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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15493257 No.15493257 [Reply] [Original]

Does she have a point?

>> No.15493280

>have limited resources
>give MUCH to third worlders to feel better about yourself
>train them to compete with your children
>children do worse in life. How????
Millenials would have a right to complain, but they endorse those destructive policies 300% more than their parents ever did.

>> No.15493285
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>> No.15493292
File: 197 KB, 640x775, 19B80CB0-F4B3-4DA8-BF9E-525077F9F915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zoomers rise up

>> No.15493299

1st gen American millenial here.

fuck immigrants.

>> No.15493402

>we're blaming the ones responsible
and yet I get the feeling from the profile pic, name, and style of the post this is the kid of person that REEEEs and blocks you the second you mention the J word

>> No.15493806

Well of course anon by "those responsible" they mean someone making 90k and being white while male

>> No.15493811

Sell your children for more SNTVT.

>> No.15493846
File: 21 KB, 600x600, back pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mom was talking to me about how her and my Dad will have "a difficult time" surviving retirement with $900,000, because my brother has a temp job that only pays ~$20,000 for 2 months and doesn't give him health insurance.

Basically from what I can tell, Boomers
a) do NOT want to pay for out health insurance, and
b) complain and berate people my age for not having health insurance. Meanwhile,
c) majority of bosses are boomers, and will not provide health insurance to workers.

It's absolutely fucked. Health insurance is the #1 issue in this country, followed buy college loan debt. Fuck all Boomers.

>> No.15493866


Fuck jews and their immigrants, stop believing media lies

>> No.15493872

she doesnt
only retards take out debt to go to university and spend all their wages on iphone and shit

>> No.15493883

College debt is a non issue, only important to the retards in it.

>> No.15493884
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It's mostly roasties getting what they deserve.

>> No.15493889
File: 42 KB, 680x684, abstract feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah but Bernie / Yang are unironically the right track.

Conservative muh free market would be great if it were a level playing field, but the times of equal opportunity are long gone. Conservative economics benefit a dude whose parents both earn 6 figures when he's born 100000x more than someone who was born into a middle class family and has a job that doesn't give him healthcare / has student loans to pay back.

Sorry, but I'm going to vote for the politicians who will reverse boomer "fuck you I got mine" policies, even if it means destroying our country for future generations. Boomers fucked us and I don't want to go bankrupt because I have some retarded healthcare issue. Fuck boomers.

>> No.15493891

Yes /thread

>> No.15494085


>> No.15494093

Yes, but she's extremely entitled and needy so she belongs in the garbage.

>> No.15494114

she’s partially right anon, but forgot the part after “young adults” that says “,who are incapable of taking responsibility for themselves,”

>> No.15494135

>Yeah but Bernie / Yang are unironically the right track

this only makes sense to say if you're blackpilled and want to see the collapse accelerate, but you just seem to be a mental midget instead

>> No.15494142

>a girl has no name. lysten to me.

>> No.15494145

Happy Hanukkah

>> No.15494152

Probably but it's not really a problem for me. I earn about as much as the average boomer. Despite that, I still feel cheated because I'm sure if I had been born 50 years ago I'd be making double as much.

>> No.15494156
File: 160 KB, 680x585, boomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just separating the wheat from the chaff. a handful of you will be allowed to make it. the rest will just have to fight each other for what's left. have fun.

>> No.15494240

>voting commie scum
>voting chink scum

please kill yourself absolute mongoloid

>> No.15494263

i want to see the collapse come. i wanna see the US in an insane downspiral. that'd be funnier than muh wall vs the left's antics

>> No.15494284

how do we Final Solution the perennial millenial problem /biz/ ?

>> No.15494319

>I'm going to vote for the politicians who will reverse boomer "fuck you I got mine" policies
>even if it means destroying our country for future generations
Big think

>> No.15494345

Don't take out a fat loan you can't pay back ffs

>> No.15494399

>Boomers fucked our country so we should continue to bankrupt and destroy(sic) our country

>> No.15494410

>voting for a literal manchurian candidate

>> No.15494447
File: 1.29 MB, 978x827, F4BC6DEC-A7AD-4321-8229-7F45CD5383EB.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don’t push loans on your kids for bullshit degrees at a National/societal level who you should know can’t pay it back because you destroyed wages and job growth through mass migration to keep your Ponzi scheme pension funds alive.

Wew. The years ahead are gonna be fun. Heil hitler

>> No.15494471

White millenials are way further to the right than their boomer parents were at their age. Generally speaking people(not including blacks) go further to the right as they age.

>> No.15494477

College debt is only an issue because college has become a meme 4 year vacation.

People go to college to party and get a degree, not to learn. We give loans to people unqualified to ever pay them back because “muh, everyone should go to college”.

I can understand the argument for free college benefiting society, but it would need to be free community college/online courses where education is the focus, and we could do that for $5-$10k/person, not $100k+.

This became an issue when the gov stepped in and said everyone gets a loan and the issuer doesn’t have to worry about the risk because the government will guarantee it and the lendee can never default. This pumped a ton of money into universities which started competing on amenities rather than the value of the education. 5 star dorms, Water parks, concerts, etc.

If the issuer of the loan held the risk, they would never provide $100k loans for people to get a Masters in gender studies because they know they would never get repaid.

If you have $100k in student loans, I feel for you. Society may have pressured you into a situation you didn’t fully understand. However you also put zero thought into evaluating average salary for people holding your chosen degree and whether it made financial sense to pursue. You instead decided that you had worked hard all the way through high school and now deserved a 4 year vacation and that you would figure out how to pay for it later.

>> No.15494501

Finally some sense