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File: 73 KB, 1200x628, 201901100623401552679720__iota-explained-cryptocurrency.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15981878 No.15981878 [Reply] [Original]

If the predicted value of the M2M economy is to be in the trillions, and IOTA is the default value and data transfer of this ecosystem, then it's reasonable that IOTA will be worth $1000 easily. How are you not all in Anon?

>> No.15982288
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>> No.15982299

Because of deluded faggots like you

>> No.15982326


>> No.15982361

Hey man, if you know a network ahead of IOTA or more promising than them, i would love to hear it.
Genuinely interested in the tech and economics of the 4th industrail revolution.

>> No.15982371


>> No.15982379

0/10 bait topkek

>> No.15982407
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>> No.15982438
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Bait 100%

>> No.15982477

Shiiiiiiit, is this the state if biz now. Wanting to discuss a economics is classed as bad bait? Fuck me.

>> No.15982508

Hey I think NANO might eat a bit of the IoT pie just because it's simpler and works now.
I support IOTA but txn throughput needs to scale up to make confirmations more reliable and quicker.

>> No.15982517
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>> No.15982571

I have no faith in NANO i'm afraid, if IOTA can handle both data and value transfers in one then why use a second layer payment solution on a network that already has one?

>> No.15982748

- address reuse won't lose funds
- design is extremely simple
- less complication on a protocol level
- designed for humans not robots
I like IOTA but we are a human economy right now.

>> No.15982929
File: 549 KB, 500x208, 1571648410541.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EVERYONE GET IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

worst idea in crypto vs most usless idea in crypto

Nano vs IOTA brawl

Its like paraolymics !!!!!!!!!
/grabs popcorns

>> No.15983091

I don't think the address reuse is enough of a problem to warrent a completely new over layer.
IOTA is just as simple.
Less complication is also another way of saying, less capability, but i can understand, not everyone wants to use C++.
Correct, we are NOW, but we won't be, preparing for the future could be the benefit of IOTA, rather than NANO being designed for right now.
I keked

>> No.15983208
File: 8 KB, 400x400, eYwuB0TO_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Totally obsolete. Is anyone that matters even building anything on IOTA?

A team from Bank of America that built on Algorand just won the Barclays/ISDA global hackathon. These are the kinds of projects you want to keep an eye on, not ancient 2017 shitcoins.

>> No.15983231

0/10 bait, you are better than that

>> No.15983262

Kek, you came here from reddit, didn't you?

>> No.15983265

The IOTA foundation has over 100 employees, they are partnered with Jaguar, land Rover and one of the biggest investors in sesory development and automated machinery, Bosch.
>Bank of America team.
>Won an award from their parent company.
Shit man that's like get a worlds greatest son t-shirt.
Also why is the fact that it's older and been developed for a longer time go against it? Shit, age is all Bitcoin really has going for it now.

>> No.15983278

Sorry i meant sensory detection
Nah mate, i came from 2016 biz

>> No.15983291

Ok, I'll give you a hint faggot.
Feeless transactions without centralized overhead can fundamentally never work. Iota will either buckle and introduce fees in some hidden way, or come up with some even more complicated and exploitable overhead, like they did with their coordicide.
Mana, lmao

>> No.15983352

Incorrect. I can hand gold to someone feelessly without a third party. But i suppose that is a pedantic example.
I guess it could be argued that confirmation of other transactions is the payment that you are talking about.
As far as i'm aware coordicide implementation is going well and is predicted to have a success chance of 99.99%

>> No.15983390

Yeah ive even heard as high as 99.999999%
It's guaranteed money, buddy, go for it!

>> No.15983430

I'm serious, it could be bullshit but if you want i could find the link

>> No.15983441
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Here mate, could be false confidence but it' a legitimate source

>> No.15983497

Sorry to break it to you, but you belong to a special kind of people : You can see future but no one will believe you. Just like Cassandra, the in the greek mythology (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cassandra).).

Don't worry, Cassandra was alone, but we are many. Just let time show those tards we are right. Time is our best ally, on parwith hard work.

20GI marine reporting in. All in IOTA. No concession.

>> No.15983520

wtf i love IOTA now

>> No.15983860

You iota fags have no issues they literally invented they own crypto algo AND want to do shit in ternary way?

Like im overpayed dev and its fucking it's hilarious even for me ...

>> No.15983955

Top class
How dare bill gates create his own operating system!
Honestly the reasoning for ternary is convincing. If this economy takes off then ternanry will use 33% less energy than binary. The cost on the energy used to run this will be massive.

>> No.15983973


Takes a lot of trust in a government not to screw that up or expand the programmers. You’re looking at the intent of the program, where I’m looking at the taxes required in the first place and the way gov screws up whatever it touches. Lots of power being handed over.

>> No.15984007

Thanks to iota I made a shit ton in the 2017 bull run. I too thought it was a great project.

The problem is, that the tangle is shit and iota is officially a shit coin that will die out.

Anyone on this board who isn’t all in link is very stupid.

>> No.15984095

>how dare they code for something that cant work on any todays consumer hardware
>how dare they work on new crypto algo after whole fucking planet spend 60 years battletesting and fixing existing ones

ok your just tech illiterate lol

Gl anon

>> No.15984134

Nothing ran on windows until they made it. Sometimes you have to take risks.
Can i ask what you believe is the frontrunner at the moment?

>> No.15984167

It was matter of pluging in aka fucking drivers lol world not gona swap everything for fucking iota

Nah im not here to shill my bags just make fun of you

>> No.15984359

no one cares about transitions feeless especially if there is network security. It is feeless but to get this feeless it sacrifices the security of the net because tangle is attackable without coordinator. They still have the coordinator

>> No.15985311

Are you serious? The infrastructure doesn't exist, the same as when windows was created. The infrastructure will be built with IOTA in mind.

An attack on the IOTA network only makes it stronger and faster as it just makes more transactions to verify futrue trandactions.

>> No.15985377

Oy vey, finally some goys with some sound financial minds in this thread

>> No.15986445

IOTA is the worst POS coin ever devised. No one wants light crypto. Niggah do you drink cola light? No, so fuck off.

>> No.15986504
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Fucking scamming piece of vaporware shit by the same group that scammed you with NXT and JINN. Fucking hell ho stupid are you to get scammed a 3rd time?

>> No.15987237
File: 9 KB, 259x194, 1AB58EE2-C12B-4EB6-B670-D7E1B7E1EC97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek dag wannabe