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File: 81 KB, 1280x1280, stellarlumensnewlogo_1x1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16075120 No.16075120 [Reply] [Original]

New network upgrade officially removes inflation. What weak FUD will you use now?

>> No.16075174

Non, general waste of time and will remain to become as poor as the unbanked.

>> No.16075212


>> No.16075254

I treat xlm like bat, it's gonna be used....someday. but it ain't gonna be used for fast gains.

>> No.16075291

XLM's scope is 1000x that of BAT's

>> No.16075302

XLM is on the chink-list so yeah, it will be just fine

>> No.16075311

niggers still get free xlm while you pay for it

>> No.16075325

Tell me about this chink list

>> No.16075377


>> No.16075379
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Meridian, early november. Let's see what happens then. Everybody kinda expected inflation to be axed.

>> No.16075396

It's an older list, but the fact that it was there last time is a clue.

>> No.16075428

I'm not saying either are bad, i like both and hold both. But I'm not blind to the fact that they aren't the next 100x

>> No.16075431

why use bat when you can fork the opersource software and tip with bitcoin?
why use stellar when you can get all the benefits of blockchain with on legacy systems with ethereum and chainlink?

never invest in shitcoins just like the dotcom bubble 99% of the trash in top 100 will never be used

>> No.16075495

I'm not worried fren, I'm not heavily invested in either. But thanks for caring about an internet strangers portfolio.

>> No.16075523

It’s a virtual currency by a Jew so it’s gonna be forced down our throats.

>> No.16075530
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>shilling your shitcoins in a ever so rare Stellar thread

>> No.16075534

Saturn has no place here

>> No.16075559

Oh yea I don't expect major returns anytime soon either, this is a many year hold. But if we are going on fundamentals then Stellar is one of the best if not the best. When (if) the day ever comes when the market evaluates projects on their merits I'll be happy to be in Stellar.

>> No.16075616

Yeah i agree, like i said, i like xlm and bat. They just wont 100x anytime soon.

>> No.16075624

Shut up you dumb maximalist cunt, you know that Stellar serves a difference use case than ETH. ETH would shit itself if you tried using it for Stellars amount of transactions. Same way that Stellar has basic smart contracts and ETH has complex ones. THERE CAN BE MORE THAN ONE SOLUTION.

>> No.16075664

yeah there can be its undesirable because it creates more friction I am sure there WILL be more than one solution but for me as an investor, I want to maximize my gains, and the more niche of a space a project aims to fill the more unlikely it's chance of success will be...
can't resist calling a spade a spade

>> No.16075675


Its a fucking shitcoin dipshit

>> No.16075798

From an investment perspective I see your point but you can't deny the simple fact that Stellar does things ETH can't an vise versa. So when you say "why use stellar when you can get all the benefits of blockchain with on legacy systems with ethereum and chainlink?" you just sound like a cunt yea?

>> No.16076698
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