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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12390755 No.12390755[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Post your age, networth, and blackpilled words of wisdom
>21 2k Not everyone was born to be happy

>> No.12390791
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>> No.12390832

link will hit 1k USD when USD is worth nothing

>t linky

>> No.12390872

>Timing the market long-term is not nearly as challenging as people would have you believe

>> No.12390905
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>Wir sind verloren, Wir sind Verloren, Wir sind Verloren...


>> No.12390932

is luke smith /ourguy/ ?

>> No.12390947

>most of you will never make it

>> No.12390957

About 30k
Life is a bull trap you can never cash out

>> No.12390965

Don't invest in yourself. That's Boomer talk. Research and invest in others. There is no such thing as job security anymore. Don't expect to be able to retire without a high net worth or sustainable passive income.

>> No.12391029

>you're delusional if you think "making it" is an option for 99.9% of people anymore.

>> No.12391033

>Don't NEET at your parents, NEET at your grandparents

>> No.12391067

Poor guy has never heard about the pessimism of strenght. Definitely not /ourguy/

>> No.12391072

What the fuck you're all children

>> No.12391082

>Your immediate family, does not want you to succeed and become independent from their mindgames.

>> No.12391101
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He lurks /g/ threads for video ideas, so no.

>> No.12391147
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Uhhh idk. Just read The Conspiracy Against the Human Race

>> No.12391155

>No matter how hard you work your mediocre fate was determined before you were even bor due to genetic factors

>> No.12391212
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>>No matter how hard you work your mediocre fate was determined before you were even bor due to genetic factors

>> No.12391224


Idk if I'm gonna make it but I'm sure as shit gonna give it a shot

>> No.12391235
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Kek did it hit too close to home buddy?

>> No.12391303
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Yeah man I'm fucking trash, a total loser.

>> No.12391307

Real wealth is in the relationships you have with others as well as material wellbeing
>No friends
>Gf I don't love whom I now live with
>Still haven't gotten even an associate's degree, need two more classes that I'm taking this semester
The only real assets I have are my 12k in crypto, my health, and my family, all of which I am harrowingly thankful for

>> No.12391359



first came the stars

>> No.12391373

>112k usd

When this sea of liquidity recedes, we're gonna see some serious shit. That's why this rate cycle is the longest in recorded history for the USA.

>> No.12391391

25. 60k. Wisdom -Get hit by a car that awards a structured settlement. Also, listen to Camus hes smart.

>> No.12391420

>IQ and networth have low correlation statistically. Develop social intelligence and confidence at all cost.

>> No.12391493

-2k liquid, about -10k in other debt
If you were raised by a single mother/had a weak father growing up as a child, no girl will ever truly love or respect you because you can't even respect yourself.

>> No.12391549

> stocks worth 100k €, 1k € in cash
Everything is as it should be.

>> No.12391602

I am almost certain weak father is much much worse than single mother. As a kid of a single mother you have a clear "cut" and tend to search for male persons to look up to in the external world. And also you learn responbility, because you are the man in the house from you early teens on.

t. unconsciously copied the beta traits and mannersims of weak father, since early childhood, turned now in a social inept cuck

>> No.12391620


It doesn't matter if your networth is $1 or $10,000,000 because looks are the only thing that matters if terms of acquiring love and affection from a woman.

>> No.12391628
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>-25k (Sergeant Major)
>In conformity with the philosophy of Christ, let us make of our life a training for death.

>> No.12391635

6k in available funds
20k in debt
>choose a career in a skill that your good at / enjoy
>dont fall for women they all lie - treat them as objects

>> No.12391647

Read "the way of the superior man". I grew up with a weak father (ghost) and a really good single mother.
Decided to become more alpha at 20yo, now 3 years later i've never felt such confidence.
You must learn to say "no" yo yourself and to the others.
Good luck anon

>> No.12391649
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Probably around 20k but that counts a lot of illiquid assets like anime figurines and musical instruments
Pic related

>> No.12391673

Buy a cheap piece of land in a rural area and sit on it because there will be a reckoning with the amount of debt western democracies are accumulating. Land has inherent value that is totally detached from economics. You can often get an acre for less than $20k and you can live on it or grow food. It might be in your lifetime it might not be, but this debt will lead to catastrophe.

>> No.12391702

Agree completely. A lot of the single mother people I know became druggies or criminals, but they learned how to manipulate women and be a player. The guys with weak dads, like myself, mostly became vidya addicted do-nothing stoners. I was never afraid of my dad. I was pretty sure I could kick his ass when I was 13, and thats a pretty sad way for a kid to think about his father.

>> No.12391753

100%, brother. It'd be better if I never knew my dad at all, bc my parents split up and I'd see him at least once a week. He's been a broke, timid, and seething wageslave in a bluepill job his whole life, and seeing that kind of man growing up shapes your mind in bad ways. Add in the fact I have literally ass burgers and it makes for an interesting ride.

I was going to add in a caveat to what I said >>12391493

- you'll never be able to respect yourself and command love and respect from others UNLESS you know how to change yourself to become who you want to be (without LARPing it).

A few years back I felt so hopeless I was literally seconds away from cutting my own throat and rerolling, but stopped bc I had a last minute revelation. Since then, and especially with stuff I've learnt the past 6 months, I honestly believe I've found a system for anyone to break generational patterns and make it, no matter how much of a sperg you are.

>> No.12391764

what are the best states to do this in?

>> No.12391827

>im j just a l late bloomer mom hehe

>> No.12391839
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>literally starting to look like pic related because of wageslaving

>> No.12391896

I'm in Canada my land is in a rural part of the prairies. I would guess states with good farmland and a low population like Wyoming or Montana. You want to be able to get away from population centres if the shit hits the fan. Also get in the habit of maintaining a small garden wherever you live now so you have some experience growing a little food.

>> No.12391911

its a doomer thread you faggots, theres too many bloomers here

>> No.12392017

Lol, you're really in love with your depression aren't you? At some point you've got to wake up and realise that you can't go on living your pathetic and miserable life and start to analyse what's making it so shit. You weren't born the """man""" you are right now, you became him. And in the same way, if you know how, you can become whoever you want to be.

The brain is more plastic than you think bro - MUCH more - take the Bloomerpill and quit being a sad cunt.

>> No.12392116

Yo I’m 18 too and I have like only $1k saved up. You a fulltime worker or do you have a lucrative side hustle?

>> No.12392189

Gamblings not so bad

>> No.12392218


Trump is getting impeached/convicted in March. Report will come out in a couple weeks.

Have fun!

>> No.12392304

375K not including home equity

Unless your money makes its own money while you sleep, you'll work until you're dead

>> No.12392330

>accelerationism is the only way to free yourself from the shackles of Zionist oppression

>> No.12392333


>> No.12392380
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>have this weird feeling in my gut that the economy will be going down the shitter within a few years because of the high US student debt that keeps growing, the increasing goverment debt worldwide and the slowing down of chinas economy

>> No.12392398

Are you running your own business, doing a sidehustle or living (partly) off your assets?

>> No.12392403

you're here forever

>> No.12392407

that's why I moved to alaska
I'm getting ready the efficient way

>> No.12392408


>> No.12392456

>Since then, and especially with stuff I've learnt the past 6 months, I honestly believe I've found a system for anyone to break generational patterns and make it, no matter how much of a sperg you are
genuinely curious what's your system?

>> No.12392502
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hes a kike that's playing the "enigmatic anon". he doesn't have the answers to give us, just false hope to ensure we stay doomed.

>> No.12392579
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You are wasting energy by being so angry, it's a constant drainage of emotional resources and it won't get you far, especially not in today's effeminate society where your anger has no vessel where you can pour it in a lawful manner, it makes you feel powerful but it's destroying you slowly. It will be hard to get rid of it, it can take years. And holding that resentment and grudge against your father, not very productive either; so he is weak and wasn't the best role model, what a novelty, welcome to the 99% club. Yes, maybe that might have influenced you negatively, maybe you could have had the perfect father, and if you did everything would have been perfect, doesn't it? You would have been a Chad who was never bullied and would have fucked every girl he wanted or whatever dumb ass shit you are made to believe, but you didn't, are you gonna waste the rest of your life holding that against him? To me, you still look lost in the swamps of your psyche.

>> No.12392624

That anon has serious self-esteem issues (apart from his daddy issues and so many unresolved shit he might hold), anyone can see that.

>> No.12392776


I was the same at 21, it gets better brah, plenty of time

>> No.12392809

>$120k cash but 1M debt (combined personal and business)
>no gf, wife, children, or house

>> No.12392818

>Duties are universally measured by relations. Is anyone a father? If so, it is implied that the children should take care of him, submit to him in everything, patiently listen to his reproaches, his correction. But he is a bad father. Is you naturally entitled, then, to a good father? No, only to a father.

>> No.12392825

I had a part time job in high school and was able to save so much because I didnt buy anything.

>> No.12392833
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all this projection and we arent even in the movie theatre

>> No.12392842
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I'm not going to be the one to make it. I'm going to be the random working average joe background extra in the life of someone who is actually rich. I'm not an NPC, I'm a movie extra. I will slave away my entire life thinking I'm on the verge of making it when in reality I'm just a normie too scared to kill myself.

And yes, I went into debt from crypto. And yes, I'll probably fall for the tail end of the next speculative bubble too. Because that's what people like me do. I'm an eternal laggard.

>> No.12392861
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BTC is not private or fungible.

What use does a large corporate entity or institution have with a coin that can be analysed through chain analysis so that their competitors, foreign governments, or other bad actors can analyse all of their transactions data?

Information leaked includes relationships, supply chains, profit and loss information, accumulated wealth, and more.

For people serious about Business Monero is the answer. Data mining will be a serious issue for commercial deployments.


>> No.12392889

Around 10k as I'm in college so I can only work part time.

>> No.12392981

+100k though peaked at over 1 million during the bubble but held bags like a fucking retard.
The problem is I took two years off work and only have 100k to show for it, I would literally have more money and be in a far better position if I just wagecukced.
That on top of the fact I just trainwrecked a date last night of the girl of my dreams, I'm not feeling good at all.

>> No.12393043

Don't copy old people's lives if you want to be happy, we are living in a totally different world. You're going to have to find your own way.

>> No.12393045

>I just trainwrecked a date last night
Tell us about it.

>> No.12393061


money is the only thing that matters until you hit 40

>> No.12393066
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>> No.12393074

For what it's worth, I'm sorry. Oneitis is a curse.

>> No.12393094

Once my first shipment comes next month I will be self employed
Here’s the best books I’ve read so far
Fastlane millionaire
4 hour work week
Story brand
Scientific advertising

Also Decent, worth a read
Ready fire aim

Reading cashvertising right now, good so far

>> No.12393109

Why 40 anon? Cuz of fading looks?

>> No.12393135

>Negative $150K (student loan debt)
>Six figure income
Here's 3:
>It is unnatural to be happy more than half the time.
>Addiction to anything that rewards you with dopamine will cause you to be eternally bored with life and is the root of depression.
>You can only be happy by working on yourself and trying to maximize alpha qualities. Happiness comes from dopamine, which is there to reward behavior that makes us more successful mates. Alpha = most successful mate. Therefore Alpha = most happy.

>> No.12393150

25. 62k in canadian cuck bucks

>(((they))) are watching

>> No.12393163

Wealth isn't everything. Fill your life with positive experiences.

>> No.12393164

not everyone has a degenerate family btw

>> No.12393177

>student debt

meanwhile back in reality nobody cares about this. People who were retarded enough to waste money on social science degrees were never going to contribute to the economy anyway.

>> No.12393240

Man plans, god laughs

>> No.12393244

I didn't expect much, just was wondering what worked for the guy

>> No.12393256

under $100 cash and trek mountain bike
you'll probably never make it so you better learn to love yourself now

>> No.12393284

Damn you are objectively a loser

>> No.12393319

>I blame jews

>> No.12393320

Age: 27
Networth: 100k
Programming and invested in crypto at 1k BTC.

>> No.12393429


>> No.12393463

21 30k
>Where the determination is, the way can be found.

>> No.12393543

23, 7k crypto, 33k other
If youre ugly, you have to accept that you are a genetic defect and not worthy of breeding; the main purpose of existence.

>> No.12394238

$1.08 Million USD
It's ok to think differently from others.

>> No.12394269

Had a date with a girl I was really into, she was really into me as well from the messages, we talked every day for several weeks for hours on end, she often messaged first.
I hadn't slept well the few nights before and on the night before the date, went to bed at like 2am and was woken up at 5am by the dog scratching to go outside and I couldn't get back to sleep, spent the entire fucking day wrecked as fuck, until the date at 5pm before the date, downed vodka and 8% Cider to try calm my nerves, girl turns up and she's stunningly beautiful, like, actually a dream beauty, we get to talking and then the alcohol kicks in and along with the tiredness, all my filters completely disintegrate and she brings up she just saw VICE the dick Cheney film, so I brought up CIA black sites and Abu Ghraib and then various torture and disappearing techniques the CIA used, she responded "That's depressing!" and I was like "Oh you want me to go darker? You don't know nothing yet" then I talked about Death Squads in South America. By the end of the date you could tell she was uncomfortable and depressed as fuck, so when got up to bail, I got up to hug her goodbye but dropped my jaw harp, she was like "What is that" and I'm like "oh I'll show you" and I started twanging on it
Like this while she was like "yeah okay bye" and walked away, while I was still twanging.

Legit we got along so fucking well online and she was literally one of the most beautiful women I've seen in my life, because of alcohol and tiredness my filters disappeared and I went full fucking autism.
When I sobered back up, I walked back to my car in shock having realised what I did and then spent the entire 40 minute car drive home screaming JUST, JUUUUUST, FUUUUUUCK and crying.
Today I'm just half in shock and half insanely depressed and embarrassed. I feel like complete shit.

>> No.12394272

>"You're a loser!"
>2 posts by this ID
>hmm let's go see what the guy calling others losers is up to--
>"debt=cash" "I read a lot of meme self-help books"

Checks out.

>> No.12394292

>but dropped my jaw harp, she was like "What is that" and I'm like "oh I'll show you" and I started twanging on it
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=irATiFt6AUM [Embed]
>Like this while she was like "yeah okay bye" and walked away, while I was still twanging.

holy shit, funniest thing I've read on 4chan for a long, long time. You fucking idiot LMAO

It's simple you 30 year old boomer. Message her one last time and say, "Hey, I was a little off the other night, can we give this date thing one more try?" and this time take her somewhere nice, drop a load of dough and don't fucking blow it. If she's not a total bitch she'll give you another try

>> No.12394379

Dude, just. What the fuck. Lmao. Anyway, I kind of know what it's like to be in that position where you are just so fucking tired you aren't even yourself or anywhere near the state of mind you need to be in to be on an important date. Adding a stiff drink to the mix doesn't help. It's a hail mary but like the other anon said maybe just send her a message, apologize for being weird, and tell her the truth; that you were way overtired but didn't want to cancel and that combined with the nerves to make you act like a goof. It's worth a shot. Worst case use it as a lesson. Good luck.

>> No.12394383

damn, sam looks like THAT?