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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12453015 No.12453015 [Reply] [Original]




>> No.12453025

Literally who- the exchange

>> No.12453029


Seriously? This is what kills crypto adoption

>> No.12453078

mainstream adoption is a meme, normies will never use crypto for transacting and if they do, it'll end up being something like nano with a third party + really braindead UI for ease of use

>> No.12453237

No big deal, funds are safu. We will get back to you later guys,


>> No.12453270

newfag please

>> No.12453450

Anyone knew this exit scam was going to happen sooner or later.
RIP Cryptopia

>> No.12453569

This company is based here in New Zealand. One place most kiwis would think would never go this way but this has put a big dent in trust in crypto.

>> No.12453632

So happy that I listened to biz and put 1/4 btc into buying one of those CEFS coins. Living on easy street they said. MUH passive income, b/c you'll make money whichever way the market is moving, they said.

Value as of today = $202

Thanks /biz.

>> No.12453635

RIP everyones chancoin.

>> No.12453670

After watching the mediocre rise and rapid fall of this exchange this smells like an inside hack/exit scam to me honestly. The daily volume over there has been on a steady decline since Dec 17 and things weren't looking to come back anytime soon. Timing is just a bit too convenient.

>> No.12453802

Fucking stupid man. Gave me a headache

>> No.12453851
File: 79 KB, 784x643, You Have To Go Back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

December '07 newfags OUT OUT OUT

>> No.12453862

"it's now a police matter"

translation: all your fucking money is gone forever

>> No.12453877

i think the owners of cryptopia stole the money.. they were in financial difficulty.. tried to sell me 10% a few months ago.

>> No.12453903

cryptopia was always fucked up

>> No.12453909

I didnt have any funds on shittopia at the time so what actually happened? is everyones balance zeroed?

>> No.12453919
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>> No.12453995

Interesting take.

Either this or they just couldn't keep up with security and some fucker in Kiev finally found a way in. Maybe only a matter of time and other exchanges are next.
NZ police are too busy making viral videos and learning dance moves for fag parades to investigate this.
Besides their cybercrime unit is probably three neckbeards sitting in a room playing fortnite all day.

>> No.12454014

Nah, this is why dapps are the future. Pure smart contract, so long as it's written correctly there's nothing to hack (outside of picking off metamask keys). Who the fuck even uses Cryptopia anyway?

>> No.12454019

People in NZ think crypto is squeaky clean? lol

>> No.12454022

They are the place to go for new coins. Also lots of normies seemed to like them.

>> No.12454033

Also, thank God I moved my $1.50 worth of Einsteinium (any of you anons remember good old EMC2 -- ATH of $2.60, currently trading at $0.04) off before this debacle.

>> No.12454054

>Besides their cybercrime unit is probably three neckbeards sitting in a room playing fortnite all day.
Unironically think there are worse strategies -- maybe they'll get some leads by listening to gossip in the chatroom...

>> No.12454085

Yeah that was a great scam. Sold at the peak before their "big news" dropped.

>> No.12454271


>> No.12454343 [DELETED] 

Governments have seriously stepped up their game when it comes to crypto and cyber forensics the last 18 to 24 months or so. The NZ police said they were in contact with police forces from oversea, if this means Interpol, then the "hackers" who robbed cryptopia are fucked. Believe me, i know what i'm talking about.

>> No.12454851
File: 13 KB, 568x491, blocknet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is going to keep happening until plebs smarten up and start using true DEXs like Blocknet's DX. Wallet to wallet trading, no 3rd party or anyone/anything besides yourself is in control of your funds at any point while trading. Decentralized orderbooks, decentralized order matching, decentralized everything - it's the purest DX ever.

>> No.12454953

Wow I used to trade a lot on shitopia 2 years ago. Crypto is a scam and so are all the exchanges. You've been warned newfags, save yourselves.

>> No.12455046

Wouldn't be the first time:

>> No.12455076


also - https://www.police.govt.nz/news/search-results/crypto

>> No.12455081

this coin is still alive?

>> No.12455117

High probability that these 800k upfiring were part of the coins stolen

>> No.12455293

alive and well my dude, Github repo is extremely active across all branches given the team's size

>> No.12455390

lost about $150 of btc if we're down for good.

>> No.12455419

At most I think they will return some money in a few years like mt gox but yeah people is fucked. I only lost like 100 usd in tether there fortunately

>> No.12455707
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Fuck lost 20k. Kill me.

>> No.12455717

I've lost more than this before in some bad situations, you just have to move on mentally

>> No.12455720

>New coins

You mean pajeet p&d trash? I trust Tradeogre x100000000 with my funds over Cryptopia. Case in point, this thread.

>> No.12455747

It's all good. I got plenty left. Just sucks.

>> No.12456183

No. You dumb faggots that keep using centralized exchanges are what's ruining everything. Use DEX.

>> No.12456352
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Who gives a fuck, the only crypto I had on there was Fantasy Cash which is pretty much a dead coin.

I ain't mad.

>> No.12456372

But anon
>It's all fantasy cash

>> No.12456392

aside from there being no volume, yeah.

>> No.12456404

>I trust Tradeogre x100000000 with my funds over Cryptopia.
Based on what, exactly? It's one year track record? Big deal. The entire lesson to be learned is that no exchanges should be trusted.

>> No.12456627
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still in beta too.

>> No.12456646

My sweet monsoon season pajeet, that is not volume.

>> No.12456759

fuuuuck how will i dump VIT

>> No.12456809
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I look forwards to reclaiming my worthless non-erc20 shitcoins in 2022

>> No.12456888

TO looks pretty based and apparently way far away from exit scamming.
They have DDoS protection, 2FA etc I feel safer there than on some mid tier exchanges, but I agree that no exchange can be trusted. Most of the time the “hacks” are the owner exit scamming.

Cryptopia especially in the last months was a living red flag.

>> No.12456901


>> No.12457164


>> No.12457173

>but I agree that no exchange can be trusted
Trips confirm. I may have lost my cryptopia portfolio, it was only a couple hundred bucks. Don't know yet, because unsure what's gone.
Either way it's part of the volatility that is trading cryptos. We all know what we are signing on for. We all learnt that lesson with Mt Gox. And if you're a newfag who thought that wasn't a problem, well here's a good lesson for you.

>> No.12457240

>literally before the satoshi whitepaper

>> No.12457647

Who the fuck cares where it's located? It's clearly been run by amateurs.

>> No.12457672

Will I ever get my colx back?

Who here colx marine?

>> No.12458506

Worst bit is not being able to login and see what I had on there

The one good thing is I didn't use cryptopia for erc20 trading (wwydt) and fairly sure I only had small bags of MAID, Atmos and SKY on there. Regret not moving sky when binance listed it

>> No.12458559

I lost $15k
feeling like shit

>> No.12458575

it's the exchange of shitcoins

>> No.12458577

literally nothing

>> No.12458580

we don’t know for certain yet. you never know. think about bitconnect. stay strong anon.

>> No.12459003

shit got stolen thenks,


>> No.12459029

i saw cryptopia exit scam coming for months.. rumors of insolvency.. the only way owners could profit were to fake a hack and steal customers crypto

>> No.12459043
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>> No.12459083

I remember like in 2000s some news about how some groups were using counter strike for communication but making messages with bullet holes on the walls. Pretty genius desu

>> No.12459673

>Fake a hack
>Full police investigation

Pick one

>> No.12459687

Seems like binance found the hackers

>> No.12459715

fucking faggots hiding behind the police. are there publicly known identities that go along with the cunts running this clownshow? I'd just like to know for entertainment purposes/see how retarded they look

>> No.12459748

fucking have a huge stack of Masari on there,
if Masari turns out to be "not a shit coin" and it pumps i will literally kms

>> No.12459809

>keeping anything in crypto exchanges
its your fault for all your losses. the only people i feel bad about are the ones that were trading at that exact moment and would withdraw their funds afterwards. even then, you should have picked a better exchange to do your trading.
i dont even trust banks with my money and you people trust random fucking idiots with it. the absolute state. keeping anything in exchanges is nigger tier, and if you dont know any other way to keep your holdings safe then i advice you to leave crypto because this is not the first time and wont be the last an exchange exit scams

>> No.12459815

There are plenty of DEX exchanges that trade shitcoins. Why do people still use centralized exchanges for shitcoins?

>> No.12459830

every hack only makes decentralized exchanges more viable, and given that decentralized exchanges are an almost exclusively ethereum concept, they make ethereum even more dominant than before.

>> No.12459842

this is like breaking into a purification plant and stealing all the shit

>> No.12459849

>i will literally kms
Just do it now! You obviously don't care about your financial future

>> No.12459860

why you say that faggot

>> No.12459894

Time for shitcoins to dump then?