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File: 39 KB, 992x558, 180803_ntl_dave_ramsey_1240_hpMain_16x9_992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15643348 No.15643348 [Reply] [Original]

dude just save up a years worth of expenses in an emergency fund in your 0% interest bank account and let the fed inflate away its purchasing power LMAO

>> No.15643368

You spergs need to shut up about inflation. It's happening so slowly that it doesn't effect you

>> No.15643503

Dude just buy the top of the stock market right before the global recession hits lmao

>> No.15643712

Cumulative, annual historical average rate of 3.22% is nothing!
Here's your ((you)), kike

>> No.15643732

Imagine worrying about money for any period past your 30's. You should be working on meditating and assuring your body is balanced of polarity to fight of the grips of death not being worried about a monetary value that is not going to exist in that allotted time.

>> No.15643770
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gee i wonder who's behind this

>> No.15643777

the (((saving))) money meme has already been debunked by biz

>> No.15643788

Some of us have children.

>> No.15643789

What's so hard to understand about this?
Obviously you're going to need to add to your emergency fund as inflation eats it away. It's one of the costs of having an emergency fund.

>> No.15643804


Millennials don't comprehend the concept of not being slaves to debt

>> No.15643807

You've had children in your past life, By your choice and circumstances you will repeat it. You will give someone else purpose but not yourself in this life. All humans will eventually reincarnate until they focus on themselves to reach godhood to escape 3 dimensional existence and the trials that you face to overcome it.

>> No.15643819

>focus on yourself
Nah my son is more important than me.

>> No.15643842

That's true for the most part, but I don't think anyone could be worse than boomers.
My parents tried for the longest time to convince me I needed a credit card for "emergencies".
Why on earth would your fallback plan rely on borrowing someone else's money???

>> No.15643887

Your son is and has been his own person even before being born. As we all have been our parents are never truly with us forever, The only progress that stays with us forever is ourselves and our own progress. I advise you to meditate and get your son to do the same.

>> No.15643941

There is no global recession, and this is not the top. We will see 50K dow before any inkling of a slowdown. This expansion has only just begun.

>> No.15643973


All you have to do is invest in a mutual fund that returns 12% every year for 30 years and boom you’re there. But this is too hard for snowflakes.

>> No.15643979


So you just walk around with 5k cash on you 24/7?

>> No.15643990

Fucking DELUSIONAL. The cost of living goes up noticeably every year and is way more than whatever bullshit number the government spoonfeeds you. New rentals in my city have gone up by at least 30% in the last 5 years

>> No.15644010

No... what makes you ask that?

>> No.15644037

I wot?

>> No.15644054

Hey Rajesh how’s your journey to Nirvana?

>> No.15644118

27% over five years is 5% annually

>> No.15644143

t. Mordecai Joel Rothberg-Hymiestein

>> No.15644193

Rent going up is not inflation you retard

>> No.15644276

Bro you need to read some science.

>> No.15644302

(((I wonder who could be behind this post)))

>> No.15644326

it all starts with inflation you stupid kike, without inflation (printing money) there woudn't be any problems we have nowadays, housing would be affordable, wars couldn't be funded out of thin air etc
disgusting kikes

>> No.15644331

I disagree but I fucking love your ID..

>> No.15644452

you deserve to be poor for your ignorance

>> No.15644479

I know i just noticed myself, it's pretty great

>> No.15644616

Kike detected

>> No.15644636

Why would you need that? You just take a much money as you need. There are no emergencies in existence that cost over a $100.

>> No.15644671

My wife's son loves to meditate!

>> No.15644675

>Cost of living going up has nothing to do with inflation

>> No.15644685
File: 169 KB, 1386x628, brainlets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can someone be as dumb as you? How do you even breathe?

>> No.15644695

Dunno, who pic related is, but he looks like a sadistic sleazebag.

>> No.15644922

10 years go by. Youve lost over 30% of your money. How is this ok? Maybe we should have two separate dollar systems. Dollars for the rich that inflate. And plev dollars for those under 100k of assets. Make the wealthy using inflation free money illegal. There fuck the rich. The poor have nothing. You people wonder why mass shooting/car killing sprees are on the rise. This whole system is a joke that encourages the poor to give up and die.

>> No.15644933

Nothing gives consistent returns like that

>> No.15644944

Are you a straight up Jewish person with either no honor/ethics? Or a complete idiot who has no idea what they are saying...?

>> No.15644958

God's cog is satan. The ever turning wheel of leverage and work.

>> No.15644971

unironically believe that the Dave Ramsey plan is the most fool-proof and safe way to build wealth

25yr boomer but seriously if you follow the plan exactly you're basically guaranteed to win at life

>> No.15645117

I'll take the bait.

Inflation is the Elite's nastiest trick, and the main reason why the rich get richer and poor get poorer. Poor people live paycheck to paycheck, and most of the upper middle class let the government destroy their savings with inflation.

I hope you know what compound interest is. So with an average rate of 3.22 (lowest estimate) it'll take 20 years for your savings in the bank to be worth half as much.

Meanwhile rich people invest in diversified assets yielding a 7% annual return. In only 20 years, the normal schmuck has lost half his money, while the rich fuck has tripled his. Imagine the poor guy telling his kids to save money in the bank, while the rich guy tells his kids to go for a 7% return.

After 100 years the poor family's initial money is worth only 3,8% of what it used to 100 years ago

While the rich family's money is worth 50 times as much (867 times without counting inflation) after 100 years.

So after 100 years the rich family's initial money has grown to be worth 1300 times as much as the poor family, simple because the poor family ignored inflation while the rich one hedged against it with 7% returns.

And this is unironically why niggers are so poor vs whites, anybody who doesn't realize that is an economical brainlet.

>> No.15645159


I've also noticed that poor people simply don't care about investing. Any extra money it windfalls are immediately spent on consumerism

>> No.15645476

What was his plan?

>> No.15645495
File: 184 KB, 1200x1200, a3078474402_10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fork the USD

>> No.15646470

>ID: God's Cog

Yes you are

>> No.15646506

I have 24/7 access to my ETH wallet with 5k worth of linkies in it

>> No.15646625


...that’s the point

>> No.15647108

He assumes you're wasting 30-60 thousand dollars a year on eating out and jet skis etc. Once you stop doing those things its remarkably easy to pay down debt and save up. Assuming you actually do have an extra 30-60 grand to work with. If you don't you just need to figure out how to get an extra 30-60 grand and you're set.

>> No.15647164

> in your 0% interest bank account
my savings pays 2.00 APY. I keep 8 grand in there and the rest in stonks and crypto. don't want to have to liquidate in a bear market if i need a new car or a root canal

>> No.15647179


That’s the thing about living paycheck to paycheck you’re concerned where your next meal is coming from not investing

>> No.15647188

yes, this is due to low iq and high time preference

>> No.15647219

*you detect a faint glow in the distance*

>> No.15647240
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>> No.15647329

Ramseyfags are going to get just'd. Not as bad as the plebians who just spend everything they get, but FIRE retards who went all in on stacks with 90% of their income will be singing the blues,

>> No.15647384

100% this and it will be glorious

>> No.15647461
File: 43 KB, 320x292, 495-4955586_view-samegoogleiqdbsaucenao-apu-apustaja-tongue-please-be-patient.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is FIRE

>> No.15647480


>> No.15647559

>tfw no barista FIRE

>> No.15647627

by the time I retire early in about 10 years, I should have 2 years of expenses (90K) in my savings account. I'll use it for the first two years of retirement while my investments continue to grow over that period (hopefully earning double that) and then I'll live off passive income not having to touch principal and continue to get paid more every year with dividend increase.

ramsey is a smart man, zoomers are stupid

>> No.15647628
File: 3.12 MB, 250x200, DD2DDA16-0977-4412-A429-C59562EEE298.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If inflation doesn't affect anyone, then it's not accomplishing anything. So they should just stop the inflation. Checkmate coin-clippers.

>> No.15647653
File: 36 KB, 297x365, angry kike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

delet this immediately

>> No.15647866

>Figure out how to get an extra 30-60k

Wow that seems really easy. Great plan

>> No.15647890

that's pretty much what I do. drive uber on the weekends which covers my expenses then sit around and meme for the rest of the week and wait for my bags to moon
>t. 30yo boomer

>> No.15647925

Inflation was openly designed to make people spend money as rapidly as possible because the modern consumer economy is entirely dependent on that. If people stopped buying shit they didn't need so many others would end up out of business and unemployed as to cause a catastrophic national collapse.
But prices of certain services and products have risen so much faster than the market average that people can no longer afford them at all, and are forced into debt slavery or an early grave if they don't defy logic and let their money be inflated away in the bank.

It's a blatantly unsustainable system but everyone is either too afraid of change or too greedy to rock the boat, so they'll let it get as bad as it possibly can before the rug gets pulled. Your investments can't go up forever, especially when nothing is actually being invested - you're speculators trading with other speculators, nary a penny goes into building tangible businesses.

>> No.15648095
File: 18 KB, 409x377, 1433565076551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

part of inflation's utility is to more accurately price a set of goods that have a continuously increasing diversity of values relative to each other.

>> No.15648183

dude just tell your employer to pay you 3.22% more EACH YEAR topkek

>> No.15648242


that's not the plan.

get a thousand bucks
pay off all debt smallest to largest
3-6 month emergency fund
15% income invested in better than s&p funds
fund kids college/529 etc
pay off house in 10-15 years

getting an extra 30-60k isn't any of the baby steps.

>> No.15649199

that assumes that the rich families don't have geometrically increasing descendants. if they do, then the wealth is spread out and eventually they just become middle class again.

blacks are poor vs whites because IQ tracks really well with income and the us got rid of most of its low IQ median income jobs bc of unions, automation and globalization. there's nothing for the feral serfs to do now.

>> No.15649215

>you're speculators trading with other speculators, nary a penny goes into building tangible businesses.

welcome to the new world

>> No.15649230

Holy fuck. Imagine being this retarded.

>> No.15649249
File: 53 KB, 828x766, 1547384229466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy SHIT. That id matches him well. Wagecuck for life. Total btfo from god himself.

>> No.15649264

kike, delusional, or retarded? i suppose we'll never know

>> No.15649270
File: 160 KB, 680x585, 1564423312305.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I buy a new car every 2 years?

>> No.15649342
File: 95 KB, 749x571, bizisfullofcommieretards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of embarrassment are you to be asking something like that on a business board, as though it takes anything beyond common fucking sense to have a $5k security blanket?

My income is lower than the national median and I still have $20k rotting in chequing and another $104k safely invested. Anyone with basic discipline can do it, and you're acting surprised at the notion of 5 measly grand in emergency funds?

Pathetic faggot.

>> No.15650156

>coin clippers
My sides are tunneling through hyperspace
Thanks for expanding repertoire of epithets

>> No.15650214


>> No.15650346

He says good things he pushes Roth IRAs all of the time however he says some stupid shit from time to time. Nicky is perfect. He also despised precious metals. Typical boomer logic.

>> No.15650465

>He also despised precious metals
because they are fucking stupid unless you are going back in time or the future.

>> No.15650486

Shut the fuck up with your reincarnation shit. Drop the weed, stop being a faggot.

>> No.15651259

Gods chosen cog

>> No.15651443

>(((God's Cog)))

>> No.15652647


Is that why you had his foreskin chopped off?

>> No.15652663


>12% and speeding up

I can actually see prices go up physically at this point

>> No.15652669


You.... don't have 5k in cash?

>> No.15653132
File: 127 KB, 412x438, 1562666287700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rent going up is not inflation you retard