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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 10 KB, 400x400, trumpcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1608614 No.1608614 [Reply] [Original]

Will TrumpCoin moon soon?
Will Donald Trump make Crypto Great Again?
When will you accept that KEK is indeed the true prophet?

Find out more at eleven!

TC - BitPAC Merging


TrumpCoin ANN Thread

TrumpCoin Original thread now reopened


>Community member makes video and spicy memes.

Twitter tipbot @magatipbot

Reddit tipbot /u/magatip

https://twitter.com/TrumpCoinTweets <--- Official Twitter
@raexno92 and @TrumpcoinG are v.active community contributor handles.

www.trumpcoin.info <--- Official Wiki-like website

Now an officially registered LLC!
>SCC filling
TrumpCoin is a cryptocurrency that trades on numerous exchanges online. The price of TrumpCoin is dictated by the supply and demand of traders on these exchanges, much like a stock market.


>Sicc new TrumpCoin block explorer

www.makemoneygreatagain.org/Content/Guides/HowToBuyTrumpCoin.aspx <--Buying with Circle
www.trump-coin.info/get-started/ <-- Buying with localbitcoin

>What is TrumpCoin?

>Introducing: TrumpCoin


>> No.1608622

Long live Trumpcoin!

>> No.1608624

I sold at the first 15k peak, what now?

>> No.1608630
File: 140 KB, 300x300, greedy-jew-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Massive artificial P&D going on with trumpcoin atm... The whales are holding the prices.

>> No.1608632
File: 632 KB, 804x932, 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy back at the dip? or be depressed when it moons to the andromeda.

>> No.1608635
File: 18 KB, 314x643, 1474286266458.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I slept through the sub 10k period sadly.

>> No.1608636

What are they waiting for? Why not just dump it all and crash Trumpcoin with no survivors?

>> No.1608652

Trump legion we need your help. tweet @BittrexExchange ask to list Trumpcoin. $1-5 moon guaranteed. Trumpcoin is a community project if it doesn't become the hueg success we all want it's no ones fault but our own

>> No.1608655

Oh hell yeah my nigga

>> No.1608668 [DELETED] 

I sent Trump Coin to my wallet before it was synced up. Now that it's synced it's not showing up. Am I fucked

>> No.1608693

I don't think there is anything artificial about Trump winning the Presidency and then his brand taking off no matter what medium its on.

>> No.1608695

trumpcoin isn't affiliated with President Trump though.

>> No.1608697

Try telling that to the normies.

Officially it is not, but the TRUMP brand will grow and reach out far beyond anything owned solely by Donald J. Trump.

>> No.1608698

I hope that the devs are taking this coin seriously now and working to make Trumpcoin well-respected in the crypto world

>> No.1608704

nah, you just have to wait, unfortunately wallet syncing can take up to 2-3 days if your doing it for the first time or in a very long while

>> No.1608708

What is with this faggot bot on yobit playing with the price? Why don't the whales just keep pumping it? The amount of volume from that would def get some media coverage and would attract a shit load of people

>> No.1608713

Trump is meeting with Obama at the White House tomorrow. The image of him with the president sends a sign of power to the world and hopefully a sign of a pump for Trumpcoin

>> No.1608720

is this decrease normal? fist timer here

>> No.1608722

I'm scared guys. I'm not sure if I should hold on or try to escape with some profit. Comfort me.

>> No.1608725
File: 24 KB, 959x571, trump.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I have bout 190 trump coins back from july this year and I left them in my wallet. Fast forward and now the wallet wont sync and has 0 active connections. I have added the nodes and let it sit for over 24 hours and still nothing. I have the ,dat file with the currency and I do not care about trump wallet as long as I can transfer the funds to c-cex

Anybody can help me here I will be most grateful.

>> No.1608730

trump won't let u sell

>> No.1608737
File: 707 KB, 647x669, rickyniggy-original.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw sold all my trump during the pajeet fiasco
>tfw bought and held blry
>tfw dumped my blry this morning

feels bad man
pic related

>> No.1608738

Jumped ship, Ive made profit and Im happy.

Get out now lads

>> No.1608741

But what if it moons!?

>> No.1608743

This coin has hit above $200k volume that is unreal. Whales did not put up that much money just to lose it. I think that this is just the beginning.

>> No.1608744

is everyone elses trump wallet synced? Is this normal?

>> No.1608746

When are we going to see the mad cash though?

>> No.1608749

Like I said before, TC aint going anywhere. There is some serious money involved with the coin now. People who think theres gonna be a crash soon are sorely mistaken.

>> No.1608751

I have the same problem.

Does anyone know if this shit is even still working?

>> No.1608753

I'm going to guess and I think that the big rise will be when it gets put on other exchanges which I think it will due to the massive volume. Or it could just slowly keep on pumping as whales tell their whale friends to jump in on the coin.

>> No.1608755


Who knows. Get out if u wanna play safe. I've been in for months now gonna hold and ride waves till 2020.

>> No.1608770

I own 4100 trump and I'm in the same boat, and have these nodes


and still no luck over for 24 hours, do I really have to wait 3 days for this thing to sync?

>> No.1608772

it took me 2 days and a half of leaving the computer on, keep in mind that it has to register every transactions made so far

>> No.1608833

I'm opening my wallet for the first time in a few weeks, and I'm getting an: "Error loading blkindex.dat" error. What do?

Last few lines in my debug are like:
Bound to [::]:8468
Bound to
Loading block index...
Opening LevelDB in C:\Users\James\AppData\Roaming\TrumpCoinV2\txleveldb
Transaction index version is 80000
Opened LevelDB successfully
LoadBlockIndex(): hashBestChain=9c20a0f3506680f0ba9f height=408505 trust=84285135453 date=10/09/16 18:22:41
LoadBlockIndex(): synchronized checkpoint 0000708a8ef26f57d75646e187313764c0c03f567efee416765d12759e80f24d
Verifying last 2500 blocks at level 1
ERROR: CheckProofOfWork() : nBits below minimum work
ERROR: CBlock::ReadFromDisk() : errors in block header
ERROR: LoadBlockIndex() : block.ReadFromDisk failed

>> No.1608836

It took me from 6 o'clock this morning until 4 in the afternoon. So ten hours.

>> No.1608838

Did you have it backed up?

>> No.1608841

Nope, are my coins gone for good?

>> No.1608846

Copy the "wallet" file somewhere. Reinstall the whole thing and replace the new wallet file with the old one. If that doesn't work then idk man, sorry. How much did you have in there?

>> No.1608852

Not terribly much, I bought 500 coins when they were cheap. Still would rather have the money though. Also I tried that, instead I get a wallet that reads 0 coins and permanently out of sync

>> No.1608854

In case bittrex adds this, what's the process?
Will it be a sudden event, or will they be like "it will be added in a day"?

>> No.1608863

My dads name is James. I hope you manage to get your TRUMP back.

>> No.1608873
File: 44 KB, 633x758, FUCK!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw could of brought 20k at 2k and would of made hundreds
>at least BTC is stable!

>> No.1608902
File: 65 KB, 900x900, 1448727241162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw people write "could've" as "could of"

>> No.1608909

Exactly, its namesake is one of the most powerful men on earth. That alone is something magnificent and unprecedented in the realm of cryptocurrency. Additionally, the media will not stop clamoring for anything and everything Trump. It won't be long until they discover a piece of money minted in his name and decide to run a story on it.

Who knows how deep this rabbit hole goes.

>> No.1608924

So what are the chances of this actually going up to something like 50-100k satoshi? The volumes right now are impressive, but everytime it starts going down again I can feel a mini heart attack starting.

>> No.1608962

i hadn't synced my wallet for 110 days and opened it yesterday and it began syncing as normal.

previously i added extra nodes that i got from the original trumpcoin ANN thread on bitcointalk.

the wallet is working fine, it is just your wallets that have a problem. add the extra nodes restart your computer and leave the wallet open. it will take hours to sync.

>> No.1608963


I'm prob going to ride the whale manipulations if I can manage to do so safely, but just throwing this out there, you all are delusional if you think that this coin is going to have a life longer than a month or so.

Even if it levels out and starts building up slowly, when they get a cease and desist from official Trump brand people, the price is going to tank and the coin will just be over.

>> No.1608993

> when they get a cease and desist from official Trump brand people
who is they? crypto coins can't be killed.

>> No.1608997

top kek fud m8

>> No.1609028

shits going to crash over the next couple days... get out while you can and rebuy cheaper later.

>> No.1609068

I am thinking it will crash sooner or later back to 2-3k. We already have the primaries pump, the election pump and now we have to wait for the inauguration pump for trump to officially be president. It will crash in mid December to cash out for Christmas, and stay around 3k through new years and finally, it will moon to $10+ on inauguration day, where trump be king and endorse trumpcoin.

>you fucks screencap this, I'll wait for a dip in new years and then the limitless moon.

>> No.1609147

Damn the fudders are back

>> No.1609150
File: 18 KB, 716x274, 1450078562277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you sold man.

>> No.1609153

We have a new update coming nigga, trump will pump, higher than ever

>> No.1609155

Hit me up before it comes then. No way I'm buying this shit right now.

Although, if memory serves me right, trumpcoin usually drops by a few thousand satoshi whenever an update is announced.

>> No.1609170

They need to get off the exchange full of weak handed retards, release a roadmap and get help from the marketing guy posting in chickens thread.

Nobody knows about the casino and nobody will care about charitable donations unless they finally start marketing.

>> No.1609184

Yeah, i think they have some good things comin

>> No.1609185

better start accumulating lads, there will be another pump before the inaguration

>> No.1609189

Just sent a request to get it listed on poloniex. Recommend everyone does the same and we can keep up the momentum until the inauguration and beyond.


>> No.1609194

Good thinking

>> No.1609209

It tanked. I didn't sell. Fuck you guys why do you always promise the moon

>> No.1609220

Well then sell now at the dip if you dont think it will go up later, but dont be fucking fudding left and right when it does.

>> No.1609268


>blaming others because HE didn't sell


>> No.1609269


Keep in mind also it's 730 in New York and 430 in LA. It fell and then went back up yesterday while America was asleep and awake respectively.

>> No.1609270

Wallet (out of sync)

>> No.1609278

As well as Trumpcoin you should BUY WAVES. it's currently pumping

>> No.1609287

Thats right, but also the devs are massive faggots with no fucking marketing before the gaylection, and "some whale" kept the price down (signal is a faggot nigger)

>> No.1609289

I still have hope for the coin to go to 1$, hell maybe even 5$ but if the gayvelopers are too preoccupied with buttsex they won't even get this on polo

>> No.1609296


I can't disagree on the Dev front. If they ever show their faces again they're going to have to mop up a hurricane of hate after abandoning the project at the most important stage.

With a bit of luck it shooting up the rankings and a big +300% next to its name yesterday will do the marketing for us.

>> No.1609297

Not staking because wallet is offline

>> No.1609311

Try the guide posted in chickens thread?

>> No.1609321
File: 8 KB, 536x148, asd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting keks from earlier thread

>> No.1609328
File: 571 KB, 1920x1080, 1472676762345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah i think that 300+ btc 24h volume from yesterday should really put trumpcoin on many crypto whales watchlist. Fuck that faggot that was suppressing the price, but my question is, what was he trying to accomplish by doing that?

>> No.1609347
File: 26 KB, 581x244, Screen Shot 2016-11-10 at 15.15.17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will it blow up?

>> No.1609348

the same thing the fudders have been trying to accomplish since it was launched. the trump name isn't yet loved by all. the haters still hate. just maybe they'll start to drift away now that their cause is lost.

>> No.1609385

I think it could take some time now

>> No.1609389

Talking months? Or days?

>> No.1609395

Regardless, we have four years to build this coin, at the least.

Considering it is less than a year old coin, I see great potential.

>> No.1609422

Something fishy is going on here. Just checked my yobit and a whole bunch of my coins have been sold in loads of small transactions I haven't made. No bitcoin withdrawn, just lots of trumpcoins sold and the btc left in my account.

Changed my password and got the coins back, but wtf? Some kind of weird bot?

>> No.1609423

OK, I will just stick in and see how it goes.

>> No.1609425

Also, we keep trumpcoins in a wallet? Cant I just have it on c-cex?

>> No.1609443
File: 861 KB, 1790x923, wmplayer_2016-11-02_20-02-21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it too late to get into the Trump merchandise reselling train?

I've been in financial ruin since September and wont be out of it until next month, so I wasn't able to cash in.

If I'm too late, does anyone else know of any other opportunities I can go for?

>> No.1609474

>Is it too late to get into the Trump merchandise reselling train?

>> No.1609508

>Cant I just have it on c-cex?
There is nothing stopping you. But it's never a great idea to store your coins on a browser unless you are consistently doing trading with them. Browser based wallets can go off-line and you can loose your coins.

Essentially do you want your money stored online in a "cloud" where anyone can potentially access it or physically in your computer where only you can access it, especially if you cut the Internet connection.

And if you want to be really secure, save them to a USB and put it in a safe.

>> No.1609524

Scary. My new laptop is shipping from china now, so I can't do that before I have it.

>> No.1609532

Mmm, Just food for thought. I store most in my wallet but i have had 2500 trumps on yobit since july. Haven't moved from where i placed them.

>> No.1609536

Of course it's not too late.

If you're gonna get in on this then you have time before the inauguration pump.

>> No.1609545

So another Trump pump during inauguration is what I'm hearing. Get in cheap while you can

>> No.1609550

what's the current value at

>> No.1609643

Chicken update what u guys think?

s some of you might know I have been working on a new project for some months which will be launched near the end of this year. This project is unike any other in Crypto to date (see White Paper for details). What I propose is Trump Coin moves to this blockchain and in doing so it can access many of the features of ‘Xium’.

What is Xium - This is blockchain technology which can genuinely handle dynamic content. A number of projects claim to be able to do run dymanic content, but this is not true. To date no platform can do this without centralisation, despite what thy may say. Xium is not and would never be centralised.

I wont go in to much details here, please have a read of the White Paper. Xium IS the ULTRANET. Completely decentralised, capable of dynamic real time content, immune to any known dos attacks, websites/data cannot be removed by any government. Xium is a platform like no other in existence. Trump Coin would be the first to share this technology and with that I beleive it would open a number of doors when we consider Xium can of course run any app imaginable.

Download PDF White Paper (you will be amazed..)

>> No.1609644


>> No.1609655
File: 21 KB, 405x350, Donald_Trump_leads_opinion_polls-405x350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and what does it mean to us holders of the current coins? how does moving a coin to another blockchain works?

>> No.1609661

wtf.. I tried signing up for c-cex and it said my email was already in use?

>> No.1609693

Cant believe chicken could pull off what hes talking about, we all just experienced the fuck fest he made trumpcoin into. Trump coin shouldve been at least 10x more successful than it was if they were even half as retarded as they proved to be

>> No.1609708

Yup the developers really fucked it up, they were more concerned in fucking eachother in the ass than making this coin a success

>> No.1609716

it sounds difficult but in practice it isn't. the coins are just swapped on some exchange so you swap your original trumpcoins for the equivalent value of XiumTrumpcoins. usually there would just be a time window where exchanges are allowed afaik.
reset your password an email their support.

>> No.1609720

to play devils advocate, chicken was shafted by several people, including fudders, who helped fuck it up. he isn't innocent, but he wasn't helped.

>> No.1609724
File: 26 KB, 300x254, allegronontroppo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this yobit straight has straight up double or nothing on it with odds<50%.. and some pony racing shit?

>> No.1609781

I was there in the summer. It was total chaos, I suspect alot of it started by Hillary provocateurs.

>> No.1609794
File: 906 KB, 800x1200, downloadfile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The guy is a barely literate DJ (allegedly) who's grand scheme to promote Trumpcoin was to spam twitter with creepy memes (pic related).

Now he's apparently developed a hacker proof version of the internet. The first thing he's going to do with this wonder? Use it to host some altcoin. An altcoin in he's been trying to get back in his control almost as soon as he let go of it.

Excuse me for being skeptical.

>> No.1609795

Can you see trump coins for 0.177 usd per coin? Or is that just me being confused?

>> No.1609796


>> No.1609810


Where are you seeing it for that price?

>> No.1609814

You won't find any buyers on c-cex paying for trumps with cash

>> No.1609821

All this. Anyone here back then can remember his ramblings and that he's a creepy cunt.

Bitbull and bobb need to show they can be in control.

Do not let chicken takeover again. Follow the link on the whitepaper ffs. He cannot control anything.

>> No.1609907
File: 331 KB, 1809x661, Pajeet explains.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want that autistic faggot to kill himself. He has done enough damage to TC and his pdf is total fiction, he doesn't even own the domain name that's listed at the bottom of the pages

>> No.1609949

Hahahahahaha i remember that one

>> No.1609966

holy shit someone actually saved my Shitpost.

>> No.1610030
File: 31 KB, 480x360, dukenukem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

came to /biz/ a month ago and had no idea what a bitcoin was, and i just made my first $5.00 CAD trading Trumpoins

Thanks biz

>> No.1610034


so everyone holding TRUMP would have to swap out on an exchange? That would not work at all. Why would anyone think this is a good idea.

>> No.1610076

The fuck is going on at yobit. It's just plunged fry 6900 or so down to 6100 is litterally a second.

>> No.1610079
File: 314 KB, 417x1024, Screenshot_2016-11-10-22-41-43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Down to 5100 in the time it took to take a screen shot.

>> No.1610081
File: 1.11 MB, 977x902, killmeee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw just bought 1000 coins at 6450 right before it dumped to 5100

>> No.1610082

Probably Jason "Nigger faggot" Bobitt unloading all day long today.

Why hasn't anyone paid him a visit yet btw? His personal details are known right?

>> No.1610111

>why is a coin that has no value except for hype going down after the hype is exhausted?

>> No.1610119

but he won, won't it go up when he does crazy shit?

>> No.1610122


There's losing hype and there''s losing 20% of its value in litterally one second.

>> No.1610126

it is common with a lot of coins when they update from a version 1 to a version 2 of the blockchain. i'm not saying it is good or bad, it is just the method of transfer.

>> No.1610130

Inauguration pump guaranteed.
4 years of trumpcoin waves.

>> No.1610134


you must be new. In my day we had a thing called lurk moar. You have a lot to learn about crypto.

>> No.1610166
File: 70 KB, 246x220, zombill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking signal keeps coming online.

>> No.1610183

So........ now's a good time to invest in TC?

Or now's NOT a good time to invest in TC?

>> No.1610186


Buy cheapish now, sell during the inauguration.

>> No.1610193

When will Trump mention Trumpcoin? Come on Don, do it!

>> No.1610337

Is this coin dead? Should I sell before it drops further? Why would it ever go higher than it was yesterday?

>> No.1610344

Trump is going to publicly endorse the coin that's why

>> No.1610346

it climbed higher before he won, how is that possible

>> No.1610352


>> No.1610360

Do not fall for the eternal pajeets lies. Every post is full of hot steamy shit.




>> No.1610363

fuck off chickin faggot

>> No.1610368

Do you really think this would happen? How would he even find out

>> No.1610373

kys chicken

only gonna happen through marketing and getting msm attention. even if he doesn't acknowledge it, it could help.

>> No.1610375

What if we got one of his kids to endorse it? Easier to contact. Then if it was successful it would provide Trump a way to ease into it.

>> No.1610382

well i'm at a deficit again

>> No.1610393
File: 50 KB, 600x600, 12599274_968338829918223_572659838_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just traded some BTC for TCs on cryptopia a few hours ago on the trade page

it's just sitting there under my trade history saying an order's been placed. it's not doing anything else

does it take a while to show up in the wallet or did an error occur?

>> No.1610399

Can you cancel your trade? Don't use cryptopia, it's dead. Use yobit.

>> No.1610415


just canceled it. thanks famalam

now how do I get my bitcoin back from these asswipes and transfer it to yobit?

>> No.1610422

Redpill me on this, I've never bought crypto currency before

Thinking of getting into this as a first

>> No.1610442

Send your btc to your btc wallet. Make a yobit account. Go to wallets on yobit, click + on the btc wallet and copy address. Send btc to yobit. Buy trumpcoin. Watch trumpcoin get dumped kek

>> No.1610471

You can send them to your Yobit btc wallet straight from cryptopia btc wallet.

>> No.1610502

Whale here, I'm diving deep. See you all next year!


>> No.1610524

redpill yourself, all the info you need is in the OP.

buy it if you want to make lots of money in the next ten weeks. buy it if you want to make a YUGE amount in the next year.

>> No.1610535


You're buying internet monopoly money in hopes that its perceived value will "increase" and you can sell it for more than you paid. It has zero value other than as a tradeable item.

>> No.1610542

>It has zero value other than as a tradeable item

That's literally the point of currencies, you dolt. It's a medium of exchange to facilitate commerce. All cryptos are fiat currencies backed solely by the market and their structural integrity.

>> No.1610604

Just like Bitcoin right? kys fudder

>> No.1610659

Got a few questions:

1) How do you expect to make actual cash off this if and when it rises? You're relying on people trading bitcoin for it once it's high enough?

2) WTF is up with the wallet? Does it ever sync? How do you get it online and enter nodes? Seems you'd be better off holding it on a website

>> No.1610742
File: 449 KB, 1212x2340, SmartSelectImage_2016-11-11-10-45-04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More weird stuff. Dozens of buys for FAR less than the minimum amount.

>> No.1610758
File: 23 KB, 300x450, gheh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw banned from the chat

>> No.1610767

Maybe you should've toned down the racism you drumpfcuck.
The death of this coin is a proof that trump supporters are unintelligent bastards.

I sold at a profit.

>> No.1610774

It's a bot you uneducated redneck.

>> No.1610775

i used caps in chat when trump was pumping hard, that's all, they'll ban you for using caps

>> No.1610778

>meme coin pegged to Bitcoin pegged to Dollars

>> No.1610781


So bots are allowed to buy for less than the minimum?

>> No.1610787

...kid forgot to dump

>> No.1610794

No they are not

>> No.1610807


Exactly, so what's going on?

>> No.1610808

how low do you think it will go lads? I want to accumulate for the January pump. want to buy in at rock bottom

>> No.1610809

Seems like somethings manipulating the price, maybe an exclusive deal with yobit, or the chinese are getting on board?

>> No.1610819
File: 43 KB, 500x399, blacked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

price is goin up boys

>> No.1610826
File: 297 KB, 720x538, fantasia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which one of you has a 1.2 BTC buy order at 0.00006...

>> No.1610893

this shit is a SCAM

the trump wallet literally crashed my computer a few times. it never connects to any network or syncs. it's stuck in offline and "out of sync" mode and stays like that


>> No.1610895

Stop u hillary faggot, just let the wallet open or add nodes

>> No.1610898


You know. yea I guess the wallet is pretty shitty constant complaints. I leave my on the exchange. If it does get hacked they're going for the bitcoin not the other alt coins. So yea the Trump wallet sucks. Trumpcoin however is no more of a scam than any other crypto currency including bitcoin.

>> No.1611001


I always knew you would come back.

I am never selling my stash, along with my maga hats. These are things that will forever be kept. Maybe even passed down.

>> No.1611033

my wallet works fine on a mac. reinstall, add nodes, post in the bitcointalk forum for help. it isn't the wallet, it is YOUR wallet and your system.

>> No.1611046

Seems like the only hope from trump coin now is a boost when trump takes office.

>> No.1611049

in the meantime buy WAVES

>> No.1611055

Never falling for this crypto meme again

>> No.1611056


This. Anything negative about Trumpcoin you can equally say about Bitcoin down to the absentee developer.

>> No.1611077

murmurs of pumping on yobit

>> No.1611079

what are you talking about faggot?

just buy WAVES

>> No.1611178


How about you just make a waves thread? Your shilling here is counter productive. Pls go

>> No.1611236

If the bittrex site wasn't a cluster fuck I might.

>> No.1611593

When will people wake up and realize that no crypto currency is a scam. It's far from it. It's free market.

The real scam is the USD.

If you lose money trading crypto it's only your lack of experience trading. No one can force you to buy or sell.

USD however has it's quantity and therefore purchasing power changed every few months. Talk about a scam.

>> No.1611642

kek, I offered a 2.0 BTC sell order at .00008 on election night

>> No.1611652

We need to work smarter and not harder to promote this coin. Tweet about Trumpcoin to alt-right supporters like Malik Obama, Milo Yiannopoulos, Gavin McInnes, etc. A mention from Trump himself is highly unlikely, so we need to promote it to supporters who are lower on the totem pole

>> No.1611654

Why would they shill a crypto currency tho?

>> No.1611658

Anybody tried the casino?

>> No.1611660

Those 3 in particular have a unique sense of humor and would promote anything with Trump's name on it just for the keks

>> No.1611671

Been a while since I checked in in trumpcoin, still holding my 11k or so. I remember one of the best thinks about this coin was the .com website. Checked it today and it looks like someone made it in Frontpage? Really amateur looking, no way nice way of saying it.
Why the change?

>> No.1611680

the owner took it back from signal

>> No.1611694


^this. I tweeted at martin shkreli on a whim. i got no responds but I still think it's more effective, someone might get lucky eventually. It'd be awesome if a trumpcoin meme went viral .

>> No.1611698

Proud holder of .2 btc worth. I'm not selling this shit anytime soon. Polo or trex gotta be guaranteed with trumpcoin. No excuse why we cant be the next ronpaul coin.

>> No.1611773

I spent .3 btc worth. Now it's probably worth .1 btc fml:/

>> No.1611916

I cut down the shilling on Twitter because, well, now there's nothing to shill other than the name of the coin. So I shilling will look only like a pumping attempt. And I personally don't have many trumps either. So it started to feel like a waste of time.

Honestly, I did it for tips. Because I can't self-invest. But I've built a healthy group of relevant followers and got added to so many crypto lists.

So now on I'll do the shilling if someone needs me to and tips me, (and others like me).
(Unless there's a dev team with specific plans of course. Then I'll tweet anyway.)

Don't get me wrong. I care for the coin. But I can't just waste time in the absence of good leadership.

- @TrumpCoinG
(trump address in twitter bio)

>> No.1611933

>the owner took it back from signal
>I'll keep shilling if anyone wants me to (and tips me)
na, we're god bro, thanks

>> No.1612199


Yea it's just a down period right now I guess. Hopefully there are some new announcements to get exited about soon. I think there will be another pump for Trump's inauguration though.

>> No.1612572


>> No.1612593

Think long term bro. Trump is a meme in himself. Dogecoin and ronpaul coin were meme coins and sold for a fuckton at their height. Trumpcoin is just getting started. Yes the coin would have died if hillary was elected but Trumps presidency give a whole new meaning and life to this coin. All we need to do to go skyward is get on a legit exchange like poloniex or bittrex and not some scammy shit like yobit or ccex.

>> No.1612597

How do we make this
>get on a legit exchange like poloniex or bittrex

>> No.1612604

Well im looking at polos coin request page that seems like a start. I could request the coin and maybe others could request it too. If enough people can actually request it then maybe it can get on. Hell. They have enough bullshit coins on polo why wouldnt they let Trump coin have a chance?

>> No.1612665

How do you request on poloniex? Just email them?

>> No.1612667

Do it anyway. Many of us submitted requests before to polo.

I'm sure I've seen a Twitter exchange between signal and someone at bittrex from months ago. Something about bittrex doubting trumpcoin could attract non crypto trump supporters.

>> No.1612771



>> No.1612859

It's going up

>> No.1612894

Unless this coin gets on a big exchange, it dies after Trump's inauguration; which will be the last pump if the aforementioned doesn't happen.

>> No.1612992

Try this survey about crypto currency it's quite short and would help me out quite a bit https://goo (put a period here) gl/forms/wbvNI6FPCeiVxB243

>> No.1613058 [DELETED] 


Listen here:

Buy Golem Network Tokens (GNT). They're the next Ethereum. Crypto subreddits are about to blow up and it's still at only $8mil market cap on it's way to fucking billions. Get rich overnight. Proceed to fuck all the top tier models you want. Literally that easy.

Listen or stay poor and kick yourself like you did after BTC and ETH.


>> No.1613161

Announcements next week. I wonder what will be released.

>> No.1613169

Oh shit nigga we gon make millions

>> No.1613197

we gon b rich and shheeeit

>> No.1613199

shieeeet wiiite puzy 4 lyfe

>> No.1613217

dude crowdsale has ended. IF you want some now be prepared to pay at least 10 x the ico price.
personally I wait until it's on exchanges and dump to under ico like all ICOs do

>> No.1613222

I actually don't think waves did that

>> No.1613225

Exactly my nigga, we be real niggaz makin bandz and sheit while those whitebois getting all mad

>> No.1613250

either it will be something good, the something good that has been promised for the last 4 months, or it will be some amateur half-assed nonsense which no one wants, needs or understands.

my prediction: the reason for Signal silence will be revealed, $forTC exchange, plus some bonus half-witted meme. Trumpcoin to go to 75c by friday evening.

shadilay. check my trips.

>> No.1613297

We niggaz be smart n gon be swimmin in dem benjamins n white hunnies are all about dat bling know what am sayin

>> No.1613312

Is it too late to start?
If not, any tips how to?

>> No.1613366


I wonder if you guys are actual ghetto black dudes. When Trumpcoin hits $10 can I hangout with you in Atlanta? I want to get grinded on by big booty strippers.

>> No.1613375

>We niggaz be smart n gon be swimmin
i thought you all couldn't swim?

>> No.1613396

That's a very hopeful prediction.

>> No.1613419

Is this ever going to the moon, I wanna know is it worth it to make yet another wallet.

>> No.1613455

Fo sure my nigga, we gon show you how real niggaz turn up and sheit, you know what i mean

>> No.1613462

>if you think that this coin is going to have a life longer than a month or so

This has been said for over a year now. When will it happen?

>they get a cease and desist from official Trump brand people

This too is an old one. I'm sure that cease and desist letter will come any day now...any day now...any day now.

Couldn't you think up any fresh and original FUD?

>> No.1613472

who mini dumps at 7k? Jesus yobit, just let it rise

>> No.1613549

Anyone tweeting at @Cernovich?

I've seen him talk positively about Bitcoin being the future. He also likes breaking news about Trump related things.

If several of us got into his notifications about it's potential to do good funding Trump inspired goals maybe he would give it a shoutout?

If anyone can get a # to trend it's him.

>> No.1613552

At least we might be able to get him to sell his books, especially "MAGA Mindset" for TRUMPs.

>> No.1613566

ITT: Emotional holders and those who bought at 15k.

Let it go. Sell before it crashes this week after the lame ass "announcement". It happens every time.

>> No.1613580

how do you know what the announcement is going to be?

>> No.1613743

Do you retards even listen to yourselves anymore? Quit bagholding ffs there will be no pump with this announcement; the only pump this coin has left is inauguration day unless we get some devs with higher than single digit IQs, which is very unlikely.

>> No.1613746


>the guy who was bragging about dumping his 45,000 Trumps when they were at 3k each now buttfurious at the rest of us

>> No.1613749

Why is anyone who goes against the "le trumjpcoin to the moon $28 XD" meme buttmad?

>> No.1613787


Why else would they keep fudding something they apparently dont care about?

>> No.1613804


there's plenty of hope meat on the trumpcoin bone ya hear? TRUMPs volume went up 50 fold in 5 hours on both yobit and c-cex.There is a pretty good chance this got the attention of poloniex or bittrex. after all i know for sure bittrex's concern was that the coin wasn't popular enough when Signal was trying to get it listed back in July/Aug. If it does. this will without a doubt send it's value through the roof. the pie in the sky hope from there is that it'd get the attention of the alt right then maybe the Don himself.

>> No.1613892

Ok now its back to less than 10 BTC volume and shrinking by the hour, whats your point?

>> No.1614108

Are you retarded? his point was that every time something political associated with Donald Trump happens, the interest in trumpcoin skyrockets, and guess what, were in for 8 years of political happenings associated with Donald Trump.

>> No.1614110

the devs have less intrinsic value than goat shit

>> No.1614127

Get ready for blast off

>> No.1614141

TC actually looks pretty good. And to no surprise Putincoin also has seen a pump as well. A slow but steady rise for TC is what we want. 20 BTC volume a day looks great.

>> No.1614208

how do you know i haven't already made thousands of dollars since May buying and selling trumpcoins? i've been riding the waves and have increased my holding and taken profits. even if i don't sell anymore coins i have made a YUGE amount of money, so i'm not concerned about bagholding.

i'll sell coins when it hits my target prices. if it doesn't hit them, i'll hold it.

>> No.1614257

how many Trumps is a harambe worth?


>> No.1614278

convert first to btc

>> No.1614576

Guys I'm making a crypto currency / public stock based on my macbook pro and a nice 5 dollar bill, buy in now before it goes to the moon!!!!!!!!

>> No.1614656


>> No.1614673

Trump creeping up on 10k like a thief in the night.

>> No.1614681

Without any reason. Good sign right? Should indicate serious investors

>> No.1614797


A few loyal men are working in the shadows. A growing twitter community shills night and day as well. I encourage others holding Trumpcoin to make a twitter, or help spread knowledge about Trumpcoin wherever possible.

>> No.1614858

Yes a slow rise is very healthy and shows confidence in the coin. And no one can say its a Pump and dump. Its amazing how everyone constantly writes the coin off as some kind of joke while it consistently gains. If you bought TC after its crash you would have already gained 40 - 50%. Meanwhile if you listened to the geniuses on the crypto thread and bought WAVES you would have gained basically nothing.

>> No.1614868

Also Putin is raging right now, doing better than Trump. Both coins are doing very well. This is not a coincidence.

>> No.1614894

Should we all buy Putin and use the profits to pump Trumpcoin?

>> No.1614900


>> No.1614906

Which exchange?

>> No.1614922

Oh shit nigga, my nigga trump will endorse this coin and we be gettin those benjaminz and white hoes n sheeit

>> No.1615187

What the fug, it just keeps going up. I want to buy more, it'll dip again right?

>> No.1615197

What's the value right now? I'm on mobile

>> No.1615225

>>1615197 0.00009604

>> No.1615249

>I'm on mobile

You can't track this stuff on your phone? I'd freak out.

>> No.1615298

Download blockfolio and set price alerts

>> No.1615330


So Donald is going on Alex Jones in a few weeks. How sweet would it be if he asked about cypto currency, then told him his fans/supporters have created one in his name.

>> No.1615333

Trump just slipped past 10k sats

>> No.1615336

Priesthood is rising

>> No.1615356
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This looks good, but I'm new to this

>> No.1615357

The president elect of the united states is never going to go on a crackpot conspiracy theorist's youtube show. Ain't gonna happen, but nice try.

>> No.1615359


>> No.1615375


>> No.1615376


Nigger. he really likes Alex and has already agreed to.

>> No.1615396

Gotta make this happen. How do we pester Alex with this?

>> No.1615423

You start shilling son and you get others to join you. You submit article suggestions to infowars. Contact lower down infowars reporters.

The obvious thing seems paid advertising. But I don't see it happening.

>> No.1615712

money is coming in. 200btc volume in a day sparked interest and got it on radars

>> No.1615840


>> No.1615921

>tfw own 100k trumpcoins and didnt panic sell like an idiot at 3k sats

haha noice

>> No.1615933


Some still don't see it. Trumpcoins going to moon. Trumps presidency has started the snowball a top the mountain.

>> No.1615991


>> No.1616065

I'm a newb to cryptocurrencies.
Should I buy TrumpCoin and hold it until it booms?

>> No.1616082

Yes. TC is the next big thing to put crypto in the eyes of the general population.

>> No.1616088

Is there an economic term for this growth like "Cat-bounce" ?

>> No.1616149

>>tfw own 100k trumpcoins and didnt panic sell like an idiot at 3k sats
>haha noice

I've been holding since june and never sold, even throughout that 2 month period when it was like 3-4k sats
I knew this would pay off
I'm already breaking even now, any rise is profit.

>> No.1616159

What's the general procedure to buy TC?
I have some spare $50 that I don't know where to put.

>> No.1616182

but BTC go to yobit/ccex, buy TC thats all

you might also want to download the wallet if you plan to hold

>> No.1616183


>> No.1616187


This basically>>1616182

But I think there is also a buying guide at trumpcoin.info

>> No.1616188


Buy bitcoin on coinbase or circle. Trade your bitcoin for Trump on yobit or c-cex.

Looks like they're trying to buy an ad on Alex Jones's show during the Trump episode. This is it boys. Trumpcoin to the moooooon!!!!

>> No.1616448
File: 1.01 MB, 940x688, 123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Looks like they're trying to buy an ad on Alex Jones's show during the Trump episode.
Sheeeit, this is big

>> No.1616519


Just HUEmongous. Yuge. Let me tell, trumpcoin is gonna be big. Invest everything cent you can muster while it's under $5

>> No.1616525

So whens will they get the ad space?

>> No.1616539


Doesn't look official yet. But it definitely could be a big deal

>> No.1616781

new thread https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1681939.0

>> No.1616886

Just submitted a Poloniex coin request. Someone do one on Bittrex too for me, the fuckers aren't recognizing my email address.

>> No.1616954


I know people are sending request to both. Maybe if they get enough they'll list trumpcoin finally. Go go go everyone

>> No.1616966

I could have made a nice profit buying at 1k satoshis, now it's a little late for a poorfag.

>> No.1617008

I just looked at the thread and bitbobb said they returned his call with a quote and that it should be ready by the end of the week

>> No.1617009


You'll be saying the same thing when it goes up more. Buy and hold now. Join the growing Trumpcoin revolution!

>> No.1617118

When is Trump supposed to be back on Jones' show?

>> No.1617317

Soon nigga, rumour is my nigga 50 and Donald trump will be rappin bout TC and slangin coke and pimpin hoes in their new single "get trumpcoin or die tryin" with DJ AJ dropping some woke truth parts

>> No.1617334


not a solid date yet. Alex says Trump called him personally to say thank you and that he'd come on his show.

I see Trumpcoin continues to stay pretty stable for a crypto. No room for pump and dumpers to take advantage of investors. buying in and holding seems to be the only way to have any success. Thats a good thing.

>> No.1617549
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>> No.1617684
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>mfw Im afraid I missed my last chance to stock up cheap and break my 30k mark.

Dip when?

>> No.1618203

There will be maybe one dip bro, but still cheap as shit

>> No.1618260

So whats the progress on the AJ ad?

>> No.1618301

>So whats the progress on the AJ ad?
well know by the end of the week apparently. But if it works then ho boy, all dem benjamins nigguh

>> No.1618310

Nigga we gon be rich, selfmade niggaz
All dat blin bling and shiny rims and bitches n hoes

>> No.1618400
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Posting for new thread

>tfw only silver club

>> No.1618466

Is there any reason not to purchase the merch after making a sale/certain number of sales? Assuming you can ship in a reasonable time.

>> No.1618850

Bump nigga

>> No.1619016

Here's your dip. Don't know if we're ever getting out of it though, THREE ANN Threads at the same time what the fuck man get your shit together.

>> No.1619069


There are several people holding massive stashes that they got for next to nothing in the early days.

Confirmed whales, and I know of many more cuz I am one...

Chicken 100,000+
Signal 100,000+
Depredation 300,000
ToadKing 100,000+

There's 10% of the coin colluding right there. We've seen wicked price movements over 50k being sold. Just saying...

>> No.1619216

What is your point?

>> No.1619270
File: 39 KB, 365x457, 1472675932402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think hes trying to tell us that if all of those people work together they can manipulate the price and accumulate even more coins for themselves before any of the big news/water filter salesman ad hits and the coin really takes off and then dump all of their holdings for maximum profit. Doesnt mean its true ofcourse, but its a possibility. Please correct my record if im wrong >>1619069

>> No.1619285

It doesn't matter. It's like that for every crypto coin. There are always going to be "whales" with big holdings. In fact its a good thing in a way, it encourages them to work for the coin's success.

As far as I'm concerned this is just more FUD. This is no big news, there are whales in literally every altcoin. Yawn.

>> No.1619341


This is fine. All crypto is like that. As long as no one has like a ridiculous 30-50% of the whole supply. Guys like dep, toad, bobb, and even signal before he went ghost put a lot of time and resources into TC. It only makes sense they hold 100k or more.

>> No.1619388


Hopefully they're scrapping a little off the top to prepare for the Alex Jones advertising. Dont worry senpai. Everyone wants $1-5 prices at least. No need to sabotage all the potential Trumpcoin has going for it right now. Buy the dip if your smart.

>> No.1619607

Don't forget, Normies drop their alt-coins when they see that Bitcoin is doing especially well.

They believe that it is "safer" and more "Profitable" to ride the Bitcoin wave in BTC than to keep it in their alt-coins, not knowing the purchasing power of each alt-coins goes up at the same rate as BTC, because of course, that's what you buy your alt-coins with.

At the end of the day, BTC goes up, meaning the value of each individual TRUMP goes up. You just made money owning Trump through the BTC wave. Then Trump goes up on top of that.

BAM!, double gains for owning one coin.

Don't be a normie. Don't sell during BTC gains.

>> No.1619615
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>Everyone wants $1-5 prices at least.
at least.

>> No.1619679

High energy my nigga

>> No.1619818
File: 67 KB, 300x183, stanley.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MFW I have a day trade job. MFW I missed the dip because of this damn job. MFW FML

>> No.1620086


1. go here https://chainz.cryptoid.info/trump/
2. click node list buttons
3. copy and paste all those nodes into trumpcoin.conf
(press start and type %appdata% and press enter, then go to the trumpcoin folder) and then save.
4.restart trumpcoin and wait a little bit

give me trumpcoin if i helped you please


>> No.1620107

"Gib money pls "- Bob

>> No.1620150

What's wrong with helping people out and not expecting money?

>> No.1620163

nothing, i don't expect any money but if someone feels like exuding some reciprocity I'd not be opposed.

>> No.1620216

>>1619285 is right. it doesn't matter. more than 20% of the coins are held by one group that i know of and another hold just under a million. the price/value of trumpcoin was so low that taking a gamble on it didn't cost a lot of money compared to other crypto markets.

>> No.1620304


where are the node list buttons?

can't find them

>> No.1620542

Good to see these translations offers on the new thread

>> No.1620618

Yup, maybe the chinese will come to trumpu coin

>> No.1620679

I'd like for putin and Trump's congeniality to help with Russian interest in the coin as well. China and Russia would mean fucking Pluto and beyond, but also increase the risk it being manipulated by huge pump and dumpers.

>> No.1621402

Want to dump this so bad but stopped myself. Should be over 10k sats soon especially once the BTC pump subsides as it always does.

>> No.1621489
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