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16103301 No.16103301 [Reply] [Original]

Not selling till it hits 100

>> No.16103323

thats gonna take 2 years.
itll hit $8 next month then retrace down to 5.60

>> No.16103327
File: 2 KB, 125x93, cripple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you going to be waiting a long time

>> No.16103378

Why do you think this?

>> No.16103525

you can wait....... 2 millions year

>> No.16103597


>> No.16103632

Imagine being this new to crypto

>> No.16104243

I'll be a biplane with my gains a terrorize nigger neighborhoods with it.

>> No.16104259

Buy a biplane and terrorize nigger neighborhoods.* The thought of it excited me so I made silly typos hehehe

>> No.16104275

100 sats?

>> No.16104280

100 sats? That'll be sooner than you think goyboy

>> No.16104708
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Lmao fuckin based

>> No.16104820

The White Baron

>> No.16104862 [DELETED] 

How to get some free BTC

1 - simply go to bitcoin-generator dot online
2 - put your wallet address
3 - select how much Bitcoin you wanna receive
4 - click start, then confirm
5 - wait for the process complete
6 - receive your free BTC

>> No.16104872

Not investing on the real ripple.... XLM

>> No.16105059
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>> No.16105080

Seriously anon, this shit made me laugh.

>> No.16105270

I did a gummer once

>> No.16105354

It's just a bump fren

>> No.16105365

Anchoring with high price >>16103301
Lowering price >>16103323
The new "lower" price now seems realistic and more believable.
Good one pajeets

>> No.16105480

the end goal is $10000 fool

>> No.16105605

XRPtards are unironically saying this now because of Justin Bieber. Go watch Alex Cobb's livestream from today.

>> No.16105726

we dont talk about xrp here since we all got burned with by that shit in december 2017. still got a bag tho

>> No.16105734

Biebs is ranked 13 out of most IG subs. If only 1% of his followers saw and bothered to look up wtf his story was about, that's 1.3 million people exposed to xrp/crypto.

>> No.16105758
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10$ for me frend

>> No.16105771

You're making a huge assumption that 1% would even do anything. I've seen this line of thinking show up time and time again in the crypto space and it always amounts to nothing.

>> No.16105772

Wtf hahahaha

>> No.16105891

Ok, let's do the math here - at $5 Ripple and devs would own some 300 bilion, at $10 some 600 and at $100 some 6 TRILLION in a semi-liquid asset, not just market valuation, which would be this virtue have to be in the quadrillions.

Now just FYI, the COMBINED value of Apple, MS, Amazon, Google, Berkshire and Facebook right now in this most overinflated stock market in the history oh mankind sits at about 4.2 trillion.

Now look at these numbers and tell me how likely it is that Ripple is going to leave all of these in the dust.

Sometime in the future if all stars allign? Maybe In this century? Doubt it.

>> No.16105906

You don't remember famous niggers getting paid to promote shitcoins during the last bull? Those were niggers with a fraction of Biebs followers. Are you new or have you forgotten that.

>> No.16105925

Maybe a decade. Ripple might have an ace up their sleeve since they're working with central banks. Their whole gimmick is about liquidity and that conveniently happens to be an issue now in the markets.

Shaq with Quark was the best but the market isn't at those conditions right now to see that kind of mania.

>> No.16105963

working with central banks I would take with a grain of salt. They may be talking to some, but that does not mean shit until some of these banks actually do something with XRP, which may well be never.

Liquidity I don't know who is going to provide - the crypto exchanges? As they are now that's a pipe dream

>> No.16106003

I agree that it's just speculation until we see it happen but I do want to point out that the organizations that Ripple is working with have been making doomsday forecasters eat their own words since 08 and they basically control the world. I wouldn't be surprised if we wake up and the switch is flipped.

>> No.16106038

Only 100...

>> No.16106055

This is what I have the biggest problem with buying - that XRP will somehow be the chosen one. Why on Earth would these people who as you say run the world now give even a fraction of their power to some upstarts voluntarily? Are they not capable of just copying whatever XRP is trying to achieve and do it all under their own umbrella? Do they not own enough politicians to make it all happen as they want when they want?

Last but not least, if XRP is to become a world currency of sorts and all these companies are well and truly commited to it and this has been the plan all along - why the fuck is even XRP beign offered to the general public to buy at pennies no less?

If this 'plan" is recent and it took a lot of effort to get this far, why the fuck is XRP still at 30 cents? No way you can keep a thing like this secret for so long, insiders would be buying like crazy, yet somehow this isn't the case.

So, in short, no, I'm not buying this "world currency" or whatever narrative

>> No.16106152
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>>16106055 (checked)
The short answer is that they are trying to make this global economic transition look organic by having a company like Ripple be the face of it. Rumor is that the 50 billion remaining XRP in escrow will go one of the international financial organizations. Bitcoin was a plant from the start. These elite rig all markets and a tiny one like crypto is no big deal to control. They don't see a few hundred thousand people getting rich off of it as a threat and they can always point to them after the transition and say that it was "fair" despite systematically robbing everyone for a century. There have been several supposed insiders who became quite popular by leaving many clues about news that hasn't come out yet. That fact that you said you aren't buying is proof they've successfully convinced most people to ignore it and shaken out a lot of others with their manipulation.


>> No.16106219

Insiders stuff sort of like the rumour about the $589 by EOY 2018?

That bearable guy conveniently disappeared, so I guess after all it isn't all that wise to put a lot of stock in his predictions.

In fact, none of the so called insiders called anything that came to pass. Even the fucking Moneygram thing Ripple eventualy had to literally buy their way in.

Also, supposing it was true, why would anyone spread the information to the general public and buy it all up himself? Which brings me back to my original gripe - if this really is what these rumours are claiming it to be how the flying fuck is it still under 30 cents and stuck to BTC like a fly to a turd?

>> No.16106220

buy chiliz
your mother sir

>> No.16106278

Some of the insiders did give some info that became official later on but most people don't listen anymore because so much news is coming out now.

>if this really is what these rumours are claiming it to be how the flying fuck is it still under 30 cents and stuck to BTC like a fly to a turd?
Silver and gold people have had the same level of frustration because there are very powerful entities keeping a lid on things until they're ready. XRP is being made to follow Bitcoin so it looks and behaves like the rest until the green light is given. I could also just be a huge retarded faggot with too many conspiracy theories.

>> No.16106305

so you are saying that they are secretly going to make it a world currency or something like that, yet they do wish the public to join in, yet they do not want them to know the grand plan, yet there are some who give this information out, yet there is absolutely no effect of this information being made avaialble, yet the price is being artificially pushed down so nobody gets a wind of it, yet it opens the opportunity to buy the next world currency for less than 30 cents for the unwashed masses...

I'd say as far as consipracies go, this one has got to be one of the best

>> No.16106329

also, if XRP is going to be anything like silver and gold, man my original estimate of this taking a 100 years to get to $100 is fucking way too optimistic

>> No.16106358

It's bullshit but I believe it. Been following it for two years now and I don't know any other way of explaining this insanity and how well it lines up with other stuff.

They've been manipulating gold and silver for decades. I don't think I would have seen the big picture with XRP if I hadn't heard about how they rekt those markets. Another interesting thing is that the Federal Reserve put out a comic book called Wishes and Rainbows that heavily alludes to returning to a gold standard. When USD is replaced as the world reserve currency, as Mark Carney of the Bank of England called for, this will be possible. I think it was the Dutch central bank that said recently that a big reset is needed and gold is the basis a new system would need. I just see a lot of things converging at this time. Hopefully it plays out like I think.

>> No.16106405


I'd say if XRP was going to be even considered for anything as grand, it would have been only made available to "accredited investors"

But as things stand right now, Ripple is making good bank on people believing in such consipracies, they are literally selling them dreams for cash by dumping their supposedly precious future world reserve currency at under 30 cents a pop on them.

But as you said, the fact that it is all bullshit is not stopping you from believing in it. Even if the CTO of Ripple himself dumps his own stack of something that is supposed to be extremely valuable "soon". Man, if he doesn't have the insider info, that must be some consipracy!

>> No.16106435

>selling them dreams
For naive people, yes. I reluctantly got into XRP because it screams New World Order. Chris Larsen literally said it was the last step for globalization. XRP itself isn't the problem but all of the totalitarian applications that will be built on the system. It's happening whether I want it too or not. The anarchy that the rest of the crypto space preach is the real pipedream.

>> No.16106451

Based & whitebaron-pilled

>> No.16106465


>> No.16106490

Be that as it may, XRP has fuck all to do with it, it never has and most likely never will. Cryptrocurrencies are just a way of opening another Overton's window, a sugar coating on the bitter pill that they want to make the public swallow - cashless society, total surveillance, total control.

Whatever the case, I am sure the rich and powerful would never usher in anything that would make them less rich or powerful, and I suspect sharing their wealth with XRP fanboys is not very high on their agenda.

>> No.16106547

>cashless society
I was about to bring this up. A decade ago I wondered how they were going to sell people the idea of a cashless society but we are living in it now.

>I am sure the rich and powerful would never usher in anything that would make them less rich or powerful
XRP won't disrupt their power. They're going to create a "digital dollar" on the XRP system that will let them play all kinds of games like they do now. China is supposed to roll out theirs soon.

>I suspect sharing their wealth with XRP fanboys is not very high on their agenda
It won't bother them that a tiny percentage of plebs get short term riches off of it and anyone with enough foresight to create generational wealth will probably get recruited into their ranks.

>> No.16106581

I see you're a student of history.

>The attack, carried out on the ground and from private aircraft, destroyed more than 35 square blocks of the district – at that time the wealthiest black community in the United States


>> No.16106586

>I'm never selling

>> No.16106664

So your going to hand those to your children and them to theirs.. nice.

>> No.16106912

Swell better pump this shit or I'm switching to JNT.

>> No.16107100

Yes in the coming years xrp is going to make the next trillionaires billionaires and millionaires.

Bieber isn’t being paid to prompt xrp, his manager made deals with one of ripples projects called coil which is used for micropayments, the music industry will use xrp to pay musicians rather than record labels.

>> No.16107104

Banks have 30 trillion in nostril vostro accounts sitting dormant, xrp would release that liquidity into the economy.

>> No.16107640

XRP is one of the best tokens out there because it lures in the idiots and takes away their money
XRP is gatekeeping bitcoin so indians and other mentally challenged individuals don't prosper in the space

>> No.16108527

Wow you don't say, shame 13 year old girls don't give a shit/have any money