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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 161 KB, 634x901, cashier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15516358 No.15516358 [Reply] [Original]

"wow that's quite a lot of food you're buying sir, throwing a party?"

>"Something like that... Just having a few friends I've met on the internet over, we run in the same..... Investment circles"

"Well that's wonderful, and is that a brand new Rolls Royce phantom you pulled in with?!"

>"Haha indeed it is, a man who's made it can't pass up buying his dream car."

"That's very true sir..... Well anyway your total comes to $1000, of course we also accept CHAINLINK, in which case your total will come tooooo......... 0.0061 LINK"

>"I'll be paying with CHAINLINK, obviously, I am a core investor you know..... Bought in back when it was only $100......... now I own three mansions, two yachts, a helicopter, and a submarine."

"Gosh sir that's very impressive"

>"Yes but sadly not everyone was so lucky, you see that man working at the in-store McDonald's, Making $12 an hour? That man had a bigger stack then me, and sold his bags to me for $100 per LINK, what a fool....."

>> No.15516373

This pasta is now older than your mom.

>> No.15516376

'I am a chancer who made a tonne of money through sheer luck and no skill of my own and feel the need to point this out to a worthless cashier because I am still desperately lonely'


>> No.15516377

This travesty of OPSEC is why Linkies will never make it

>> No.15516636

sad fanfic, kys loser

>> No.15516642

Why is he telling his life story to a robot?

>> No.15516649


As always, 2D > 3D.

>> No.15517203

Dreaming about flirting with a cashier. Never gonna make it

>> No.15517212

That is a robot right?

>> No.15517567

>americans so used to seeing obese women with manfaces they automatically assume it's not human


>> No.15517597

That is NOT flirting. That is exactly the same as the guy who brags about his 10 year old snowmobile every day at the same taco bell and thinks that every girl behind the counter is dripping for him. I honestly think the conversation he believes he had is similar to Ops. In reality everyone pitys him. Its a pathetic cry for attention.

>> No.15517614
File: 104 KB, 1024x576, 1_gQVf0RpFjaYfS7GJJtuzQg[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15517639

>bragging to bugs

>> No.15517804

>doesn't get it
must be a retarded third worlder

>> No.15517822

I want to breed a japanese girl and make her produce dozens of half-breed abominations.

>> No.15517867

I prefer my dolphin in the ocean, or mixed in a can of tuna.

>> No.15517890

>being a loser even in your imaginary scenarios

Only a linkie.

>> No.15517918
File: 10 KB, 480x360, Linkie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let him have his dream. It's all he has left.