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13828017 No.13828017 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else got completely fuckd in 2017 crash and never made it remotely back? I had 50k, now at 3k

>> No.13828032

Old fag checking in
Yeah got rekt in Jan 2018

>> No.13828044

Just breaking even now thanks largely to LINK
T. mid 2017 degen gambler

>> No.13828053

i had 66k cardano (ada) worth 68k or something, never cashed out because (it wont drop 95% right? LOL) yea i got burned like a fucking fried chicken

>> No.13828052
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100k down to 10k
what's the quickest and easiest way to end myself?

>> No.13828059

why haven't you put in more money if you've been following the market since the crash

>> No.13828074

>jan 2018

oldfag would be before the previous bull run, 2012-2013

>> No.13828094

maybe some people shouldn't blame the market but blamed the fact they are stupid fucks. If you couldnty make money in the last 12 months you are literal brainlet. The big movers have all been shilled here, like HOLO, Quant, Matic, Fantom etc...

>> No.13828266


I wanna cum inside that asian girl

>> No.13828284

Co2 poisoning.
Co poisoning.
Nitrogen poisoning.
Living in age of information and don’t even know how to die.
Pleb tier

>> No.13828331
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MFW he doesn't know

>> No.13828339

Started at $200 in nov 17, got to 6k tops, then DCA’ed by adding an extra $2000 throughout 2018, my folio is now just shy of 5 figures

>> No.13828348

220k now 180k, the hustle is real

>> No.13828369

22k now 700

>> No.13828374

Went from 8k to 400k to 8k

>> No.13828379

I'd still nut in it tbqh

>> No.13828380

330k to 20k. Life sucks.

>> No.13828383

40k now at about 8k

>> No.13828400

I had about 50k (went down to 18k), but I bought more at 6k, went all in at 3.5k, now I'm sitting on 100k and because of DCA I'm 30/40% up, waiting comfy for the 2021 bullrun

>> No.13828420

I put so much money into REQ...

>> No.13828422

Bought 9 BTC @6,400
Sold them @3,800$
still in FIAT

>> No.13828429
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started almost exactly 2 years ago
my peak was january 2018 at 28k€ from a 3k€ investment and I held it all the way down like a retard
started scaling in from august 2018, buying as much as I could afford each month
currently sitting at 20k€ with a total investment of 13.5k€

>> No.13828441

>buy high, sell low
nice, you have mastered the art of a /biz/nessman

>> No.13828501

Don't spread those lies

>> No.13828532

you think im proud?
i came here to ask because i was depressed
everyone made fun of me like i was the only one holding bags

>> No.13828550

6k to 500k down to 75k now

>> No.13828676

had 300k, have 80k now

>> No.13828693

Had 120k now 8k
Thanks REQ

>> No.13828746

i feel for you man. i once put $250k into req very early, was up over $2 MM, then held like a retard. traded my way back to even. i’m now poised to make a big move. lessons learned—basically be skeptical of everything, esp a french fag team. my mistake was going for life changing money (i’m already getting paid a lot).

>> No.13828765

that team was such a disappointment. everyone got swindled, including ING bank

>> No.13829035

nah I shorted it out! If you got taken for a ride like that why do you invest? you know bitcoin was a penny stock at one point

>> No.13829061

8k to 1.2m to 270k

>> No.13829144

10k in August 17, 240k ath down to 40k at lowest, sold everything into link q1 + q2 last year, and during the latest pump I got back to my ath for a moment. Feeling confident rn even during this dip

>> No.13829145

10k to 120k, back to 13k, to 25k now

>> No.13829321

sauce to pic?

>> No.13830163

i started around then invested barely anything and lost barely anything. I would have just bought a few hundred worth of BTC/ETH and just held id have profited even if i held through the bear

>> No.13830453

nice rack

>> No.13830505
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Went from 57k initial to 200k now I'm at 75k feels bad man

>> No.13830578
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I bought "the dip" in Feb 2018. 110k to 30k back to 100k now.

Could be worse I guess.

>> No.13830663

this argument is like the 2004 vs 2008 4chan oldfag

>> No.13830807

10k -> 88k -> 25k

initial cashed out

>> No.13830848

how can even the most justed anons have more than initial still? Who is actually losing money in crypto. The gains have to come from someone...

>> No.13830904

30k initial , 20k now
never cashed out
also lost a shitload of time on this

>> No.13830935

Except it's literally barely a year ago, and we call 04 ancientfags/originalfag anyway

>> No.13830943
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No, i didn't even get to experience any of those gainz, followed bad trading advice and got bogged.

>> No.13831568

320k ath
Paid 120k in additional taxes with my own money
85k now