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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 419 KB, 634x2662, aamigo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16047823 No.16047823 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /biz/. Tell me what you're making money for.
>be me
>currently working part time job to pay for rent/uni
>going to uni for comp. sci degree because ok at it and that's where the jobs are

But then what? Graduate and find a job making 40-70k? Find a wife? Get a 15yr mortgage? Pop out 1-2 kids? Retire? Die?

It's all just so tiresome. Any joy I might get from my hobbies or entertainment is undercut by how pointless it all is. What do you guys think? What do you strive for?

>> No.16047865

What psychotic 'journalist' cranked that shit up.. jezz

>> No.16047887

i lived a wild, degenerate lifestyle from about 15 till i was 31. i achieved everything i ever dreamed of in that time which was mostly crazy sex stuff. i finally decided i needed to fill my last goal in life which was to breed so i got married and had a baby. everyone kept telling me being a father would change me. birth was 70 something hours of screaming, awful labour. when i witnessed my child being born my first thought was "is that it?" that was the last great miracle life had to offer and it was underwhelming at best. i love my kids and get a sense of pride and purpose in supporting and guiding my family but really life is not as amazing as books tell you even after you go out and witness it yourself. a long time ago a guy who was much older than me told me "i hate to ruin it for you but getting your dick sucked is as good as life gets" he was right.

>> No.16047892

15-year? Average would be 25 to 30-year these days.

>> No.16047903

>buy first house + kid at 27
The fuck? Most people will have 0 money left if they do that, it's a terrible decision

>> No.16047919

You must find the very meaning of our existence.

Here's a redpill to this discovery

>> No.16047924

I'm doing it for my wife's daughter. Seeing the struggles she's going through makes me keep pushing every day. She came out as trans nearly a year ago and since then it's been really tough, and expensive, and she's only just at the beginning of her journey. It's ridiculous how expensive her treatment is, and that the government won't provide any support.

>> No.16048005

gr8 b8 m8.

>> No.16048062

I misread
>I am doing my wife's daughter

Now THAT is a worthy goal...

>> No.16048083

Your forgot
>Age 20: buy Link
>Age 22: be rich

>> No.16048171

OP's pic is the pinnacle of boomerism.
>just buy a car goyim
>just buy a house goyim
Btw I'm 24 and I've never kissed a girl so I'm stuck at the first step.

>> No.16048177

Go off grid. Avoid the worst that is coming.

>> No.16048438

To make the world a better place, for example by donating to charity.

>> No.16048518
File: 31 KB, 601x508, 142412241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My story:

Pass driving test: 18
First full time job: 20
Start earning average wage:20
Buy first car: 20
Move out: 20
First kiss: 21
Buy first flat: 22
Think about starting a business: 22

Nothing else has happened :(

>> No.16048760

Better than most people here.

>> No.16048775

It’s an advert for a payday loan firm

>> No.16049582
File: 8 KB, 509x619, 1567934015966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im 18, that pic

>> No.16049741

>15 years: first kiss
Fucking lost at the first hurdle