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14514363 No.14514363 [Reply] [Original]

Holy FUCK the reddit infestation is getting BAD. Every fucking thread you have some redditor nulinker fag asking what fud is or who is Jason parser. Can we just dump back to 1.50 for a while to weed out these noobs?

>> No.14514391
File: 34 KB, 1318x372, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

figures, half the people here are redditors

>> No.14514393

But really, who is Jason Parser?

I can't find him listed on the team page.

>> No.14514401

>ID: Fu/D

>> No.14514416


>> No.14514417

I’m dumping my bags right now fucking redditors soiled this investment

>> No.14514433

Thank you, same question

>> No.14514450



>> No.14514679


I’m new here, so my first question is about the coffee cup parity stuff. Is it true that link might be overvalued tight now? How do i find the global average price of a cup of coffee?

Thanks I’ll give gold

>> No.14514727

nope swingie

>> No.14514741
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Being this new

>> No.14514768

Is this a joke? I thought he was part of the leadership of the company?

>> No.14514816

I'm a tcp ip developer at a fortune 50 big data company with 25 years experience in database infosec, I've looked into chainlink and all I can tell you is that the cryptographic measures implemented in regards to the decentralized security paradigm in the API and IoT structure of chainlink's github code is fundamentally flawed after the Pivotal tracker server crashed due to the core attacks on the network enabled by its corrupt data inputs and outputs, what this really means is that by attempting to solve the oracle sybil resistance issue it instead allows customers to bypass the encrypted hardware and even hack into the smart contract Intel SGX mainframe, unless they manage to increase the signatures and scalable nodes, which isn't likely considering the Google backend isn't compatible with the legacy JSON systems and Solidity language from the EVM in the Truffle stacks, that's why the ic3 and SWIFT engineering teams developed the ISO 20220 standards but it's centralized and susceptible to the 51% front running program so yeah basically Sergey didn't foresee that the enterprise customers and cloud blockchain dapps would never allow their protocols to rely on these permissioned host mechanisms thus rendering the LINK ERC 677 token obsolete and no serious developer would consider DLT technology in these conditions, sorry linkies I'm just telling it how it is, personally I sold everything after learning about this

>> No.14514837

Thank you stranger

Same Question

>> No.14514853

Yes, that 4 million transfer tweet you saw was someone buying up a shit ton, that's why the price is up now, it is a stablecoin at $1 and it will dump back. Sell now.

>> No.14514867

Fuck off thread spammer

>> No.14515049
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Holy shit you nulinkies are making this place trueky hilarious

>> No.14515145
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>> No.14515156
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>> No.14515193

Also wondering this.

>> No.14515377

He was the guy that shadowforked chainlink
I also remember this violent attack by Sergey


>> No.14515399

its Parker

>> No.14515435

Jason Parser is The Oracle. Basically we put him in front of a switchboard and he manually connects APIs to smart contracts.

>> No.14515454

>dump back to 1.50
Talk about dreaming

>> No.14515471

Does Sergey refer to himself as Sirgay during pride month.

If so I applaud.

Will give silver to anyone that answers truthfully, can't afford gold yet but I will be able to soon with my 120 LINK stack :)

>> No.14515475
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look at me, I'm Jason Carver now

>> No.14515577
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I'm angry yet laughing at this infestation.

>> No.14515596
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>opened our relationship

>> No.14515606

im thinking of leaving this place now. Literal brainlets from plebbit who came after the initial Link pump infesting this board now with zero knowledge about trading and the obv moonshots. Unironically it's over to find something good here from now on out

>> No.14515694

Were gonna have to sacrifice sone IP's to fumigate the place. Load up thos face peeling tire necklace webm, lads. Im phonefagging now, have no gore access yet.

>> No.14515714

Yeah man that was super fucked up, I still can't believe he was still invited to talk the next night at ChainCon. I have a feeling that video gaining attention will be one of the earlier nails in the bullrun coffin.

>> No.14515779

>zero knowledge about trading
The four faggots of the apocalypse are:
Anyone who uses any of those words in seriousness is a fucking faggot who will never, ever, ever make it. There is no trading. There is no "timing the market". There is just accumulating as much fucking Chainlink as you can before it goes to the stratosphere.

>> No.14515785

Underrated. Never seen before as well.

>> No.14516819


holy shit look at the rush as soon as link pumped.
there are MORE redditors here now than bizralies

>> No.14517998

Can we remove blue board status so this place turns into a trap porn cess pool for a week or two

>> No.14518195

not to mention all the people that blatently link straight to plebbit

>> No.14518231
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TCP/IP developer

>> No.14518712

based sergay fucking up Jason parser

>> No.14519018

It is Jason Parsnips

>> No.14519201

This is a real job. Look up SDN. He's referring to software-based networking, which is going to replace all enterprise level networks and their engineers within a decade. There are competing technologies within the space atm, and people need to develop those technologies.

>> No.14519240
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seconded only up from there

>> No.14519300
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