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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 223 KB, 460x609, 0DC64DF9-2D17-4D59-A715-F17EE1828BF9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16199065 No.16199065 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.16199103

goddamn pol is cancerous

>business and finance

>> No.16199114

>oriental women
>more subserviant
on what /r9k/ universe is this true lmao
japs, chinks, gooks and jungle chinks are fucking rabid sluts man.

>> No.16199117

hot combs

>> No.16199120


>> No.16199141

you're the one coping, OPie, your muh redpilled women fantasy doesn't exist outside of a couple hicktowns. asians are whores too. all women are whores

>> No.16199213

this comic itself is cucked and repellent, memes should focus on strength and the power of a paradigm, not misanthropic sadsack ugliness

>> No.16199229

Another low iq poltard, scurry back to your echo chamber you fat incel

>> No.16199241

You have to go back...
... to /pol/

>> No.16199268

Asian americans have very high rates of stds compared to other groups

>> No.16199436

What does business and finance have to do with this goof shitcoin board?

>> No.16199475


i know you want that to be true cause "YELLOW INSECT LUV MY TINY COCK" but stating that as fact is hilariously wrong

>> No.16199485
File: 63 KB, 640x640, 6A38B39A-1A87-4E18-A327-54A6F82459D4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this is true

How this this Asian waifu cringe fest even start? Is it because of all the manchildren action movies?

>> No.16199505

Holy shit at that mog

>> No.16199511
File: 15 KB, 677x351, E22735EC-2B08-4C34-8443-21E0C477641C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek at these coping ginger soi nerdics

>> No.16199528

>"dimunitive" and "subservient"
can't believe i was fooled into wanting this when i was a teenager still figuring out what i wanted.

i want a girl who is TALL. and i want her to be "strong" (not physical strength), but I don't want her to be a WHORE. unfortunately those seem to go hand in hand, not sure why.

a tall, "strong", smart, traditional values girl.

>> No.16199546

on cdc.gov there is stats that show 51% of black trannies have HIV also.

>> No.16199578
File: 16 KB, 495x362, download(3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you gotta look at the data first

>> No.16199586

Selling pheremones and other fake aphrodisiacs with "Kek Magick" or some shit to insecure white untermensch types?
Somekind of "Pick Up Arist" course but wrapped up in a new name and with a vaguely political slant?

According to Parasite Stress Theory higher STD rates are found, counterintutively, in populations with low promiscuity. (Probably because of poor sex ed, and high rates of incest and illict affairs).
Your mileage may vary, as PST is one of those supertheories which is incredibly hard to prove or disprove.

>> No.16199592

Well first you can start by dating finnish, Norwegian, danish women if you are a white Aryan. If you are anything other than a white Aryan you should be having sex with your own race and you should be embracing your races culture. If you are racemixed you should not be having kids with any race and should be volcel for the rest of your life as an apology to your existence.

>> No.16199623

>using OKcupid

dude nobody uses that shit anymore, times have changed

>> No.16199666

That's kind of an eye opener. So women tend to stick to their race and men are the ones deviating?

>> No.16199672
File: 25 KB, 635x287, figU-medium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

interesting theory anon. it sounds like complete bullshit.

>> No.16199684


>> No.16199754

Do you guys even look through the site to check if it's even credible before posting it? This is from 2010 and clicking on the study leads to a page not found.

>> No.16199761

Leaf detected

>> No.16199790

When they want marriage, yes. When they want to fuck, race doesn't matter. People who use OkCupid are looking for long term relationships.

>> No.16199980

and you doubt that?