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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13801114 No.13801114[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Capitalism is the right wa-
>Trump has to bail out farmers with 16 billion. Guess the whole free market doesn't work out too well huh.

Yes it does work the free market regulates itse-
>Oh no chinese invented a better phone we have to ban them from selling it here god forbid there is actually competition driving the """"free"""" market.


>> No.13801134

Farmers have to paid annually to not grow crops or else the price of food would get so low that there would be less incentive to work
It's been this way since FDR this isn't new lol

>> No.13801184


>Implying this is good

>> No.13801614

farming is honestly at "crisis of overproduction" and has been for some time now

>> No.13801683
File: 71 KB, 467x574, communism america.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying we live in a free market
everyday with this shit, nigger we don't even have free market money let alone a free market

>> No.13801709

we live in communism for the rich. the rich basically figured out how to implement the best parts of communism to work for the corporations and themselves but when someone like yang or bernie talk about UBI that's bad communism. bad goy. no good. can't have that..

>> No.13801718

>crisis of overproduction
communism certainly solves that problem

>> No.13801741

Yeah hate to say it but Trump is literally going to doom us all

>> No.13801761

>real capitalism has never been tried!
Kys lolberg

>> No.13801789


>> No.13801790

I'm against corporate subsidy but subsidizing farmers has been around for ever and is pretty much required to keep a country stable.

>> No.13801793

he bought you some time and prepped the bullrun at least
wtf do you even expect to happen with 35% latinos and 16% nignogs

>> No.13801805

Communism and capitalism are both Jewish economic systems that lead to the same materialistic conclusion.
We must find another way.

>> No.13801809
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Marx predicted that Capitalism was an untenable system that would deprive the masses, and insisted in the mid 1800's that it would *imminently* collapse because it is inherently untenable.

We're fast approaching 200 years later. Capitalism thrived, exploded across the Earth, and lifted millions out of abject poverty. Its Marxist detractors are now reduced to nit-picking over the minutia of agricultural policy and writing apologetics for regimes that literally collapsed and countries where people kill stray animals with rocks for food.

*Some kind* of criticism of Capitalism as we know it may turn out justified. But the Marxist critique is decidedly bunk.

>> No.13801814
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A global free market is impossible if other countries, like china, cheat.

>> No.13801861

Threadly reminder that the only reason the poverty rate isn't rising is because the World Bank redefined the poverty line

>> No.13801870

late stage capitalism, our current period, will soon come to a horrific end

>> No.13801879
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>chinese invented

>> No.13801912

Yeah I guess in the end he essentially will drain the swamp

>> No.13801959

Except unfettered capitalism has already failed multiple times in multiple countries.
Capitalism failed in the 1930s. Roosevelt himself said that his greatest achievement as president was saving capitalism by implementing the New Deal. Multiple socialist/communist parties were rapidly gaining traction during the depression, and the elites were genuinely afraid of revolution.
Throughout the 50s, the Keynesian model seemed to be working great, but fell apart post-70s. Our economy is debt-based and basically imaginary at this point, backed by the military industrial complex and designed only to serve the financial class. This is not going to last forever.
Marx's predictions are literally coming too. I'm sorry that you're too much of abrainlet to understand that.

>> No.13801969
File: 186 KB, 861x877, AF0B7AF2-1AAE-4CC3-ADE5-2841F5525E61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>better phone

>> No.13801970

Coming true* not too

>> No.13801976


you are unjokingly a retard, public education failed you and your parents should not have been taxed for it.