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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13936896 No.13936896 [Reply] [Original]

In the 1990’s, online service providers created their version of the Internet, but users could only see content they provided. It was only when the networks were modified to communicate that the Internet flourished.

As it stands now, blockchains on different networks are unable to communicate with one another. That’s a big deal.

For example, in the not too distant future, self-driving cars will be common. If one car company builds its technology using a blockchain from X, and another car company builds its technology using Y, the two cars will be unable to communicate, and that failure will have dire consequences.

The lack of interoperability also creates risk for businesses and hinders widespread usage. Once a business starts on a system, it is effectively locked in. IF they start at all – given the isolated way in which this technology is being built it is leaving enterprise decision makers confused and uncertain as to which technology to adopt.

For us to fulfill the tremendous potential of blockchain technology, we must achieve interoperability.

I am now leading a team to create what we call an “Overledger” that will serve as a meta-gateway for the various blockchains available. The platform will ensure effective communication among the various options.

This will unleash the creativity of programmers by allowing them to design applications that can function across all blockchains.

To address standards, I founded the Blockchain International Organization for Standardization (ISO) project that now has 46 countries working together to develop practices by 2020. Partners include companies such as Sony, IBM and Microsoft, multiple startups, academia and governments around the globe.

- Gilbert Verdian

>> No.13936935

Haha nice meme fellow 4channer!

>> No.13937158

top-25 EoY, you had better believe it.

>> No.13937234

tbf, there's no reason for so many blockchains to exist. Eventually the marketshare will be so heavily in favor of one or another that the use of others will be deprecated. Think TCP/IP. There's less value in ensuring the protocol works with others when other protocols are barely used.

>> No.13937266

King shillbert

>> No.13937309

Big corps have their own type of blockchain that is not entirely public. That is why we need BSV to win. Only BSV can scale up to the masses and drive the technology for public to use. Read about metanet, op.

>> No.13937342

BULLISH on this project.
Quant is massively undervalued atm. When pump?

>> No.13937405

Could be a few months, who knows
Whenever they start releasing big clients, until then it will continue to bleed

>> No.13937470

Already have this. It's called Chainlink.

>> No.13937504

Yo it's me DarkTrip I'm making a super ledger to allow over ledgers to talk to each other.

Gibs me dat.

- DarkTrip

>> No.13937516
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oh shit BTC confirmed 100K EOY