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12936765 No.12936765 [Reply] [Original]

New article from Satoshi Nakamoto. Hot from the press. Enjoy!


>> No.12936853

Thanks. I really like these kind of articles. It's nice to see the creators perspective on the history of bitcoin. And his writing style is so mellow and kino. Love it

>> No.12936864

Its so airy and light. I can almost hear Craig regaling the tale at my bedside as I drift to sleep

>> No.12936890

How much do you fucks get paid to spam this drunk imbeciles rambling incoherent garbage? I want in

>> No.12936909

nice article!

>> No.12936927
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>invents p2p monies and releases to public
>didn't know it could have illicit use

>> No.12936928

im getting sick of shit tard toshi.
and I don't even like Bitcoin core.

>> No.12937026


gas yourself

>> No.12937062

I guess even the smartest man is capable of going full retard. But this sperg isnt SN.

>> No.12937066

this dude types how william shatner talks

>> No.12937082
File: 315 KB, 479x463, 1524132263705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>didn't read the article
>posts anyways

>> No.12937093

Unless he signs the message with Satoshi's keys he is nothing but an attention seeking liar.
Bitcoin has a feature made specifically to prove one's identity. Why wouldn't craigie boi use it?
Because he is a fraud. Unless he supports his claims with the signed message anyone who believes him deserves to lose their money.

>> No.12937095

>snoop catt

>> No.12937138

Came here for the autistic screeching, stayed for the dope article. CSW is the real deal, fuck all the shitflinging pavement apes.

>> No.12937173

They unironically do it for free to piss off easily triggered morons such as yourself

>> No.12937174

He's a complete dick. What runs through someone's head to make them think like that?

>> No.12937202

Imagine being an sv shill

>> No.12937234

The steven seagal of crypto.

>> No.12937670

He prolly threw away his private key with the million btc balance becouse he didn't believe in his own creation after it dumped novembre 2013 and now he cannot prove his Satoshi lmayo what a dumass

>> No.12938261

This makes sense to me.

>> No.12938281

>changes old blog post to add he was working on crypto



>> No.12938283

What a fucking retard. Absolute alcoholic constantly spewing nonsense. He's actually worse than Hilary when it comes to creating and believing false narratives.

>> No.12938309


Craig spends all this time insulting people and insisting that he's something, and when anybody mentions how easily he could prove it if it were true, he claims, "I DON'T OWE YOU ANYTHING!"

He literally hates everyone else. If he could ruin BTC and gloat about it, you just know that he would.

So clearly he can't, and he's not Satoshi. If he could, he would.

>> No.12938323

Also Craig is mentioning this "anti criminals" angle a LOT these days.

Did Satoshi ever mention this back in the forums? Was Satoshi extremely pro-law enforcement and anti criminal activity? Any proof on that? Would be interesting to see.

>> No.12938436

I imagine the paragraph breaks as him taking a few seconds to sniff a fart. what a pretentious fuck

>> No.12938461

imagine actually reading shit from somebody that doesn't even understand public key encryption.

bcash1 ans bcash2 are simply airdrops to btc holders. trying to argue anything else is late adopter cope.

>> No.12938482

this! creg repeatedly demonstrated he doesn't have a clue about what bitcoin is and what it is not.
why would anyone waste time on his bullshit is beyond me. i will never get the minutes back from my life i wasted on listening to him or reading his older crap.

>> No.12938489
File: 73 KB, 440x960, i made this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or he is just making shit up and never had those keys to begin with (much more plausible)

>> No.12938504
File: 44 KB, 750x600, correct.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the truth is there is no reason for him not to sign except if he can't. if he can't then he must resort to shitposting and cringe worthy emotional appeals.

>> No.12938729


>> No.12938756


Almost as if he wasn't aware of Bittorrent. What a fucking idiot

>> No.12938899

>I invented bitcoin
>dark websites >:(

>> No.12939955

crypto will never get mass adoption while retards like wright have a voice

>> No.12941188

fuck off fakesatoshi.

>> No.12941215

>Unless he signs the message with Satoshi's keys he is nothing but an attention seeking liar.
>Bitcoin has a feature made specifically to prove one's identity. Why wouldn't craigie boi use it?
>Because he is a fraud. Unless he supports his claims with the signed message anyone who believes him deserves to lose their money.

Literally the most small-brained, incapable of thinking for yourself post I've seen all day

>> No.12941516

you are wrong he is right fuck off!
creg blight can't sign he never had the keys never wrote a line of code to bitcoin. he is just the worst aussie shitposter to date.

>> No.12941554
