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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 642 KB, 786x1071, 1448162607047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1518440 No.1518440 [Reply] [Original]

TC - BitPAC Merging Ann. &
Discussion on possibility of "RTR" Edition.


TrumpCoin ANN Thread

www.youtube.com/watch?v=WvBDCBOjDwk [Embed]

>Community member makes video and spicy memes.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZ2w2g9tjCQ&feature=youtu.be [Embed]

TrumpCoin tipbot! /u/magatip

https://twitter.com/TrumpCoinTweets <--- Official Twitter
@raexno92 and @TrumpcoinG are v.active community contributor handles.

www.trumpcoin.info <--- Official Wiki-like website

Now an officially registered LLC!
>SCC filling
TrumpCoin is a cryptocurrency that trades on numerous exchanges online. The price of TrumpCoin is dictated by the supply and demand of traders on these exchanges, much like a stock market. What this means is that the higher the value of a TrumpCoin becomes, the higher the dollar value of the central fund (100k coins at present) and investor coins used for campaigning becomes.


>Sicc new TrumpCoin block explorer

www.makemoneygreatagain.org/Content/Guides/HowToBuyTrumpCoin.aspx <--Buying with Circle
www.trump-coin.info/get-started/ <-- Buying with localbitcoin

>What is TrumpCoin?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0A0KzoFuOLQ [Embed]

>Introducing: TrumpCoin
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMM-X0mDonI [Embed]


>> No.1518441
File: 868 KB, 1500x1972, 1469380854756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only reason this board was created is because we flooded 4chan with crypto threads. We shilled and pumped DOGE and PND to multi-million dollar marketcaps, we destroyed Wolong. I firmly believe there is nothing that /biz/ can't achieve if we just try.

TrumpCoin is an amazing opportunity that only comes once a year, it has massive potential, with the perfect meme that embodies strength, success and resonates with many people outside of altcoin and imageboard culture. On top of that we have a month and half before one of the most controversial presidential elections in our lifetimes that might as well change the direction of human history by saving western civilization. We can easily make a massive profit from this event if we really want to, way more than we did with other coins in the past. The media will literally cover anything related to Trump, even nazi pepe and god Kek memes. All we need is to tap to some of the publicity and the sky is the limit.
And we had many chances to do so. Cantwell personally invited anyone willing to discuss TrumpCoin on his show but no one showed up. I have a reddit tipbot running for over a month that we could be utilize to introduce 1000s of redditors to TRUMP but barely anyone used it. Instead of doing anything most holders chose to wait for 'bombshell' updates from nigger devs.
I could release a twitter tipbot today that could tip people with tweets, but what's the point if no one is willing to use it?

Don't get me wrong, developers could still come up with something amazing, but we need to stop waiting for them to deliver and begin investing more effort into this. We are NEETs and wageslaves with all the time in the world, nothing to lose and a strong passion for a Trump presidency.
Stop bitching, get high energy, organize and start doing shit (tipping, shilling, creating OC, etc..) so we can return to the glory days of /biz/. Or you can to get cucked by selling at a loss and forget. It's all up to you

>> No.1518449

The fucking devs denied the cantwell interview? Fucking niggers

>> No.1518524
File: 22 KB, 1086x333, m-moon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1518531

buy ethereum

>> No.1518539


>> No.1518541
File: 154 KB, 919x242, thanks asshole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahaha under 3 cents. Damn it feels good to be a nocoiner.

>> No.1518552

Want my advice?
Raise 3 BTC to add the coin to Bittrex. If Trump wins, there's a 50% that being on bittrex people will be reminded of the coin and pump it on the news.

>> No.1518556

*50% chance

>> No.1518583

He said 9/30 give him some time LOL

>> No.1518650

United we stand.
Divided we fall.
Hold fort.
It maybe late for updates.
But it's too early to die.

Yes goyim. Sell the dip.

>> No.1518669

10k TC holder here, some things to consider:

Hillary is failing. Deutsche Bank is failing. Will these two major events be the catalyst that normies need to jump on the crypto bandwagon and move away from fiat? With all this bullshit happening lately doesn't now seem like the best time ever to push for crypto in general, and TC specifically? We already have a YouTube video, we already have memes and TC shills (which is arguably how Trump is winning). We just need a media blitz.

I agree with >>1518441 let's get something happening here.

>> No.1518677
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>> No.1518687

Dev here. I can't say much. But dedicated Trump supporters should hold and buy. Right now we're getting rid of the weak hands so only those who truly support Trump will reap the biggest gains. We've got so many exciting things lined up. But we can't tell you what they are because of legal reasons.

Also, two words.



>> No.1518719
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>> No.1518754

it's stabilizing and will be back to 7.5k sats by the weekend and then over 8-9k at the debates.

lmao@yourlife.com if you sold, seriously what a pussy

>> No.1518831

How dare you question the /biz/ tradition of selling the dip?

>> No.1518839

>be a scam artist
>decide to create a pyramid scheme coin with no practical use
>people on 4chan fall for it even though it's the definition of a speculative bubble
>the same people who think free trade is bad and who are falling for the Trump president meme are also gullible enough to put money into this bubble

Dogecoin was actually useful for small donations. This coin is clearly a pump and dump though, even the devs admit this.

>> No.1518886
File: 25 KB, 292x353, Cs_CUa9WYAEznBn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did they mean by this?


>> No.1518908

They are really working on something?

>> No.1518914
File: 138 KB, 1077x1014, _20160923_140529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1518983

It's real. You can see more handles of the same. It's not fully official.


>> No.1519000

thats FUD. when the devs said it was pump n dump? lol

>> No.1519013
File: 31 KB, 640x360, Tony Blair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>YFW you realise there are people on /biz/ right now desperately selling low, after buying high

>> No.1519034


Lol. You do realize that even if you started a huge advertising blitz right NOW (which you "devs" aren't), it's already too late? It would take normies who see/hear these advertisements a few weeks to learn about crypto, think about whether they want to invest the money, apply and get ID verified at fiat-BTC exchanges, figure out how to use sketchy Russian exchanges that have TC, and use them to trade the BTC for the TC.

You would have had to have your big media shoutouts back in early August as was originally planned, at a bare minimum.

And lol @ the people who think Trump doing well in debates (or even winning the election) will do anything at all for the price of this coin. Trump has had an amazing last couple of weeks (if only because Hillary's health and corruption collapsed in on itself) and it did nothing for the coin. Trump doesn't even know about this coin, and since the 100k fund donation can't be made, this coin has no official connection to his campaign or brand. It's literally just an altcoin clone with no technical features different from BTC, riding on the coat tails of a famous name.

Even if people knew about this coin, why would they buy it just because he does well at the debates? The coin has nothing to do with Trump and isn't giving him a donaton. Do you think people are going to buy a crypto just because it has Trump's stolen name on it and promises to help fund some meme vids? (And the devs probably won't even deliver on THAT promise either). /pol/ and The_Donald is already doing it for free.

Thank god I got out when it was still 8k-ish, RIP to the bagholders.

>> No.1519050

Too long.

>> No.1519064
File: 47 KB, 136x600, raead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you read the intelligent investor you´d know this is the perfect time to buy .

>> No.1519070

Thats a tradition here

>> No.1519078
File: 198 KB, 1280x809, neet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up sst Let them sell low, they are the ones making us money

>> No.1519158
File: 1.07 MB, 200x150, 1471140451858.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big holder here, have been for many many months.

my position was in the green by 100%
now its in the red by mabye 50%

my internet has been off for a week so i had no idea what was going on until now.

just wanna let the other trumpcoiners know that im not selling, dont freak out. in fact im thinking of buying more but ill have to look into whats going on a little bit more first.

when it flattens out buy the dip

and if she does stay around this level for some strange reason then just remember that youre not only holding for the potential of a large correction but youre also holding in support of Trumps campaign.


>> No.1519181
File: 284 KB, 408x414, 1472676788038.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im pretty much the same. Wont sell yet, its either chad or die now. Balls of steel m8, MAGA

>> No.1519279


>Big holder here

I think you made a typo m8, it's spelled "bag"

>> No.1519284

delicious cheap trumpa, have to wipe off the tears of the weak hands who bought high then sold low at first sign of a dip. Not knowing 1btc and it's back to 7k sat.. wewww gotta love NEETS.

soon as the "unoffical" :^) pipe campaign gets rollingplus debates, easily over 10k sat.

Feels good man.

>> No.1519292

Video "Dev" here

I wouldn't be worried, there's a lot of media stuff planned for the next month

Hold strong bois

>> No.1519309

Oh next month for sure right? Full throttle boys :^)

>> No.1519312

Unofficial pipe campaign??? Explain this nigga

>> No.1519316

>Don't worry guys, i have some pictures of this cartoon frog, it's gonna turn everything around

>> No.1519341

Twitter tip guy. What will it take for you to release it?
>1 trumpcoin has been added your account. Thanks for Re-Correcting the Record!

>> No.1519343

Meant for >>1518441

>> No.1519357
File: 229 KB, 500x598, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you were supposed to be anchored off Navagio by now

>> No.1519366


The legion has been shaken. Us loyal few are all that remain. moving ahead we will have millions of supporters but only a few will be worthy of Chadpion

>> No.1519399

>a lot planned for the next month
Well we haven't heard that one before.

>> No.1519409

Feels good to hold fort. Honourable.
Give me my katana.

>> No.1519426

All it takes is the potential for normies to buy, which will trigger crypto people to buy, which will raise price, triggering more normies.

>> No.1519433
File: 73 KB, 640x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that all the people fudding here recently and over the next few days sold during the dip.

psychologically they came to terms with selling and taking a huge loss to preserve laugh worthy amounts of capital, because it's the "right move"

"it's not going to recoverer r-right? it makes sense to cut my losses, heh-heh"
They nervously conversed with themselves.

Any thought of the price going back up and solidifying the fact that they made a bad choice selling and WILL miss out, drives then into a psychological rage fit which manifests here as they attempt to do everything in their power to prevent that from happening.
Furiously typing away:
>glad I sold last month :^)
>it's over!
>it'll never go back up, r..right
>memes and debates can't help it (nervously adjusts collar)

poses the question, if you already washed your hands of Trumpcoin...why are you still here?
oh, ya.. to feebly attempt to FUD the price from recovering so you don't realize what a pussy you were for selling low.

Hopefully after the price recovers (protip: it will) at least one of you will neck yourself; even one would make this all worth it.

10k sats after the first debate, Screencap this

oh and claimed pic related

>> No.1519447

2 dudes on the ann forum pledging to buy 100 trumps for $100 dollars from the trump fund to support billboard.

>> No.1519453

Are shills covering my eyes? If TC can get on bitrex and polinex. Maybe a couple more exchanges then get a couple media mentions, Alex Jones being one of the key ones. This thing can still blow. Crypto can shoot up 1000% in a couple hours .

>> No.1519456

People here should be on the ann page bothering the devs.

>> No.1519466

There will be some pleasant surprises soon. Things are no more entirely dependent on devs.
You want a lambo? Take the wheel.

>> No.1519475

the whole "not enough time" meme needs to die.
You literally need like 2 days in crypto to reach orbit

>> No.1519489

Yeah, weak ones are just nervous since some milestones weren't met by signal. But they don't realise that even the debates haven't started.

>> No.1519494


This. So much this.

All the losers who panicked this morning and sold off their 200 coins for 3 cents each are going to be apoplectic when thepprice goes back up to normal this evening and then goes up and up through November. And they're going to put far, far more effort into ruining things for everyone else than they ever put in to promoting or helping the coin.

Batten down the hatches lads! There's a shitstorm coming!

>> No.1519514

this may sound weird but it's even more comfy knowing I'm only conversing and going to be mooning with the true lads of this project.

I know it's a reverse FUD tactic to say this but I'm actuslly thinking of buying more, I have .25 btc in random shits on yobit. thoughts?

>> No.1519521


did you put all your pocket money in and now you're a bit angry?

remember when
>trump changing to V.2
>about to moon everyone get in
>this shit has mad tech and great potential we are going places
> did nothing

there has been one spike for about 36 hours,

that's it.

this coin sucks bro

>> No.1519523

This evening?

>> No.1519527

>Being angry over "pocket money"

That's the point, it's a cheap investment considering the potential, which is why dumping at this point is the dumbest thing anyone could do ever. If you can't afford to lose a few hundred, then you're doing it wrong.

>> No.1519534

Dumping this coin as I sit on the toilet

What a piece of shit coin

>> No.1519536

t. sold recently at a loss

>> No.1519538

I'll look for your 45 dollars in volume :^)

>> No.1519603


As in about 7 pm. No secret code or insider knowledge, it's just going to go up when everyone finishes work and sees what a bargain there's to be had.

>> No.1519607


> selling when the price is low


>> No.1519650

Thats the typical """investor""" from /biz/

>> No.1519654

I am filling my buckets with a whole load of cheap Trumps. I am one of the most firm believers in this coin and I really enjoy this sell-off, it allows holders like me to get more.

What I don't understand is why people sell, there's no negative news, nothing, about this coin. It seems to be they are selling because of a lack of news- that is one of the worst reasons to sell. Either way, please continue, so I can stack up more.

>> No.1519665

They're selling because the devs are ignoring the communities wish for meme warfare.

>> No.1519730

How can I stake more in the Trump wallet? It's not staking anything.

>> No.1519735

is the wallet unlocked?

>> No.1519740

Now it's staking a part of the coins, but not all. Is that normal?

>> No.1519778


>> No.1519806

Wow a fire sale on TC. Just moved up to gold status really cheaply.

>> No.1519818

these prices
>not platinum status

you trying to only be a little rich, soldier?

>> No.1519877

We don't have pump and dump. We just transfer the coins from weak hands to strong hands. Unique.

>> No.1519913

Exactly!My nigga

>> No.1519949

Is this stocktwits?

>> No.1519988

If you panic sold too quick or have been looking to get in cheap, you may want to pull the trigger now. Price is already stabilizing surprisingly quick, shouldn't be long before return to norm

>> No.1520049
File: 19 KB, 403x392, efd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop bidding 1 Satoshi above my buy order, this is my final warning

>> No.1520056

back to 6k on yobit

kek.. i'm sorry for your loss

>> No.1520116

it's fucking happening!!! we're still discounted from a few days ago, but who knows for how much longer. Grab these cheap trumps before the pursues who sold buy back in, rather them miss out indefinitely :^)

>> No.1520120


you know who you are, f5ing the price angrily hoping it stops going up

>> No.1520127

So I just want to say, whoever got the TrumpCoins I accidentally sent, have a fun time with those.

Didn't realize I was in the address book tab and not the receive coins tab when I copied the address down to withdraw from the market and dump into my regular wallet. Oh well. Was only $50 worth of coins. I've done stupider shit.

>> No.1520148

I love it when my tweeting frequency correlates with the rise. No need for it to be connected. But it's beautiful.

I'm directly taking on CTR. They will not go unopposed. As of now they're getting away with it.

Could have sent a $10 my way by mistake. Sad.

>> No.1520183


whats your address and how many trumps did you loose?

>> No.1520184

Holy fuck I just got a whole bunch of random trumps for free wtf

>> No.1520193


and I lost 1361.52272202 Trumps. But honestly its not a big deal. Shit was cheap at the time.

>> No.1520200

that's gonna be 108.88 in like 2 days man. let's all send this anon like 5 trumps
to replace

>> No.1520201


Check the reply to this tweet. Hello CTR!

>> No.1520204

That's kind of you but please don't go out of your wait for me. I'm retarded and deserve to lose that money since I wasn't paying attention.

>> No.1520244


>> No.1520246


I sent you 300 TC anon. Im sure others will help you too. We stand together. Truss

>> No.1520247

You really are too kind. Thank you!

>> No.1520422
File: 1.13 MB, 2448x3264, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And got so far... But in the end it doesnt even matter. I had to fall... To lose it all. But in the end.....

>> No.1520816
File: 26 KB, 337x266, Phreak-The-Phantom-Phreak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moon weekend

>> No.1520916

Can't buy into the dip until I get paid this Monday.

>> No.1520975

So what do you think is planned?

>> No.1520987
File: 24 KB, 480x475, CQiEO1NUsAAi1Go.jpg-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are there any more female trumpcoin holders

>> No.1521003

...An actual Stacy? You're probably the only one.

>> No.1521007


>> No.1521036

Something YUUUGE, just can't tell you about it very important secrets december full throttle

>> No.1521049

Sadly u r not even fudding, we really heard that many times from the devs

>> No.1521087

I have no idea what they have planned, but a few of us want to try something. biz support much appreciated

>> No.1521094

true believers only. weak hands for weak people. from the first thread i read i knew trumpcoin will succeed.

>> No.1521173

post pics plox and your TC address if you need an incentive

>> No.1521193

If you haven't already, get a Twitter account now.

>> No.1521197


what is this plan? please no "shadow wolf" or "cyrpto cucked" team bullshit.

>> No.1521200

We want to make it known that TrumpCoin is the crypto that pays you to fuck with Hillary Clinton

>> No.1521255

Well there's only one month left so you better fucking hurry up

>> No.1521280

*cough cough* https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1558916.740

>> No.1521289

There ya go m8

>> No.1521296

That trumpcoin bounties thing is a brilliant idea.

>> No.1521311

If enough people are aware it could blow up

>> No.1521316

Spam it on Yobitch.

>> No.1521318

What about new exchanges?

>> No.1521444
File: 938 KB, 1818x1382, i4tIQlG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you've got a nice face/body a pic of you with some Trumpcoin stuff or just the logo would be pretty good for marketing.

Like just some cleavage and you holding a piece of paper with the Trumpcoin logo and a thumbs up would be a very patriotic thing to do

>> No.1521481

Wow, you guys are really going off the rails here. It's kind of like.. you're trying to cope but you don't really have any coping skills, so.. I wouldn't be surprised to see one of you on the 6 o'clock news soon, honestly. It's fascinating to watch the meltdown that's happening here. Keep it up! And by all means, keep buying up those cheap, cheap trumpcoins, chumperoonis.

>> No.1521483
File: 16 KB, 400x355, contus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. sold at 4k sats (at a loss)

you better keep checking this thread and the price to validate your actions to sell the dip

>> No.1521507
File: 116 KB, 1114x190, trump 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Swing, and a miss..

>> No.1521534

>before the end of September
aka very soon, nocoiner.

>> No.1521547

>be me.. bought trumpcoins ~6 weeks ago
>avg. 7k sat
>hold since everyone says moon late Sept.
>it's late Sept. now
>go on exchange and see price
>its 5k sat

what now, lads?

>> No.1521560


December of 2020. Hold strong, boys and girls!

>> No.1521567

It'll never go back up hahaha r-right guys. Selling at a loss was worth it! I just keep checking these threads for fun! y-yup

>> No.1521595


I'm still holding strong. Gives me reason to keep paying attention to these threads. Just having fun, is all.

>> No.1521623

>Hold long
>Miss huge dip because told myself not to check until November

Fug, I could've recouped my losses from buying at the peak yesterday.

>> No.1521666
File: 133 KB, 790x602, 1473809423619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already did :^)


>> No.1521679
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>> No.1521700
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>> No.1522131
File: 209 KB, 1086x811, 10-donald-trump-debate.w750.h560.2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats great, Satan! MAGA!

>> No.1522155

You either sell at a loss if you think there's no chance of anything happening or hold.

Surely you didn't invest more than you can afford to lose?

>> No.1522161
File: 646 KB, 1280x645, 1472675957888.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You either sell at a loss if you think there's no chance of anything happening or hold.
No. This is /biz/, you buy on hype and sell on dip.

>> No.1522204

This ^

>> No.1522210

thank you man. helps a ton

>> No.1522212


I bought in at 11k...
I own over 30 k.
Rip me!

Lucky my ETH BTC is fking homerunned

>> No.1522218

Price/TC prediction please

>> No.1522220

$28 by the end of september.

>> No.1522221

If I had 1$ everytime i listend to it . There wouldnt be a need for tc to get at 28$.

>> No.1522223


>> No.1522233
File: 108 KB, 750x750, 1474793339206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trips confirms

Stacy's post pics of yourself holding a trumpcoin logo or something. once done post your tc address and we'll pay you for the rights to shill the image

>/b/ post tits for creeps
>[r9k] post tits or... y-ya know... i-if thats okay with you...
>/biz/ post tits for the boards financial gain

>> No.1522243

The price isn't even really 4k sats cause you could only sell like 500 coins at that price, then the price would drop since there's no volume and you have to sell at sub-2k to move over 10k coins

>> No.1522282

Trumpcoin is going up after the elections because once trump is president this shit will really pop off hold steady mates 300k + trumpinator reporting in

>> No.1522295
File: 36 KB, 420x187, qTox_Screenshot_2016-09-25 16-23-08.662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twitter limited the bot for some reason, I'll try to appeal their decision. Hopefully I can get it back very soon. So right now you can deposit and withdraw but it won't react to tips

>> No.1522324

It's Value has been halved on C-CEX, what the fuck has happened. I'm worry

>> No.1522329
File: 48 KB, 184x184, 1390216235182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never mind, it's fixed now

>> No.1522330


>> No.1522335
File: 571 KB, 1920x1080, 1472676762345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice man, slimy devs want to lower the price as much as they can to buy in before they release the shitstorm, but proud holders and true believers are still here to tell them "no, you move!"

>> No.1522339

I'll post pics after the first 50 trumpcoin I get


>> No.1522347

We have sent coins for less, just like that.
This attitude won't get you anywhere.
Time stamp face is the least you could do.

>> No.1522353
File: 443 KB, 1920x1200, 519a264d2b0ed1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-i don't believe you

>> No.1522397
File: 750 KB, 834x834, 1474491971942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the tears itt

>> No.1522419

How do I accept twitter TRUMP tips?

>> No.1522425

click on the link the bot sends you and accept. then you can withdraw them to your wallet

>> No.1522521

we should be thru the last of the weak hand sellers by monday night, which perfectly aligns with the debates.

Plus if we get a trump presidency, the shit that can be done with this coin is really promising.

Scoop up your cheap trumps lads

>> No.1522793
File: 112 KB, 750x734, 1474780363640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shameless bump

>> No.1522818

Fuck no I'm not putting any more in that. It's already at a 50% loss from where I started.

>> No.1522830
File: 632 KB, 804x932, 1469818618373-biz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To the weak hands who sold during the dip, we salute you from the moon.

>> No.1522853
File: 3 KB, 256x243, trump-wallet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not dollar cost averaging down

>> No.1522864
File: 414 KB, 1920x1080, earth-from-moon-wallpaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1522879
File: 12 KB, 400x400, 1460515965106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the debates, I want to find very popular streams with live comments or chat, and shill Trumpcoin, and/or use a Trumpcoin handle.

It'd be even better if we could find a news station or TV presentation that posts Twitter reactions or comments in real time.

So post suggestions here and I'll be on the lookout. Some obvious choices would be the big news networks online streams, YouTube, Facebook etc. It need to be a full fledged operation, so if you are watching the debates USE TRUMPCOIN NICKNAMES and related hashtags at the very least. Millions will be tuning in, it's time to start packing for the moon m8ys.

>> No.1522987
File: 232 KB, 1064x1600, brady.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


To the bagholders that bought my coins at 7k and let me get out of this ded investment, I salute you

>> No.1523239
File: 52 KB, 500x352, i tried.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen, I'm not going to shit on anyone's dreams for this coin and earnestly hope it works out for you all, but the current development team doesn't really give a shit.

>The site's current price bar has been dead for months
>There still remains no marketplace where you can actually buy and sell goods for TRUMP, so nobody's using this as a currency
>The market cap for this coin has sunk below 10k USD
>There hasn't been a commit to the Github repository since August
>The Trumpcoin Team still have not enabled Travis CI builds for the coin
>The 64-bit universal GNU/Linux AppImage never made it onto the website

I earnestly believe that if you want this coin to work, /biz/ should fork and disown the current "developers". Get some /g/entoomen involved to fix any lingering problems and port it to more platforms, and set up places where you can actually use the coin.

Or get together and make your own coin. Actually have an innovative idea as to its design and make it super easy to tip here.

>> No.1523267

just doing your part to make sure it doesn't go above where you sold :^)

>> No.1523418

I'll be happy to shit on all your dreams, cause they're self delusional bullshit. Call me up any time, I'll tell it to you straight.

t. yo mamma

>> No.1523432

Fix the website devs or ill dump my 500,000+ coins

>> No.1523599

U mean ur 6,000,000 coins goyim

>> No.1523605

LOL at bitcointalk they uploaded a meme which says wait 4 weeks...

>> No.1523606

Haaha fuck this shit, the devs are fucking it up again

>> No.1523622

>The market cap for this coin has sunk below 10k USD

It's actually currently above 200k, but you're right about the rest. Fixing the price bar would be the simplest thing ever, who's in charge of the website?

>> No.1523633
File: 405 KB, 1000x706, 1470915349229-biz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's focus our efforts here:


Infowars live debate coverage.

>> No.1523634

Seems like a good idea

>> No.1523676

Noice. Shill as many as possible,but definitely do this one .

>> No.1523688
File: 216 KB, 298x260, 1472765219046.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im just curious about WHAT exactly does signal have to say, whether it be good or bad news. We know about that dan backer guy right? Just what the fuck are they doing, it cant be absolutely nothing right?

>> No.1523704

I hope its not nothing, but they do keep quiet and I am slowly losing hope

>> No.1523808
File: 347 KB, 1160x629, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I seem to have been mistaken, you're right based on coinmarketcap's listing though this would mean that the market cap functionality formerly on the site was and is also completely broken. It's still under 200k though. (197k as of this post)

They don't have developers, which is a core problem of the project. Everyone in the Foundation is a PR guy and """ ideas""" man, there's not one web developer or system administrator on the team, and the site is a Wix page presumably developed on a contract from some outside party.

We're late in the month and the debates are on in a few hours. I think they blew the deadline on this by a long shot and failed to meet substantial milestones in time.

The fact that you still cannot find a place to actually spend TrumpCoin for goods anywhere was the canary in the coal mine. Doge in the same frame of time had several websites and businesses accepting it as valid currency.

>> No.1523813
File: 126 KB, 604x522, 1472676282316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One way or another it will be a massive shitstorm. Lets hope it will be a good one

>> No.1523833


>> No.1523839

If the devs dont turn this shit around, someone might be getting problems

>> No.1523927

Now would probably be a good time to start spamming chats and emailing Info Wars etc ourselves, telling anyone who will listen about the coin, rather than waiting for the Devs to do anything.

>> No.1523957

If the coin doesnt get added to bigger exchanges, nothing will happen regardless of the update.

>> No.1523960

I think just adding the coin to a notable exchange would drive the price up a fair bit.

>> No.1523979

has to be added to yoloniex

>> No.1523987

They can be added on Bittrex even if they decline their request by paying 3 btc but I dont see them even requesting it.

>> No.1524005

Does it even meet bittrex criteria?

>> No.1524011

Was there ever any official statement from polo?

>> No.1524035

yet another crypto shill thread

>> No.1524041

I dont know its criteria

>> No.1524049


Great contribution 10/10

>> No.1524053
File: 28 KB, 249x265, 1411692549764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice value you got there

>> No.1524054


> increasinglynervous.gif

>> No.1524055

Well if the devs dont listen we can go on the BCT threat and tell them whats gonna happen if they fuck it up

>> No.1524057


>> No.1524060

what will happen?

>> No.1524061


Or before we do that, we can all send an email to info wars, Fox, and all the others, letting them know about the cool new crypto currency started by grassroots trump supporters.

>> No.1524064
File: 130 KB, 419x421, b78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just before the last "update" some anon posted that if signal dont respond on btctalk forum he(and rest of the devs) will get doxxed. Im pretty fucking sure that he is aware that they are playing with fire.

>> No.1524104


This x 100. We have to get TC on polinex asap. Really odd that the devs haven't made getting on a couple bigger exchanges one of the top priorities. Anything the community can do about this?

>> No.1524105
File: 36 KB, 570x380, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck, lads.
We are going to the moon for sure!!!!
Look at the fucking numbers!
It's 26 of fucking september already and we are going UP!
To the FUCKING moon!

>> No.1524112

Apparently some people have been sending requests but I think it's pointless unless the devs do too.

They have a fair bit of leverage now with bitpac and everything going on. It should definitely be a priority.

I've read here that polo doesn't want to support politically oriented coins but I don't know if that's an actual response someone got or just a guess.

>> No.1524153

are you high or sth?

>> No.1524175

Poloniex will never add trumpcoin, there's literally 0% chance it could ever happen.

>inb4 NEET calling me a fudder

Reality isn't a FUD

>> No.1524183


Care to explain why?

>> No.1524190

I think terroristic threats against the devs will be quite effective in motivating them, and I encourage more of you assholes to get out there and make them, loudly.

>> No.1524198
File: 39 KB, 373x391, 1468501636453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because trumpcoin is a shitcoin. Recently Poloniex took out of their website a lot of shitcoins, they are trying to be the top dog and will only add high-volume coins that show good premise in many aspects. They would never consider trumpcoin, and no, the PAC stuff doesn't change any of that, it's literally vapourware.
Your only chance is to pay up 3 BTC and add it to Bittrex, but I don't think it's worth it either. At the moment there's no interest in the coin, and adding it to other exhanges it won't magically raise that interest up. Developers fucked up even more when you realise that Bittrex and Poloniex are not the only exchange that exist; if developers weren't a bunch of amateur NEETS spilling spaghetty they would have known that. There's plenty of smaller exchanges they could have quite easily added it to had they tried. At some point in time it would have been a worthy effort.
The truth is they didn't do shit, and as I wrote at some point in one of these threads, they were just creating hype, hoping in a spike on election day if trump wins, while keeping the price not to low so it doesn't nullify the effect of that spike.
This is crypto economics 101 folks, take note.

>> No.1524264

Have they limited it again?

>> No.1524265
File: 27 KB, 800x800, trump.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5000 satoshi per Trump, that's quite a good price, well done lads

>> No.1524267
File: 11 KB, 400x534, 1440590369842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>biz laughed at me for selling my whole stash at 8k
>now they can't even sell one coin for above 5k

>> No.1524284

signals online

>> No.1524294
File: 18 KB, 200x231, 1472676102275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1524296

Just a few more days guys and then I will update you on when the update about the update will be posted! Full throttle september!

>> No.1524326


>all you had to do was announce the same pac signal

>> No.1524330

No, there's nothing wrong with it. Why?

>> No.1524369

Low expectations after you realised reality huh?

>> No.1524398

top kek

on the real tho I am disappointed

>> No.1524416

I sent two tips a couple of of hours ago but my balance didn't change and didn't show on magatipbot.

I tweeted

@PoliticsGhost #magatip 25 TRUMP

>> No.1524505

No such tweet even exists. Can you link it?

>> No.1524522


>> No.1524616

You might be shadow banned by twitter because none of your new tweets appear when searching


>> No.1524639

Okay. New account it is then

>> No.1524650

What makes you say it's a wix site?

>> No.1524669

Post your address and I will return the trumps

>> No.1524678
File: 84 KB, 500x419, 1462340797350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1524787

We shouldn't make a new thread after this one expires. No point until we get a dev update. Might as well treat this thing like its dead until then.

>> No.1524791
File: 11 KB, 228x221, 1406624114202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong boys? Time to get some more cheap trumps!

>> No.1524802
File: 1.74 MB, 177x150, image.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the debates will raise the price

>> No.1524827

Fucking devs, give us something

>> No.1524842

Ok debates begin in a few minutes lets shill in the chat u fuckers

>> No.1524846

How can I watch the debate if I'm european?

pls link

>> No.1524854

Official campaign stream, Dunno if there will be chat


>> No.1524885


2.5 cents now. Wonder what the devs sold at?

>> No.1524901

Trump bringing the fucking heat. I hope you guys bought in.

>> No.1524919


Yeah, I bet you hope we bought in ;)

>> No.1524949

The moon will be a lonely place otherwise :^}

>> No.1524958

Trump going IN

>> No.1524963

Wow just under 5k sats NICE

>> No.1524966

Big buy orders jumping in after Trump BTFO Shillary. Well over 6k sats now. Thank you based debates

>> No.1524971

Volume up higher than its been in a while, price returning...wew so glad I didn't sell like a pussy cuck

>> No.1524977

She's coming back boys

>> No.1524988

Long time holder here. It's good to see this coin recover. It was only a matter of time.


>> No.1524995
File: 274 KB, 792x442, we-didnt-listen-and-buy-trumps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine the volume and price when the media gets a hold of the fact that their is literally a currency now being distributed out to those who re-correct the correct the record libs.


I've never space traveled before, I...I'm not ready lads

>> No.1525003

You guys must've done some decent shilling, good work. Trump did a pretty good job too, despite getting picked on with pointless bait questions

>> No.1525006

How do I shill trumpcoin on my normie facebook, but just make it look like I'm a normie that found "XDD LE TRUMP BITCOIN" with no personal interest?

>> No.1525007

Look at that arbitrage on c-cex. fuck I wish I had coins on line both!!!

>> No.1525035

10btc volume will bring in the heavy hitters. keep this shit up fellas

>> No.1525042

4 cents fuck yeah

>> No.1525043

Wow, this recovery is immense. I hope not too many of you sold your holdings.

Do just that.

"Haha, you guys won't believe this. Trump a Trump Bitcoin named after him! It's called Trumpcoin. This election couldn't get any crazier!!!"

>> No.1525046

*Trump has a Trump Bitcoin

>> No.1525047

Show them the tip bot and how you got free cryptocurrency. Normies can't resist free shit, just look at how big the Bernie Sanders voter base was.

>> No.1525053

if you sold off I'm literally lmao ingredients at your life right now bud

highest the volume has been in a good while, price returning, will easily be double by next debate. Rumor of a new video. So glad my hands aren't so weak like a cuck and I held. Feels good not to be an emotional investor :^)

>> No.1525070

Are idiots on yobit that short-sighted that the price goes up 2k sat and they start dumping?

>> No.1525077

Some yes. Some could be just trading, which is what we want. Volume is almost as important as price at this stage. Volume attracts people.

>> No.1525116


lol aaannnnnnd its gone

>> No.1525130

see >>1523267

>> No.1525361


>> No.1525435
File: 330 KB, 1024x1024, 1473409128542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bump for our hard working devs!

>> No.1525743

Yeah right fucking hardworking devs

>> No.1525861
File: 230 KB, 1600x1600, HT_ivanka_ml_151113_1x1_1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They would never let us down!

>> No.1525884


If these guys would just come in and say/write something, even if it's, "Hey, we tried, but we couldn't get anything done," I'd have respect for them.

The silence is what is just shit.

>> No.1525943
File: 74 KB, 640x640, tumblr_no9ah5pTjC1sjt9puo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much this. I just hope they realize that they are basically playing with fire, angry 4chan and all that.

>inb4 they are silent because they have a gag order and have massive shit prepared.
Yeah, i wish. Its still a possibility at least.

>> No.1525979


That's the only thing I can think is the reason it's been utter silence.

>> No.1526060


> 2016
> still believing in le 4chan anonymous bogeyman

>> No.1526099

If you want my advise. Everyone man women and child holding Trumpcoin should be on Twitter taking advantage of the magatip bot and getting the word out. MCGA high energy go go go.

>> No.1526124

Ok mate

>> No.1526164
File: 18 KB, 500x174, MAGAhat_1474565459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This coin doesn't need another video.

What it needs is a low down dirty meme on a billboard.

Pic related.

>> No.1526211
File: 19 KB, 430x320, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dubs confirms it!!!

>> No.1526257
File: 144 KB, 1920x1080, 1472202523508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek is with us

>> No.1526263

Your design sucks. "trumpcoin" needs to be more noticeable. I get what you are going for, relying on the media to report the board and then bringing light to the sponsor, but it wouldn't hurt to use it to directly get the word out to normies. And they can't read that shit so fix it.

>> No.1526299

It could be a little bigger.

It wrecks aesthetic if its too big.

There's not much to look at anyway. Eyes go tothe darkest part of the billboard first, Pepe's face, takes 1 second to read, then whats that in bottom right? Whats Trump coin?

>> No.1526329
File: 34 KB, 390x520, IMG_21211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok you got your wish..

I will post more after the first donation, and I can do Trumpcoin promotions...for /pol/ maybe, depends how much I get.


>> No.1526437


>> No.1526466

Fuck off you took this from pol

>> No.1526507

So bitbobb actually is doing something. He just posted about the Twitter tipbot. He sent trumps out to Diamond and Silk. And to an Alex Jones reporter.

Seems like a good way to get the word out to be honest. Let's send some to the libs too.

If bitbobb is in the know, then he knows that is still worth his effort

>> No.1526605

sounds good

>> No.1526625


I made a twitter and I'm tipping too. Not that familiar with it though. Anyone know any groups or people in particular to follow

>> No.1526631


Yes, we made a list. pm or sub to get added

>> No.1526725

it seems like the bot doesn't work again.

>> No.1526752


Nice volume today, I'll give the coin that.

>> No.1527047


>someone actually got tricked to sending 1k

>> No.1527213
File: 186 KB, 1920x1080, consider the following.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related
>static content server by wix
>wix metadata script

Also the site doesn't support HTTPS. This is unacceptable for a privacy-oriented currency.

>> No.1527477

Who cares if it's a wix site? Wix is a platform now like WordPress. Should they make the site in notepad?

And why would a site with no membership or e-commerce need the added computation power and slower browsing of the httpS?
And if you answer "man in the middle attack" lmao at your life bud.

>> No.1527509

What is happening guys?
Shouldnt we moon already?

>> No.1527528

>>It-it will still m-moon!
This coin is dead as fuck, it had really easy ways to moon but the devs fucked it up.

>> No.1527538

spare some?

>> No.1528216

So its dead?
>full speed september 2020

>> No.1528262

I thought the S.O.O would have been posted by now. Ask them until they answer.

>> No.1528409
File: 25 KB, 650x366, atrump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tired bump

>> No.1528601

Well my brother wants me to dump the coins I was managing for him since he's a retard and totally out of cash. When would be the best time to do it? Does it look like the coin is going up in value any time today?

>> No.1529155

no. sell all you can

>> No.1529222

The coin will get pumped during the next two debates.

>> No.1529227

He can't wait that long because he's retarded. Been trying to sell throughout the day without just dropping the price abysmally. First time trying to sell any Crypto and its quite the learning experience.

>> No.1529248

Full throttle September goys! 2 days left.

>> No.1529275


>> No.1529315
File: 144 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol your brother is dumb your better off goving him cash and holding the trumps for yourself to rub in his face later when you become a chad trips confirms it>>1529222

>> No.1529469

Something I thought about recently . If bitpac and Trumpcoin are merging and Signal will be treasurer. Wouldn't he buy trumpcoin with all the bitcoin that comes into his possession through said merger? Dan Backer makes millions a year through his PACs. If the market cap of trumpcoin pumped up a million bucks that'd be huge.

>> No.1529559

>Wouldn't he buy trumpcoin with all the bitcoin that comes into his possession through said merger
Why the fuck would he do that?

>> No.1529581

let's hard fork the coin to July 1st, we can revert to an earlier date and install a Lazarus dev team and pay to get listed on yobit. TrumpCoin Classic.
let's take this coin by force. whose with me

>> No.1529635

TrumpCoin Classic has a nice ring to it.

>> No.1529674

Force the pump, gain attention, to the moon, fuk some bitches.

Could be the plan all along.

"Cute billboard, but check this out "-signal7

>> No.1529682
File: 989 KB, 1279x530, aav.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Cute billboard, but check this out "-signal7

>> No.1530502

lol they said August, then September, days ago they uploaded a meme saying wait 4 weeks. And now they wrote that he coin will surely moon during Trump's eight year term....

>> No.1530523
File: 2.89 MB, 350x455, 1472676954010.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they uploaded a meme saying wait 4 weeks. And now they wrote that he coin will surely moon during Trump's eight year term....

Im not defending them, but those were not the devs, just people in the thread

>> No.1530659
File: 229 KB, 700x467, DTM_Donald-Trump-is-Dark-Triad-Man_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dan Backer makes millions a year through his PACs.
Well then, that must mean that he thinks that there is money to be made here.

>Wouldn't he buy trumpcoin with all the bitcoin that comes into his possession through said merger?
Maybe the are
>lowering the price on a purpose

>inb4 another conspiracy theory
I like conspiracy theories

>> No.1530772


>There will be some further advancements to the BitPAC that I cannot discuss openly just yet. The proposed changes will benefit TrumpCoin in some significant ways

what did he mean by this? again it's all speculation. I'm actually assuming he doesn't have anything substantial at this point.

>> No.1530958

Ask him

>> No.1531571

he means he has proposed changes. changes but not yet implemented, just proposed. Not yet discussed, no they are proposed.

lol there's nothing. no yuuuuuge update, nothing. full throttle september!

>> No.1531575


>> No.1532245
File: 1.38 MB, 294x350, 1472676303962.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1532261

Full throttle september 2020 bro, now buy those cheap trumps

>> No.1533040
File: 363 KB, 2048x1365, 1472676765736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cant wait!

>> No.1533172


>> No.1533189

Christmas full throttle.

>mfw this meme moons the price

>> No.1533231

>The devs have obviously been abducted by the communists

>> No.1533295

I guess something must have set them back. still A lot can happen in a month. Don't count Trumpcoin out just yet.

>> No.1533519

So big update tomorrow right? That's or only hope. To kick off October with a bang.

>> No.1533590

There is a rumour going around that Trump will be asked questions regarding the "alt-right" "memes" and also "cryptocurrency" in one of the next debates.

>> No.1533782

So we are fucked? He refers to the internet as "cyber".and unless he actually mentions Trumpcoin then it wouldn't matter much

>> No.1533878

Nobody knows. Phone dan backer and ask him

>> No.1533897

No an inside source says trumpcoin may get a mention.

>> No.1533906

Where are you getting that news? I remember when an "inside source" said we were getting mentioned on other news events and shit never happened.

>> No.1533907

Shouldn't the price have completely tanked by now? I'm sure a large number of people have dumped. Some guy in the bitcoin talk thread said he's dumped 300k. Whos buying up all these trumps?

>> No.1533909


>> No.1533965


Idk just speculating, nothing else to do really. Maybe someone is trying to get a certain amount of trumps before this thing kicks off.

>> No.1533976

>Whos buying up all these trumps?
smart people

>> No.1534097
File: 586 KB, 1000x923, buy-buy-sell-sell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


When old bagholders let go of their massive stashes it invites new investors willing to take advantage of the opportunity and get in. Coins rise from the ashes this way all the time

>> No.1534222

The clandestine shit is boring now

>> No.1534640

Only a few hours 'till full throttle september is over guys, I hope you all can get some rest from this insanely successful month!

>> No.1534886

Bitinator is buying hes been supporting this coin since the beginning.

>> No.1534925

you know something bitinator?

>> No.1535167

Price is up 37%...

>> No.1535573

Bump, or it autosage already? New thread?

>> No.1535678

No not really other than this coin is a good coin to risk some €£¥$ on