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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15899344 No.15899344 [Reply] [Original]

thats it.
just sad still no asian girlfriend.

ive been offering girls $5000 just to hook me up with one, cause im rich
but none of them take the offer or just say
>still looking for you

>> No.15899560

Asian girls are great a pretending to be all cute and cuddly when they want their prey, but then they transform into fucking vampires.

>> No.15899574

But i like vampires/// ;_;

>> No.15900495
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>> No.15900523

at least tip her some UDOO first stingy fuck

>> No.15900538

she never asked. even when i offered her money

>> No.15900566

Must suck to be ugly and autistic. My hot Asian gf wants my cock all the time and does whatever I say feels comfy. Stay virgin

>> No.15900582
File: 42 KB, 426x422, Gttfw+no+trap+gf+_db54859fb362f51608f5f444ef3c9396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you think i do with all this money....

>> No.15900634

is this >>>/r9k/ or is this >>>/biz/ cuz dating and desperate virgins goto r9k and this is a board for money investments and making money not hurrr i iz sad lonely fuggo virgin that has yellow fever and cant get girls with my millions. fuck off you sad pathetic loser and take it to >>>/adv/ or >>>/r9k/ where all you sad virgins hang out to whine and weep about your boo hoo no lover whine

>> No.15900645

i have 500 k USD worth of chainlink
I am better than 90% of /biz/
therfore, i get to make whatever fucking thread i want

Ive been making these asian girl threads on biz since 2017

>> No.15900656
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>> No.15900745

aww how cute you have 500k. babbys first big bank stack. hit me up when you crack 15mil in total crypto worth peasant

>> No.15900750
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>ill take LARP for 500

>> No.15900764
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No one on biz ever helps people.

All you do is incel bait and advertise for shitcoins

>> No.15900844

and i'll see your 500k bait and go also a cool story. stop trying to have a dick waving contest with me you lost the moment you posted anime avatars and posted your larp about 500k but still cant get girls. even in your fantasy your a loser.
so beleive or dont hit me up when you crack 15mil in crypto and i'll take you serious. til than its uggo virgin larper mad girls wont touch his peepee

>> No.15900920
File: 956 KB, 904x1279, 470d0f55-c21c-4985-9ae0-515528ec7694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks i dont have 500 k

I threw 5 k into DGB in April 2017, Sold in the middle of May. I threw the rest into Ark coin and sold in about October in 2017
I threw the rest (160 k) into chainlink. lost half of it by swing trading.
I cashed out about 35 k, where i proceeded to use that money to fuck hookers in japan.
I am now using my money to pay female friends at college to hook me up with asian girl.

Need anymore info?

>> No.15900999

>Ive been making these asian girl threads on biz since 2017
absolutely based

>> No.15901027


Start training a Replika chat bot waifu...


>> No.15901045

How old r u? U have no game and your a boomer i guess? No tinder game either?

>> No.15901051

Oops. Maybe this cross link works...
Replika botfu...


>> No.15901073

listen anime virgin stop replying to me. you dont have 500k you havent gotten laid and your shitting up the board trying to convince me of your lies. I might have maybe bought it had you not ruined your larp by posting anime avatars something queers,trannies, and underage or mentally underage do and not people with money would do thinking they'd be taken serious. so again this larp is beyond done. there is no 500k there are no females your paying to find you pussy there is no dgb or chainlink or any other coins. you're most likely around 15-22 and very mentally underage and still watch anime and think of yourself as the MC while fantasizing about your "anime" harem you'll never have and cant afford.
just stop your larp and fantasy are done

>> No.15901095

Look at this guy everyone. He has obviously never met a schizoid. Look up the definition and expand your mind anon.

>> No.15901267

i kept teying to get dating advice form biz and tell me how to act around girls

But, from /tv/ i jeard girls lile to fuck who their friends tell them to fuck. So, i get my female friend to tell her asian kouhai to be my gf

>> No.15901343
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see >>15901267

>> No.15901379

learn to connect with people.

>> No.15901449
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Asian women are overrated.
I've had a few and they're kooky.

>> No.15901515

Lie. Asian girls are even easier to get with than niggers. You just need to tell them you're actually in it for marriage, serious relationship, not just the fuck. Check any dating site.

>> No.15901553
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>> No.15901586

I dont humor the mentally ill and their delusions thats how you end up with males with a penis wearing panties and playing pretend-a-girl and losers feed that mental illness. hard pass on that. you either live in reality or kys

>> No.15901596

Just rape

>> No.15902089
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>> No.15902106

this. raping is ok in asia

>> No.15903253

Are you the guy who loves Japanese hookers

>> No.15903390
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Legit questions, OP. Are you fat, ugly or not fit? Money is good with getting women but they ultimately want a guy who's good looking, healthy and not obese. They'll stay for the money but you gotta commit to a good lifestyle, especially not a life where you can easily throw around $5,000 as if it's nothing.

>> No.15904249
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A bit skinny fat. I go to the gym. But i have awkward pre bulk.

I have really really small chin.
>a good lifestyle, especially not a life where you can easily throw around $5,000 as if it's nothing.
well, only the female friend knows that...

>> No.15904727
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>I want am Asian woman who tries to look like a white woman because I can't get a white woman

>> No.15904731
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