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13516332 No.13516332 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any industries where sex doesn't sell?

>> No.13516337


>> No.13516338

OP includes gay sex

>> No.13516355

Yes, including fag shit.

>> No.13516364

yes of course
any actually important industries

would you rather choose your doctor based on their ability or the sex appeal?
your bridge engineer?
your pilot?

>> No.13516368

Listen man, I'm under no illussion that almost everything I do is essentially just this body urging me in different directions and that Im just some puppet for my dna to propagate. I dont care though, some big boobies and a fat brapper and Im happy in the matrix.

>> No.13516396

>would you rather choose your doctor based on their ability or the sex appeal?
If you're telling me you'd rather have a fat man who scored perfect on his SATs do your prostate exam than a dumb 10/10 babe, you're gay.

>> No.13516409

if you actually felt like your life was threatened by a real possibility of rectal cancer you would want the fat ugly capable doctor over a dumb babe.

>> No.13516451

Captain I can't get a clear signal.
Getting time space distortion.

Shockwave incoming in 3


>> No.13516457

yea i would rather have a hot dentist

hot lawyer

hot doctor

hot paramedic

hot nurse

hot teacher

>> No.13516481

Sex doesn't sell in ANY industry but that of sex work
You're really talking about something approximating porn that sells, and it does so curiously, to many frustrated beta males and normie pinheadmen

>> No.13516637

This. All industries, sex sells.

>> No.13516652

tfw no hot all female staff dentist that also spits in your mouth during exams

>> No.13516660

Considering the "dumb" babe also got through med school. No. No I would not. At work I would get a second opinion from another babe. Face it, you're a faggot. It's like this guy says:
In every industry, sex sells

>> No.13517094


>> No.13517110

military, kings, leaders, people you respect

>> No.13517112

selling urns for your deceased grandma

>> No.13517114
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>> No.13517125
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>> No.13517134

Hemroid cream

>> No.13517167

Men would still want to burn urns from a hot sales person.

Prolapse porn is a thing.

>> No.13517190

Childrens toys and funeral homes.

>> No.13517220

tree planting ?? but prob there is a fetish for that..

>> No.13517225

'sex sells' is a meme. Thats why so many pajeet retards post their scam coins alongside pictures of strippers and prostitutes

>> No.13517230
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>> No.13517500

My fucking god i would put her on all fours and milk her fucking utters god damned dry holy shit fuck.

>> No.13517846

Every single industry is better with brappers in some way shape or form

>> No.13517850

i was hoping she fell

lmfao this brainlet roastie

>> No.13517866

Anything related to mathematics or computer science.

If I see a hot woman, I automatically know it's a fad or not important.

>> No.13517875
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>> No.13517881

Colostomy bags, I don't know.

>> No.13518067


>> No.13518228

If only she slipped and broke her neck.

>> No.13518408

Abortion clinics.

>> No.13518425


*throwing up

>> No.13518670

>normalfags find this """sexy"""

I couldn't get a semi over this anorexic ugly bitch even if you paid me

>> No.13518683

>respecting kings

Cringe. What kind of beta male looks up to kings lmao

>> No.13518688


>> No.13518953

I was gonna say tampons, but then I realized all tampon commercials (and commercials aimed at women in general) are about making women feel comfortable and sexy so they can get sex.

Commercials aimed at men: Look at the sexy women you will get.
Commercials aimed at women: Look at how sexy you will become.
Guess you're unironically right OP.

>> No.13518955

probably religious industry

>> No.13519067


>> No.13519070

Nothing to do with the gun.
Fact is women dont shoot guns

>> No.13519113

Programming, I guess the final product and advertising of it they may use sex but I’m yet to see how a back end developer will benefit from being a hot woman if she’s a retard that can’t code.

>> No.13519118

if only you knew how bad things are

>> No.13519133

Senior living assistance

>> No.13519444

-grave yard
literally the only industry where sex does not sell is when the girl is dead and about to be covered by fuck tons of soil.

>> No.13519448

okay retard

>> No.13519469

This and funeral parlors.

>> No.13519481

I'd still crush that cold poon desu

>> No.13519570

lol even then sex sell.. the more handsome and cute you make the dead to look like, the more money you get
only when you about to put them under ground where sex cant sell anymore, cuase you aint seeing them anymore.

>> No.13519590

-sex does not sell in programming
let me remind you of that "heroic" "majestic" "one woman army" who find the formula to crack the black hole pic open "all on her own"
look at her face and tell me why she in in the pictures and not the rest of contributeres
sex def sells in sciences

>> No.13520219

>Im just some puppet for my dna to propagate.




>> No.13520252

Amber and Amanda I'd kill so they don't spread their mutt gypsy genes around.

haydentiff is the only one who looks good and it's probably just because of the perspective.
tayvano looks mediocre.

>> No.13520261

>caring about spooks

>> No.13520272 [DELETED] 


>> No.13520291

Video game design and any kind of critic. I would absolutely not want to watch movies recommended by attractive women nor play video games developed by attractive women. But in every other field I choose the hot babe, I’d even choose the hot babe to perform heart surgery on me.

>> No.13520308
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>getting cucked by my dna

>> No.13520420

goddamn it feels AMAZING being immune to thots
I used to get thirsty seeing little clips like these, now I just feel disdain for the whore prancing around,

>> No.13520794

gay pride iswell accepted these days

>> No.13520983


No faggot. It's realizing that modern society has supernormal stimulus traps that manipulate primal urges against yourself.

Have actual sex and restraint towards images and videos of thots. "There is no price too high for the privilege of owning yourself"

>> No.13521148


>> No.13521187

Specialised scientific equipment that gets sold to universities and research groups. Can't imagine a niche component of a high vacuum plasma chamber would ever be advertised with sex - it would be unprofessional and inappropriate.

>> No.13522035

I'm a big guy

>> No.13522082
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>> No.13522094

XMR is a coin of morality, not degenerate butt stuff

>> No.13522631


>> No.13522649


>> No.13522838

It doesnt...

>> No.13523121
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> Cheer leaders
> Female sports commentators
> Lingerie sports

>> No.13523968

For him

>> No.13524007


>> No.13524063

Google for nanny porn and you'll realize how wrong you are.

>> No.13524066

-it doesnt
inbf fucking pole dancing is an Olympic game now while they tried to remove the fucking wrestiling (the sport that is the original and is in olympic singing)because people are too weak and retarded

>> No.13524069


>> No.13524122
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B-b-but... break dancing is a real sport!

>> No.13524329

Kid entertainment.

>> No.13524345

if you consider theoretical math and sciences as industies, then those because nerds care more about the content than the person delivering the content

>> No.13524352

run away from cops
new sports olympic special for basketball people
coming 2026

>> No.13524358

but almost always people you see in media in regard for advancment in any of these theoritical scinence are either female or handsome men

>> No.13524366

sex sells
in every biz

>> No.13525312

oh ye? then go look up xuxa american version and brazilian version
they are kid shows

>> No.13525374

Adult diapers. Dementia medication

>> No.13525414

If you're an NPC no, if you're not then it never sells. It's just stupid af.

>> No.13525558
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>> No.13525878

once again, its not selling the gun

>> No.13525971
File: 98 KB, 590x400, 122888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here is 100 images of booth babes at an NRA convention SELLING GUNS


>> No.13525995

>booth babes
lmao, those are the wives of the gun shop owners

>> No.13525996

Easy question- baby toys/products. There's obviously no sex allowed near those products for good reason.

>> No.13526001
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Honestly? You know what you sell to prostitutes? Love and affection. Seriously. It's a giant circle. I'm not even kidding you.

>> No.13526007

They could use some better talent in there, but those push-up bras are no accident.

>> No.13526291
