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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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16016408 No.16016408 [Reply] [Original]

Unironically, what could any individual boomer have done to prevent the economy of curremt year from going to shit? Yeah, most of them are fucking assholes, but why does the blame get collectively placed on them?

>> No.16016431

Because collectively they benefited on our collective loss

>> No.16016463

Isn't it more that we collectively lost because of their collective benefit, since they collectively benefited before we collectively lost?

>> No.16016499

Yes thats correct. But they are also still collectively benefiting on our collective losing.

>> No.16016793
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Because it fits into (((their))) plan to destroy the family nucleus. They already did it to boomers and now its their grandkids turn. The family is the only thing that stands against the state so they want to destroy it. Look at American television from late 80s up to today and see what common patterns of family values are shown on the most popular tv shows - disfunctional father figures with no authority, roastie moms, etc. There will be a push for "youth liberation" all leading to lowering the voting age since most leftist policies are aimed at retarded teens who have never held a job in their lives but like to be activists on daddy's dime. This is why for over 2 decades the UN has published reports detailing their agenda about "children rights" and why kids are taught to rat on their parents at school and to see school staff and administrators as their authority figures instead. Also why this "ally" teachers encourage them to report their parents if they disagree with the gender fluid bullshit taught as schools. If you have been on 4chan long enough you can tell the anti boomer discourse was very inorganic and a concerted push aimed at stroking inter generational strife. What zoomers don't realize is that they will be old one day too and the monster they created will consume them as well.

T. 25 year old boomer

>> No.16017732

They were the first to get onto the debt bandwagon.

>> No.16017862

Yes, an individual boomer could have refused to allow himself to be a tool of Zion. He could have said no to letting a Mexican do his drywall because it was cheap and would allow him to make payments on his second bass boat.
He could have spent time rearing his children instead of working OT at an auto UAW factory button pushing job that paid $62/hr so he could afford payments on an RV.
He could have recognized that his union contract demands were untenable long term and would help drive his industry into the red, requiring tax money to be used to bail them out so they could keep paying his pension.
He could have chosen to eat normal food instead of TV dinners so the food supply didn’t turn into mostly TV dinners and fast food so women stopped bothering to learn to cook.
He could have stopped watching so much television and lapping up Jew advertising.
He could have demanded quality over quantity.
He could have looked after his own health instead of relying on heart pills and diabetes pills and cholesterol pills to offset his own terrible lifestyle choices.
He could have voted to stop the Social Security scam.

Yeah, there is a lot an individual boomer could have done.

>> No.16018020

They put their head in the sand when Nixon closed the gold window because muh comfort.