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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.44 MB, 1435x2450, Screenshot_20190709-043220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14660342 No.14660342 [Reply] [Original]

How are you anons actually MORE depressed now that LINK is starting to take off? I accumulated 20k and with all these announcements, the moon mission is getting so close that I can taste my freedom...

Get goals that are larger than yourself and you won't feel lost.

>> No.14660372

Have you forgot that this is 4chan?

>> No.14660381

376 link here.
Im not making it

>> No.14660396

You won’t make it because of your mindset

>> No.14660476

Old link fag. It’s exhausting , having not crossed the chasm still living my life like a pleb wage chuck. My lunch break is over. T. Back to cube

>> No.14660547

>How are you anons actually MORE depressed
Having a lot of money is nice. It's coming to this board and seeing nothing but stale FUD and brainlets buying 100 LINK stacks that's depressing. LINK is one of the biggest things in my life right now and there isn't really anyone I can share it with. Coming here is just a reminder that I'm alone. All I can do is wait and keep focusing on other things and spend as little time here as possible.

>> No.14660548

I’m bored as fuck even at my wage cage, or on my lunch break which is ending now

>> No.14660549

Don't pretend that that faggot is all of us. That anon unironically needs to fucking kill himself because he's broken and a lost cause. Would not even attempt to help him.

I am unbelievably excited for Link. I have literally been turbo happy for last two months, with short spurts of intense butthurt whenever Link dumped for a day. Green candles literally make me euphoric and pink candles literally make me wojak tier. Literally the only other times in my life I've been this happy/excited was with my first gf and the first time I traveled overseas, and when I got my PS2 as a kid.

I actually hate the chase. I don't care for it at all. I just want Link to shoot up to 1k right fucking now so I can sell 5% of my stack already and start living my dreams while staking the rest. There are so many things I want to do in life that Link will allow. Fuck these shallow minded retards that can't rise above the money chasing game. Money doesn't just give you endless consumption and security, it also gives you power so you can start building, shaping and changing the world yourself.

>> No.14660571

I'm not depressed

you're f5ing this board too much and just witnessing a lot of nulinkers who wished they bought earlier even though they're still early

just go take a vacation, you earned it.. that's what I'm getting ready to do

>> No.14660602

Yeah this board has been dogshit recently. I don't even know why they're spamming FUD because literally no one here is gonna sell under $10 minimum.

I wish there was a way to block off access to /biz/ to anyone who came here after Jan 2019

>> No.14660606
File: 332 KB, 1387x1020, Comfy01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comfy link holder here.

Days go by so slowly now. Its just a waiting game now. The days of gambling are over. I already know i'v made it.

>> No.14660658

I regret not becoming a tranny

>> No.14660724
File: 840 KB, 1080x810, 1561944838235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is kind of sad in a way

i think it was the memes. link threads just aren't the same anymore and most of the oldfags have left. i hope they come back for singularity at least.

i think i'm among the few who has been regularly posting since 2017 but it's getting tiring. the FUD isn't funny anymore, it's just desperate newfags trying to drive the price down because they haven't accumulated.

>> No.14660741


This shit is making me stressed as fuck, I hold 100k link and that’s more money than I have ever had in my life and more money than my family ever had. I don’t even enjoy having Link because I am worried every day for some kind of event making Link obsolete. I just want it to moon and sell and live my life.

>> No.14660756
File: 63 KB, 640x853, 1550980159753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I got into cryptocurrency sooner. I had every opportunity but I kept chickening out/couldn't be bothered to learn about it. I only have 4 LINK, but I'm scared to buy more. Is this honestly going to explode anons? I'll put a few hundred in. Better late than never I guess

>> No.14660769

Just post on linkchan

>> No.14660810

Why the optimism? The price is plummeting.

>> No.14660836

it has absolutely rock solid support. you won't see under $3 again, sorry you had 2 years. at most we'll briefly touch $2.80 again like we did but that is the literal basement.

>> No.14660853

I have 84k link, buyin price is 40 cents, I'm not a nulinker; however, the fact that it went below 30k sats is a little discouraging.

>> No.14660867

>4 (FOUR) Link

Oh god. Lads, the days of someone posting sub 1 Link portfolio's will be among us soon. Imagine it, the days when people are boasting that they have 0.97 Sergers, almost a full Chainlink.

Yes put $100 in already retard. What's $100 if you lose it, nothing.

>> No.14660883

>went below 30k sats is a little discouraging.
well no shit, BTC is pumping. USD looks good though.

>> No.14660896
File: 161 KB, 1533x917, 1000K_EOY_SOSTINKY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not depressed just fuck am i bored! cant focus on work anymore. Its feels like the last semester of school.


>> No.14660903

Because a lot of us had enough sense to buy low and are up over 1000%.

>> No.14660917

Never heard of gambling? It's only fun when there's risk & uncertainty. Worse if you plan to baghold for 7+ years you literally have nothing to do.

>> No.14660918 [DELETED] 

>the days of someone posting sub 1 Link portfolio's will be among us soon
That already happens.

>> No.14660922

if this ever happens my mind will be fucking blown

>> No.14660941

I only have 201 and i feel like I need more time accumulate i need at least 1k to make it or at least make it for myself maybe not other anons that want fucking lambos or whatever

>> No.14660944


I actually said the exact same thing to my coworker. Probably means we’re going to crab for the next year because linkies are always tortured by the market

>> No.14660947

For me it was all the wonder and interacting with you guys. Someone would post a crumb and it would be a thread I could go to all day. It was the most exhilarating and hilarious time I’ve ever had learning anything. It was like solving a puzzle. I’m autistically quiet in real life so it was like I had a giant group of friends.

And now it’s just not as fun here because we’re all comfy. I’ve become a lot more confident in real life from all of this though.

>> No.14660953

linkarium is far superior

>> No.14660967

White people and their fucking first world problems.


>> No.14660976

I only have 10k which is probably not enough to make it. I will be comfier but the wage cage will be eternal.

>> No.14660988

We're on the cusp of greatness anon. Thousands of link holders, wagies and NEETs, trembling with anxiety. This is the largest pump LINK has had, but it's not enough, it's not what we were promised, so we wait. The FUD doesn't work anymore, the only thing shills are posting is what we know. We can only wait.

>> No.14660999

This is true. There are a lot of degenerate gamblers here, and the screencap in OP is definitely one of them. He is depressed despite the gains because he needs his fucking fix. What's the bet these fags start swinging their Link, not to up their stack but for the thrill that they might get rekt with surprise announcements and lose it all.

>> No.14661010

10k is enough anon

>> No.14661013

Anyone have the picture of the wojacks in underwear holding his face on the floor of a dirty room with a computer in front of him with 4chan on it?

>> No.14661063


>> No.14661106

i only have 200 and ill make it

>> No.14661397

I kind of miss the old days before we took off

>> No.14661400
File: 21 KB, 600x660, d34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol what would happen if link crashed and you all JUST'd the fuck out

What is life after potencial link crash?

>> No.14661418

Fuck off faggot. Im going to keep saying this over and over.

You literally had 2 fucking years.

>> No.14661490

I didn't know about till about a month ago and I was hesitant to buy in. I bought in around $1 didnt put in much tho

>> No.14661521

i just want to buy a house and retire a little early. is 1300 link enough for that?

>> No.14661547

Be honest dude, are you also fudding to try and keep the price down?

>> No.14661565

but we can always find new shitcoins for the same thrill of the crazy short term gains. look at how recently coti, vidt, brap, etc have been. its all good and the memes will keep rolling forever till this board shuts down. which I hope is never.

>> No.14661587

no, but it would help me get more. I want it to hold till about the end of the month so I can get as much as possible. 600 link would be good enough for me.

>> No.14661598

With that stack you could shorten a 30 year mortgage into a 7-10 year mortgage which puts you far ahead of anyone else in your age group (assuming you're in your late 20s/early 30s)

>> No.14661670

Because, OP, money doesn’t change the poor mental state of these anons. Too many of them think “Once I’m rich, my real life will finally start.”

It’s destructive and self defeating thought because they will always realize they are going to need one more thing to kick start their lives. “Once I get my teeth fixed, once I bulk up, once I get that custom lambo, once my deposit for that island clears, once I hire this entourage...then my life will begin.”

You see where the problem lies? These people aren’t worthy of the money because they haven’t done the first thing that they needed to do: love themselves. The second they love themselves they would have and could have taken responsibility for themselves and realized that their “real life” began at 13-18. They need to acknowledge and understand that every day they live their true life and are responsible for all things there in.

These anons need to fix their heads or else nothing will change, even with wealth...hell, things will likely get worse because they can now chase the more destructive paths.

>> No.14661711

i only managed to get money this fucking year even tough i have been watching /biz/ and have cheered for link since 2018. and i only got to buy some in fucking may, since my fucking leech of a relative constantly had to get bailed out of some shit and ate up all my spare cash.

managed to get a 2k suicide stack.
that fucker, is fucked in the head, or some very bad shill trying to get you to chase some other quick xSomenumber or so to get the adrenaline high of gambling and winning.

Fuck him.

I am not selling. And i will keep dca so long as i can afford it with my meager shithole country salary since i have no desire to move to degeneration centrals for better pay and risk some akbarsplosion.

I mean yeah, the way things worked out its not enough to start the ball on making my grandomaniacal dreams a reality, but it is fucking enough to live over here without having to wage.

Dont take ze obvious morinc bait. And if you have to swing or some other stupid shit do it with only a smaller portion of your stack while you block the rest in a wallet you wont touch.

>> No.14661737

Brah fudding does literally nothing except make the board a shittier place. The anons with stacks that matter aren't selling because of fud, we've seen everything and held through everything.

The anons who do sell because of fud are newlinkers or linklets and even if they do, their stacks are so small that it literally doesn't matter.

What the fudding has done though is make this board so fucking gay and boring that I come here way less. We're supposed to all make it together but if this spam keeps up we'll be making it individually which is far less exciting.

>> No.14661745

normies wanting a life, and not dreaming of reshaping the worldmap....

>> No.14661756

i agree it is pretty annoying

>> No.14661772

how confident are all you anons that this is actually happening? im trying to get to 3k and pay off my house and hopefully neet with some savings. retiring early would be nice but i cant stand working anymore and i think i need out this within the next couple years for my sanity

>> No.14661807

Have you not noticed the quality of this board since LINK started pumping? Getting rich is great but biz is unironically over.

>> No.14661813
File: 1.73 MB, 1500x1727, 1562299229960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 year oldfag linker here, never been so excited for chainlink. things that we were hoping to be true are literally coming true before our eyes, coolest thing ive experienced.

>> No.14661819


>> No.14661835

you are on fucking 4chan.
you did not have sanity in the first place.
stop being a impatient twit. hodl and do some other shit to avoid the pressing need to give yourself a 12 gauge facial remodeling.

>> No.14661869

I am depressed because with Oracle, Google and so on this coin can't breack the 4,50$
Ho can it go to 1000$?

>> No.14661871

Fucking this. I'm so sick and bored of FUD. What part of "I'm not fucking selling" do you FUD fags not get. At most I will just browse here less and then you just end up FUDing nolinkers. I almost kinda want to go to that Linkchan board but I don't feel safe linking it to my metamask when I have 300k.

Guess I will just pass the time playing video games instead or visit another board. /biz/ is so fucking shit now when there is no new Link news.

>> No.14661916

drns (didn’t read not selling)

>> No.14661950

It's literally the same path /pol/ took with Trump. Both started with meme magic, then we just kept winning. And in the end /pol/ died but Trump got the victory and all oldfag /pol/acks left for another boards/sites and now it's a shadow of it's former self. It will be the same for /biz/. A year from now /biz/ will be an unrecognizable shithole full of newfags and poorfags wondering what it was like in the early days of Link.

Remember even ETH oldfags were hard to come by in late 2017. Once we make it, we're fucking off and never coming back. Time to live our lives.

>> No.14662025

nothing changes since I've only got 100 linkies

>> No.14662160


>> No.14662176

389 here
we ain't making it son, but we are gonna get so much fucking money. Making it will be so much easier, you will be able to buy thoudands of the next oracle project. and you won't have to wage for a while.
be patient bra, we will make it

>> No.14662244

any of you perhaps a polish guy in america?
Ivan would like to meet anon friend again.

>> No.14662266

>I actually hate the chase
Yeah, I fucking despise trading (stocks, crypto, whatever) if I'm being honest. Trading, grinding, hustling, whatever the get-rich scheme is, it's fucking exhausting. Staring at charts, sizing up shitcoins, moving my stack around. I hate getting rich. It's stressful, god knows how many lines on my face are due to staring at my blockfolio at 3AM in the morning, unable to sleep. I just want to BE rich so I can afford to quit my job and start dedicating my time to hobbies I want to pursue and never look at charts or have to think about a side hustle ever again.

LINK was appealing precisely because it felt like a shortcut, it seemed like such a sure thing that it didn't feel like a chase at all. 4chan's pooled autism found a glitch in the matrix, it let us buy a $1000 asset for $0.20. And the rest was just waiting.

>> No.14662271

Based. The idiots who want the "chase" are never gonna make it. They are addicted to dopamine and will spend all their money on chasing it. Smart anons will start building up their community and chilling on their hobby farm estate.

>> No.14662480

ITT I (finally) understand that linkies are all just in on a tongue-in-cheek joke.

Fuck, it took me a while. I thought it was just raw, unhinged delusion, but this is the thread that finally broke Poe's law.

>> No.14662553

Yes. Purchase a nice piece of land not too far from a city. Get free labor for land work and harvest via workaway and wwoofing volunteers. Stack a nice cellar full of fermented vegetables, couple meat freezers. Anons talk about fucking lambos, I'm talking about homesteading and building a home I will be comfortable dying in, and that will be worthy of either my legacy or preservation as a historical site.

I also am interested in general tech entrepreneurship but Idk if my bags will make me rich enough for that.

>> No.14662608

Are you me

>> No.14662762

Where are we gonna live when we make it bros? I’m def getting a Manhattan apartment for when I want some excitement. But living there full time is a meme. I’m trying to figure out where to buy some land and a big estate. Colorado maybe?

>> No.14662776

Back in mid 2018 my favourite part of the day would be waking up and seeing what new breadcrumbs we would find. Seemed like there was a new one every week and even encouraged me to do some digging myself.

Goddamn /biz/ was so fucking based back then

>> No.14662806
File: 44 KB, 400x400, images.jpeg-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come to NZ. It's heaven for people that want to hunt, hike, surf or live off grid

>> No.14662848
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I only have 205 link. Not gonna make it which is good enough reason to not get bored or depressed. Only keep going.

>> No.14662860
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>larger than yourself

>> No.14662882

fucking buy 100 at least you retard

>> No.14662926
File: 161 KB, 1400x725, LPR9TVDBNH1_FINISHES_FAMILY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Link does ever explode you'll have enough money for one (1) Gibson Guitar. And spoilers; it won't even be that good.

>> No.14662967

bugs? snakes?

>> No.14663038
File: 65 KB, 680x451, images.jpeg-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same bugs as any other European country and no snakes. North island is great if you want some city life and south island is god tier for more natural living/holidaying.

Pic related is where I was camping last month

>> No.14663048

Was unironically on my list. Is Wellington nice? Or should I go more remote? What about earthquakes and shit? I’m going there next February, excited as hell

>> No.14663063

race problems?

>> No.14663071

How the fuck can you hunt when they’re banning literally every firearm?

>> No.14663074

Linkies are so desperate. Why do all your posts sound like begging?

>> No.14663083

Also is it gloomy and overcast a lot of the time weather wise?

>> No.14663154

Only guns which could be converted to fully auto's. Myself and all my hunter friends are totally fine with it

>> No.14663193

Lived in Wellington for 4 years. Great city tho housing is becoming expensive and the shape of the city and harbour means traffic is going to get worse. Christchurch is a great city with a better climate and is on the comeback after the earthquake

>> No.14663223

Knowing that you're going to be rich as fuck is just boring man

>> No.14663252

Immigration is FUCKED and you wont let us yanks in

>> No.14663280

they advertise to burgers on their gov site. 3M investment gets you residency

>> No.14663373

Weather is very different depending which part of the country. We are a long skinny island so far north is almost tropical while further south has colder winters but hot summers with generally less rain

>> No.14663453

Aren't the gun laws going to shit because of based Brenton Tarrant?

>> No.14663475

Tahoe nigger

>> No.14663520

Tarrant did not bother with any kind of gun legislation compliance from what i know.
Pulled a bataclan i believe.

>> No.14663546

Nowhere near as bad as America or Europe. The natives and islanders are really comfy and good hearted people. Just a few bad apples that try to emulate the nogs in America.

>> No.14663608

If you think he is based we don't want you lol.

>> No.14663614

This. Absolutely fucking based anon. I am in Link for exactly the same reasons. I got so burned out on shitcoins in 2017 (even before the bullrun) that I just wanted a sure fire long term gainer. So that I never had to worry about trading again. I want as little risk and volatility at all. I never want to look at a fucking chart again after Link properly moons. I just want my node earming passive income so I can start actually living my life and achieving goals, engaging in my hobbies, spending time with family and friends, creating artworks and working on fun projects etc. Oh and travel too. Fuck these NPC's who need to grind to feel like they are doing anything. They are uncreative faggots who can't just exist as themselves, they constantly need to be working on someone elses plans or riding others coatails or following a heard and trying to predict heard trends. They are never pioneers.

>> No.14663641


>> No.14663665

What price are you planning to sell at? If it's truly life-changing money imho you should start scaling out slowly pretty soon, even a bit at $10 or so. You've waited however many years, what's a few more weeks?

>> No.14663813

Inshallah brother.

>> No.14663869

Yup. You'd be risking way too much if you didn't. Personally I'm selling 5% for every 3.5b increase in the market cap (from $10 onwards).

>> No.14663964

>i'm going to be so rich soon and don't know what to do with myself :'(

>coin that is "going to make him rich" touches a new weekly low on an absolute dogshit-looking chart as insiders slowly and steadily dump their bags

stay stinky, linkies

>> No.14664046

How are you guys so confident?
Google and Oracle could't make LINK break $5...
Quant is shitting on LINK in terms of gains.

>> No.14664526

They're are completely lost in euphoria/delusion rn.

Orgasm-blind to the fact that the only reason this went above $4 was due to a perfect storm of rapid-fire positive events that will never be replicated. And of course, those events (like all events in crypto), are not actually real-world accomplishments, but mumble-mouthed rumors and news of ""parternships."" Fucking OmiseGo-tier. Nothing has actually happened yet.

Yet here they are, already spending their multimillionaire fortunes and feeling the unfulfilling emptiness of the wealth that is now "assured." Not a single thing was learned from 2017. It's incredible.


There is nothing more atrocious and contemptible than linklets.

>> No.14664550

Who hasn't already sold everything? It's up literally like 2000%. You really have to be a retard to expect that to continue indefinitely.

>> No.14664589

Nobody gives a fuck about you and and your gay fud brah. No one is selling but go ahead and keep posting about how it's a scam. We'll be enjoying ourselves seeing you seethe.

>> No.14664644
File: 198 KB, 1540x1079, chainlink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds like new paradigm and peak of expectations with some of the link copypasta going around right now.
i think days of eth gains are over, pretty happy with a 20 bagger.
sad thing is unlike real shitcoins there's a fair amount of liquidity in LINK for many to get out right now.

>> No.14664656

Bro just start doing all the shit you listed now. None of it depends on money. You need to learn to live independent of an investment

>> No.14664675

It's annoying that shit like Quant and VIDT are getting the gains they are. But I think when whales know there is a well hidden scam, or an easily shillable shitcoin with no real usecase, they pump it to infinity to induce fomo and will give you a week or even a few weeks of moon before dumping the fuck out of it. Chasing those megamoon coins is dangerous, the ones that shine the brightest shine the shortest. Also I am sure that ones those two coins reach their top and crash, swingshits, whales and others will be putting their newfound gains back into Link. That's probably why Link is crabbing right now.

Fuck off NZ is shit. Quit shilling this shit nation.

>> No.14664680
File: 298 KB, 379x329, B790379C-8582-43BB-9BD1-BC9B21A2A6D3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine having so little imagination that "the chase" was for a tool instead of for a means to use it to create and/or acquire purpose specific tools that enable you to do fool shit like, oh, i dunno, build sky scrapers, mine astroids.

In short, plenty of linkies would eather have Elon Musk's headaches, not that or a uninspired NEET.

>> No.14664788
File: 1.69 MB, 212x212, EB9DBE8B-DB6B-4591-B9E4-4641D011E31B.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fud right on cue. Was a decent thread till now. See you guys on the other side.
>t. Sibos ‘17

>> No.14664918

I actually can't. Literally can barely spend time with family right now for several reasons all related to money. It's a nightmare just organizing a family get together. I've been trying to plan a weekend with my brothers for no joke almost 2 years now with no success.

>brother working high stress long hours 9 till 9 tier wagie job earning big bucks after he just finished a grueling thesis, literally no time to do things
>other brother in uni studying comp sci barely any free time to do things
>father trying to manage his slowly failing small business, has to put in long hours every day
>mother is unemployed depressed and divorced from my father living in a shit area in tiny apartment and rarely leaves her room and has no car for travel
>cousins/friends/etc all live way too far away

Fuck I just want them all to be financially free so they can quit these time draining jobs. I want to go on a holiday overseas with my brothers, get my mum out of the rut she's in, but no one has any money or any time and we all live separately in our own places and some of us have no transport. It's such a fucked up situation. I rarely see any of them.

>ignoring the phases and hoping people only look at the lines

Can you quit FUDing actual Link threads filled with OG Marines. No one is falling for it, instead you kill genuine discussing. Just fuck off. Look what you just caused you shitheads >>14664788 now people are leaving because of you.

>> No.14665063

Etherscan shows that top 1000 wallets are still accumulating.

Weak fud

>> No.14665797
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>t. brainlet

>> No.14665813
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Master Sergeant reporting in. I feel you fren, I've been working my entire life to make it so my family lives the life they deserve and I'm so tired of it. I haven't had a fucking break for over 10 years. WE ARE IN THIS TOGETHER MARINE I AM NEVER FUCKING SELLING

>> No.14665930
File: 69 KB, 670x573, 1562021647413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do realize LINK will go above 1000, 1000 is fud. When companies start staking and the supply of chainlink becomes lower and lower as people buy it up, the market cap will rise. Imagine 90million supply of tokens left with a market cap of trillions(As the banks and everything in the world including facebook, amazon and ebay will be using chainlink as its infastructure to talk to ethereum and other erc20 tokens, LIBRA). $1000 EOY is fud, It could very well reach 5000-10,000 in the distant future, That is probably past or around 2030. If you held 300 something bitcoin today you'd be ecstatic because you know how valuable it is and how much it will go up, It will be like this in the future.

>> No.14666061

In short, DO NOT FUCKING SELL. I know the wagie cycle. The guys with 500-1500 link will just have to hodl and wait for the future. As for the guys with 10,000+. they are way more likely to sell at 100-800.

>> No.14666588

>dude just get goals lmao

>> No.14666655

you're retarded
the marketcap doesn't change because link is staked
the price is the price you fuckin moron

>> No.14667150

I'm almost x25, you tell me

>> No.14667555

The only thing I miss about the old days was the small community we had around LINK. It really felt like a little family. A lot of anons sharing personal stories. So many little inside jokes and copy pastas. Never talked about making a quick buck swing trading, only holding LINK and sharing our excitement with others. The breadcrumb threads were we all gathered together to find and share any bit on non-public information we could find.
I can pinpoint the time when the sentiment started to shift a bit, it was shortly after the IC3 Accord announcement with the launch on the new smartcontracts website and LINK logo. Our community started to get more diluted everyday. Some "relics" still survive from that time, but it heartwrenching when an old copy pasta is posted and it has 5+ replies from people who have obviously never read it before.

Maybe I'm a bit nostalgic than most, but the early days of LINK is something I will never forget and will cherish forever.

>> No.14667973

If you have to ask this question you can fuck off, we've got enough assholes causing problems already, we don't want your kind here.

Yes, don't come here. 99% of New Zealanders are what you would call "SJWs" in America, we just call it not being a fucking piece of shit.

>> No.14668041
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>> No.14668151

That's because you don't have to deal with African Americans dumbass. You're like a faggot portlander. Easy to be liberal when there's no niggers around to rob and kill.

>> No.14668161
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>the marketcap doesn't change because link is staked
>the price is the price you fuckin moron
>supply vs demand? what's that?

These are the people giving you advice on investments.

>> No.14668220

Man that's the perfect articulation of what I've always felt about /biz/. 4chan culture applied to business is bar none the strangest combination of interests on the internet

>> No.14668238

The wait the last few months has caused me more anxiety than the last few years of crypto.

You know what's scary about it? The fact that I might actually have to live out all my fantasies. Where I use my wealth to accomplish great things, and become a wonderful human.

>> No.14668305


I'm trembling because the fear of not making it is stronger than the facts about Chainlink.

>> No.14668373

Whoever wrote pic related is a fag. Retire your parents if you are close, have white children, start projects and businesses, eat drink and be merry. Your new chase is living a balanced life and realizing your potential, not speculating on shitcoins and living in squalor. Fuck

>> No.14668412

Definitely. I imagine it was similar to the early bitcoin discussions. There wasn't as much fud, and people were more willing to spoonfeed newcomers. We were actually all in this together. Some of my favorite threads were livestream threads. Some kind anons would even film the informal q&as after the talks.

>> No.14668459

Most of it depends on time though. Realistically after sleep, errands and unexpected bullshit that always pop up, a person has maybe 70-80 hours left in their week to do whatever with. And then work+commute comes along and eats up 45-60 of those. And usually leaves you feeling so dead afterwards you have to spend the remainder of your waking hours just recuperating.

>> No.14668503


Based linklets. You will make but you need hands made of some metamaterial unknown to man that can prevent you from pressing the sell button until 10 years from now.

>> No.14668626

Other way around ameritard, we don't have those problems because we're nice to eachother and we don't want you bigot shitheads messing that up.

>> No.14668682

I have a 45k stack and I'm literally bawling right now. Money doesn't solve much of anything.

>> No.14668685
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>I only have 4 LINK

>> No.14668721

That’s because you’re an overwhelmingly white nation shithead

>> No.14668751
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>w-we're just nice to each other m8

>> No.14668755

It’s all tiresome. I’m impatient, I can see the future yet stuck waiting for the inevitable. This is PizzaGate and Q all over again. When you know what’s going to happen yet it’s out of your control when. 50k EOY

>> No.14668769 [DELETED] 

230 link here please fuck let this go 1000EOM

>> No.14668865

Wrong. There are more Māori here than black people in the USA, more Asians too. We are a vastly more diverse nation than the US, and happy without you illiterate loudmouth racist cowards stinking the place up.

>> No.14668949

for real i have a 2k stack but all these new faggots are making me feel way better about buying in at 20 cents. I was poor back then but now i have a stable trade job and i am just letting my link simmer. I just want to be able to not wage cuck as hard and make music. All of you anons that think life will get better once you make it are still going to have a hole in your heart. Learning to create music really humbles you in a way of knowing no matter how much money you have it will not make you any better of a musician. I think this applies with everything so make sure to find some meaning in whatever you do faggots

>> No.14669029

>Wrong. There are more Māori here than black people in the USA

Population of New Zealand 4,885,300 (Stats NZ 2017 estimate)

2017 Black American Population: 47.4 million


>> No.14669071

>I don't know what percentages are

>> No.14669077

you don't have money. you have a down payment on a middle class house.

>> No.14669146

Top fucking kek

>> No.14669229

>according to the 2010 United States Census, when including Multiracial African Americans, making up 14% of the total U.S. population.

>indigenous Māori being the largest minority (14.9 percent) ... and non-Māori Pacific Islanders (7.4 percent).

>> No.14669238

minimum to make it is 10k



because its still entirely speculative/non functional as of yet

why would you go pink just cause it dumped, you KNOW it will go back up eventually

>> No.14669335 [DELETED] 

And thank me later


>> No.14669359

Because other shitcoins are allowed to go straight up for weeks yet Link has to have a major correction immediately after every pump. Just pisses me off. I want to moon for a month straight with 0 pink candles on the daily for 30+ days. Why does fucking VIDT and QNT get to moon bigger than Link on shitcoin tier fundamentals while Link doesn't.

I unironically feel like murding swingshits and whale manipulators when Link goes pink on the daily.

>> No.14669422

This. I was the most ardent fudder up until 6 weeks ago. Shill or chill is the way now.
No mercy for newfags, sorry anon.

>> No.14669464

Be patient man, these fucking whales arent really discreet and they're obvious greedy fuck They have FUDsquads scattering about every single time LINK dumps after a huge pump and accumulate on the way down on binance stablecoins pair.

>> No.14669586

My hope is that institutions and market markers start hunting and targeting whale sell walls for quick easy buys and just harpoon the greedy fucks.

>> No.14669633

Yeah I feel the same way right now. The whales are probably a bunch of bobo faggots. We would probably be around $5-6+ at this point realistically if they didn't try so hard to bring the price down so much after we pumped because we definitely caught the interest of normies and there was a ton of fomo going on at first, but of course they had to crush that momentum we had going and now were slowly bleeding down.

>> No.14669738
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scientists will be kidnapping linklets in 10 years to study what their hands are made of

>> No.14669741

>but of course they had to crush that momentum we had going and now were slowly bleeding down.
This, and people underestimate the importance of price momentum. Whale groupie faggots where decrying normies saying they wont have iron hands and will sell and we don't need their $20 buy ins. Yet fundamentals only create iron hands in tech nerds. All you need is a good upwards momentum and you create even stronger iron hands in normies too, and then they go sell their car and remortgage their homes and take our loans and pump the prices massively. Look at the two shitcoins I mentioned earlier, swingers on them are getting absolutely rekt and they all buy back in pumping it up further. Link could be like this but no for some reason everyone wants to spend the maximum amount of time possible as a poorfag and just wait till institutions pump our bags. There are some greedy faggots holding this with a serious hate for normies. They'd rather they stay poor than some normies ride with us. I've never known such an autistic investorbase.

People say Linkies are such iron hands investors but it's a total meme. I don't think there is an investment out with more swingtraders than Chainlink. We need to get rid of these fucks. We need to induce iron hands in the swingshits with unbroken upwards price momentum. How do we do this?

>> No.14669792

I live near portland, can confirm that it's an absolute shithole. People from Portland are mocked literally everywhere over here on the west coast.

Not but a year ago niggers were littering the freeway blocking traffic for thousands of people and there were near daily riots in portland after trump was elected. Portland is an absolute shithole filled with the worst degenerates known to man, half of them are insane as well. Like have you guys ever met somebody and just by interacting with them for 5 minutes you can tell there's something deeply wrong with them? That's more than 50% of the Portland population

>> No.14669855

Cool, then you won't enjoy living in New Zealand either

>> No.14669969

this anon speaks the truth

>> No.14669977

>I want to moon for a month straight with 0 pink candles on the daily for 30+ days.
and I want to be president of the united states, and I also want to have a 10/10 wife who will follow every command, and I own to be the first guy on mars

>> No.14670039

Worst sort of sheltered fag. I would love to dump you in the middle of southwest ATL and see how you felt about this shit in a year you bluepilled rat
You are 100% the type of person who has no clue how good you have it and think everyone else is living the exact same life as you and can’t understand why people think the way I think because you haven’t experienced shit. Imagine a fucking kiwi living blissfully in the literal Shire telling Americans how to act. Good way to get shot over here thinking the way you do, why the fuck do you think all of us are getting the fuck out dickhead

>> No.14670059

>All you need is a good upwards momentum and you create even stronger iron hands in normies too, and then they go sell their car and remortgage their homes and take our loans and pump the prices massively. Look at the two shitcoins I mentioned earlier, swingers on them are getting absolutely rekt and they all buy back in pumping it up further.

Kek, there will come a time for this and I hope it will be soon.

>> No.14670073 [DELETED] 

Hello gayboys, I have just discovered an exploit days ago that already made me more than 0.45BTC in the last 8 days

Before you use there is one rule:

>please don't use it more than 3 times a day, or it will stop working

Go to the link below, scroll down and watch the video for explanation on how to use and proof of the system working.

Here is the generator link: bitcoin-generator DOT online

>> No.14670121

I'm well aware the USA is a shithole, thanks. Thing is, you made it that way, and you'll take the stain with you wherever you go. We don't want your shit so you can go down with your filthy empire.

>> No.14670175
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Sadly I have no idea, I doubt they would listen to us at this point. only possible way is if we get some hard solid confirmation of those rumored partnerships that would attract some of the big guns. Hopefully that happens in the events coming up in August/September.

I just want it to stop so we can truly get to the prices where me, my mom and dad can stop waging, my dad literally only has around 7k in savings right now and he is in his 50's, it depresses me so much.

>> No.14670185

Thing is, your government is begging for white Americans to come over because unlike you they realize how much worse things will get if the wrong type of immigrants fill up NZ. So I’ll see you in a few years.

>> No.14670261

I'm just expecting LINK to crab for months in an XRP-esque fashion until either BTC pumps or dumps. It just seems like what you would expect to happen.

>> No.14670316

checked, but please explain

>> No.14670324

Where do fellow link marines want to go on vacation together?

>> No.14670449

Ausfag here. Our country takes immigrants in (especially muslims, our political leaders all get hardons for mussos) like an ethot rakes in incels, and our "liberal left" is growing in size every day. We can't even get guns to defend ourselves from the niggers and mudslimes infesting our country. I know it's worse in the USA, but I don't think you living in an absolute shithole means you can call us (NZ and Aus alike) "sheltered". Just look at NZ's PM for God's sake, a literal cuck Muslim sympathiser.

>> No.14670505

Portland is generally considered by NZers as one of the very few kinda-okay places (along with Seattle, the bay area, etc.) in the USA, so if you think it's that bad, you won't like the people here either...

>> No.14670571

Why would new zealanders think porland or seattle are good when they don't actually live here? Seattle is known as being the nation capital for homelessness and needles in the streets if you go literally anywhere that isn't a tourist trap.

I'm just saying what I see as a person who's had to deal with Portland people for a very long time now, half of them don't even own cars

>> No.14670619

>half of them don't even own cars
Yeah, we think that's cool

>> No.14670649

lol, today i was on a break from my cube, was sitting outside in this closed garden outside the building. i started laughing because I realized how tired I was of this struggle. grinding to make ends meet and build up capital, struggling against the tide sweeping me out to the ocean. I almost started weeping.

I feel like a rich man waiting for his inheritance. I just want this nightmare to end.

>> No.14670678

It's not that we like Muslims, just that they're *still* better than Americans. They're at least intelligent enough that we can educate them to live better. Americans are beyond help.

>> No.14670807

Sure it's cool over here too until they try to buy something off you on craigslist and they ask if you can wait 2 hours while they take the bus

>> No.14670811

That dumb faggot does not represent me. I have many interesting plans for the future fortune. Very few of which involve hookers and blow. Most of which involve building community infrastructure that will challenge (((the status quo)))

If you're white, pajeet, chink or nog and you don't want to build something wholesome with your newfound power, then you can fuck off and die in a ditch.

>> No.14670897

he's right about ATL though. you'd turn, believe me. nothing redpills faster than experience

>> No.14670960

I would rather 10 thousand Americans in my country than a single muslim. Because when an American blows up it's only dangerous to their health not yours.

I'm cringing Jesus christ I want to nuke NZ so badly. Are you trying to win top cuckold of the year or something?

>> No.14671277

lmao so triggered

>> No.14671327

Amazing how dumbed down kiwis are from so many years of never having to face these issues. Literally Portland the country, accept at least they are not as holier than thou about it. In general they are chill and blissfully ignorant. It’s the shire of our world. You can just escape it all and surf your days away. Won’t last but there might be another decade or two to enjoy.

>> No.14671422

All that shit is literally white Americans' fault. You are the people in control of that country, you are the ones to blame for it being like this.

>> No.14671461
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(((white))) people's fault you mean

>> No.14671495

I'm doing the same thing in Sydney as I type Anon - feel your pain

>> No.14671499

>99% of New Zealanders are what you would call "SJWs" in America, we just call it not being a fucking piece of shit.
lol get out of my country retard we aren't sjws at all stop pretending we're anything like americans

>> No.14671577

Why do so many foreigners think white americans = niggers shooting each other in the street? The recent school shootings weren't even a thing until 10 years ago doesn't anyone's almonds get activated here?

Maybe it's the massive amount of social media impact it has now, since a lot of people that shoot a place up do it for attention towards a specific issue. Most of our gun violence is caused by black on black crime however, most small rural towns have a gun in every home and almost 0 violence. Europeans criticizing America for it's gun violence comes off to us as when Americans talk shit about you all being poor. Good for a joke but you're retarded if you think it's representative of the whole

>> No.14671637

>everything is white people's fault
That attitude is exactly the kind of infantilising bullshit that makes redpilled blacks despise you. Typical of a so-called egalitarian that they assume any non-white has zero agency to make decision for themselves or act in a way that might actually have nothing to do with whites.
People are different, and it's ok. The world is home to many fine black people, it's also home to a whole lot of niggers who are biologically, socially and intellectually "different".

>> No.14671656

oh and I'm not American btw

>> No.14671660

This shit already mooned. It's time to move on when things get into the top 25. Buy UND and wait for normie Binance.

>> No.14671661

crime rates have gone down, its just with the internet its 10000x easier to spread information.
also higher populations means even with fewer % theres more incidents. i'm pretty old and have a decent sized network, and I still only know one person who was personally affected by a mass shooting, they werent victims, just people they knew.

>> No.14671664

Yes, and you're playing right in to it if you think you don't have more in common with poor young black people than with rich white boomers

>> No.14671677

High iq post. Most black people are unironically decent folks. They hate nigs like us whites hate our rednecks

>> No.14671714

Well I don't run around the streets selling weed to teenagers and shooting other people for wearing the wrong color/gang symbol so there's that. Also there's the whole having a job thing.

Niggers try to enact change by destroying, whites enact change by building. Not that hard to see the difference once you know this.

>> No.14671722

>perfect wife
>big link stack
>hit a ton of long term (2+ year) goals
I guess I'm just going to wage to pass the time?

>> No.14671739

based post, shitposting aside I actually knew actual cool black people I worked with. One was from Kenya and not an American black, was really cool and actually mined bitcoin back in the day. He quit right before the jump to $5K though

>> No.14671746

Mate if New Zealand was so great the little cunts wouldn't come to Australia all the time for work and to live here. Fuck em. Just forget about NZ and quit thinking about going there. You'd have to put up with NZ nigs the entire time anyways.

>> No.14671773

>the little cunts wouldn't come to Australia all the time for work and to live here
Raising the average IQ of both countries ;)

>> No.14671846

Don't pretend you made that up.

>> No.14671850

I held ETH from like $30 through to $1k and back down without ever buying LINK. I could gget maybe 500 this instant converting ETH from it. I just bought a few ETH and said I'll sell them at 100k and never before. I always figured if Chainlink was the real deal it'd for ETH up but the ICO bags suppress ETH to the point of it feeling dead these days.
I'll probably throw $100 in LINK now and hold it until we have intergalactic travel.

>> No.14671905

You want to buy a few bag of chips or something?

>> No.14671964

It's a famous quote lmao you're an idiot for thinking I was pretending that. Just reminding you of our superiority.

>> No.14672102

Absolutely the wrong interpretation, typical illiterate burger. It's not "all white people's fault" as if any race is somehow a homogenous group or even a meaningful characterisation. It's pure delusion to assert that the leadership of the USA has not been white though, so the current situation is the fault of people, who are white, that's just undeniable fact. Point is, your claims of superiority are retarded. See:
Growing up in abject poverty will make anyone a shit cunt, and the responsibility for that being so common in the USA is at the hands of people who are white, and use racial division to maintain their control of the system by giving poor whites an imaginary enemy to feel superior to.

>> No.14672173

I'm so poor im investing everything into link /biz/ better be right i have like 2 k to my name im barely out of neetdom...

>> No.14672229

I'm not American. But it's typical of whites in general to assume they are the beginning and end of everyone else's life. You're no different here it seems.

I'm not saying whites don't bear some responsibilty for the state of the American blacks, because anyone with a slight grasp of history know this is true. But it's completely disingenuous and anti-intellectual to place the full blame on white Americans. Just as it's equally retarded to look at the state of Africa today and say it's all because "muh colonialism".

You know this is true in your heart. But I will concede that your willful blindness is in some ways more enlightened than facing the harsh truth of racial differences.

>> No.14672290

WGV >>> BGV -> no meaningful difference besides cultural difference

>> No.14672369

I'm afraid that's where we're going to disagree. How many whites in the NBA? How many whites with Olympic Gold in sprinting? It all makes sense if you really look at it.

>> No.14672735

i was having so much fucking fun posting during the last few pumps, we need to have LINKmarine meetups

>> No.14672816

based. should start shilling the spirituality pill for marines (or some kind of self-discipline)

>> No.14673076


>> No.14673424

>Poe’s law
you need to go back

>> No.14673958
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as a nolinker i can't wait for the AAA threads once link goes back below 1 USD.
google/microsoft having anything to do with link is still just rumors

>> No.14674209

>taking off

Its dumping like crazy