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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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13554985 No.13554985 [Reply] [Original]

This is starting to smell a little funky. Is this a ploy to block withdrawals on Binance due to tether problems?!? How did the "hackers" know exactly how to structure the transactions to avoid being detected?!!!! The timing of this incident seems just a little too convenient for my liking.

>> No.13555009

it is uncertain

i still trust CZ

he is a genius and shudnt need to resort to this kind of short-term bullshit for $$$

but yes. very concerning.

if CB gets hacked, i sell everything

for now, i will cold store everything from binance as soon as withdrawal is available

very concerning

CB and binance were the only 2 i trust. now its only CB..

>> No.13555040

Retards ...

Binance already been hack, they stopped it really fast, they have a way to detect hackers, this is all a tether problem.

>> No.13555053
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>> No.13555056

CZ said the hackers knew how to "structure" the transaction to avoid being detected, but then he said the withdrawals alarmed their system. so which is it?

>> No.13555141
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i still dont understand this, if it was users account being hacked by phishing, they would still need email access to those accounts and need 2FA codes simultaneously, unless they just targeted accounts with like 500 btc each i cant see how they could pull it off, i know a fair bit about cracking accounts and this doesnt seem plausable unless there was a vunerablility on the actual binance servers, this with all the tether bs is giving me the willies

>> No.13555235
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I don't know why everyone is upset, this is exactly what everyone has been promoting for years. An unregulated market where your money is held by strangers; where transactions can't be traced of canceled; everything that people have been calling a "strength" for years.

As for Binance, it's pretty clear what's going on... they don't have the liquidity to cover payments if everyone started to withdraw their money.

Maybe they're playing with the books, maybe they found themselves on the wrong end of an investment; maybe they stole everyone's money and people are finally starting to find out.

But it's certainly a warning to everyone. In a publicly traded company if the CFO is fired, you sell. It doesn't matter how long you've held a stock, you sell. If a company has to restate their earnings... you sell.

So Binance is going to explode when everyone figures out there is no more money. And they will stall by halting withdraws; and that will work until the truth comes out. And then everyone who had money with them will wake up to discover that all of their money is gone.

But it's OK, because this is the system you wanted, shilled, and believed in. You should feel proud that your support of such a system cost you nothing but real dollars.

>> No.13555256

I dont even care. Im going to get a hooker

>> No.13555266

Amen. Buy bitcoin

>> No.13555280

got one lined up for tommorow night, fuck this market

>> No.13555310
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I bet her brappers smells a lil funky too. I hope

>> No.13555326


Maybe you should buy ETH. I like the honesty of naming a coin after the mythical element that was supposed to be the glue that held the universe together right up until people figured out it didn't exist.

>> No.13555375

Btc is the one, but holding a bit of Eth isn’t a bad idea

>> No.13555397


Translation... if you're going to put your money into a Ponzi scheme, put it in the "best" ponzi scheme.

>> No.13555417

lol right?

>> No.13555436

English is hard

>> No.13555445

kek, he's being so transparent

>> No.13555449

100%, but btc isn’t a ponzi, nor are most cryptos

>> No.13555480

I would do anything for her to sit on my face

>> No.13555493
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>> No.13555575


Its a good thing Satan does not exist, otherwise I would be selling my soul right now to have this thot for myself for the next ten years.

>> No.13555740

I wish I was that car hood

>> No.13555789


Precisely. Careful with your fiat.