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15117297 No.15117297 [Reply] [Original]


Secure, Private, Untraceable.

>> No.15118227

because it's not a long term hold duh. btc is the only real crypto.

>> No.15118249
File: 64 KB, 709x417, 0*QKXPh-8tvW-GfNft..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's not a long term hold
imagine being this retarded

>> No.15118250

peak delusion

>> No.15118470

you will see monero will get fucked like all alts.

>> No.15118495

no use case.

>> No.15118519

>you will see monero will get freaked like all alts.
Nope it's keeping up with Bitcoin better than any other coin in the top 10

>> No.15118529

won't last in the real rally little nigga
when the king has the stage shitcoins need not apply

>> No.15118531
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forgot pic

>> No.15118544

it's going back to 0.002 zoom a bit out!

>> No.15118562

unscaleable privacy coin that will probably be delisted from exchanges in the coming years no thanks

>> No.15118637
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>> No.15118654

BTC tractable king shitcoin that you can only hodl and can't transact in, because you will be taxed on every transaction 50% on top of the transaction costing you more than the raspberry pi
makes you vomit

>> No.15118671

and by the way, what will kill BTC is not the privacy coins
it will die because miners will switch to BCH

>> No.15118676

yeah i get it you tard perceive and fud as a bullish signal go ahead get rekt see if i care. i warned you all btc will have the stage in the next 2-3 years. too many alts to count each and everyone trying to be the bitcoin killer but all they do is kill each other.

>> No.15118684

and thank you for holding my bags idiot
I bough at 3k, sold at 9k

>> No.15118686

in your dreams shitcoiner you still don't get it you still don't understand what bitcoin is. and if you didn't learn by now you never will so that's okay.

>> No.15118694

It's good to have atleast 30% of your portfolio in BTC, but it would almost be delusional to be 100% in Bitcoin thinking privacy alts are just a "fad"

Unfortunately Bitcoin simply doesn't work and doesn't have unique features

>> No.15118697

see you at $100k little nigga!

>> No.15118696

oh don't worry I am living it now
thanks to you

>> No.15118708

no they will get use i may use monero or bcash at one time in the future they just a stupid bad hold.

bitcoin will outperform everything in this next rally.

>> No.15118716

just asking
who will pay the 100k
what kind of a freak will do it
like nobody will do it, ever

this feels exactly like 2017/2018 when I also sold and retired at 30

>> No.15118719
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>> No.15118720

Why would they switch to bch?

>> No.15118732

because it is the same algo, you push a button and done
but, they will do it because BCH has real use cases and will overtake BTC

>> No.15118748

when btc was $10 i remmeber people saying the same thing... "what fool would pay $100 for it?" kek

>> No.15118750

holu shit that makes sense...
So should I sell my btc now anon?

>> No.15118756

but anon, 100 is still acceptable, people could afford it.
Now imagine 50k or 100k, no way man.. I'm with that guy..

>> No.15118761

listen, let me spell this out for you
yes they are dipping their toes but did not really invest heavily into bitcoin yet, their rams are put in place right now one after the other. they are waiting for a signal that the bear is over, and that's probably confirms at going past $20k. which is expected to happen within a year. maybe this year. and then all hell will break lose. even central banks are looking into the possibility of btc reserves.

>> No.15118777

you are chasing a high addict
BTC has competition
The value proposition that shoot the price up was, it will be the world currency. today that is evident that is impossible

the gig is, it is a store of value, but that only works if it goes up, it will take 1 "correction" to just it out of existence

at this point BTC is harmful to anybody that touches it, it is literally a music chairs game pyramid ponzy

>> No.15118784

what is the value propasition
you are a retard and you are front running the institutions, ok fine

WHAT IS THE VALUE PROPOSITION that the institution will need BTC for ???

>> No.15118791

back then when btc made $10 everyone thought it was crazy and it's the peak delusion. people bought btc by hundreds and thousands back then. buying a single btc was a joke.

and again most private person will not be able to get 1 btc in their life not after this year.

institutions don't care about privacy they don't care about utility. what they care about is
>bitcoins non-correlated asymmetric growth profile

>> No.15118793

so nothing will change then
moneros been getting fucked for 2 years now
it just goes down and down and down some more

>> No.15118795

from a psychological standpoint nobody is going to spend 10 thousand dollars to buy 0.08324 of a Bitcoin

>> No.15118805

nigga are you retarded? are you blind? open a newspaper! we are at the end of the usd reserve currency era. the eastern block is fed up with us control the western block is distrustful of usd as a store of value. we are living in a paradigm shift. forget buying coffee with your crypto for a moment! because this next move up is not about that.

>> No.15118811

back in the day, the value proposition of BTC was
it is private
it cost near zero to transact
it is instant
it is against the banks
it is libertarian

back then BTC was the only coin, people did not even realized that there can be others, and it had zero confirms transactions

today BTC is fucked, it is literally useless, but at least we have other cryptoes that will carry the torch of liberty

>> No.15118814

unless we start calculating the price of Bitcoin in satoshis to dollars.

The same way we calculate the price of gold in ounces and not kilograms

>> No.15118815


>BCash will overtake Bitcoin

2017 called, it wants its memes back

>> No.15118817

you are daft, this next leg up is not about single moms putting the squirrel fund to btc.

>> No.15118823

no the value proposition of btc always was

the rest is your imagination

>> No.15118830

you cannot use one satoshi to do one transaction
you need like 1000 up to 10 000 sats to do a translation
that means the smallest BTC denomination is the TX fee and not the satoshi

>> No.15118836

all normal cryptos fill that proposition
why use BTC ? no reason really
you could use BCH or anything

>> No.15118839

thats called 8,324,000 satoshi you silly boomer

>> No.15118888

not on-chain you are probably right about that. dirt transactions will go to custodial wallets like paypal today or your bank account settled off-chain. but you will still have the ability to keep total control over your actual wealth and savings in a way it way not possible pre-btc. and that's the point of btc. you have control. paying for coffee can be done a billion ways. it can be done on side-chains it can be done via lightning or later web wallets sms chuck cheese tokens whatever. that's not the issue we needed solving.

>> No.15118911

sounds liberating, really trustless
oh wait, you had one tainted satoshi belonging to a pedo, we gonna raid your ass
get real, you only one more fiat, the only thing you care about is fiat, and BTC gives you the high, the delusion that you will make it

>> No.15118959

>sounds liberating, really trustless
it is for your actual wealth not your pocket money of course it still can if they do side-chains right. i never in my life had trouble buying coffee that's not what i or anyone in the west need solving.

>> No.15118965

>oh wait, you had one tainted satoshi belonging to a pedo, we gonna raid your ass
that's more likely with bch cash shuffle tho you sad little frog. no exchange will sell you tainted btc.

>> No.15118987
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hello retard
the exchange will lock your account up if you mistakenly sent the satoshi there

you are so fucking blind, you want to believe, it is fucking over bro, BTC is done, no coin that is not fungible will make it ever

BCH has hope because they did introduce the schor thing, and they can play a double game

>> No.15119006

also very important you can by BCH without KYC now
lets see how this will play out with

in the end, we will end up with onion market for true cryptoes http://localmonerogt7be.onion/

>> No.15119014

>the exchange will lock your account up if you mistakenly sent the satoshi there
why would you have pedo coins if you don't use cash shuffle? you won't get them from a legitimate business.

>> No.15119021

cashies never learn i guess...
you are already dead you just haven't realized it yet. roger did. finally.

>> No.15119026

just like that
you accept payment or a business accept payment right
and you get the pedo coins, then you want to sell for fiat, you sell on an exchange and guess what, your account is locked for 3 month investigation
good stuff

>> No.15119033

>it is fucking over bro, BTC is done, no coin that is not fungible will make it ever
bitcoin has already made it kiddo
bitcoin is the crypto gold standard

>> No.15119035

I own zero BCH and zero monero (both are good and are fine, unlike BTC)
I do have other coins

>> No.15119044

well then can you please buy some BTC now, even 10 bucks and show us the TX poorfag

>> No.15119435

not how retail would work but cash shuffle yes go ahead mix with pedo coins see what happens!
>I do have other coins
i would pity you if you weren't an imbecile

>> No.15119869

I am using a fungible crypto I don't have a worry in the world

>> No.15119914

stop it with this antisemitism its unbearable!!!!

>> No.15119970

>dude invest in crystal meth companies, statist jews hate it so it's the future!

>> No.15120039

it's not fungible it authorities decide poision the well is the way to go for coin mixing. it's the opposite of fungible.

>> No.15120059

you don't even get it ...
well prepare yuor wojacks for the day binance introduces mandatory KYC

>> No.15120075

Monero is easy to mine and non-deflationary, so it has no reason to increase in value, unless suddenly a lot of people want to go off grid and it becomes high-demand.

>> No.15120083
File: 28 KB, 400x184, 1560459595714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monero isn't even real.

>> No.15120094

Because CPU mining is a bad idea. With ASICs the entire supply is mining, with CPU easily less than 0.1% of all cycles are used for monero mining.

>> No.15120095
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Didn't doublecheck my meme, it's for Zcash, disregard me I am retarded.

>> No.15120111
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>> No.15120438

Story? Explanation? This might make me go into Monero

>> No.15120515

AlphaBay was a drug market.

>> No.15120578

1 sat = 1 cent. It's for a new reserve currency. That's why there are 100 million of them.

>> No.15121348

idgaf about binance

>> No.15121462

>believing the jews aren’t up to their next in shady anonymous Monero

>> No.15121543


>> No.15121558

Basically this online drug to crypto market got busted and even when all their shit was seized by feds the govt still had no idea how much XMR they had ever had, or who it got sent to.

>> No.15121580


Monero = cash.
Bitcoin = government honey pot.

>> No.15121695

BTC-maximalists are like djihadis
>Islam izze only truu releegin