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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1477818 No.1477818 [Reply] [Original]

>touch base with me tomorrow morning before the meeting

>> No.1477823


Lotion your hands so they are nice and soft

>> No.1477911

It puts the lotion in the basket.
It does this or it gets the hose again.

>> No.1477962

>let me know if you have any questions

>> No.1477966

>So I think we've got enough to go ahead for now, let's meet again a week from now to touch base

>> No.1477990

why the fuck do so many people give a shit about office phrases like this


Basically only autists care about this shit because they haven't a fucking clue about non-literal language.

>> No.1477994

this guy gets it

>> No.1478001

The autistic thing is using meme-language and office jargon like you are above the rest of mortal plebs who are not on "your wavelength".

It's just a ridiculous thing and it usually sounds pretentious.

>> No.1478009

Can I just interject?

When the OP posts meme arrows with a macro of a frog, we can, shall we say, monotonectally disseminate fungible quality vectors, and in turn, phosfluorescently cultivate cloud-centric methodologies against them.

>> No.1478010

who gives a shit... it's a figure of speech.

what would you say?

>> No.1478018
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'good shout'
'crash diaries'
'adds value'

>> No.1478023

>it usually sounds pretentious
Wiping your ass after shitting probably sounds pretentious to a hygiene-impaired NEET. Just because the conversations you're used to hearing at work probably center on you changing the fry oil, don't make assumptions about social settings you've only seen on TV.

>> No.1478028
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>im gonna run my ideas up the flagpole and see who salutes them

>teamwork makes the dream work!

>> No.1478036
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Triggered pretentious assholes detected.

When you have had enough of the high from smelling your own farts maybe you will realize how pathetic you sound to NORMAL people.

>> No.1478041
File: 59 KB, 396x594, Performers+Circus+Horrors+Prepare+Ahead+Halloween+xFoQsVbG-Obl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ping him/her
>Let's circle back on this
>We need full visibility
>Accelerate our funnel/pipeline
>At the end of the day
>Soup to Nuts
>Pain Point
>Our leave-behinds should incentivize new prospect

Fucking kill me famalam.

>> No.1478043

what's wrong with this?

>> No.1478051

Shut up and get my burger ready, kid.

>> No.1478086

> John, reach out to me after our 1 o'clock. we've discovered some exciting new verticals we can penetrate to drive up market value

>> No.1478089
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Do you want it with extra-saliva or will the classic anal-mucus coating be enough?

>> No.1478097

Oh, I'll have to get back to you about that
>boss says you can do a deep dive later, invalidating question
>one month later: boss asks same question
Oh, I'll have to get back to you about that

th-thanks faggot

>> No.1478099

I don't have a problem with the office jargon and often does express meaning that would be more awkward in different terms, but I always get a good kek out of these threads
>right sizing
>dollar cost average
>pneumatic drill

>> No.1478108

>EVERYONE, I really need you to time box this thread and report on deliverables by Friday

>> No.1478120

Let me just say that the difference between OP and yours is that even though the wording is strange, you can sort of make heads or tails of what is being said.

Your post is so fucking retarded like you just found out what a thesaurus is.

You fucking mong

>> No.1478359

I think touch base and reach out are 2 phrases that legitimately make me want to kill.

>> No.1478384
File: 103 KB, 1200x675, douchebag-supercut-3-office-space-1092286-TwoByOne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lets circle the wagons later and have an idea shower
>light bulb moment
>we need more granularity
>drill down into the detail
>going forward
>pain point

>> No.1478396

>Were gonna have to have a little pow wow and trust me, you'll be the one smoking the peace pipe

>> No.1478419

Fortunately I haven't had many people like this and I have found most that speak like this are MBA holders and other wanky people who aren't succesful but are in a middle manager role. Especially the ones that read leadership books and such - I met one guy for coffee who wasted about 2 hours talking about "making money outside the system" but that we stll have to "satisfy" the system like its something from the matrix, and then he turned out to be involved in some ridiculous pyramid sales scheme.

>> No.1478429

It's not a pyramid scheme!

It's a reverse funnel.

>> No.1478493

I'd like to drive my vertical into her market. But I don't want any red ocean strategies coming up. So I think we can come from behind on this one for a less risky penetration

>> No.1478536

>Team work makes the dream work
>Let's all do our best
>If you can believe it, you can achieve it
>We're a family here
>I'm promoting synergy
>So what's new and exciting, crew?

Please kill me before I kill them

>> No.1478538


For fucksake stop doing this

>> No.1478551

>are the deliverables ready to launch?

>> No.1478564

>To your point
>Tell the consumer 'story'
>Make things actionable

>> No.1478774
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>Not entering a fool proof trapezoid sales system

>> No.1478782

this guy fucks

>> No.1478799

Stupid frog poster

>> No.1478804

But anon, Your leave-behinds should always incentivize new prospects

>> No.1478806

MBA classes are FILLED with shit like this.

You're right, but both sides are kinda stupid. Business jargon is infamously stupid because it wraps vague terms ("synergy," etc.) around concepts to the point where meaning is lost.

Case in point:
>"Leverage" X
Means "Use [for our benefit]" except it's equally as vague.

Conversely, it's a bit silly to get angry around terminology that is, at the end of the day, no more stupid than what we use colloquially. I have nothing wrong with some terms and idioms, but they quickly accelerate into this cultish nightmare of vagueness I can't stand.

All of that being said, I typically see extensive use of business jargon as a sign that someone is trying to hide something from me.

>> No.1479103

>extensive use of business jargon as a sign that someone is trying to hide something from me

it's a dead giveaway of incompetence

hey are we going to do x?
>i want to get the lay of the land first

what does that mean?
>lets get our ducks lined up in a row before moving forward

do you actually know anything about x or are you a moron?
>lets circle the wagons later and re-evaluate later, i'm snowed under with meetings anon don't you know

>> No.1479119
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>kind regards
>best wishes
>I hope this message finds you well
>adds value
>we need to get the ball rolling


>arbitrary deadlines
>8am to 6pm is now standard work day

>> No.1479204


Im going to need a full pipeline with all of your action points layed out. This will allow me to synergize your work with the rest of the team.

>> No.1479210
File: 20 KB, 341x263, wage_slave.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>8 am - 6 pm is the standard workday

Fucking awful. I work in a place where they make the wagies ask if its ok to go home. They dont leave until 7 at the earliest so they show up late and take 2 hour lunches. Nothing gets done.

>> No.1479213

the rationalized disposition is to sunset the platform so we can realize the synergy before Q4. thoughts?

>> No.1479388

Christ, where do you people work?

In my office you'd get told to fuck off if you said half of this stuff.

>> No.1479398
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> moving forward

>> No.1479411


>> No.1479682


How did it go, OP?

>> No.1479703

this thread has made me realize you guys have a lot of areas of opportunity

>> No.1479876
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>there are no traffic jams along the extra mile

>service is an attitude, not a vocation

>> No.1479987


I see a lot of progress in your work, and I think we can synergize anon.

>> No.1480486

Well, it's good that your're EMBRACING the developments

>> No.1480515

>This fucking thread

Please tell me nobody talks like this? I worked in a 10 man sales office where we did $5million/week and "get on the fucking phone" was slickest thing anyone had ever said.

Do the people who say this shit not have any real work to do?

>> No.1480520

It's just a bunch of autistic NEETs pretending they have jobs, friend.

>> No.1480593

8 to 6pm, with added time for commute

how do wagecucks do it

>> No.1480615


>> No.1480618

Have no social life and always be tired. I hate my life most times and use copious amounts of marijuana to cope

>> No.1480621

>Uggh, it's Monday.
>It's only Tuesday?!?!
>Happy hump day!
>Happy almost Friday!
>Happy Friday!

>> No.1480630
File: 62 KB, 500x621, Wonderlolissmirkofamusement.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are offices really this bad?

I've never worked a standard 9-5 with a bunch of other faggots who pretend like there's anything more important than accomplishing the mission, but I have worked retail, and you're making it sound like there's the same level of koolaid drinking.

>> No.1480638

I've been working a new office job for a month and I swear to fucking god I've heard the same two guys, who have been working for years, have the exact same conversation where they bitch about morning traffic and then ask each other where they live and how long their commute is at least four fucking times.

>> No.1480647

>Are offices really this bad?
Thy are.

There are people who literally live to make as much money or be as productive as possible for suits who would fire them in a nano-second without a second thought.

Personally, I go in and clock watch and do as little work as possible without getting fired or having management ride my ass.

>> No.1480655


Nah, being productive I can appreciate, but I never understood being a faggot about it or saying company slogans like anyone cares.

That said, in that kind of environment, I'd want to do what you would want to do. Do the minimum, keep my head low, and leave as early as possible.

>> No.1480672

>I go in and clock watch and do as little work as possible without getting fired or having management ride my ass.
say you follow the Pareto Principle at work, and spend 20% of your day producing and the remaining 80% jacking off.

the company still makes money off you at this reduced rate.

One thing this should tell you is that you're getting paid less than 1/5th of what your time is actually worth. If for example you earn $120 in a shift, and all the work you do takes you about 2 hours, and you're still profitable for the company to employ, you could reasonably be working all day making $60 per hour and they'd still make money off you.

In reality the time you spend jacking it is calculated into your wages. They know you're doing at best 2 hours of real work a day and they probably don't much care. Because those 2 hours pay them more than you get for the whole day.

>> No.1481269

talk to me like a normal human being you corporate stooge
you jargon has zero substance and you sound like a complete limpdick