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12423662 No.12423662 [Reply] [Original]

Do you guys take any supplements for mental chaos such as, depression and anxiety? For example Vitamin D3, Magnesium, ashwagandha, lion manes mushrooms? Or even psych mushrooms, lsd, or dmt?

How do you guys manage when it comes to the mind?

>> No.12423687


Not sure if it's doing anything tbqh.

>> No.12423702
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Yeah thats the thing with some of this shit. Sometimes I feel like its just a meme.

>> No.12423775
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passionflower helps me relax kinda.
mainly over the counter sleeping pills. good nights sleep are underrated

>> No.12423806

5mg lithium orotate per day for anxiety/stress

>> No.12423899
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I actually help run 2 shops that specialize in this sort of stuff. 5-htp works better when taken with green tea (due to EGCG), which inhibits its conversion into serotonin until it reaches the brain. (EGCG does not pass the blood brain barrier, but 5-htp will). I take about 40 mg of 5-htp daily, an empty stomach is also required to feel the positive effects (serotonin being created in the gut due to premature metabolism of 5-htp causes sedation and nausea).

Any questions I could help out with? I should probably keep the established business hush hush (600+ products with a payment processor), but the nootropic/supplement shop we run is crypto only, so check us out and let me know if I can hook you up with anything via email.

http://extrasynaptic.com Lots of info on pharmacology, synergistic combinations, etc. We are still in a pre-start up stage but do have stock available and have fulfilled several orders while we polish up.

Pic related, several trial stacks we have been developing.

>> No.12423921
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Stop jacking off, go to the gym 3-5 days per week, take a few vacations a year(doesn't need to be long, a weekend trip is enough)

that's my mental supplement, pic related

>> No.12423922

>B Complex or B12
>Fish Oil
Optional Zinc or ZMA
This is what i think is the consensus bare bones supplement stack over on /fit/. You have brain and heart with the fish oil, energy, muscle support and immune system with the B and Zinc, and mood with the vitamin D.

>> No.12423943

I was just about to try some this. Gonna buy Solgar 5HTP complex which also contains Valerian root which is a meme herb for anxiety.

I've recently started drinking LOVE HEMP CBD Water. Contains 3mg of CBD per bottle. It's actually cheaper than bottled Evian. It definitely makes my mood a little better. I just purchased CBD oil as it's more cost effective - £40 for a bottle that has something like 100 drops in.

Also take vitamin D, as i'm deficient (tested), collagen and copper, and a multivitamin.

>> No.12423954

Unironically nothing is better than clean diet, regular exercise, and meditation, especially from a longer term perspective. That said though I have seen tremendous personal benefits from intermittent psychedelic use. Psylocibin, lsd, and all mdma can all be instrumental in shifting mindset and breaking deeply ingrained mental tendencies -- i also spend a period of over a year taking weekly microdoses of psylocibin (>0.5g) and found it helped me maintain a healthier mindset

>> No.12424103

I'm microdosing meth (capped) and have never felt better, worked harder, been healthier, or more successful in my life. As long as you are careful (it's easy to be careful unless you are low IQ, which you are clearly not since you're so mindful and asking for help on /biz/), meth is probably the best supplement and nootropic you can take.

>> No.12424267

>My body continues to make sperm anyway and has to eat it a few months later, now I'm gay instead of just getting rid of it.
>I breathe heavily all the time and have sleep apnea just like an obese person oh wait I'm technically obese. But I'm SWOLE!
>I contribute to foreign economies because my peers tricked me into doing so

>> No.12424304

be careful fren. if you really are doing <2.5mg daily this will permanently increase your dopamine receptor count.

>> No.12424367

I can't imagine being retarded enough to think being healthy or seeing the world is a bad thing

must be a horrible life

>> No.12424414

I've been doing that for the past week to recover from an MDMA roll, it defs does something because I didnt have it last roll and I wanted to end my own life for 4 days.

>prescribed dexedrine for le adhd
>do seeds (LSA) once a year
>mushrooms 2x per year
>acid 1x per year

want to try dmt and check out the 5th dimensional elves soon

>coffee everyday
>legal 27% thc weed everyday

kind of a dude weed, it's cringe I should quit.

>> No.12424473


christ take care of your mental health

>> No.12424481


>I breathe heavily all the time and have sleep apnea just like an obese person oh wait I'm technically obese. But I'm SWOLE!

You are so retarded you don't even understand the concept of lean mass and body fat