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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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15578785 No.15578785 [Reply] [Original]

Inb4 low IQ fud
OG link marine here with a fat 50k stack WHAT THE FUCK is happening I’ve been reading nothing but good news
Steaking coming soon
Some kind of thing happening tomorrow
Sergey on the same panel as Vitalik

>> No.15578794

The final shakeout

>> No.15578806

They want dont want us in.

>> No.15578825
File: 1.01 MB, 892x779, Chainlink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I’ve been reading nothing but good news
Then you haven't been paying attention

>> No.15578826

The price was dumped to 8000 sats before mainnet

It's obvious manipulation, just buy the dip

>> No.15578836

Kill yourself

>> No.15578838

All the volume is on Bithumb right now too.

>> No.15578845

Shills like this >>15578825 have been on a massive fud campaign the last week. They must be running out of time to buy in.

>> No.15578859

>50 link
>fat stack
lmao, sergey dumped 14 times that amount about 10 times in a single month. i honestly dont understand how you people arent able to put the pieces together and realize that you got scammed

>> No.15578860
File: 38 KB, 508x380, 282D1886-92EB-4D9F-9D01-3A3DE633A2BF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolute bullshit already looked into it you tranny fudding faggot

>> No.15578872

>good news are from legit trustworthy sources
>bad news are bullshit
yeah sorry cant help you with that level of delusion

>> No.15578899
File: 1.68 MB, 3264x2448, 8689E231-A689-447F-96DE-65306023F8F8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Um how about kill yourself you disgusting faggot those blogs shitting on link are 100% grade A bullshit and everyone with an above room temperature IQ knows it
P.S kill yourself asap

>> No.15578921

those are hardly real writers, you would think that there would be FAR more of an outcry, if chainlink actually WAS a PnD, right?? From genuine sources, as well. Yet, i havent heard a thing.
the fact here, is that chainlink is being manipulated to bring the price down.
why are you not buying? this really is the chance you need to take.

>> No.15579083

alot of people sold at %0,9 because muh TA, then got absolutely raped by the google and coinbase pumps. they have been sitting here fuding ever since.

>> No.15579095

i mean $0.9

>> No.15579113
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Yes anon all good news for us OG-s but reality is we pumped to 4.5$ tnx to absolute retards fomoing over each other because they readed GOOGLE.

Thats it.
Back to your cave see ya on yacht in 2023

>> No.15579169

The truth is, the elite does not want a bunch of neet neckbeard nazi fucks becoming wealthy over night and having political sway in the future.

>> No.15579207
File: 67 KB, 1024x583, 9EB060C1-2884-4B16-98F3-09F08B73DFA6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Throwing in another 4000 bucks tomorrow because I sense the bottom
We are about to bounce big time and I am not selling 1 link until I can buy a fucking stinky lambo

>> No.15579251

let me give you the hard to swallow red pill

it doesn't matter if its good news, the market doesn't care, no one that matters is using this stuff, we are in for a recession, money is getting out of volatile assets, wake the fuck up kiddo

that said, if you dont care about the price tanking bellow $1, hold your position, it will go up again, some day

>> No.15579265

That 50k stack is going down in value desu. It’s like holding to the Venezuelan bolívar

>> No.15579333
File: 36 KB, 1024x512, EEQEMMwXYAAmPuw.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine the day when the majority of the teams disposable tokens are diluted into the market and 100's of millions of link are locked up as collateral, securing quadrillions of financial products over all industries. Unless you are a node operator at this point, anyone else holding, trading or using link tokens are simply borrowing them until their rightful owners, the node operators, claim them.

>> No.15579505

It only cost me 5k buddy boy

>> No.15579542

>He says nervously for the 30th time this month.

>> No.15579557

This is honestly the only reason I even consider holding, but it still feels retarded because if I sold at 4 I could have more than doubled my stack. If I continue to hold and it goes back to 17 cents where I bought, what the fuck was the point? Even if it goes to $1,000,000,000 after that, I only got burned holding and every piece of shit nulinker and redditor will have the same stack I did having gotten in early.

>> No.15579615

I’m concerned for your psychological health senpai

>> No.15579721

Unironically this, i'm getting November 2017 vibes