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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12101764 No.12101764 [Reply] [Original]

>information flying around in digital signals in the trillions around me
>average price of a house in this town is 250,000+
>outside of window theres dozens of cars worth 30,000+
>business across the street employs 20-25 people, must be worth a few million
>binance volumes flashing before my eyes every minute in the 10s of thousands
>even dogshit websites i have open in other tabs are worth thousands, millions and billions of $
yet here i am with $27 in the bank and some shitcoin paper wallets worth about $1,000
theres so much money out in the fucking world frens and no matter where i fucking turn i cant tap in to any of it.
if i dont wagecuck i starve, cant save enough wagecucking to do anything with it

why do people not kill themselves more?
it wouldnt even be irrational for most of us

>> No.12101838

alright i just freaked out there in my little cuck apartment but i think im ok again

>> No.12101945

But once you become the one with the cash then all those feelings go away and you laugh aboiut it

>> No.12101947

smoke a cigarette friendo

>> No.12101963

in my country suicide is the first cause of death for men.

>> No.12101987

Start playing the capital investment game.

I recommend asking your Dad for a small loan to start, a million dollars or so.

>> No.12101993

In the same position sort-of, except I'm trying to do webdev and stuff

Learn a trade in your spare time I guess. It sounds kill-yourself boring but that's how you pull yourself out of these situations.

Some days you're going to feel like it's all pointless. And it's okay to take days off. Just keep trying to take 1 step forward every day

You've got more access to knowledge than any generation before you. There's countless ebooks you can dl for free, tablets you can load thousands of the things onto and read them from the comfort of your couch or while on the city bus. Youtube is also full of tutorials of all kinds.
Even if it's something oldschool like carpentry and you do it on the weekends, at least it's something to get started with

>> No.12102016

Get God, get a baby, get a job.

>> No.12102037

>leech from family
>leech from government
>get a minimum wage job and grind til you have enough to invest

>> No.12102047

wait a few more years, if crypto dont moon to high heavens just end it, thats what i plan at least.

Need at least a few mil for a nice life: catamaran, nice car, nice bike, rent nice places, rest is assets generating passive income

>> No.12102083

>You've got more access to knowledge than any generation before you.
the old phrase 'a blessing and a curse' is cope imo, its genuinely just a blessing. what we can learn within a few minutes of google searches used to take reading dozens of books and a phd to find the answer to and even then it may only come by accident.
the downside is obviously for the first time ever we also get to see just how fucked we are alongside the opportunities, which for me is sometimes overwhelming.
at least its overwhelming when i take stock of my place in the world and what a tiny fraction of it my stake is, maybe it would be motivating and exciting if i thought there was a way for me to break in but really it feels impossible.
too many on this board seem to think its an attitude problem but sometimes it isnt, a change in attitude wont give me $100,000 to start employing people or making investments that generate wealth.

id love to get into carpentry or some other trade, i shouldve done it when i was a teenager, i cant unsee the things mentioned in the OP though and unless i make it somehow i dont think ill ever be able to cope.

>> No.12102098

ill actually get a home worth about half that from my father whenever he dies, assuming he doesnt boomer it away on cruises and thai wives.

>> No.12102107
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you must live somewhere with a lot of smart people sadly.

>> No.12102136

>wait a few more years, if crypto dont moon to high heavens just end it, thats what i plan at least.
how long will you wait?

>> No.12102655

stress is building up again, just powered through a heavy workout and then fapped in the shower to try and destress.
but no, here i am sitting in silence staring at the wall physically doing nothing and with nothing happening to me but still feel like im about to have my mind break in half.

im sitting going over every wagecuck job website i can find and there isnt even anywhere i can go and grind out hours like im in a computer game, theres no fucking route out of this is there? ive nothing to borrow against, ive nobody to fall back on for help developing ideas.
is there a way to monetize spending christmas alone? should i go larp as homeless for 2 weeks and christians to give me their money out of guilt?

>> No.12102668
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>> No.12102699
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>> No.12102719
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poor fren

>> No.12102730

>i shouldve done it when i was a teenager
Well, 2 years from now, what if you're looking back and saying "gee I shouldve started 2 years ago"
You're worried about your place in the world? How about your place in the universe. There's a projected 2 trillion galaxies. There are over 100 billion planets in our galaxy. Stop worrying about how you stack up against other people. We're all a bunch of fucking ants when it comes right down to it

>> No.12102795

shouldve started larping as a homeless person full time like i did. We make like $300/day minimum or even more, its literally 100k/yr.

All you need is a decently long beard and raggedy dirty clothes and a sob story carboard sign its literally a $20 investment lmao.

Find a good freeway onramp or other high traffic area. Its fres gibs. I got a shitty bike i use to frequent high traffic areas in the morning/lunch/rushhour. Im done by usually 630 and then i bike off to a dead park, change my clothes to normie clothes, then bike home.

>> No.12102805

Also its cash free because its all cash in hand, i make more than literal software engineers after taxes

>> No.12102808

Have fun getting stabbed by a real homeless person for taking their gibslane

>> No.12103013

I cant find a good job. Getting $15 an hour REEE

>> No.12103016

sell drugs unironically

>> No.12103030

wubba lubba dub dub to you too fren

>> No.12103221

i wouldnt be against it desu.
need drugs to sell, do you have any?

>> No.12103272

why not consider mmorpg gold farming? It's something you can find good setup at home and then scale it by renting dedicated servers.

>> No.12103321

ill look into this, never heard of it before, time is something i have in abundance

>> No.12103701

Have you thought of driving for uber or lyft or even washing dishes. Take a limited shit tier job to bring in some cash.
But what you need is a short term plan thats why youre in this mesh.

Its hard but you gotta dig deep

>> No.12103975

>the absolute state of biz

>> No.12104801


2 years give or take

>> No.12104824
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loled, sitting there begging like a cuck instead of robbing people straight up and taking their shit like a chad