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12161974 No.12161974 [Reply] [Original]

Everything I try goes wrong. I can’t look people in the eye when I talk to them. I’m too scared to speak to my professors. I can barely mumble out a sentence when a female speaks to me, my mind goes blank. I’m a virgin at 23. All my friends are gone and left me because of my own behavior. I can’t focus in school, I went from straight A’s and the highest SAT score in my class to barely being able to read and focus.

I can’t sleep at night. I’ve been lifting 5 straight years and don’t look any different. I’ve never attracted a single woman in my life. I’m likely going to fail out of school. And to top things off, something that I spent months and months planning for just went totally wrong and cannot be fixed. I can’t take it anymore, my life is shit because I’m shit. I’m so scared of myself and others I can barely communicate with them. I just want out. I’m the biggest loser fuckup on earth, there’s no coming back. I don’t have the energy to change, I barely have enough energy to claw my way out of bed in the morning.

No friends, no sex, no talents, no brains, no hobbies, no charisma, no good looks, no accomplishments, no energy, no anything. Just a big fucking loser from every angle imaginable.

Some of us will never make it. It’s just not in our DNA. Farewell /biz/. Thanks for the laughs.

>> No.12162006

Don't kys
Try school again in a difderent subject. I'm 22 and a freshman after dropping out when I was 19.

Drink some water and take a warm bath and try again next year.

>> No.12162018

You don't have a hobby that you love. Trying to impress others won't give you satisfaction fren. Find that confidence and grills will flock to you.

>> No.12162042

It’s no use. You probably just didn’t enjoy what you were studying and switched to something you did enjoy. I can’t focus on anything anymore. I don’t know anything about current events. I haven’t actually read a book in years. I haven’t learned anything new in years. I just copy all the homework solutions from online and then cram 12 hours before an exam and get a 60. I could switch subjects and nothing would change, I’d still be the same fuckup loser studying something else.

>> No.12162057

You’ve got more things going for you than a lot of people on this earth. You’re young, and in college. These are the years where you can actually change who you are and become the person you want to be. If you’ve really been lifting for five years that’s a good sign, it means you have at least a basic level of dedication towards a goal. Meet new people, make new friends, it’s not as hard as your insecurity makes it out to be. Stop masturbating, stop staying up late, get into a routine of going to bed at 10, waking up early, eat healthier and walk to a new place on campus each day. There is no magical cure all, you’re not going to suddenly have a life changing moment that will change everything. You have to work at it, a little bit each day.

>> No.12162060
File: 285 KB, 768x768, 8884C406-EBE1-4CD7-95C7-E12F73A0F98C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>come wagie, take a seatby my roaring open fire in my large manor estate
the thing is my dear wagie, is that you aren't being spiritual enough, youtube some bob proctor and listen to his videos every day, congratulations now you've made the prerequisites to set your manifestations into motion
2nd (pro) tip, prioritise your emotions as number 1, always follow positive feelings shown to you by your heart, the logical mind is a good slave but a terrible master... your emotions are wholebody signals provided by your god-crafted evolutionarily-selected over tens of millions of years quantum intuition tool-set
your not making any progress because you've constantly asking that nigger faggot logical processor brain of yours and it shit out of ideas, listen to your emotional intuition like a compass and use your brain like a swiss army knife on obstacles along your way, gl anon and remember you where meant to live your dreams, its your birthright...

>> No.12162068

This just states you're not npc. What do you like to do that makes you happy?

>> No.12162123

lifting for 5 years and not looking any different. How is that possible?

>> No.12162128

jesus are you me? only difference is i'm 20 and in the military, still just as completely useless at everything

>> No.12162139

Hey OP I’ve been having tough times too recently. One thing that helps me is watching this YouTube channel: special books by special kids. Here is one video:

No matter how hard you have it, you have it nowhere near as bad as the kids on this YouTube channel. And each of them finds something to live for. I bet you’re not facially disfigured, retarded, or living with a painful or socially stimitising disease. Whenever I feel sad about the troubles in my life and my failures and inadequacies I watch these kids to snap the fuck out of it and get a little bit of fucking perspective.

>> No.12162178

Nothing makes me happy anymore. And there’s no need to tell me I’m not an npc, it’s okay to admit I’m a fucking loser. I’m not seeing the big picture that others aren’t, they have friends, they have relationships, they have goals, talents, people who care about them, they have accomplishments, they are not scared of every little thing on earth from going outside to making eye contact with young school children or making a phone call. I’m a huge fucking loser, there’s no other way to look at it.

I don’t even fucking know. Nobody has ever once asked if I workout.

The problem is I’m not even being logical. I agree with what you’re saying in principle, but both my logical and emotional brain are complete shit. I can’t think clearly, the brain fog has completely covered up my logical reasoning skills, and my emotions and intuitions are also busted. I get scared of literally everything, I can barely accomplish basic tasks because I’m so afraid of others.

This is really the only path forward for me if I continue living, I simply can’t stand to live another second like this.

>> No.12162233

do you mind me asking how your diet looks like?

>> No.12162334
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4 years apart, I’m sure this is what you’re getting at. Garner what you can from different pose/lighting, literally zero difference to anyone IRL.

>> No.12162355

I'm in the same position OP. also 23 too. if LINK doesnt succeed, I will kms

>> No.12162393

Well man you’re in way better shape than me and I got laid in college plenty. I know the advice of some random fuck on /biz/ may not be worth a whole lot but I’m genuinely interested in this shit now man. If you’re up for it man I’d be happy to give you advice on my strong suits when it comes to guy shit, you up for showing face pics and wardrobe pics?

>> No.12162415

I'm 24 with a graduate degree and would fucking trade everything except my family to be in your position.

>> No.12162418

These are all symptoms of chronic magnesium depletion.
Spend hundreds of dollars a month on minerals, vitamins from an independent health food store.
You can treat your DNA theraputically.

>> No.12162430

are you doing progressive overload and lifting higher weights? or are you just doing the same weights over and over. you need to change your lifts or your muscles will adapt to the same lifts

>> No.12162447
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>Everything I try goes wrong

Are you me?

>> No.12162484

I hope you succeed man, I genuinely don’t wish bad on others after knowing how horrible life can be.

I’d be willing to take your advice given that I’ve got no real life experience, but I can’t bring myself to post my pics on here and have them be tied to my original post. It’s be too humiliating on the off chance someone I know ever saw this.

I can tell you this though, I don’t think worrying about wardrobe right now is something I should do. I generally just try and dress like others so as not to stand out in either direction (too try hard or too loser). My biggest problem is I cannot get over my fear of others. It has destroyed so many opportunities in my life and has left me without any relationships. I’m scared of everyone, including my family. It’s not rational, it’s totally irrational, but I don’t know how to fix it. Most will suggest exposure therapy, but I’ve been exposed to my family for decades and I’m still afraid of them. Ive never seen anyone like this in real life.

>> No.12162496

Take Semax, take Testosterone, yes Magnesium might also be worth to take a look at + Iodine megadosing (lugol solution) + Creatine/Carnitine/Vitamin B Complex for basic cellular energy.

Also NoFap.

>> No.12162500


What are you scared of specifically when you're with family?

>> No.12162511

jesus dude, i was in the same position you are at 23, now at 27 im still a loser but i dont care. that stuff melts away as you get older and your mind matures. relax and stop trying to be the best. watch this


>> No.12162513

why is that? you have a degree, meanwhile i struggle to remember things i'm told/taught in mere hours, and its been this way since september

>> No.12162526

Honestly man I can understand the whole family thing. I feel like the more I’ve tried over the years to change who I am the more I kind of don’t like being around my extended family. I love em, don’t get me wrong. But being around them just kind of makes me feel like I haven’t changed at all you know? It’s kind of a shitty feeling, to the point where I’d rather just show up to the big get togethers each year and fade into the background for the rest. Tell me a bit more about you though man. Do you live on campus or do you stay at home and commute? What are you majoring in, and how’s your weekly schedule?

>> No.12162556

Lifting the same weights over and over. Whenever I try to push myself I end up with a little nagging injury. My pecs haven’t grown at all because of nagging shoulder pain for years that makes going full throttle on benching almost impossible. I’ve watched every guide on benching there is but can’t seem to perform the exercise without feeling impingement.

I’m way, way too much of a coward to take all these.

I don’t even really know. Like when I would be home with them I would want to get out of bed to go to the kitchen but wouldn’t because they’d be there and I’d get this nauseous feeling in my stomach when thinking about it. It sounds really pathetic but it’s true. I feel like someone is going to explode on me or take their anger out on me because I’m such a doormat loser.

>> No.12162597

jesus christ dude just start taking some prozac, youll look back at this thread and laugh for being such an idiot

>> No.12162629


Is it just because you don't know what to say to them? I know the feeling of not being proud of much that you're doing, makes it a lot harder to have ordinary conversation.

>> No.12162710

Do you think this is really what I need? I always considered it giving up to take antidepressants. Like Id just numb all the feelings of worthlessness but I’d still be fundamentally worthless.

That’s part of it yes. I have nothing to talk about with them and combined with a low self esteem (“they must realize I’m a fucking loser for having nothing to say”). Part of it is just genuine fear of other people.

>> No.12162729

In the spirit of /biz/ do what I did. Capitulate. Just fucking fail, hit rock bottom and then start again. I fail out of college and worked as a janitor for a year, then as a construction worker for a while. After I realized I couldn't live like that forever, it really helped me power through my education despite my fears. The same fear and anxiety and awkwardness might still be there, but your desire not to work that kind of life anymore over rides it and you get through anyway. I was on every psychopharma imaginable, steady hard drug use to combat my crippling social fears, couldn't hold down a job... it was terrible. I remember I tried to work at this pizza shop, and I remember being so nervous everyday that I would literally be quietly crying on my bedroom floor before work in fear and humiliation that I was even having these problems. Imo, therapy helps, medication doesn't. Medication doesnt fix faulty schemas. Also getting the basics to 100% helps so so much. Always brushing your teeth, always exercising, always eating right, never masturbating no matter what, always doing what you are supposed to do beats back that internalized shame/guilt/worthlessness feelings a lot. As long as you dont call it quits for good and keep looking for solutions you will find yours. You can do it

>> No.12162803

sounds like a lot of internalized guilt/shame about something, or maybe its a lot of little things. You're loveable man, but you've got to practice loving you so that it wont feel so strange to you when others do it too

>> No.12162854
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All you need to do is hold 1 BSV and then you'll be able to travel the world when you're 30.

>> No.12162942

Ive had a few beers, but this thread seems very genuine and you are hitting me in the feels op. Youre Dealin' feelin's because you are rational about your situation and i can emphasise with that; its like being on a sinking ship trying to express the reality of the situation to your crew but they just patronisingly tell you to relax and tell you youre being melodramatic, when you are in fact lefitmately sinking. The fact is its not reasonable to believe that life is worth living under any circumstance, but as to whether you've reached that threshold is dependent on what you truly believe death holds vs what you truly believe you can achieve in this reality. If we want to double down on logic because (why not death could be worse than what you have now) you can look to attribute your brain fog to diet go keto or carnivore. You know theres a way to make your life good, dont give up on that until you have to

>> No.12163020

while i am/was in a similar situation (= having gone from writing straight As and having a laser-like focus to being full of social and other fears and failing at concentrating for even only 5 minutes), i personally never really cared too much about other people's opinion as much as i cursed the universe for putting me on this planet. so while i would never refer to myself as a "loser," it was the sentiment of there being nothing worth doing that made overcoming these fears ultimately pointless. and while it didn't truly "solve" the problem of there being no reason to "overcome" these fears, what helped me to a degree was keeping a sort of "diary" and just writing down whatever about my daily experiences and analyzing the behaviour of myself and others, such that i would start chatting with some people online only in order to observe their habits and find out about why exactly they are doing all these things they do.

well, that, and i also find that writing down basic things requires less motivation than reading. and when thinking about it... maybe it also serves as a written form of meditation for me. so if you haven't tried meditation, it could be worth a shot.

>> No.12163224

I'm a bigger loser

>24 years old
>5'8" manlet
>no education
>got fired from my first job training ever this year
>lost a ton of my life savings in crypto
>ugly as fuck
>can absolutely not focus at all
>can literally not "get" what people are saying to me, I understand them from an acoustic point but my brain just does not fucking register it, I need to ask them 5 times again and again
>currently on gibs
>dead mother and drunkard subhuman father who's in a retirement home and whom I gave money too which he just drank away
>skinnyfat body with fat legs and skeleton upper body
>unbelievably JUSTed

I would fucking KILL to be in your situation, I would fucking KILL to be in university, college, I would fucking KILL to not be a physically inferior subhuman

>> No.12163285


What are you studying?
Do you like it? Try to become really good at it. If you can't concentrate on the task, try again and again. Obsess yourself with something worthwhile, that's the only way forward.

>> No.12163324

>I’m a virgin at 23.

I'm 27. Had sex twice, First time when I was 23. Didn't cum either time, sex is bullshit who gives a fuck?

>> No.12163357
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Cheer up OP, this isnt over yet. Have you tried eating healthy? You know you have to stick to one thing at a time. You gotta master one before you can start with the other. Now listen, your friends and family love you the way you are, they want to see you grow. Please seek help, for some people like you medication might be needed, but we are all just little dots in the universe, were all gonna make it ;)

>> No.12163385
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Wow I'm doing Incredible. Thanks loser.

>> No.12163411


what a sad as fuck thread. the type of thread i would expect to read in a literal winter bear market. If you do come back to this thread OP and are not dead, I want you to know that your life will turn around, i cant explain when or why, but it will not be like this forever. Remember, It is always darkest before the dawn and sometimes you just have to slog it out. Or you could just kill yourself, killing yourself is probably easier, but i think you would regret doing it. but we all fucking die anyway so whatever do whatever you like then i guess

>> No.12163511

You might have somekind of an anxiety disorder. Please seek professional help. If that's the case then the right kind of therapy or medication can push your life back on the right track. Hell, probably next year in December you are owning it in the school and with the ladies.

Cheer up fren. :)