two things I have found particularly helpful:
Lithium orotate. I have spent a small fortune on supplements and this one works better than anything else. When I am having an especially bad day, I pop one of these and the anxiety is melted away as if I had taken a xanax but without making me retarded. Plus its nonaddictive. You can get that on Amazon.

Real Noble Kava. Not the junk the sell at health stores; actual root that you have to knead with water and then chug because it tastes like spicy mud. I replaced my nightly beers with Kava with great results. Also lost some weight by doing that. Kalm with Kava is a good brand to start with.

>> No.11936825

start on a carnivore diet

>> No.11936858

Tianeptine Sulfate, be careful with it because people who take it not as usually prescribed by a doctor(25mg once or maximum twice a day) get addicted. I'm taking sodium but about to switch to sulfate. It works wonders on anxiety and depression. Buy a month supply and don't take more than what I posted here and in a week or less you will be anxiety free.

>> No.11936890

just bee urself

>> No.11936948

Go vegan and get a dog

>> No.11936974

Focus on Breath, correct breathing.
Study of The Living Word.

>> No.11936994

Are you me? All of the above and yet I'm paranoid I'll lose everything. Maybe it's all this crypto volatility we've become accustomed to
t. boomer living his best life

>> No.11937028

Meditation. Exercise. Don't give a fuck / growth mentality (you learn by your mistakes). Also check your test level.
If all fails, Cognitive b. therapy. If this also fails; EEG feedback , eventually psychedelics (I don't recommend the last one at all)

>> No.11937046

Consider never giving advice to anyone , anywhere anymore

>> No.11937124
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Xanax bars

>> No.11937145

>No kids
That's why you feel doomed. Your genes are doomed.

>> No.11937200

Yeah, it works. Also turns you into an insufferable bartard.

>> No.11937243


It gets easier. Every day it gets a little easier. But you gotta do it every day. That's the hard part. But it does get easier.

Also yoga unironically.

>> No.11937319

You can't stop anxiety. It's like trying to cut off a kidney or liver. It's a part of you and it will always be there.

You can, however learn to manage it and teach it to not be afraid of things it shouldn't be afraid of. Kind of like taming a wild dog.

The third option is to muffle it with heavy medication like Xanax. This, however is not a long-term solution as you won't learn how to cope on your own and you will develop dependency on the drug over time.

>> No.11937435

Take meds: Alprazolam and Citalopram.

>> No.11937881

smoke some weed. its gonna make you feel better, or much worse

>> No.11937895


B15, GABA, magnesium, Fish Oil, Vitamin D, Rhodiola Root, Lithium Orate, Iron Supplements, Zinc, B vitamins, Ashwagandha, meditation, prayer, a journal, daily exercise and sunlight. For a mental balance, St. John's Wort and Sam-E.

>> No.11937931

Find a way to come to terms with your fear of loss, of which death is a major part.

The method you use is up to you.

>> No.11938625

>its gonna make you feel better, or much worse
Haha, ain't that the truth. For me it makes me feel much worse. I have friends that use it to relax, but it always amplifies my overthinking tenfold.

>> No.11938662

Be more social. Make close social connections. Have a social network. Then do fun stuff with them. All that other noise(sense of doom) will fade away

>> No.11938689

Supplements are BULLSHIT and not the cause of your anxiety.

Your diet might affect anxiety tho (sugar gives me uneasy feeling after/day after for instance)

>> No.11938706

Take vitamin D3 OP. It's cheap and you're probably deficient due to lack of sunlight.

>> No.11938783

Daily naps, overall good sleeping cycle. Lay off coffee and go to green tea or L-theanine. Eat fish, exercise moderately. Do a crossword or sudoku.
If you have access to a sauna, go to 2-3 times a week

>> No.11938834

Nofap can help a lot. Takes about a week for noticable effect.

>> No.11938935


>> No.11938961

Damn... why did I never hear about this?

Thank you for this.

>> No.11938991

thanks a lot anon
So eating liver is the only way? Damn better get used to it, because I hate the taste

>> No.11939308

you come to terms with the inevitability of death. see, the trick of life is that no matter what you have, it's all temporary. you can safeguard with savings, a good job, etc, but as you're finding out, it doesn't get rid of the fundamental dissatisfaction (anxiety) lurking in the back of your mind that nothing can save you from death. acceptance is literally the only way to reduce/defeat anxiety

>> No.11939504

>no kids
there you have it

>> No.11939535

All accumulated studies point to talking therapy (dynamic or cognitive) as the most effective treatment.

>> No.11939570

Dare by Barry McDonagh

the end

>> No.11939576

how to ruin your health in just a few quick years! Enjoy the massive blood sugar swings as you gorge yourself on a hundred grams of sugar every few hours in a vain attempt to fulfill nutrient requirements that aren't being met.

>> No.11939595

looks like someone failed the nnn (the no nut november). its not even December yet!

>> No.11939608
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we can see cbt has similar effect than medications on brain with people suffering from ocd for example. ocd and probably many other anxiety disorders then again are physical and genetic we can see in brain scans misfiring effect people with ocd compared to non anxiety group people

>> No.11939743

Its kind of insane how anxiety is a real thing that exists. It first started for me when I was 13 and I started getting anxious constantly for no reason. It peaked when I was about 18 and subsided significantly in the following years. Im 24 now and live mostly anxiety free in daily life but still have social anxiety and stress can trigger it. How can such a thing even exist?

>> No.11939860

Just bought 100k liver

>> No.11939886

invest money and get dividends. Even if I lose my job, I could survive for a long time on my dividends

>> No.11939887


Anxiety keeps you from doing dumb shit. People that destroy it with xanax exhibit bizarre behaviors like walking into busy highways.

>> No.11939894


>> No.11939898

Why do you need to do CBT in person. I know it gives someone a job but isn't there just a free website that tells you everything that the therapist does?

>> No.11939929
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watch this OP: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7g1pmHSWHe0

increase speed to 1.25 or 1.5 if you're impatient

>> No.11939937

how much do you get per year in divs?

>> No.11939952

well pretty much yes same thing. depends on disorder. for example ocd is mostly treated with erp (exposure therapy) and then it could be easier done with therapist than alone

>> No.11939974

I'm hearing good things about Lavender oil pills. Sounds like hippie bullshit but there's studies that back it. Just started taking 80mg a day. I'm on Ashwagandha too now which definitely works so I have to taper that to see if Lavender works or not.

>> No.11939988

I have generalized anxiety, social anxiety, and a touch of agoraphobia these days.

>> No.11939994

take a low doseage of good truffles, around 10g should do the job

>> No.11940002

>I already quit caffeine and alcohol and it helped a little.
it might take a while, possibly months, for it to go away completely, assuming the anxiety is caused by those substances.

apart from that, talking to someone about your anxieties helps considerably, and to some extent breathing exercises

>> No.11940084

Nah. Tried it all.

>> No.11940224

I've been on xanax for a decade and exhibited bizarre behaviors like walking into busy highways.

>> No.11940530
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CBD oil
this is the only answer you need
it works daily
if you want to supress it occasionally like once a week use phenibut
xanax and valium are just too risky addiction wise
ashwakanda doesn't work

>> No.11941003

fingers crossed this is real and you haven't listened to anyone else who's trolling you, just start meditating brah. five minutes a day turns into ten turns into sixty turns into unfuckwittable.

>> No.11941494

Can't because of drug testing at work.

>> No.11941563

>Becoming a parent reduces anxiety.

>> No.11941588


Shits like $50 dollars a vial.

>> No.11941592


>> No.11941607

You can get dessicated liver pills from amazon.

>> No.11941630

Did you try lithium orotate? Everything else in that list was meh but lithium orotate is like benzo-level effective for my anxiety.

>> No.11941661

Any sides?

>> No.11941674

Lexapro erased any trace of anxiety, even the good kind of anxiety. I remember driving and very narrowly avoided an accident, the kind that would normally send my heart racing and give an adrenaline rush. I didn't feel a thing. The problem with Lexapro for me was that it completely killed my libido and gave me ED.

>> No.11941697

Not really. Maybe I feel a little more tired, but nothing major. That's why I normally take it at bed time, I fall asleep super easy. There was one period where I took it every night for 3-4 months and I had no issues at all when I stopped.

>> No.11941717


It killed my libido too, that's why i take pristiq instead. When i was on lexapro i had a 3 hour boner that wouldn't go away and couldn't cum

>> No.11941721

Don't take this shit. It ruined my fucking life. Take beta blockers for the physical symptoms and valium for the mental ones.

>> No.11942052

It does. Literally completes your purpose in life. Takes away unsureness

>> No.11942563
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I can vouch for cbd oil, another thing that helps is exposure therapy, what can I say, I take Xanax and it helps somewhat but it’s nowhere near the amount of relief that I can get. Looking forward to trying some shit on this thread. Not looking forward to the Xanax withdrawals, anyone been though benzo withdrawals even while tapering? Cheers bros

>> No.11942748
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unusually based and schlop-pilled.

>> No.11942749

Benzo w/d's are no joke. Consider Noble Kava root; Kava's pharmacological actions are similar enough to benzos that it can help reduce withdrawals during your taper.

I had a moderate hydrocodone habit and Kava worked wonders for me in getting off that.

>> No.11943189

Checked. Sounds legit.

>> No.11943211
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>> No.11943236

Try ashwaghanda (I'm sure I spelled it wrong). It's more of a preventative though in preventing anxiety instead of stopping it. mild effects, some people say it doesn't work at all for them but it works for me

>> No.11943396

>Spend all of your time learning about unsupervised learning and meta learning.

I actually do know some stuff on that but currently working as a run of the mill software developer...

>Spend everything you have (time and money) pursuing AI.

Maybe I fucking should...

>Become a god as others waste their time giving scrum updates.


>> No.11943954

stop going on 4chan

>> No.11944216

How do I dose phenibut? Ived tried taking 1g twice before but didn't seem to feel anything at all

>> No.11944438
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it doesn't show up on drug tests
especially if you get 0% thc rather than 0.2% thc which is the legal limit here
yes,I pay £20 for 300mg but you can make it last a month if you don't go overboard with it or a week if you do, I'm really stingy but the price is still worth it for me

also ltheanine is extremely cheap but doesn't work consistently and is pretty weak

fellow autists, please try CBD at least once, I avoided it because muh weed stigma but it's legal and consistently effective

>> No.11944463
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Pic very related