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14063790 No.14063790 [Reply] [Original]

And would it actually be useful in a hyperinflationary scenario?

>> No.14063808


No but asian gfs are a good investment

>> No.14063833

I think metals will do well, but I think crypto will outperform and be the sound money we've always needed. Email me silver...

>> No.14063838

they're materialistic as fuck tho

>> No.14063848
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Guaranteed 2x. Buy boomer rocks while low motherfuckers.

>> No.14063850 [DELETED] 


God I have a white girlfriend but need some asian side pussy bad. Gonna install tinder.

>> No.14063853

Also can i have a sauce on that webm?

>> No.14063856

You're like that guy who drives the piece of shit car just because it's foreign

>> No.14063870
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Gook here


>> No.14063877

Hi eurasiantiger

>> No.14063881

yes if you white guy with no money...good luck finding Asian girl

>> No.14063887

probably the shittiest crypto still gonna outperform it

>> No.14063895


What if you’re a rich white guy but are short and beta?

>> No.14063903
File: 16 KB, 223x212, kgquaterounce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

instead of wasting your time with silver
just buy king george gold quarter ounces instead.

>> No.14063933

Bro, asian women LITERALLY dream of being with white men

>> No.14063936

Good investment, but not a good way to get rich any time soon.
If you are doing well and have savings, put some in pm or crypto in a ledger and hide it somewhere.

>> No.14063965

no, they dream of nice car, big house, LV purses, latest phones, etc.

>> No.14063977

Nice try chang, I dont have any of those and I'm still fucking your women

>> No.14064010

>what if you're a white guy

>> No.14064038
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As long as you trade them in every few years for a newer model. There's nothing less attractive than an OLD asian lady.

>> No.14064048

Its a terrible investment, always has been and always will be

if youre extremely lucky youll catch the one pump it has every 20 years

>> No.14064050

all women are whores

>> No.14064058

based and redpilled.

>> No.14064060

I want to have sex with an Asian woman. But I just turned 25 and I'm a kissless friendless virgin. It's over for me.

>> No.14064061

cope, almost every non White wants to be with a White man. The small percentage that don't are delusional subhumans who think they're better than White's.

>> No.14064069

You still have 5 years

>> No.14064085

I have no respect for white guys with an asian girlfriend/wife.

It’s literally playing the game on easy mode. Plus the half Asian kid comes out and is guaranteed to be a beta.

>> No.14064087
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>> No.14064097

>legitimately want some info on silver
>it's a race thread
I don't even know why I still come to this board.

>> No.14064104

Asian women are actually pretty hot though. Don't tell me that you'd turn down Vina Sky.

>> No.14064105

Just reverse one child policy that bitch: No males allowed, only female hapa.

>> No.14064106
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the white woman gets that old before 30. Asian women are the best long term asset.

>> No.14064116


>> No.14064118
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>Plus the half Asian kid comes out and is guaranteed to be a beta.

says whom? you?

>> No.14064120

I am a westernized Asian guy who doesn't give much thought to white men preferring to fuck, date and marry Asian girls.

However, it does grind my gears to see how easily whites can get with asians, whereas it's substantially harder for Asian men to attract white women.

Just my 2 cents.

>> No.14064132

A ''friend'' of mine was ugly as a fuck, but he fucked a lot of girls and some also free in thailand. Is there any pretty thailand Stacies who is not so asian? I don't like asian girls, but the mixed USA-asian girls yes, they are pretty sometimes

>> No.14064172


Whites and Asians are the only civilized humans. I don't date Asian girls, only white, but I do find Asian women physically attractive on the same level as white women, pretty much because when I look at Asian people I view them as civilized and equal to whites.

I can't say the same for any other people. As for Asian girls fucking white dudes all the time, I don't understand it either, but you don't exactly have a population issue.

>> No.14064203

Those are exceptions that prove the rule. Most of them are little Elliot Rodgers

>> No.14064260


>easy mode

Who gives a shit. The entire female population plays the dating game on easy mode

>> No.14064271

>exceptions that prove the rule
why are burger idioms so stupid?

>> No.14064288
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Yeah but that’s expected women aren’t judged based on how many partners they can procure. Men on the other hand must prove their worth with their ability to master the art of seducing women...

If you are a white guy “seducing” pathetic fucking asian women then you are a man of low quality

>> No.14064306

>exceptions that prove the rule
This is such a brainlet-tier idiom it always pisses me off when I hear it because NOBODY uses it correctly. It's like "begs the question" and other such commonly misused phrases - you instantly know you're dealing with an 80 IQ trog on the other end of the screen.

By the way, "exception that proves the rule" means the presence of an exception implies the existence of a rule, not that strong counter-examples proves a rule (which makes no sense at all, dumbfuck).

>> No.14064316

He's misusing the phrase. American public HS have failed the vast majority of our youth, I'm afraid.

>> No.14064325

Should I go to gym?

Those two guys rubbing and kissing asian teens look like total losers with muscles on.
Are muscles enough to get girls?

>> No.14064354

>tfw i missed out on prime teen pussy years when i was younger

>> No.14064363

go check r/hapas .most of them suffer and they arent good looking

>> No.14064389

>Should I go to gym?
Yeah, but tbqh you could even just start doing a body weight routine in your room if you dont want to pay for a gym membership or have to drive down to them regularly.

>> No.14064392


You don’t understand yellow fever. If I had the choice between the hottest white girl and a slightly above average asian I would still choose the asian. It’s not about not being able to get white women, that’s just roastie cope

>> No.14064405


Same, but in the end, there is nothing to feel bad about, the FOMO is already gone, it's like feeling bad about btc in 2011, it just feels something that would have happened in another life altogether

>> No.14064408

fat shaming is very real in asia and far worst than in the west. that's why asian women are thin and attractive

>> No.14064414

just go to Asia and hit any part of the city where foreigners are known to congregate,,, Itaewon in Seoul, Roppongi in Tokyo.... in the clubs there will be girls looking to fuck foreigners at all costs.... they literally don't care what you look like and will bang you no matter what. Your results may very in nicer parts of town

>> No.14064421

FYI, none of these women are worth dating (let alone marrying) but yes, if you want to just get laid, you can do that.

>> No.14064436

its because east asian culture is actually too civilized, we've bred out all the bad boys and exciting people. Not only that but we have a weak relation to our own sexuality, part of this is unironically due to onions exposure in the womb, during childhood and especially during puberty. The end result of this? Reduced aggressiveness, libido and penis size. Im not saying there isnt a genetic component to these things, but im pretty sure that the onions in the diet plays a pretty significant role. Women want physically and psychologically masculine men, for various reasons east asian men cannot achieve this at the moment. Anyways, I dont really have any sympathy for our race, its our own damn fault that we're so cucked.

That being said, I do feel bad for white dudes that think they're getting one over on asian guys by poaching asian females. I dont know why they do this, asian bros dont bother anyone else lol. I guess its just a way for these dudes to take out their frustration against tyrone poaching white girls by trying to bully someone they view as weaker than them since these same white dudes would never talk shit to a black guy with a hot white girl hanging off his arm. Lets be real though, if youre white and prefer asian women then youre probably coping. Even if youre not, youre actively complicit in the act of (((white genocide))) when you engage in miscegenation with asian women as well as giving white women a justification to also engage in race mixing when they see you walking around with an asian girl. But hey, if you really and truly prefer asian women then go for it. Personally I would rather prefer a nice white or latina girl though

>> No.14064461

oh I agree and you'll probably catch something.... but chances are the girls in the OP were probably at a place like Gas Panic in Tokyo or the equivalent in whatever city they live in. My friends told me stories about fucking 3 different girls in the same night at clubs in Shanghai. In Korea my buddy had a list of numbers of girls who he'd give to new guys in town, these chicks would come over and fuck them sight unseen.

>> No.14064516

Thats a minority. Elliots are a drop in the ocean compared to white shooters or the white people who browse r9k or r/incels. Hapas are usually quite successful

>> No.14064526

Muscles? They barely have any muscle. Let me break it down for you here's how you get an asian girl:

1. Be white

>> No.14064532

selection bias. you're only looking at the failures.
normal people wouldn't post on a forum about their race unless they were upset about something

>> No.14064554

Which fucking asian are you? You sound like your're larping. The big three asian groups (chinese, japanese, korean) are all prideful and wouldn't say shit like "no sympathy for our race."

>> No.14064558


Dude I think most white guys that date asian aren't doing it to one up asian guys, they are doing it to one up white roasties because of what they perceive asian women to be - feminine, more traditional etc.

Like I said I only date white girls but my brief experience dating an asian girl in my early 20s for a few months did not live up to the "feminine, traditional" meme at all. Asian dudes did look at us when I was out in public which I found awkward as fuck but I am literally 1488 ethnonationalist at this point. That asian girl turned out to be a thot because she was Westernised.

>> No.14064563

silver/gold would have the same supply/demand, but they would cost more, just like everything else, like food, property and fuel.
Literally anything but $ would appreciate in value. Silver/gold just have the longest shelf life.

>> No.14064570

they do have a birthrate issue

>> No.14064578

i know someone (european) who went to japan for vacation (2 weeks), met a girl in a bar. she left japan, they married and had a child. divorced a year later. now the guy has a little hapa who doesn't look like him.

>> No.14064588

lol this is why asian guys cant do anything to improve our race. Its because they are too prideful to admit that we have cucked ourselves through our diet and our asexual, naive culture. Im an asian guy, you can believe me or not, but im allowed to dislike my own race for being purposely dense and not understanding the importance of masculinity and sexuality.

>> No.14064594

kek because you think "traditional" girls abroad aren't thots? many will bang the delivery man while their husband is at work

>> No.14064597 [DELETED] 


>> No.14064611

asian girls dont like westerners for their masculinity but because they economically dominate the world. white = money = high status

>> No.14064613
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>> No.14064620

It really does matter which asian because. I've come to realize people talk about particular asians but they lump all the different asians together. Like how black people will mainly get their ideas about asians from vietnamese and filipinos.

>> No.14064622

white girls would be all over asian men if asian culture dominated the world like western do. it's also starting: more and more white girls find effeminate asian boys bands sexy.

>> No.14064632

have sex (unironically)

>> No.14064634

still more cock than you roastie

>> No.14064643

lol, you need to read what I wrote more closely. I was only referring to a specific subset of white guys that date asian women, I wasnt referring to all white guys that date asian women:

"I do feel bad for white dudes that think they're getting one over on asian guys by poaching asian females."

As you can see, only referring to white dudes that get off on cucking asian guys. That being said, all of my points still stand

>> No.14064650

you would probably be jealous if you saw all the hot asian chicks i dated in my life

>> No.14064661

keep coping dude. What you say is a classic asian masculinity cope. Money matters, so does status, but so does physical and psychological masculinity. You are deluding yourself if you deny this

>> No.14064695

this is why asian men will never reach their full potential, ironically its because of ourselves. We keep telling ourselves stuff to cope instead of doing things that would have concrete results (like removing onions from the diet or introducing soft cultural reforms like encouraging a natural understanding of sexuality instead of being weird/prudes about it)

>> No.14064703
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I know one Asian guy who is pretty Chad and has a blonde gf, pic related.

>> No.14064714


>> No.14064731

i'm white and attractive, brainlet. ever wondered why asians dont like blacks or brazilians despite being more masculine than whites? it's because everywhere in the world white is associated with money and high status. if blacks ruled the world economically like we did, if all the CEOs, actors etc were black they would prefer black men over us.

>> No.14064733

dude looks korean. I think out of the big three (koreans, chinese, japanese), koreans are the most chad. We get this from our mongolian/central asian roots; unfortunately due to the strictures placed on us historically by chinese culture (confucianism and onions) we are significantly weaker than we would be otherwise.

>> No.14064741

It's because whites are more handsome and generally empathetic. And because hapa kids are extrmeely qt

>> No.14064750

OPs fault for posting an image more interesting than his topic

>> No.14064756
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Yeah he is a handsome dude, muscular for asian etc. Has the masculinity needed to pull off holding onto a hot blonde roastie.

...His sister however let the side down with a white dude

>> No.14064767

I'm sure OP knew what he was doing.

>> No.14064769

it's cultural and genetic. Mix raced are considered attractive everywhere, even here with half black half white or half white half latino...

>> No.14064779

so looks or physical masculinity dont matter at all? OK lol. You need to work on your reading comprehension though. This is what I wrote:

"Money matters, so does status, but so does physical and psychological masculinity."

Everything matters dude, I never said it was totally about masculinity. Although when it comes to asian men, masculinity is the one thing that we do lack unfortunately.

Anyways what you say is patently untrue or only a half truth. I know this because in america the majority of asian-american women go for white guys, even though asian-american men tend to make more money statistically. Youre really bluepilled if you think sexual attraction can be totally attributed to financial status lol. Once again, does money matter for sexual attraction? Yeah sometimes, but you have to consider physical factors as well, which are oftentimes more important IMO

>> No.14064788

low iq

high iq

People (asians included) like whites because they're good looking and probably the kindest race on average. Has absolutely nothing to do with economic status or whatever that retard was going on about. Look at those brown people with all their oil money who still look disgusting because they're short, brown and dumb. They're the complete opposite of whites which is why they're opposites in terms of attractiveness.

>> No.14064798

How the fuck asians survived centuries without getting cucked in masse by whiteys? seriously their women don't give a shit about asians

>> No.14064813

>His sister however let the side down with a white dude

How are asian dudes this big of hypocrites?

>> No.14064818


>> No.14064834


Ironically they actually cucked whites first. Now all of Central Asia is populated by white-asian mutts - Kazakhstan, Krygyzstan etc. due to Mongols.

>> No.14064837

I agree that lots of asian dudes are hypocrites like this, but I see an equal amount of white dudes get raged at seeing BMWF but then they go and support WMAF. I guess everyone is full of shit

>> No.14064870

>twirled fedora implodes

>> No.14064879

>genetics are the same
>all photos are accurate

>> No.14064895


desu elliots problem was just autism

>> No.14064901

this is only half true. The indigenous people of central asia are originally mongoloid and have similar yet distinct cultures from mongolians. Essentially there are a bunch of different, mongolian appearing ethnic groups (including the mongolians themselves) that originated out of siberia many thousands of years ago. Its a common misperception that central asian populations appear the way they do because of genetic diffusion caused by the mongolian invasions.

an equally common misperception is that central asians (including mongolians) are anything like east asians. They're not. For all intents and purposes, it is east asian men that have problems with their masculinity, central asian and mongolian men do not have this problem.

>> No.14064919

>kindest race
>2 atomic bombs in the face so kawai
you are the low IQ. whites are considered attractive because they rule the world and conquered countries in the past (they set the cultural standard). why do you think japanese are all over americans. because they lost the war. before the war americans were hated and considered unattractive. In every country colonized by the whites you still find the racial hierarchy: the highest status you are the whitest you are. It's clear in Brazil and south american countries. the poor are brown, the rich are white or light brown. black is associated with poverty and low status.
it's true in the west but not in asia where girls arent looking at masculinity.

>> No.14064924


Mongolians have more in common with sand farmers than east asians

>> No.14064941

There are plenty of available asian men!

>> No.14064943

It's actually really simple.
White = rulers
Shitskin = filthy working in the sun peasant pajeets.

They got it backwards here or something that's why people try to be tan but over there they try to keep their skin as white as possible

>> No.14064957
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Based and yellow pilled.

>> No.14064970

not opposed to holding physical gold and silver, but you should hold an equal amount in BTC/ETH and smol bits in shitcoins. Also you should treat it all as a hedge and not a lottery ticket.

>> No.14064978

>Should I go to gym?
stopped reading there. The answer is yes.

>> No.14064982

asian women are more pleb than whites?

>> No.14064996

Guys, source. Come on.

>> No.14064997

fucking disgusting moon faces. how can you find that attractive?

>> No.14065035

Vina Sky is damn near perfect.

>> No.14065038 [DELETED] 

immagine dating an asian skinny no ass girl, no tits when you have all the delicious brappers and milies in the western... I would do that only if truly ''in love'' with a girl for its personality, and not for phisical appearance

>> No.14065068

immagine dating an asian skinny no ass girl, no tits when you have all the delicious brappers and milkies in the western... I would do that only if truly ''in love'' with a girl for its personality, and not for phisical appearance

>> No.14065072
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nice false dictonomy, I get what you're saying but I don't think White's colonizing is what set the beauty standard and there isn't any information out there about how other countries viewed American's aesthetically before ww2. pic related, fuck jewgle OY VEY it never fucking ends.

that's the mediteranian look though and the only reason girls like to be tan is it hides their blemishes

>> No.14065084
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stop with the fat/thicc trend.

>> No.14065085
File: 230 KB, 1187x757, 1540735516294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what I'm understanding here is that basically white men are the trophy husband and asian women are the trophy wife? How did white women lose the title?

>> No.14065112

>there isn't any information out there about how other countries viewed American's aesthetically before ww2
there is, but you need to be educated enough to read academic sociological/anthropological papers. ked'd at your google search desu.

>> No.14065124

My girl is half a hapa. Best of both worlds.

>> No.14065125

It's 99% only White men chasing Asian women though and vice versa and all non White's chasing White's.

>> No.14065126

Fuck off with your shitty onion theory, Kim

>> No.14065131

it's more that the only races that have any access to asian women are asians and whites.

>> No.14065134

>the only reason girls like to be tan is it hides their blemishes
Oh okay that explains that. Rest of my post still stands

>> No.14065136

>dude trust me
Yeah huh sure thing buddy, as if hundred year old sociological/anthropological papers haven't uploaded online.

>> No.14065144

I suppose, most countries are multikulti hell holes like America so you don't see half breeds and race mixing in most of the world. Only in White countries thanks to kikes.

>> No.14065154

>How did white women lose the title?
obesity and feminism

>> No.14065164

If you haven't noticed a lot of women look so bland and basic without makeup, what happens is they wear it everyday so the sun doesn't actually get to their face which is why they always look so pale and 10x worse.

Don't date who have to wear makeup it only means they are insecure about themselves and can't stand going out in public unless they make themselves look like what the wished they did. It's fine for special events but girls who wear that everyday also have other baggage issues.

>> No.14065167

if you think you can find academic papers with your google search...lol you clearly never went to uni.

>> No.14065171


>> No.14065185

Yeah I've noticed girls without makeup look like dogshit to the point where it seems like the makeup itself is actually causing harm

>> No.14065199

>I have no evidence
>Must not have gone to college since you can't find any
K thanks dunning kruger but unlike you I got a degree in finance and my job actually matters, I will send you 1000 LINK if you can find one paper that discuss european / asian / african / south african views on American aesthetics prior to WWII.

>> No.14065201

i clicked this for thread about silver but all i get is race mixing nonsense

>> No.14065211

>Lao mother

Are you retarded?

>> No.14065223

And another thing that's also probably how the "black don't crack" thing got started. Black women are already dark so they don't need to hide blemishes and they don't end up falling for the makeup jew

>> No.14065255

>Lao isn't asian.

Are you retarded?

>> No.14065276

imagine being an obese white feminist watching k-pop.. you must be on suicide watch

>> No.14065284

nah they wear makeup too man, anecdotally I've seen a lot of black people with acne problems, women or men. i've never even heard of that saying and had to look it up, but then again I've never lived or worked around them much either, only dealt with them when I used to commute to nyc for work from ct on the train. 99% of the time unpleasant to deal with and they've been brainwashed to hate White's so much you can see and feel it when you're around some of them.

>> No.14065341

I forgot to say where I'm from in ct and I'm sure other parts of the north east and south cause there's memes about it online there is the popular meme about black people always needing lotion for their dry skin which is why they always smell like cocoa butter.

>> No.14065368


>> No.14065390

s.o.y .. 4chan automatically replaced s.oy by onions to piss off poltards

>> No.14065399

jannies are s o y c u c k s so they ban words of that product variety. asian's have a lot of onions in their diet, and we all know what onions does to men.

>> No.14065417

newfags pls go

>> No.14065486

>1 post by this ID

>> No.14065518

onions bois evryhuer

>> No.14066139

butthurt asian bro detected. for some reason other asians get mad when I point out that the reason for a lot of our masculinity issues probably stems from onions consumption. I have no idea why asians are so attached to something that physically emasculates them lol